2、part of MIL-C-17588ED(SH), dated 26November 1985, and is approved for use by the Naval Sea SystemsCommand, Department of the Navy, and is available for uee by allDepartments and Agenciee of the Department of Defense.PAGE 2a71 1.2.1, line 2: After llls,add and table IAn.a71 After “Table 1“, Ineert ne
3、w Table 1A:“Table: 1A Mountinq BaSs tvme desiqnatio.Type ApplicationMB-5PMB-TPMB-AB/BCMB-ACMB-CAMB-ABCSingle circuit breaker (Figure lB)Two circuit breaker (Figure lC)Phase A-B or B-C (Figure lD)Phase A-C (Figure ID)Phase C-A (Figure lD)Phase ABC (three phaee) (Figure lE)na71 2.1, under “SPECIFICATI
4、ONS, Military” add:MIL-P-38477 - Plastic Material, Pressure SensitiveAdhesive for Aircraft Identificationand Marking.”AMSC N/ADISTRIWTFSC 5925ION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release;distribution unlimited.1 of 12Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without licens
5、e from IHS-,-,-,. ./MIL-C-175”88E(SH)AMENDMENT 5PAGE 3* 3.1, line 1: Delete “Circuit breakers furnished under thisspecification” and substitute “Circuit breakers and mountingbases furnished under this specification”.PAGE 4a71 3.3, line 1: Delete “Circuit breakera shall have thephysical” and substitu
6、te “Circuit breakers and mounting basesshall have the physicalm.a71 3.3.3: Delete and substitute:“3.3.3 Hou8inq. Circuit breaker housing and mounting basesshall be made of molded insulating material in accordance withMIL-M-14, types MAT 30, MAI 60, MAI 30 or MMI 30.”PAGE 5a71 3.4.1, 1:“(see figuresn
7、e 3: Delete “(see figure lD)” and substitutelB thru lE)”.PAGE 73.5.2, Table IV under Time - seconds: Delete “0.028” andsubstitute “0.400”.* 3.8: Delete and substitute:“3.8 Dielectric withstanding voltaae. Circuit breakers andmounting bases shall withstand a maximum dielectric withstandingvoltage not
8、 greater than 1250 volts for qualification inspectionand not less than 750 volts after interrupting performance forcircuit breakers (see 4.8.2).”* 3.9, line 1: Delete “When circuit breakers are tested asspecified” and substitute “When circuit breakers and mountingbases are tested as specified”.2Prov
9、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-17588E(SH)AMENDMENT 5PAGE 8a71 3.15 Delete and substitute:3.15 Desi.cmation ancl markinq. Identification platea andother designation markinge shall be in accordance with thedesignation, marking, and e
10、nvironmental requirements ofMIL-P-15024 and MIL-P-15024/5 or MIL-P-38477 type I class I.Identification plates, when used shall be constructed ofnonconducting material. Plates and or markings ehall beinstalled or inscribed ae part of the circuit breakers andmounting bases.”a71 3.15.1, lines 1 through
11、 4: Delete and substitute:3.15.1 Identification markinq. Identification markings forcircuit breakers and mounting bases shall be provided either onan identification plate/label attached to the circuit breaker ormounting base or shall be provided by directly marking on themolded enclosure. Data on th
12、e identification markinge shallconsist of the following:”a71 3.15.l(e): Delete and substitute:“(e) Voltage and kind of current (60 or 400 Hz, ac and dcfor circuit breakers).”a71 3.15.l(f): Delete and substitute:“(f) Element rating (for circuit breakers) - The elementrating shall be stamped or engrav
13、ed on the circuitbreaker operating handle.”a71 3.15.1: Add the following:“(g) Date code, serial or objective evidence number-3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-17588E(SH)Al!ENDMEITi 5PAGES 9 and 10a71 Delete anti substitute:“TABLE
14、 V. alification inspection of circuit breakere.Inspection Reqmt. Insp. Sample Units Mountingpara. para. ALB/NLB Base1234567 8 9 10 11GROUP 1Visual Exam. 3.2, 4.8.1 xx xx x x Xxxx3.3,Calibration 3:;4 4.8.4 xx x x xxDielectric withstand 3.8 4.8.2 xx x x xx XxxxvoltageInsulation resistance 3.9 4.8.3 xx
15、 x x xx XxxxInclination 3.13 4.8.11 XxxxxxGROUP 2Creepage/Clearance 3.10 4.8.5 xx x XxxxTemperature rise 3.7 4.8.6 xx xEndurance 3.14 4.8.7 xx xInterruption performance 3.6 4.8.8 xx xDielect. withstand 3.8 4.8.2 xx xvoltageInsulation resistance 3.9 4.8.3 xx xTemperature rise / 3.7 4.8.6 xx x XxxxGRO
16、UP 3Vibration 2J 3.11 4.8.9 x XxxxShock 2J 3.12 4.8.10 x XxxxCalibration 3.5 4.8.4 xDielect. withstand 3.8 4.8.2 xvoltage Insulation resistance 3.9 4.8.3 xTemperature rise 3.7 4.8.6 x The temperature rise test shall be conducted with a 50 ampere ALB-1circuit breaker.2L The circuit breaker mounting b
17、locks shall have an ALB-1 circuitbreaker mounted in each block position.”4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-17588E(SH)AMENDMENT 5PAGE 10a71 4.4.1 sa D1m es for oualifiCation inswecti. Add:Sample no. 8 - One circuit breaker unit (t
18、ype MB-SP).Sample no. 9 - Two circuit breaker unit (type MB-TP).SamDle no. 10 - Four circuit breaker unit (tvoe MB-ABIBC. AC or CA).Samle no. 11 - Six circuit breaker unit (type MB-AKj .”PAGE 11Table VI: Delete and substitute:I!TABLEvI. SamDtia for aualitv conf rmanco e insp ction.eLot Size I Sample
19、 Size2 -89 - 9091 - 150151 - 280281 - 500501 - 12001201 - 3200a71 4.7.1 Delete and Substitute:2312192127354.7.1 Comnarison insc.ectionsamplee.sample numbere 1, 3, 6, and the largest andfor qualification, specified in 4.4.1 shallin table V.ti4.7.3: Delete and substitute:nOne each circuit breakersmall
20、est mounting base offeredbe subjected to the teste shown4.7.3 uali tv conformance Pr oduction chock testing . Five unite ofeach ampere rating produced during a month shall be selected at random andsubjected to production shock testing. If more than 2 ampere ratings areprcduced during a month, the to
21、tal number of circuit breakere shocked maybe limited to 10 units which will be divided equitably among the productionlots.n5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-17588E(SH)AMENDMENT 5PAGE, line 1 thru 5: Delete and substitut
22、e:as“ Test interval. Test periods shall begin with the firstproduction run circuit breaker. Circuit breakers produced during the timeperiod (month) shall be tested during that month. The manufacturer shallconduct the shock tests on the sample circuit breakers and file the dataproduction shock
23、 test records. Several circuit breakers of differentampere ratings may be tested simultaneously during the same month; forexample, the mounting plate may be modified to accommodate one circuitbreaker of each ampere rating, and any multiple of one-to-ten circuitbreakers of different ampere ratings ma
24、y be tested simultaneously. Thefollowing tests shall apply:(a) The circuit breaker shall be tested in the closed position.(b) The circuit breaker shall be tested when mounted in itsvertical and closed position and no load voltage isnecessary.(c) The circuit breaker shall be subjected to one hammer b
25、lowof a 3-foot drop from each direction-top, back, and side.”PAGE 13a71 4.8.1, line 1: Delete “ Circuit breakers shall be” and substitute“Circuit breakers and mounting bases shall be”.a71 4.8.1, line 4: Delete “shall be measured on two different circuitbreakers of the same type for” and substitute “
26、shall be measured on twodifferent circuit breakers or mounting bases of the same type for”.a71 4.8.2“4.8.2bases shallDelete the first sentence and substitute:Dielectric withstanding voltaae. Circuit breakers and mountingbe tested in accordance with method 301 of MIL- STD-202.* 4.8.2 Add as new subpa
27、ragraph (e):“(e) Points of application of test voltage.Mountinq bases(1) Between live parts and metal parts which areconsidered ground potential.(2) Between terminals on adjacent phasea.”I 6Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-17588E
28、(SH)AMENDMENT 5a71 4.8.3: Delete the first sentence and substitute:4.8.3 xe stan q. Circuit breakers and mounting basesshall be tested in accordance with method 302 of HIL-STD 202.UPAGE Delete the last sentence.PAGE 16a71 Add as new paragraph shock for mountinfabases. Mo
29、unting bases shall be shockedwith circuit breakers in accordance with the reguiremente in MIL-S-901 forgrade A class I, type C equipment. There shall be no evidence ofelectrical or mechanical damage or loosening of parts on the mountingbase(s) or dislodging of circuit breaker(s).”PAGE 24a71 Figure 1
30、: Delete and substitute attached figure lB.PAGE 25a71 Figure 1: Delete and substituted attached figure lC.PAGE 26a71 Figure 1: Delete and substitute attached figure lD (pages 10,11 and 12).NOTE: The margins of this amendment are marked with asterisks to indicatewhere changes (additions, modification
31、s, correction, deletions) from theprevious issue were made. This was done as a convenience only and the theGovernment assumes no liabilitywhatsoever for any inaccuracies in thesenotations. Bidders and contractors are cautioned to evaluate therequirements ofthis document based on the entire content i
32、rrespective ofthe marginal notations and relationship to the last previoue issue.Preparing activity:Navy - SH(Project 5925-N139)Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-L-C-17588E(SE)-XRiT 5 OF BRKR.ESCUTCHEONI2$ ;MOUNTING I%;:; oF ENCLOSUREe-
33、. _IL_ _g IJlB. Outline dimensions for mountinabases for one circuit breakers,FIGURE 1. 1lYDe MB-sPme ALE-1 thermal-maqnetic,and tYPe NLB-1, enclosed,switch, toq trip free (sinqle oleqle (nonautomatic). - continued8Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license
34、from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-17588E(SH)AMENDMENT 5#10-32x3LONG E- BUSBARSB A! 114 I I i , I t I I i!f aLtiTiTjiii: ii11 iTYPE MBAC % 7MOUNTING BASE+$OrgPHASE AClD. outline dimensions for mountinq bases for circuit breakersFIGURE 1. me ALB-1, thermal-magnetic, enclosed, trio free(sinqle Dole) and tvpe NLB-1, s
35、witch, toqqle-(nonautomatic 1. - Continued10Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-17588E(SH)AMENDMENT 5y-:TYPE MB-CAMOUNTING BASEPHASE CA k%&lLBusBmc B AI IlD. Dutline dimensions for mountina bases for circuit breakersFIGURE 1. lweALB
36、-1. thermal-maanetic, enclosed, trio free-fsi.nqlepole) and twe NLB-1, switch, toaalejnonautomatic . - Continued11Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MOIJNTlffi BASETHREE PHASETYPE MB-ABCHIL-C-17588E(SH). AtisNDHENT5lE. Outline dimensions for a75ounting bases for 8x circuit breakers.FIGURS 1. Type ALB-1, thermal-magnetic, enclosed, trip free(single pole) and typ e NLB-1, switch, toggle(nonautomatic). - Continued12Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-