2、d, Department of the Navy, and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Score. This specification covers the requirements for fabrication and test of cables and cable assemblies for magnetic minesweeping. 1.2 Classificatzion. Magnetic minesweepi
3、ng cables are classified as follows: P1 Cable P2 Cable P3 Cable Al Cable A2 Cable A3 Cable S2 Cable S3 Cable K4 Cable Insulated, nonbuoyant. Insulated, nonbuoyant. Insulated, nonbuoyant. Insulated, buoyant. Insulated, buoyant, Insulated, buoyant. Insulated, single conductor, buoyant. Insulated, sing
4、le conductor, buoyant. Noninsulated, single conductor, nonbuoyant. 1.2.1 Standard lengths. Cables are to be in the standard lengths shown in table I (see 6.2). Cables are to be manufactured in sufficient lengths to allow removal of the test samples specified in, and without r
5、educing the remaining cable length below the length shown in table I. I I Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, SEA 5523, Department of the Navy,
6、Washington, DC 20362-5101 by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. AMSC N/A FSC 1075 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimtted. Licensed by Information Handling
7、ServicesCable Pi P2 P3 Al A2 A3 s2 s3 K4 TABLE I. Standard lengths. Length.(feet) 70 L/ 10Q I/ 130 1/ 675 u 675 675 2/ 900 2J 900 2J 150 Tolerance (percent) Plus Minus O o O 1 1 1 2 2 2 I/ See specification sheets for specific requirements. 2J Exclusive of flexible copper conductor terminals (pigtai
8、ls). 1.2.2 Assemblies. Cable assemblies are of the following types as specified (see 6.2): Type 1 Assembly - One 70 foot P1 section, one 675 foot Al section, and Type 2 Assembly - One 100 foot P2 section, one 675 foot A2 section, and Type 3 Assembly - One 130 foot P3 section, one 675 foot A3 section
9、, and Type 2 Single assembly (S2 assembly) - One 900 foot S2 section and one Type 3 Single assembly (S3 assembly) - One 900 foot S3 section and one one 150 foot K4 section. one 150 foot K4 section. one 150 foot K4 section. 150 foot K4 section. 150 foot K4 section. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Governm
10、ent documents. 2.1.1 Soecifications. standards, and handbooks. The following specifica- tions, standards-, and handbooks form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. those listed in the issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DODISS) and supplement t
11、hereto, cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents are 2 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-C-l7694H(SH) SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL L-P-535 - Plas ic Sheet (Shee-ing): Plastic Strip: Poly (Vinyl Chloride) and Poly (Vinyl Chloride-Vinyl Acetat
12、e), Rigid. PPP-B-1055 . - Barrier Material, Waterproof, Flexible. MILITARY MIL-C-17694/1 - Cable and Cable Assemblies, Special Purpose, Electrical Magnetic Minesweeping, Quad Cable and Quad Cable Assemblies. STANDARDS FEDERAL FED-STD-601 - Rubber: Sampling and Testing. MILITARY MIL-STD-129 - Marking
13、 for Shipment and Storage. (Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and military specifications, standards, and handbooks are available from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, BLDG. 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue,. Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.) 2.1.2 Other Government documents. drawings. and pu
14、blications. The following other Government documents, drawings, and publications form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. are those cited in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the issues PUBLICATION NAVAL SEA SYSTEMS COMMAND (NAVSEA) 0981-LP-052-8190 - Cable, Minesweep
15、ing Magnetic Type. (Application for copies should be addressed to the Standardization Documents Order Desk, BLDG. 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.) 2.2 Non-Government publications. The following document(s) form a part of this document to the extent specified herein. issues of th
16、e documents which are DOD adopted are those listed in the issue of the DODISS cited in the solicitation. documents not listed in the DODISS are the issues of the documents cited in the solicitation (see 6.2). Unless otherwise specified, the Unless otherwise specifieq, the issues of AMERICAN SOCIETY
17、FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) G 23 - Standard Practice for Operating Light-Exposure Apparatus (Carbon-Arc Type) With and Without Water for Exposure of Nonmetallic Materials. (DoD adopted) (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Stre
18、et, Philadelphia, PA 19103.) 3 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-C-17b74H LO W 777770b O457377 5 I HATTONAL MOTOR ?RETCHTI TRAFFIC ASSOCEATION, IWC,$ AGENT National Motas Freight Classification (Applicatiun foi: capies should be adduesded eo the Nacional Motor Freight Traffic Adsaeiatian,
19、 be, ATA TRAFFIC Bept, 2260 Hill Road, Alexandria, VA 22914 I ) (Applicatian fol: b6ph should . The dc resistance of the cables shall, remain constant, coriductor strands shall not break, and core cylinders shall not separate from spacers when the cable is tested in accordance with 4.7.8. r
20、Minimum breaking: .strenEth, The minimum breaking strength with terminals shall be 10,000 poutids fou type 1 assemblies and K4 cables and 15,000 pounds for all others, 3.6 Tvpe 1 cable assemblies. Type 1 cable assemblies shall be as specified in the specification sheets and in accordance with the dr
21、awings specified in the specification sheets. 3.6.1 Terminals. The P1-A1 junction shall be continuous and marked with a red or other highly visible color band not less than 8 inches in width. end of Al cable shall be terminated as specified in the specification sheets. The other 3.6.2 Physical and e
22、lectrical Drooerties. Type 1 cable assemblies shall have the following physical and electrical properties: (a) Current carrying capacity: 2200 amperes continuous with the buoyant section in sea water at 85 degrees Fahrenheit (OF). (b) Maximum dc resistance at 25C: P1/A1 section - 0.028 ohm (excludin
23、g the K4 electrode). (c) shall be not greater than 4 microhms. (d) Minimum breaking strength with terminals - 10,000 pounds. DC contact resistance between the P1 and Al terminal assembly parts 3.7 TvDe 2 cable assemblies. Type 2 cable assemblies shall be as specified in 3.7.1 and 3.7.2 in accordance
24、 with the drawings specified in the specification sheets. 3.7.1 Terminals. The P2-A2 junction shall be continuous and marked with a red or other highly visible color band not less than 8 inches in width. end of A2 cable shall be terminated as specified in the specification sheets. The other 3.7.2 Ph
25、vsical and electrical Droperties. Type 2 cable assemblies shall have the following physical and electrical properties: (a) Current carrying capacity: 5000 amperes for a cycle of 5-1/2 seconds on and 9-1/2 seconds off with the buoyant section in sea water at 85F. (excluding the K4 electrode). shall b
26、e not greater than 4 microhms. (b) Maximum dc resistance at 25C: P2/A2 section - 0.024 ohm (c) (d) Minimum breaking strength with terminals - 15,000 pounds. DC contact resistance between the P2 and A2 terminal assembly parts 8 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesNIL-C-L7674H LO 777770b 0457382
27、7 m MIL-C-l7694H(SH) 3.8 Tme 3 cable assemblies. Type 3 cable assemblies shall be as specified in the specification sheets and in accordance with the drawings specified in the specification sheets. 3.8.1 Terminals. The P3-A3 junction shall be continuous and marked with a red or other highly visible
28、color band not less than 8 inches in width. end of A3 cable shall be terminated as specified in the specification sheets. The other 3.8.2 Phvsical and electrical DroDerties. Type 3 cable assemblies shall have the following physical and electrical properties: (a) Current carrying capacity: 7500 amper
29、es for a cycle of 5-1/2 seconds on and 9-1/2 seconds off with the buoyant section in sea water at 85F. (excluding the K4 electrode). shall be not greater than 4 microhms. (b) Maximum dc resistance at 25C: P3/A3 section - 0.0125 ohm (c) DC contact resistance between the P3 and A3 terminal assembly pa
30、rts (d) Minimum breaking strength with terminals - 15,000 pounds. 3.9 TvRe 2 sinale cable assemblv (S2 cable assemblv). Type 2 single cable assemblies shall be as specified in 3.9.1 through 3.9.3. 3.9.1 S2 cable. S2 cable shall be a single conductor, self-buoyant, insulated cable suitable for conduc
31、ting dc from A2 or Al cable to K4 cable. Construction. 52 cable shall be constructed as shown on the type 1 or type 2 cable assembly drawings specified in the specification sheets. Terminals. Each end of the S2 cable shall be terminated with a flexible connection consisting of: (a) P
32、arts 563, 559A, and 523, as shown on the type 1 or type 2 cable (b) Six feet, O inch of 1000 MCM, 61 by 7/.0484 inch MHD copper cable, (c) Part 562 as shown on the assembly drawings (see 3.6 and 3.7). assembly drawings (see 3.6 and 3.7). 3.9.2 Assemblv. The S2 cable assembly shall be connected to an
33、 Al or A2 cable as specified in the specification sheets. 3.9.3 Phvsical and electrical properties. Type S2 cable assemblies shall have the following physical and electrical properties: (a) Current carrying capacity: seconds on and 9-1/2 seconds off with the buoyant section in sea water at 85F. (b)
34、Maximum dc resistance at 25C: S2 section - 0.016 ohm (excluding the K4 electrode). (c) DC contact resistance between parts 523 and 559A shall be not less than 4 microhms. (d) Minimum breaking strength with terminals - 15,000 pounds. 5000 amperes for a cycle of 5-1/2 9 Licensed by Information Handlin
35、g Services- - MIL-C-17694H 10 W 9999906 0457183 O KIL- C - I7694H(-SH) 3.10 TvDe 3 sinple cable assembly (S3 cable assemblv). Type 3 single cable assemblies shall be as specified in 3.10,l through 3.10.3. 3,lO.l S3 cable. S3 cable shall be a single conductor, self-buoyant, insulated cable suitable f
36、or conducting dc from A3 cable to K4 cable. 3.10.1,l Construction, S3 cables shall be constructed as shown on the type 3 cable assembly drawings specified in the specification sheets. 3,10.1.2 Terminals. Each end of the type S3 cable shall be terminated with a flexible connection consisting of: (a)
37、Parts 540, 539, and 538, as shown on the type 3 cable assembly (b) Seven feet, 4 inches of 2000 MCM, 61 by 19/.0415 inch MHD copper (c) drawings (see 3.8). cable, Part 537 as shown on the assembly drawings (see 3.8). 3.10.2 Assembly. The S3 cable assembly shall be connected to an A3 cable as specifi
38、ed in the specification sheets, 5.10.3 Phvsical and electrical proDerties. Type S3 cable assemblies shall have the following physical and electrical properties: () Current carrying capacity: 7500 amperes for a cycle of 5-1/2 seconds on and 9-1/2 seconds off with the buoyant sectton in sea water at 8
39、5F. Maximum dc resistance at 25C: S3 section - 0.007 ohm (excluding the K4 electrode). DC contact resistance between parts 538 and 539 shall be not less than 4 mcrohms. (b) (c) (d) Minimum breaking strength with terminals - 15,000 pounds. 3.11 K4 cable. K4 cable shall be single conductor nonbuoyant
40、cable suitable for establishing an effective current path into or from the sea, using floats to suspend the cable. 3.11.1 Construction. K4 cable shall consist of 61 strands of annealed copper wire, each of 0.1071 inch nominal diameter, concentrically stranded. The cable shall be covered with two lay
41、ers of fabric tape, each layer applied half- lapped, and No. 9 seine twine braid, Tape and braid of K4 cables shall be rotproafed in accordance with NAVSEA 0981-LP-052-8190. 3.11.2 Terminals, Each end of K4 cable shall be terminated with part 292 as shown in NAVSEA 0981-LP-052-8190. 3.11.3 Phvsical
42、and electrical properties. K4 cable shall have the following physical and electrical properties: (a) 0.0160 ohm per 1000 feet, (b) Mnimum breaking strength with terminals - 10,000 pounds. Maximum dc resistance at 25C: 10 Licensed by Information Handling Services3.12 Cable identification. The informa
43、tion listed in 3.12.1 shall be clearly molded into the insulation over the terminal barrels on both ends of the cables. In addition, the serial numbers of the cables shall be stamped into the ends of the terminals using steel stamps with 3/4-inch characters. 3.12.1 Identification information. Identi
44、fication information shall be as follows : (a) Cable designation (for example, PQ2, AQ2, and S2). (b) Manufacturer. (c) Year of manufacture. (d) Serial number, (e) National stock number. 3.12.2 Serial numbers. Serial numbers will be furnished by the command or agency concerned. 3.12.3 Reels. Cable r
45、eels shall meet the requirements of through Identification plates. Both flanges of each reel of cable shall have securely affixed thereto identification plates made by heat sealing between two approximately 0.020 inch thick clear, transparent, vinyl sheets, in accordance
46、with L-P-535, a paper printed with the marking information required (see 5.2.1). Identification plates of other types providing equivalent legibility and durability may be used when specifically approved by the command or agency concerned, Color series. Each reel of cable shall be identifie
47、d with a keyed series of colors to indicate the year of manufacture. This identification shall consist of a painted stripe approximately 2 inches wide and colored as specified herein for the year of manufacture. The cycle of colors shall be repeated every fifth year. Year of manufacture Identifving
48、color 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 Blue White Red Green Orange Blue , Color stripe. The colored stripe shall be applied circumferenti- ally over the lagging (see and midway between the flanges. The stripe shall consist of one coat, commercial quality, outside paint of appropriat
49、e color. In addition to the stripe, both flanges of each reel shall be stenciled with 4- inch high figures to show the year of manufacture. Caution notice. The caution “DO NOT USE FORK LIFT“ shall be painted conspicuously on each flange of each reel. 11 Licensed by Information Handling Services MIL-C-L7674H LO M 4777706 0457185 4 W MIL-C-l7694H(SH) 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISXONS 4.1 Responsibilitv for inspection, Unless otherwise specified in the contract o,r purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the perormance of all inspection requirements