NAVY MIL-C-18653 B-1961 CARTRIDGE ONE INCH MARK 1 AND MARK 2 ALL MODS (BOMB EJECTOR)《1号2号各种类型1英寸炮弹(带炸弹推顶器)》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-C-18653 B-1961 CARTRIDGE ONE INCH MARK 1 AND MARK 2 ALL MODS (BOMB EJECTOR)《1号2号各种类型1英寸炮弹(带炸弹推顶器)》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-C-18653 B-1961 CARTRIDGE ONE INCH MARK 1 AND MARK 2 ALL MODS (BOMB EJECTOR)《1号2号各种类型1英寸炮弹(带炸弹推顶器)》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-C-18653 B-1961 CARTRIDGE ONE INCH MARK 1 AND MARK 2 ALL MODS (BOMB EJECTOR)《1号2号各种类型1英寸炮弹(带炸弹推顶器)》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-C-18653 B-1961 CARTRIDGE ONE INCH MARK 1 AND MARK 2 ALL MODS (BOMB EJECTOR)《1号2号各种类型1英寸炮弹(带炸弹推顶器)》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-C-18653 B-1961 CARTRIDGE ONE INCH MARK 1 AND MARK 2 ALL MODS (BOMB EJECTOR)《1号2号各种类型1英寸炮弹(带炸弹推顶器)》.pdf_第5页
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1、 . 1 March 196$ SPERSEDIW- . MILc-1 of the first 100 cartridges manufactured. (See 4.6.2). 3.11 Ballistics and functioning. The cart- ridges when fired using the test assembly described in shall have a hook open- ing time no greater than 100 milliseconds and the average horizontal velocity i

2、mparted to the bomb shall not be less than 6.4 feet per second. (See,, and 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIQNS AND TEST REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Suppliers responsibility, The supplier is responsible for the performance of all in- spection requirements as specified herein. Except as oth

3、erwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own or any other inspection facilities and services acceptable to the Government. Inspection records of the ex- c amination and tests shall be kept complete and available to the Government as specified in the contract or order. The Government reserves t

4、he right to perfoi-m any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplier and services conform to prescribed requirements. 4.2 Sampling. Unless otheiwise specified (see 3.5) and when applicable, the sampling plans and procedures used by

5、 the Govern- ment inspector in the determination of the acceptability of products submitted by a suppliei- for Government inspection will be in accordance with the provisions of Stand- ard MIGSTD-105. 4.2.1 Lot. As applied to the Government inspection of units of product, the term “lot” shall mean “

6、inspection lot”, Le., a col- lection of units of the product used as a basis for Government inspection. “A lot shall consist only of cartridges of one mark and mod manufactured under essentially the same conditions and submitted for inspec- tion at the same time.” Unless otherwise specified, the num

7、ber of units of product in “inspection lots” shall be as determined by the Government inspectoi; and may differ from the quantity designated in the con- tract or order as a lot for production, ship- ment, or other purpose. 4.2.2 Production lot. FOS procurement purposes the pi*oduction lot shall cons

8、ist o not less than 1301 or more than 20,000 com- pletely loaded cartridges of one Mark and Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-RIUGG18653B Mod plus those required for all test pur- poses, Unless otherwise stated (see 6.2), all units for

9、test purposes shall be provided at the expense of the contractor. The produc- tion lot should not be confused with the lot for inspection purposes as defined in 4.2.1. 4.3 Preproduction sample. Before entering into quantity production, a preproduction sample of 150 completely loaded cartridges of th

10、e specified Mark and Mod shall be de- livered by the contractor for test to an agency designated by the procuring activity. The number of units subjected to each test shall be determined on the basis of a lot size of 1301 units. These cartridges shall be manufactured by the same procedures and proce

11、sses and at the same location proposed by the contractor for the execution of the contract. Prior to submission of the pre- production sample for acceptance, the cart- ridges shall have received the same degree of component and assembly inspection as that which will be employed on production lots. W

12、hen a preproduction sample is re- ceived which complies with all the quality assurance requirements of this specification, the contractor will be notified and will be authorized by the procuring activity to pro- ceed with the submission of the product for acceptance. Accepted samples will become the

13、 property of the procuring activity and will be included in the number called for in the contract schedule. 4.3.1 Preproduction sample for a subse- quent contract. The necessity for a prepro- duction sample will be determined by the procuring activity when production under a new contract by the same

14、 contractor at the same location follows the manufacture of satisfactory material as covered by this specification. (See 6.2.) 4.4 Government inspection. Government inspection and acceptance of supplies f urn- ished hereunder will be in accordance with the contract or order and this specification. 4

15、.4.1 Preproduction hspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order (see 6.2), the Government will be responsible for the performance of the preproduction in- spection, The samples specified in 4.3 will be examined and tested to determine compli- ance with the requirements specified he

16、rein. Government approval of the results of the preproduction inspection will be based on compliance of the samples with the specified requirements. 4,5 Quality control system. Except as otherwise specified herein, the contractor shall establish and maintain a system for the control of the quality o

17、f material offered for Government acceptance. Quality control systems so established shall be in accordance with Section 3, Requirements, of Specifica- tion MIL-Q-9858. 4.6 Test procedures. 4.6.1 Bridge tuire resistance. Conformance with the bridge circuit resistance require- ment of 3.5 shall be as

18、certained by means of a test circuit which limits the bridge current to 50 millamperes, maximum. A safety chamber with an interlock switch shall be used to protect the operator during appli- cation of the current. A suitable bridge which is known to be accurate within 0.005 ohm in the range of resis

19、tance specified shall be utilized to determine whether or not the resistance requirement is being met. 4.6.2 Cartl-idge we;ght test. After com- pletion of the assembly and loading, cart- ridges shall be selected for weighing from each lot in accordance with MIL-STD-105, Inspection Level I, AQL of 1.

20、0 percent de- fective. A cartridge having weight, which varies more than plus or minus 3.0 standard deviations from the average weight of the first 100 cartridges manufactured shall be classed as defective, Disposition of the lot shall be in accordance with the sampling plan given above. Com

21、putation of standard deviation. The standard deviation(s) of the weights of the first 100 cartridges manufactured shall be computed as follows: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-e- (ZX)“ S= n-I n (n-1) x= cartridge weight n= 100 2x.k su

22、mmation of the squares of individual Xx= summation of individual cartridge (sx) 5 square of summation of individual cartridge weights weights cartridge weights 4.6.3 Bailstics and ftmctionng tests. Assemblp foF test. Fos test fking the Mk 1 and Mods cartridges, a 2000 pound general purpose s

23、hall be mounted in a stand- ard bomb ejector; for the Mk 2 and Mods cartridges, a 250 pound general purpose bomb shall be wed. Both bombs shall be inertly loaded to service weight. The posi- tion of the ejectoi- shall be such that when a bomb is mounted in the ejector nose down, axis vertical, its n

24、ose shall be held seven (7) feet six (6) inches from the ground. A type I-2 intervalometer with a 20 Volt de re- lease circuit of 2.0 4-02 ohms resistance shall be used in firing cartridges. Normally, the intervalometer shall be calibrated and fired at conrol position No. 21. Suitable in- strumentat

25、ion for determining the time from the closing of the firing circuit to the opening of one of the bomb ejector hooks shall be in- si,alled and shall be accurate mithin plus or minus 1.0 millisecond. BaZZistks test, Cartridges shall be selected and tested from each lot in accord- ance with MIL

26、STD414, Inspection Level I, A Such other warnings and precautions, pertinent to the operational effectiveness or safety during use or loading of the specified item, are included in the de- tail provisions of the specification. 6.3.1 AU loading operations should be con- ducted in a neat and orderly m

27、anner. 6.3.2 Safe equipment and methods should be utilized for transporting and handling explosives and loaded parts. Where required, remote control barricaded handling equip- ment shall be used for explosives operations, such as mixing, pouring, weighing, charging, sifting, drying, pressing, castin

28、g, crimping, etc. 6.3.3 Personnel handling detonators, prim- ers, delay elements, lead-ins, boosters, and related parts which effect functioning, should in so far as practicable, avoid using bare fingers or improper equipment in order to prevent damage, corrosion, or deterioration from prespiration

29、or other contaminating deposits. 6.3.4 The exposure of explosive materials and related parts should be controlled as to minimize the absorption of moisture from the atmosphere or other sources during load- ing and handling operations. 6.3.5 All explosives and completely or par- tially loaded items s

30、hould be stored in suit- able storage magazines located in accordance with the American Table of Distances (A T D) or other applicable safety stand- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-lb538 33 77779Ob 0297633 I ards; and, while in

31、process, in safety lockers and chests if in loading rooms, or in ade- quate ready or service magazines located in accordance with Intraplant distances when outside of loading rooms. For government explosives loading plants, the provisions of the Armed Services Explosives Safety Board covering quanti

32、ty-distance relations for ex- pIosives, shall apply. 6.3.6 Proper care should be exercised at all times to protect personnel from accidents, fkes or explosives, and to limit damage to equipment and Ioading areas. In this con- nection, the following precautionary meas- ures should be observed : 6.3.6

33、.1 Employ properly proportioned and properly located protective barricades, screens, or shields at dl required points. Keep only limited quanti- ties of explosives and completed or partially loaded parts present at each stage of opera- tion. Keep explosives and explosive parts in app

34、roved covered receptacles with covers in place when material is not being taken out of or put into the receptacles. Where necessary, receptacles should be conductive to ground electrostatic charges. Protect operations from electro- static charges by effectively grounding all machinery, equip

35、ment, and Mui-es ; and, where necessary, employ suitable grounded conductive coverings for floors, work benches, and table, and workers conductive shoes. Workers clothing of a type to mini- mize the accumulation of static charges should be employed. Fabrics such as silk and nylon, which piomote stat

36、ic generation should be avoided. Additional grounding de- vices such as grounded bracelets for workers should be employed where operations are conducted with items which are unusually sensitive to initiation by static electricity. Such items include initiating explosives, tracer mixtures, and lowene

37、rgy type electric primers, detonators, and squibs. The latter types of items should have the free ends of lead tuires bared and twisted together, and be packed in relatively small groups wrapper in bare non-insulated aluminum foil or other uncoated metal foil. During assembly and processing operatio

38、ns such sensitive electric items should be short circuited by clips or other devices until installed with safety shunt in the final device. Additional precautions for these items should include mechanical shield- ing to contain or deflect fragments and blasts, also electrical shielding of these item

39、s from induced electric currents generated by sources such as lightning, static, radiations from communications apparatus, radar, or high frequency heating apparatus, etc. Where necessary for safety, humidity (see para- graph 6.3.4) of work rooms should be in- creased, as required to lessen electros

40、tatic effects without excessive moisture absorp- tion, Protect all explosive operations from effects of electric current originating from equipment such as soldering irons, heaters, switches, wiring, motors, lights, test instruments, etc., by suitable insulation, grounding, separation, or Sh

41、ielding. Such electric sources may initiate explosives by heat, sparks, arcs, or due to completing an electric circuit through an electric primer, detonator, or squib. Circuits may be inad- vertently completed, for example, from a de- fective electric soldering iron through a grounded contact. All e

42、lectric type primers, detonators or squibs provided with wire leads should have the free ends of the Mres bared and twisted together to short circuit each unit, except when in process of assembly into a finished item, Where practicable, remov- able short circuiting clips, or other devices should be

43、employed during manufacturing operations involving electric primers, deto- nators, or squibs. Enforce, where necessary, the wearing of suitable footwear, gloves, gog- gles, respirators, and impregnated garments to protect personnel against burns, poison- ing, and associated industrial hazard

44、s. Allow no fires or exposed electrical or other sparking equipment, and little or no flammable material to be present in load- ing, handling, and storage spaces. Enforce 7 e-. : *+- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MLC18653B p

45、roper “Match” and “NO Smoking” rules where necessary. Enforce good housekeeping and maintain effective policing, inspection, and supervisory methods throughout the loading area and surroundings. Employ effective cleaning methods periodically to minimize the accumulation of explosive dust and

46、 other contamination upon, and assure its removal from floors, walls, ceilings, ledges, tables, benches, piping, and equipment or the items loaded; also, clean up any spilled material immediately. 6.4 Advisory technique for the loading and handling of the priming composition. 6.4.1 The loading room

47、shall have a rela- tive humidity of 70 to 80 percent. The mois- ture content shall be maintained at all times. 6.4.2 Only approximately two grams of priming composition shall be present at each loading station and only when an operator is present. 6.4.3 Any composition which is spilled shall be clea

48、ned up immediately by means of a cloth wet with butyl acetate; the soiled cloth shall be placed in a special disposal can. 6.4.4 The mixing and loading of the prim- ing composition shall be done behind an ap- proved shield whenever possible. 6.4.5 Ail fixtures, equipment, benches, floors, etc., shal

49、l be properly grounded to pre- vent accidental ignition due to static dis- charges, electrical arcing, or sparking, 6.4.6 Butyl acetate confers a degree of resistance to explosion and ignition by im- pact and friction. However, it is emphasized that the resistance to explosion obtained by wetting with butyl acetate is of a lower order than that obtained by water wetting, Butyl acetate is inflammable and can produce vapors which can ignite at dry house temper- atures. Excess inhalation of- vapors


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