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NAVY MIL-C-18875 A-1963 CONTAINER SIGNAL MK 3 MOD 0 (FOR SIGNAL SMOKE AND ILLUMINATION MK 13 MOD 0)《0型MK3信号器(用于信号 催泪和0型MK13照明)》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-C-18875 A-1963 CONTAINER SIGNAL MK 3 MOD 0 (FOR SIGNAL SMOKE AND ILLUMINATION MK 13 MOD 0)《0型MK3信号器(用于信号 催泪和0型MK13照明)》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-C-18875 A-1963 CONTAINER SIGNAL MK 3 MOD 0 (FOR SIGNAL SMOKE AND ILLUMINATION MK 13 MOD 0)《0型MK3信号器(用于信号 催泪和0型MK13照明)》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-C-18875 A-1963 CONTAINER SIGNAL MK 3 MOD 0 (FOR SIGNAL SMOKE AND ILLUMINATION MK 13 MOD 0)《0型MK3信号器(用于信号 催泪和0型MK13照明)》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-C-18875 A-1963 CONTAINER SIGNAL MK 3 MOD 0 (FOR SIGNAL SMOKE AND ILLUMINATION MK 13 MOD 0)《0型MK3信号器(用于信号 催泪和0型MK13照明)》.pdf_第5页
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1、27 March 1963 Superseding 30 June i955 MIL-C-18875 (NORD) MILIPARY SI?ECIFICATION COIVTAIIIER, SIGRAL, MARK 3 lc procurement Punctiona rrhould Ise obtained upon amLicatonto the Commanding Officer, Rami. Supply Depot (Cob CiB), 5801 !hbr Avenue, Fhilltielphe. 20, PenneyLwia, All other ocmnta should b

2、e obtained lemm the procuring activity or a8 rected tho contracting officer, 1 2 Licensed by Information Handling Services3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Preproduction - The containers furnished under this . . specification shall be a product, samples of which have been subjected to and passed the preproduction

3、 tests specified herein. 3.2 Design - The containers furnished under this specifi- cation shall conform in design to the applicable drawings and shall consist basically of a cover, a boay, a gasket and draw pull catches. These containers shall be capable ofair and watertight storage for twelve krine

4、 AN, Mk i3 bd O, Smoke and Illumination Signals. applicable to the containers covered by this specification are all those drawings listed on BuWeps Drawing No. NAVORD LD Sketch 255173, Container, Signal, brk 3 Eibd O (for Signal, Smoke and Illumtnation, krine, AN Mk 13 Eibd O), 3.3 !lhe drawings Mat

5、erial - hterials shall be as specified herein and on the applicable drawings, unless specific approval in writing, covering departure therefrom, has been obtained from the Bureau of Naval Weapons prior to manufacture. When alternate niaterials or methods of manufacture are specified on the drawings,

6、 the bidders selections shall be stated clearly in the proposal, 3*4 Construction - The containers shall be constructed to the dimensions and tolerances specified and assembled in the niamer specffied on the applicable drawings and as specified herein. 3.4.1 Interchangeability - All parts shall be c

7、apable of interchangeable assembly without interference, binding, or misalignment. All parts comprising a permanently joined unit (as by welding) shall be capable of interchangeable joining in the assembled unit and assembly. 3.4.2 Gaaket and gasket bearing surface - The gasket shall be cemented in

8、the cover with an adhesive.cement approved by the Bureau of Naval Weapons, andthe exposed bearing surface shall be cmted with talc or graphite to prevent sticking to the bearing surface of the body. The gasket bearing surface of the body shall be a smooth continuous surface perpendicular to the axis

9、 of the body within the tolerances specified on the applicable drawings and shall be free of burrs, hicks, voids, scratches, or gouges. and opening of the container and shall ensure proper seating of the gasket. The gasket shall provide sealing on cloraure of the cover. The bearing surface shall not

10、 injure the gasket during closing Weldin - Spot welding shall be in accordance with 4 3.4.3 Specification MIL-W- have been thoroughly cleanedto ensure sound welds. 58 and shall be accompliahed after the metal surfaces 3*4A Finish - The containers shall be finished as specified herein so aB to resist

11、 corrosfon due to salt spray or atmospheric con- ditions to which the containers may be subaected when in storage or during; normal service life, exposed surface of the assembled container when tested as specified in 4.5,2,2. ,= There shall be no evidence of corrosion on any Licensed by Information

12、Handling Services3.4.4.1 - After welding the draw brackets to the body, with the rings assembled, the assembly shall. be ejlectiro- chemlcaliy treated (anodized) to fbrm a dense, thick, uniform oxide fhrrh in accordance with Specficrrtion MIL-Am8625 (chromic-acid coating ) Ikmeelyfollowirie; the ano

13、dizing, the units shall be primed with one coat of cinc chromrite primer conforming to Specification m-a-8585. bw, the incm plateil Lin accordance with Specificatlon QQ-Z-325, .Cype I, Class 2, Ikx6edierteL folowiq phoepbte treatment the mit6 ehallbe primed with one c0a.t; of zinc chromte priner con

14、forming to Specification Mn;1858.i, TYP? Asseablx - After final aseemblr, the entire outside of 3S44S2 Brawpull catchea - Prior to assemby of the catch assem- 314.4.3 the containerf excludiag %he gaeket and inner carton, shall have a chemical film applied in accordance with Specification mL4-5541. T

15、he cheacal fiha shalf, be produced by treatments controlled and operated to give a uniform product and shall be contlnuous and free from breaks, rrcraticheir, or other damage affec.f;ing %he serviceabillty of the film, After chemical. treatment, the assembly shall be given one coat of enamel con- fo

16、mtng to Speclf icaaion m-16663, Coior Number 26231 of Standard FELMPR-T95, me enamel shall provide a smooth, hard, tough finish with O erao om el or damage contenta during loading, handling and shipping. Riges shall be mahined to the radiua or chamfer indicated on 3.5 Interior packing - Interior fib

17、erboard picking shall be furnished by the manufacturer only when directed by the contract or order, 316.;1. pmmure of 2 pounds per aquare Inch without Leakage when tested as speci- fied in 4,5,1a Alrtlghtnesa - The containers shall maintain a positive 3.7 AI1 marking or stamping on %he conta2ner sha

18、ll be LB ahown on te applicable drawlige, be isgibla y, strength, and serviceabliky, Licensed by Information Handling Services3.9 Gages - The contractor shall provide whatever production gages are necessary and adequate to ensure complete interchangeability of all parts, and to determine that all di

19、menslons are within the tolerances shown on the applicable rawlngs. document, the Bureau of Naval Weapons will furniBh drawlngs of pertinent, inspection gages. tractor of his responsibility in design and manufacture of other production gages as may be required for the satisfactory fulfllment of cont

20、ract requirements. If so stipulated In the procurement Navy Final Inspection Gages for guidance In design of the contractors - x. Such a procedure shall not serve to relieve the con- 4. QUALITY ASEXJRANCE PFlOVISIOIS 4.1 Contractor responsibility - Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purch

21、ase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as epecifled herein. as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any commercial laboratory acceptable to the Government. reBemes the right to perfom any of the inspection set forth in

22、 the Specification where such Inspections are deemed necessary to ensure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. Except “he Government 4.2 Classification of tests - The inspection and testing of containers shall be clasfsified as fooWs: (a) Acceptance tests. (b) Preproduction tests

23、. 4.3 Acceptance tests - Acceptance tests 8haU consist of the following: (al individua tests. (b Sampling plan and tests. 4.3.1 Individual tests - Each cover and each body of each container shall be subjected to the airtightness test of 4.5.1 Sampling plan and tests - - Lot - All containers manufact

24、ured under substantially 4.3.2 the same conditions and yresented for acceptance at one time shall be considered an inspection lot. The unit of inspection shall be one container. Sampling - Except as specified in, 8 random sample of containers shall be selected from each lot

25、 offered for acceptance in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-lO5 at Inspection kvel II and Aion freely applicable drawings Not ae specified Not s specified Illegible Defect which will affect durability, tttrength, or serviceablity Defect not affecting urability, strength or serviceability MaJ or X X

26、X X x X x Minor x x X X X X X X x 4.4 Tes6 con-tipns - Unless otherwise specified, all tests aWl Irt performed -wratu Tween 20,.Tween 40, Renex, Lxiponol or alkylsulfonate used at a concentration of 1 or 2 percent. evolution of air bubbles - Preproduction test sample test by the contractor -

27、 Unlees otherwise specified, the contractor rahall furnish, for preproduction testing, five complete containers. The preproduction test samples shall be mnufactured using the methods and procedures prepared for full production. The contractor shall have subjected each of the preproduction sample con

28、- tainers to all of the tests of this specification. Containers eubjecte to the preproduction tests shall not be offered to the Government unless reworked to bring to a new condition and submitted to the Acceptance teete of this specification. Preproduction test reports - After the contracto

29、r cam- pletes the preproduction tests, he shall prepare a preproduction test report in accordance with Specification MIL-T-9107 and furnish three complete copies of photographs and of the report (including one reproduc- ible copy of the report), to an activity designated in the contract or by the pr

30、ocuring agency, for the purpose of determining compliance with all requirements of the contract, this epecification, and the applicable drawings. approval of the contracting activity or the completion of the tests on preproduction samples shall be at the contractore risk. Further production of the c

31、onfainers by the contractor prior tj 4.6 Resubmitkl of samples - When lots of material are resubmitted for production inspection in accordance with contractual directives, samples shall be selected so as to employ tightened inspection (Level III) as described in Standard MIL-STD-105, for visual insp

32、ection and the resubmitted samples for production sample tests, after reworking of rejected lots by the contractor, shall be increased proportionally to the original sample size elected for tightened inspection as outlined in Standard MIL-STD-105. i 7 /- -, 3 Licensed by Information Handling Service

33、sMu4 -18875A( Wep ) 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Packing - Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, packing shall be Level C. (See 6.2. ) 5.1.1 Level C - Containers covered by this specification shall be packed in a manner which will provide protection from damage during direc

34、t ship- ment from the contractor to the first receiving activity for immediate use. 5.2 Marking - 5.2.1 In addition to any special marking required by the contract or order, all marking shall be in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-129 6. NOTES cation are intended to serve as combination storage and

35、shipping containers for protection during handling, shipping, and storage of the and the fact that the Government my heve formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the said drawings, specifications, or other data is not to be regazded by implication or otherwise as ln any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to nrrnufacture, use, or sell any patented invention that may In any way be related thereto. 8 Licensed by Information Handling Services


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