NAVY MIL-C-19262 A-1976 CLOTH PARACHUTE《降落伞伞衣》.pdf

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1、15 November 1976 SUPFBEDING ElIL-C-19 26 2 (Xrd ) 3 January 1956 (see section 6) MILITAZIY SPECR?ICATCON CLmX, P- This specification isapproved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Catmind, Departnient of the Navy, and is available for use by aii kpartmnts and Agencies of the Departnent of Defense. 1. S

2、OOPE 1.1 Scope. - This specification covers 12 ounce Nylon and Saponified acetate parachute cloth. 1.2 Classification. - The types, classes, and forms, Type I. - Yylon Type II. - Saponified parachute cloth shall be of the following as specified (see 6.2) : acetate Class C. - 12 ounce (see 6.3) Fonn

3、1. - One single-boity width per full width of cloth. Fonn 2. - Multiple single-body widths per full width of cloth. 2.1 Issues of docunients. - The follmhg docurrients of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bicis or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent spec

4、ified herein. Beneficial comnents (reccrmiendations , additions, deletions) and should be addressed to: Standardization DiVision (611), Indian Head, Ia. the self-addressed Standardization DoCunient Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of +as documnt, or by letter. 1 any pertinent

5、 data which my bc of use in improvi-ng this documcnt I i i (cokmianaing Officer, ?Java1 Ordnance Station, 20640, by using -1 I PSC 83051 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-37262A 83 7777706 0383365 7 = _ MIGc-19262A (OS) SPEEIFICAT

6、ICNS mm PPP-P-1133 MIL-STD-10 5 Packaging and Packing of Synthetic Fiber Fabrics Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes Marking for Shipnt and Storage coding; Manufacturer s Color, Nylon Parachute Cloth Glossary of Fabric Inperfections Textile Test Methods Colors (Copies of spec

7、ifications and standards rcquired by contractors in connection with specific promiremnt functions should be obtained fram the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 2.2 Other publications. - The follwing documnts form a gart of this specification to the extent specified herei

8、n. Unless othdse indicated, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal silail apply. Rules and Regulations Under t4e Textile Fiber Products Identification Act (Copies may be obtained without charge fram the Federal Trade Comssion, Washington, D. C. 20580.) 3.1 Yam req

9、uiremnts. 3.1.1 ms. - The specified type of yarn used in the manufacture of the cothisha be of te foiiuwing types: and heat resistant polyamide pepared from hexaniethylene diamine and adipic acid or Its derivatives. be, as follaws: Type I. - Type I yani shall Ise a bright, high tenacity, lig

10、ht Physical characteristics of the yam shall 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a. - Melting point. -jams melting point shall be 482 It 10F (250 3c 6OC). b. - Filament size. a denier and size to met the cloth requirements of this speci

11、fication. The yarn shall be a nultifilamnt nylon of c. - Bleaching. d. - Age. The yarn shall not be bleached in any mer. Yarn more than two years old shall not be used in the mufacture of the cloth. acetate yarn. Type II. - The acetate yarn shall be a saponified oriented Physical characteris

12、tics of the yarn shall be as follows: The yam shall be of continuous multifilmt a. - Filmnt size. b. - Age. of a size to meet the cloth requirements of this specification. Yarn mre than one year old shall not be used in the manufacture of the cloth. 3.2 Cloth requirmnts. 3.2.1 Classes (Weights) . 3.

13、2.1.1 Class C. - The weight, in ounces per square yard, of Class C cloth shall be as qiven in Table I. - 3.2.2 Forms. - The cloth shall be woven in the foilhq forms, as specified in the contract or purchase order: Form 1. - The cloth shall have one single-body width with selvages as sham in

14、Figure 2. Form 2. - Thedoth shall have two or mre specified single- body widths per the width of cloth as sham in Figure 1. of Form 2 cloth shall be as follows: The construction a. - Dupe selvage edges shall be constrained by a minh of b. - Separations linking the single-b&y widths shall be

15、1 pair of leno locked ends. continuations of the fill yam. 3.2.3 Weave, - The patterns shall be as sham in Figure 3. 3 ! L, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without l

16、icense from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-L9262A 83 7797906 0381368 4 - Leno w (one oven wa pair mi ,rp ends Figure 1.- Fqrm 2 Clqth Slvage Body - Dupe-selva ! Separa .tio in 5- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.MIL-C-L9262A 83 E 9999906 0381369 b m:

17、YITrC-l926%A(OS) c- Selvage - Body t_ Selvage Figure 2.- Form 1 Cloth. Filling P 2x2 Basket Weave J Body Weave Pattern Selvage Weave Pattern Figure 3.- Weave Patterns. - Q G Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-b NIL-C-L9262A 83 = 7999906

18、0383370 2 IIIL-c-1926224 (Os) - the approved standard under natural (north sky) daylight or artificial daylight having a color temperature of 7,500 kelvin and shall be a god approximation to the standard sample under incandescent lamplight at 2,800 kelvin. Colorfastness. - Colors sha

19、ll show good colorfastness to salt water. Color matching. - The specified color or colors shall match 3.2.5 not contain sizing, lubricating, or weighting materials. Finish. - The finished cloth shall be smooth and even and shall Acidity. - The 9H of the water extract shall be in the range fr

20、om 4.5 to 8.5. 3.2.6 requirements of Table I. Physical properties. - The cloth shall conform to the applicable Testing shall be in accordance with Table V. Stability. - When subjected to the stability test, the cloth shall confonn to the following criteria: a. - Air permeability shall be wit

21、hin the limits specified in b. - The thickness of the cloth shall not increase more than 10%. c. - Shrinkage of the cloth shall not exceed 2% in the warp and Table I. 1% in the filling. 3.3 Dhensions. 3.3.1 Width dimensions. - Allowable widths and tolerances for single-m, selvage, dupe-selvage, and

22、separaidons shall ke as shown in Table I. 3.3.2 Lsngths. - Unless otherwise specified, the cloth shall be continuous pieces not less than 100 yards. in the total order in accordance with the following: Shorter pieces may be included 75% in pieces of 100 yards or mre. 15% in pieces of 25 to 100 yards

23、. 10% in pieces of 15 to 25 yards. Rolls. - Unless otherwise specified, from100 to 200 yards of cloth shall be put up on each roll. in accordance with PPP-P-1133. The pieces shall be put up on the rolls Short Lsngths. - Lengths shorter than.50 yars shall be rolled togethex to the spe

24、cified roll size and the roll labeled to indicate that it is composed of short lengths. 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-19262A 83 M 9999906 0381371 4 MI MILrorluct For inspection Pupses, a unit 4 3 Inspection procedures. 9 e P

25、rovided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-372b2A 3 m 7979706 0383373 m MIL-19262A (OS) i 4.3.1 Yarn testing. Melting.point ( shall be tested twice per roll according to FED-STD-191, Test Pkthod 1534 with results reported in OF or O

26、C. A contractors certificate of ccarpliarce to all other characteristics with the filament size reported in “Denier“ and the age reprted in “mnths“ is required. Acceptance of the lot shall be in accordance with -MiL-STD-l05, &vel S-3, and an AQL of 1.0% for all characteristics considered as a - Each

27、 roll of yarn shall be tested for conpliaxe to the characteristics of paragraphs or as applicable(see Table class. Table II. - Yam tests Rqmt Test Tests per Results Cloth Characteristic ?Irpe Para Methd unit of Reported (2) Product As Type1 II TYP Chemiml identity Brightness Tenacity

28、 Light Resistance Heat Resistance Melting Point Filamnt size Unbleached Age Chemical identity Filament size Age 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 - - 1 1 1 Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Pass/Fail Passflail Pass/Fail OF or OC Denier Pa

29、s s/Fai 1 Fbnths Pass/Fail Denier bbnths riqotes: (i) Contractors certificate of conpliance .to this characteristic is required. (2) Test Method numbers are those of FED-STD-191. 4.3.2 Yard-by-yard examination. fabric defects listed in section 3.4. - The cloth shall be examined for the From the lot

30、of cloth, rolls shall be randanly selected for this examination in the quantity sp&cified in Table III. of yards shall be visually examined. examination :hall be one yard. maximum of 5 defects per 100 yards of each sanple roll. yardage allowances for defects in acceptable lots, shall be supplied in

31、accordance with 3.4.3. From each of these sample rolls, an awroximately equal ne The unit of product for this Lot acceptance shall he allowed with a Additional 10 * Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-17262A 3 7777906 O383374 T MIL-

32、19 26 2A (OS Table III. - Sampling of rolls for yard-by-yard examhations Lot Size (Yards) No. of Sample Roils (i) I 3200 or less 3201to 10000, incl 1 10001 and over I 8 13 20 Yote: (1) Only one roll shall be taken from a shipping container. If the nirmber of shipping containers is less than the the

33、required sample size, a roll shall be taken from each container. 4.3.3 Roll-by-roll examination. - Each of the rolls sampled in accordance with 4.3.2 shall be examined overall for the defects listed in Table IV. The unit of product shall be one roll. and, any roll having one or mre M

34、ajor defects or a combination of one Major defect plus two or mre Plinor defects shall be classed as defective and be cause for rejection of the lot. Except as specified Table IV. - Roll-by-roll examhation e * Requirement Form Width, single-body Width, selvage Width, dupe-selvage Width, separations

35、Color, natural Color, specified Color, camouflage Finish, smth arid even Finish, no sizing Finish, no lubricant Finish, no weighting ength, individual pieces Length, individual roll Length, total rolls Identification of short 1engL.s Fiber identification Manufacturers identification Product identifi

36、cation Colorfastness to laundering and dry cleaning (1) Cleanness Requiremnt Para or Reference 3.2.2 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.3.1 3.2.5 3.2.5 3.2.5 3.2.5 3.3.2 Contract 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 3.5.2 3.6 11 i. Classification of 1 c_ -. l% j or X X X X X X X x see

37、X See X X X fect Ninor X X X X X X X X X Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-L262A 83 77797Ob 03411375 I = MIL-C-l9262A(OC) Table IV. - Roll-by-roll eXaminatiOn(contd) Note: (1) Acceptance with respect to this characteristic

38、 will be based on the contractors certificate of conpliance. Individual roll yardage. mbxhm specified or mre than 2 yards below the length marked on the rolls ticket shall be classed as defective. rolls shall be cause for rejection of the lot. Total roll yardage. rolls nieasured in 4

39、.3.3.1 does not conform to the totals obtained from tickets on the rolls, the lot shall be classed as defective and shall be cause for rejection of the lot. 4.3.4 Lot testing for physical properties. for its physical properties in accordance with Table V. The unit of product shall be one linear yard

40、 of cloth and the lot size shall be determined as the nmhr of units of product in the lot. Each test sample shall consist of a continuous 3-yard piece of cloth, full width of anaterial, which shall be randdy selected froan a separate roll making up the inspection lot. MIL-STD-105 &vel S-2 and its ac

41、cestability shall be an AQL of 1.5% defective. 4.4 Test procedures. 4.4.1 Stability. 4 hours in an amsphere having a relative humidity of 65? 2 percent and a temperature of 70“ k 2F. The sample shall be msured for thickness in accordance with Method 5030 of FED-STD-191, marked With an 18-inch square

42、 and then fomied into a loop by stapling two opposite sides together. A glass rod 1/2 inch in diamter and 21 inches long shall be placed inside the loop at the top, and a glass rd 1/4 inch in dimeter and 21 inches long, weighing approximately 45 grams, shall be placed inside the loop at the bottom.

43、The sample shall be imrriersed in a tub of boiling water by attaching twine or wire to the ends of the top glass rod and allowing the sample to hang freely in the boiling water for 15 minutes. sqle shall then be rmved and allowed to drain. are rmved th& sample shall be placed in a flat position on a

44、 horizontal screen and thoroughly dried. It shall then be conditioned for 4 hours in an amsphere having a relative hunidity of 65 rt 2 percent and a temperature of 70“ k 2F. The marked square shall be measured in three places in the warp direction and three places in the filling direction and the am

45、ount of shrinkage determined. 5450 of FDSTD-191, shall be perfomied and the thickness shall again be measured. in excess of the amounts specified in - Any roll length less than the Two or mre defective - If the total of the lengths for all - The cloth shall be tested The test sample size sh

46、all be in accordance with - A sample 20 inches square shall be conditioned for The After the samples Air pemieability tests, as described in Methcd Changes in the characteristics of the cloth shall not be 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH

47、S-,-,-MIL-C-372b2A 83 7777706 0383376 3 W MIL-C-l9262A(S) Table V. - Tests for physical properties Test Characteristic Weave Weight Colorfastness to saltwater Acidity, pH Breaking strength, body (a) Warp direction (b) Fill direction Breaking strength, selvage or dupe selvage Elongation, body (a) War

48、p direction (a) Warp direction (b) Fill direction (a) Across warp (b) Across fill Air penwability, body Stability Tear resistance (a) Air permeability (b) Thickness increase (c) Shrinkage Requirent Reference 3.2.3 32.5.1 3.2.6 3.2.6 3.3.6 3.2.6 3.2.6 Visual 5041 5632 2811 510

49、4 51W. 5104 5134 5450 4.4.1 5450 Visual Visu.d. piote: (1) Test method riunbers are those of mD-STD-191. 4.5 .Examination for preparation for delivery. - Examination shall be made in accordance with the provisions of PPP-P-1133 to determine that packaging, packing and marking requirements of Section 5 of thi


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