1、cs 1. SCOPE RIL-C-21583 (Nord) 20 August 1958 SUPERSEDING NAVORD OS 2676D 12 November 1954 MILITARY SPECIFICATION IECMMISM WIRK 1 XODS 3, 4, 9, AND 11 1.1 This specification establishes the requirements for the procurement of the CS Mechanism Mark 1 Mods 3, 4, 9, and 11, The CS Mechanism Mark 1 is a
2、 clock starter operated by hydro- static pressure. delay mechanism at the proper depth. The various mods differ only in minor variations. It unlocks and starts an attached clock 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMNTS 2.1 The following specifications, standards, drawings, and publications of the issue in effect on d
3、ate of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification, SFECIF ICATI ONS MILITARY MIL-P-116 Preservation, Methods of. STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-105 MIL-STD-12 9 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes. Marking for Shipment and Storage U Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo rep
4、roduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-DRAWINGS BUREAU OF ORDNANCE LD 130581 LD 130582 LD 139217 LD 169485 LD 291755 LD 295891 LD 299892 1476194 And all do PUBLICATIONS um-nts li-t CS Mechanism Mark 1 Mod . CS Mechanism Mark 1 Mod 9. CS Mechanism Mark 1 Mod 11. Test Pot Mark
5、3 Mod 1. Container, Inner, for CS Mechanisms, Mark 1 type. Container, Outer, for CS Mechanisms, Mark 1 type. Marking Instructions for Storage and Shipping Containers. CS Mechanism Mark 1 Mod 2 . d in the above LDs and drawings, General Instructions for the Design, Manufacture and Inspection of Naval
6、 Ordnance Equipment. BUREAU OF ORDNANCE NAVORD OP 400 (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publica- tions required by contractors in connection with specific pro- curement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer), 2.2 Other pu
7、blications. = The following documents form a part of this specification. the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids shall apply, Unless otherwise indicated, NATIONAL BUREAU OF STANDARDS Handbook H28 Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Services. (Application for copies should be addressed to t
8、he Superin- tendent of Documents, Government Prin$i.pg Office, Washington 25, DoCo). Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3 . REQUIREMEKTS 3.1 General reuuirement s . 3.1.1 The CS Mechanism Nark 1 shall be manufactured in accordance with t
9、he below listed LDs and all documents listed thereon. Mod 3 LD 130581 Mod 4 LI? 130582 Kod 9 - LD 139217 3.1.2 The requirements and procedures established in OP-400 shall be complied with as applicable. 3.1.3 Preproduction sample. - Unless otherwise specified in the contract ororder, a preproduction
10、 sample shall be manufactured by the same procedures and processes and at the same location as proposed for full production. will be tested for the purpose of determining conpliance with the requirements of this specification, the drawings, and the contract. See 4.1.2. This sample 3.1.4 fnterchanaea
11、bility. - Component parts of assembled units (unless otherwise specified on the applicable drawings) fabricated in strict agreement with their applicable draw- ings shall be interchangeable and shall assemble with mating components of the unit without selection or fitting. If, during assembly of the
12、 fabricated parts of a unit, selection or fitting is required and changes in dimensions are necessary, no changes In the parts as delineated on applicable drawings shall be made without prior approval of the Bureau of Ordnance. 3.2 Requests for deviation. - Requests for deviation from this specifica
13、tion, applicable drawings, specifications, publications , materials and processes specified herein, shall be as set forth in OP 400. 3.3 Conflictinp requirements. - Conflicting requirements arising between this specification or any specifications, publications, or drawings listed herein shall be ref
14、erred in writing to the procuring agency or appointed agent for inter- pretation and clarification. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.4 Threads. - Unless otherwise specified, all threads shall be in accordance with the National Bureau
15、 of Standards Handbook H28 and supplements thereto. The class or fit for threads shall be as specified on the applicable drawings, an the NOT-GO gaging practice shall be as set forth in the supplement to the aforementioned Handbook H28. 3.5 Performance reauirements and product characteristics . The
16、mechanism covered by this specification shall meet the following performance requirements and product characteris- tics. 3.5.1 Flange porosity. - The flange shall be capable of withstanding an air pressure of 60 pounds per square inch and show no leakage when tested as specified in 4.5.3. 3.5.2 Asse
17、mbly. - The diaphragm shall be assembled on the The piston before assembly of the diaphragm into the flange. nut holding the diaphragm on the piston shall be tightened with a torque of from 25 to 35 pound-inches without distorting the diaphragm to assure that a watertight seal is made. The piston-di
18、aphragm sub-assembly shall then be installed in the flange. The threads of the ring nut shall be coated with antiseize compound to prevent binding in the flange and special care shall be used to prevent the antiseize compound from contacting the diaphragm. The ring nut shall be tightened on the diap
19、hragm while the piston is in the extended position. A torque of from 150 to 170 inch-pounds shall be used to tighten the ring nut without distorting the diaphragm, to assure that a watertight seal is made. 3.5.3 Hand operation. - The mechanism shall be assembled with the safety device in the unlocke
20、d condition. The piston shall be deprecsed to its fully extended position and then allowed to return to its normal cosition. There shall be no binding during the piston travel. condition, the assembled mechanism shall be capable of with- standing a pressure differential of 60 pounds per square inch,
21、 without leaking, when tested as specified in 4.5.6. 3.5.4 Leakage. - With the safety device in the unlocked Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIGC-21583 (NOrd 3.5.5 Lberatina Dressure. - The CS Mechanisms covered by this specification
22、shall operate within the following pressure limits with no clock delay mechanism attached. be as specified in 4.5.7. Testing shall (a) The piston shall move to its fully extended position when the pressure is increased to some pressure between 2 and 6 pounds per square inch . (b) The piston shall fu
23、lly retract when the pressure is removed. 3.6 Vorkmanship and cleanliness. - The mechanism shall be free from dust, dirt, metal filings, moisture, chips, and other foreign matter. Necessary precautions shall be taken during manufacture and assembly to insure these conditions . 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE P
24、ROVISIONS AND TEST REQUIREMENTS . 4.1 Government InsDection. - The Government inspector will make such inspections as are necessary to determine that all components and assemblies are in accordance with the require- ments of the contract, pertinent specifications and drawings. Unless otherwise speci
25、fied, these inspections will be conducted in accordance with instructions contained in OP 400. applicable, the sampling plans and procedures used by the Government inspector in the determination of the acceptability of products submitted by a supplier for Government inspection will be in accordance
26、with the provisions of MIL-STD-105. Preproduction sample. - Unless otherwise speci- fied for each contract or order, a representative sample of twelve (12) mechanisms shall be manufactured using the methods and procedures proposed for full production. The Government inspector shall perform, witness,
27、 or participate in such inspections and tests on the sample as are required for full production, Upon conditional acceptance by the inspector, the preproduction sample shall be forwarded, together with a report of inspection, to an activity designated in the contract or by the procuring agency, for
28、the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements of the contract, specifica- tions and drawings. Further production of the item by the 4.1.1 SamlinK. - Unless otherwise specified, and when 4.1.2 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IH
29、S-,-,-MICC-21583 (NOrd) contractor prior to approval of the contracting activity or the completion of the tests on preproduction samples shall be at the contractors risk. Preproduction samples accepted will be applied as part of the quantity specified by the con- tract or order. Preproductio
30、n sample for a subsequent contract. - The necessity for a preproduction sample will be determined by the procuring agency when production under a new contract by the same contractor at the same location follows the manufacture of satisfactory material as covered by this document. 4.1.3 M. - As appli
31、ed to the Government inspection of units of product, the term shall mean tlinspection lottt, i.e. a collection of units of the product used as a basis for Government inspection. Unless otherwise specified, the number of units of product in finspection lotsIt shall be as determined by the Government
32、inspector, and may differ from the quantity designated in the contract or order as a lot for production, shipment, or other purpose. 4,2 Contractors inspection. - Contractors inspection shall be conducted in accordance with provisions of by Contractortt as contained in OP 400.- of mechanisms covered
33、 by this document shall be classified as follows: 4.3 Classif,i_gt.i,on, of tests. - The inspection and testing (a) acceptance tests (b) preproduction tests 4.3.1 Acceptance tests. - Acceptance tests for acceptance of the mechanism covere& by this specification shall consist of tests to determine co
34、mpliance with all requirements speci- fied in this document. 4.3.2 ?reproduction tests. - Preproduction tests are those performed on samples submitted in accordance with 4.1.2 to determine that the lot and.production meet all the require- ments of this specification. Acceptance shall be based on no
35、defects in a sample. Acceptable preproduction sample units shall not be released for service use and shall be stamped or marked as follows: “Sample - Not for Service Usett. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4.4 Test equipment. 4.4.1 Tes
36、t and insnection eauiDment and facilities. - Unless otherwise specified, the manufacturer shall furnish and maintain all necessary test equipment, facilities and personnel for performing all acceptance tests under the supervision of the Government inspector. The test equipment shall be adequate in q
37、uantity, and unless definite require- ments are specified, they shall be of sufficient accuracy and quality to permit performance of the required acceptance tests. 4,4.1,1 is as follows: Equipment required for performing these tests (a) Test Pot Mark 3 Mod 1 (BuOrd LD 291755) (Govern- ment will furn
38、ish). (b) The contractor will furnish a test pot, and any other necessary equipment, acceptable to the Government inspector and the Bureau of Ordnance, to perform the flange porosity test as speci- fied in paragraph 4.5.3. (c) External air supply, 4.5 Tests, 4.5.1 4.5.2 Test conditions. - Unless oth
39、erwise specified, tests shall be performed at 80 11O?F and ambient relative humidity. Visual insDection. - The mechanism and its component parts shall be inspected to verify that the materials, design, construction, physical dimensions, and workmanship are in accordance with this document and the dr
40、awings. Flanne Dorosits test. - To determine compliance with 3.5.1, the following test procedure shall apply. machining, and before anodizing, if the flange is aluminum alloy, the flange shall be mounted in a test pot (test item (b) with a banking plate and gasket sealing the diaphragm openi
41、ng, inch shall be applied to one side of the flange for a period of at least 60 seconds. period shall be devoted to an examination of the exposed end 4.5.3 After Air at a pressure of 60 pounds per square At least the last 30 seconds of this 7 .- -L, , Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or
42、networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-21583 (NOrd) of the flange under water for evidence of leakage. Flanges which show any leakage during this test shall be rejected. 4.5.4 Assembly. - The assembly procedure shall be checked to determine compliance with 3.5.2. 4.5.5 Hand operatio
43、n. - The mechanism shall be tested to determine compliance with 3.5.3. If any binding occurs during this test the mechanism shall be rejected. the leakage test shall be conducted with the Test Pot Mark 3 Mod 1, (test item (a) following the test procedure shown on Bureau of Ordnance Drawing M
44、o. 1362576. 4.5.6 Leakage test. - To determine compliance with 3.5.4, 4.5.7 ,Operating pressure test. - After the leakage test, the leakage test fixture on the Test Pot (test item (a) shall be replaced by the actuation test fixture and the following tests shall be made: (a) The pressure shal
45、l be increased slowly to some pressure within the range of operating pressures required by 3.5.5. If the piston does not move to its fully extended position within the pressure limits required by 3.5.5, the mechanism shall be rejected. (b) The pressure shall then be decreased slowly If the piston do
46、es not move to its fully retracted position when the pressure has been removed, the mechanism shall be rejected. Each mechanism being tested, shall be operated as described above at least 3 times before acceptance and a record shall be kept of the average operating pressure of each mechanism. 4.5.8
47、Acceptance criteria. - Failure of any mechanism to meet any of the requirements and tests of this specification shall result in rejection of the mechanism. If the number of failing mechanisms exceeds the number permitted by the associated criteria, the lot represented brill be rejected . Provided by
48、 IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIGC-21583 (Nord) 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Preservation and DackaRinK. 5.i.i Level A. 5.i.l.l Cleaning and dryinq. - Unless otherwise specified, Clock $tarter Mechanisms shall be cleaned in accordance with
49、Method C-1 of Military Fpecification MIL-P-116 and dried in accordance with one or more of the procedures given in Military Specification MIL-P-116, provided the selected procedure is not injurious to the item. Preservative amlication. - (Not applicable) . Unit packaging. - Each Clock Starter Mechanism shall be individually packaged in accordance with Bureau of Ordnance LD 295891. 5.l,2 5.1.3 5.2 Pac