NAVY MIL-C-22553-1960 CONVERTER SIGNAL DATA CV-1053A ARC《CV-1053A ARC信号数据转换器》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-C-22553-1960 CONVERTER SIGNAL DATA CV-1053A ARC《CV-1053A ARC信号数据转换器》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-C-22553-1960 CONVERTER SIGNAL DATA CV-1053A ARC《CV-1053A ARC信号数据转换器》.pdf_第5页
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1、 A- MIL-C-22553 58 W 7997906 0151264 4 = M I LOG22553 (WEP) I NOVEMBER 1960 MILITARY SPECIFICATION Converter, Signal Data CV-l053(*)/ARC This specification has been approved by the Bureau of Naval Weapons, Department of the Navy. *. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope - The equipment covered by this specification, w

2、hen connected between standard teletype equipment and suitable radio equipment, shall effect two-way radio teletype com- munication. Radio modulation shall be frequency shift keying between tj Aircraft, Instailation of MIL-E-5400 MIL-T- 5422 MIL-1-6181 MIL-P-17555 Electron Tubes and Transistors, Cho

3、ice and Application of Electronic Equipment, Aircraft, General Specification for Testing, Environmental, Aircraft Electronic Equipment Interference Control Requirements, Aircraft Equipment Preparation for Delivery of Electronic, Electrical, and Electro-Mechanical Equipment and Associated Repair Part

4、s Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-18303 Test Procedures; Preproduction and inspection, For Aircraft MIL-N-18307 Electronic Equipment, Format for Nomenclature and Nameplates for Aeronautical Electronic and Associated Equipment Ma

5、terial Changes and Material Bulletins, Preparation of SAR-300 STANDARDS Military MIL-STD-704 Electric Power, Aircraft, Characteristics and Utilization of MS 25245 Connections, input Power Airborne Electronic Equipment; 28-Volt DC, 115-Volt Single Phase AC, or 115/200 Volt 3-Phase AC, or Combinations

6、 2. 2 Availability of Documents - (1) When requesting specifications, standards, drawings, and publications refer to both title and number. Copies of this specification and applicable specifications required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions may be obtained upon applic

7、ation to the Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Depot, Code CDS, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia 20, Pennsylvania, 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Parts and Materials - in the selection of parts and materials, fulfillment of major (1) Parts and materials requirements shail conform to Specification MIL-E-5400. (2)

8、 Nonrepairable subassemblies, as outlined in Specification MIL-E-5400, shall be used when practicable. The general size of the subassembly, and the amount of circuitry to be included therein shall be approved by the procuring activity. Nonrepairable subassemblies must be reliable. A mean-time-to fai

9、lure of more than 5000 hours should be the goal of each. (3) When previously produced models of this equipment did not use nonrepairable subassemblies, the design shall not be changedto employ nonrepairable assem- blies without the approval of the procuring activity. design objectives shail be the p

10、rime consideration. In so doing the following shail govern: 3.1.1 Nonstandard Parts and Materials Approval - Approval for the use of nonstandard parts and materials shall be obtained as outlined in Specification MIL-E-5400. complements reported as outlined in Specification MIL-E-4682. The complement

11、 report must be submitted to the procuring activity for review and approval prior to preproduction testing. vices (transistors, diodes etc. ) shall be used. 3.1.2 Electron Devices - Transistors and diodes shall be chosen and applied, and the Vacuum Tubes - No vacuum tubes shall be employed.

12、only solid state electron de- 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-22553 58 W 7777906 0151266 8 W 3.2 Design and Construction - 3.2.1 General - The equipment shall conform with all the applicable requirements of Spe- cification MIL

13、-Emor design, construction and workmanship, unless otherwise specified herein. Mounting Attitude - The equipment shaU be operable in any mounting attitude. Operating Controls - There shaU be no operating controls on the equipment. The only controls needed shall be “FSK n-fftt and “FS

14、K Transmit-Receive. It These functions shaii be accomplished by controls mounted on the teletypewriter equipment. mum consistent with good design and shall not exceed 2.2 pounds. 3.2.2 Total Weight - The total weight of the equipment, excluding cables, shall be a mini- 3.2.3 Operating Life -

15、 Operational Stability - The equipment shaU operate with optimum performance con- tinuously or intermittently ?or 500 hours without the need for any readjustments after instaliation. Tgtal Operating Life - The equipment shall have a minimum total operating life of 5000 hours with reasonable servicin

16、g =id replacement of parts. Parts requiring replacement within this interval and the life of such parts shall be specified by the manufacturer. Mean Operating Time Between Failures - The equipment shall have a minimum of 200 hours of mean operating time between failures. A failure sh

17、aU be defined as any malfunctioning which causes the equipment to fail to meet the minimum performance requirements specified for the equipment. . 3.2.4 Cabling and Connections - Cables and Connectors - The equipment shall provide for the use of cables and con- interconnection Cabling - The

18、equipment shall be capable of satisfactory operation using external wiring in accordance with the applicable requirements of Specification MIL-W-5088. The external wiring shall be unshielded, except that a minimum number of the individual wires may be shielded when demonstrated as necessary to meet

19、interference control requirements and provided the assembly of the cable to its plugs may be easily accomplished. External cables and that portion of the connectnrs attached to the cables shaii not be supplied as part of the equipment. nectors in accordance with Specification MIL-E-5400. 3.2

20、.6 Interchangeability - The equipment shall meet the interchangeability requirements as defined in Specification MIL-E-5400. 3.2.7 Interference Control - The generation of radio interference by the equipment and the wlnerabiiity of the equipment to radio interference shaii be controlled within the l

21、imits of Spe- cification MIL-1-61 81. 3.2.8 Maintenance Provisions and Field Testing - Provisions for maintenance shall be as specified in Specification MIL-E-WOO. Specific test points and test facilities shaii be provided to the greatest extent practicable for ease of field testing and maintenance.

22、 Nomenclature and Nameplate - Nomenclature assignment and nameplate approval for equipment identification shall be in accordance with Specification MIL-N-18307. See 6.3 3.2.9 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-22553 58 = 7997906

23、OL5L2b7 T MIL-C-22553wEP) 3.2.10 Standard Conditions - The following conditions shail be used to establish normal Temperature Altitude Normal ground Vibration None performance characteristics under standard conditions and for making laboratory bench tests. Room ambient (30“ f 10OC) Humidity Room amb

24、ient up to 90% relative humidity Input Power Voltage 27.5 f O. 5 V DC Service Conditions - The equipment shail operate satisfactorily under any of the en- 3.2.11 vironmental service conditions or reasonable combination of these conditions as specified in Spe- cification MIL-E-5400 for Class 1 equipm

25、ent, except as modified herein. tion requirements of Curve I of Specification MIL-E-5400. Vibration - The equipment shail operate Satisfactorily when subjected to the vibra- 3.2.12 Warm-up Time - The equipment shail operate immediately after application of primary power. 3.2.13 Primary inpu

26、t Power Requirements - The equipment shaii meet all applicable re- . with characteristics as defined in MIL-STD-704 having limits as specified therein. The power re- (1) DC Power 28V Category *BI O. 25 Amps quirements of MIL-STD-704 and shail give specified performance from the following power sourc

27、es quired shaii not exceed the specified amounts. Undervoltage Protection - The equipment shall not be damaged by voltages below the minimum specified herein and shall automatically resume normal operation when the voltage returns within limits. Overvoltage Protection - The equipme

28、nt shaii not be damaged by overvoltage within the limits specified in MI L-STD-704. 3.2.14 input Power Connection - input power connections shaii be in accordance with MS 25245. 3.3 Performance - 3.3.1 General - Unless otherwise specified, values set forth to establish the requirements for satisfact

29、ory performance apply to performance under both standard and extreme service condh tions. When reduced performance under the extreme conditions is acceptable, tolerances or values setting forth acceptable variations from the performance under the standard conditions will be spe- cified. 3.3.2 Freque

30、ncy Characteristics - The frequencies generated shall be 2425 and 1575 cycles per second, representing teletype “mark“ and %paceft respectively. The detector shaii pro- duce ltmarkfT and %pace“ output in response to the frequencies 2425 and 1575 cycles per second respectively. second of the

31、nominal values under standard conditions, (See 3.2.10. ) Deviation from nominal frequency shail be no greater than f 10 cycles per second under extreme conditions of environmental tests. Frequency Tolerances - The generated frequencies shaii be within f 3 cycles per 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo

32、 reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-22553 58 99999Ob OLCL2b I *- MIL-C- 22553 (WEP) 3.3.3 Modulation Characteristics - Output of the frequency shift keyer shail be a nomin- ally constant lev- ttspaceti frequencies. The maximum variation between the output level o

33、f the “mark“ and tcspacet frequencies shail be 5%. These tones. shall be generated in response to the and “spacett teletypewriter keying signals. 3.3.4 Sensitivity - Nominal input signal level shall be 2. O volts RMS, However, the equipment shall operate with an input signal of O. 025 volt RMS. The

34、detector shall operate with an input level as high as 10, O volts. ence in level between the itmarkc and “space“ frequencies is 20 db. The detector however, it may be reworked by tha contractor and submitted for acceptance as a production equipment. 4.2.3 Scope of Tests - Preproduction tests shall i

35、nclude all tests deemed necessary 4.2.4 Preproduction Approval - Approval of the preproduction model :hall be by the I 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4.3 Production Sample Tests - When requested by the procuring activity, one equip

36、ment shall be selected from the first 10 production equipments submitted for acceptance and sent to a designated government laboratory for tests. The equipment shall be selected by the govermeht in- spector after the equipment has mccessfuiy passed ali individual tests. 4.3.1 Scope of Tests - This e

37、quipment may be subjected to any and all tests the procuring activitydeems necessary to assiire that the production equipment is equivalent to the previously approved preproduction sample in design, construction and performance and that it meets all applicable requirements. 4.3.2 Production Sample A

38、pproval - Approval of the production sample shall be by the procuringactivity upon satisfactory completion of all tests. Any design, material or performance defect made evident during this test shall be corrected by the centractor to the satisfaction of the procurhgactivity. Upon failure of the prod

39、uction sample to pass any of the tests, delivery of equipment under the contract shall cease until proper corrective action is approved and accomplished, Corrective action shall also be accomplished on equipment previously accepted when requested by the procuriryy ZctivitY. MIL-C-22553 5 W 779790b 0

40、151271 I 4.3.3 Reconditioning of Production .Teat Sample - On completion of the production sample test the equipment shaii be reworked by the contractor by replacing ail wear or damaged items. After reworking the contractor shaU resubmit the equipment for acceptance. Acceptance Tests - The contracto

41、r shall furnish all samples and shall be responsible for accomplishing the acceptance tests. All inspection and testing shall be under the supervision of the government inspector. Contractors not having testing facilities satisfactory to the procuring activity shall engage the service of a commercia

42、l testing laboratory acceptable to the pr-uring activity. The contractor shall furnish test reports showing quantitative results for all acceptance tests. Such reports shall be signed by an authorized representative of the contractor or laboratory, as applicable. Acceptance or approval of material d

43、uring the course of manufacture shall not be construed as a guarantee of the acceptance of the finished product, Acceptance tests shall consist of the following: 4.4 (1) individual Tests . (2) Sampling Tests (3) Special Tests Individual Tests - Each equipment submitted for acceptance shall be subjec

44、ted 4.4.1 to the individual tests. ments c.f material, workmanship, operational adequacy and reliability. As a minimum, each equipment accepted shall have passed the following tests: These tests shall be adequate to determine compliance with the require- (1) Examination of Product (2) Operational Te

45、st (3) Manufacturing Reliability Test Examination of Product - Each equipment shall be examined carefully to determine that the material and workmanship requirements have been met. Operational Test - Each equipment shall be operated long enough to permit the equipment temperature to stabilize and to

46、 check sufficient characteristics and record adequate data to assure satisfactory equipment operation. 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-22553 58 779790b 0353272 3 W /- y MIL-C-22553(WEP) Manufacturing Re

47、liability Test - Each equipment shall be operated under the conditions specified herein for a period of 6 hours without failure. A failure shall be defined as anything which causes malfunctioning of the equipment. Only those adjustments will be permitted which can be made by using such controls and

48、adjustments as are accessible to the operator during the normal use of the equipment. Temperature Ambient room Humidity Ambient room Vibration (10 minutes) Any selected frequency within the range of 20 to 30 cps (excluding resonant points) and a minimum amplitude of * 3 gs The equipment shall be vib

49、rated (without vibration isoators) for a period of 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the 6-hour period of operation. Where feasible, the equipment shall be operated during this vibration period for the purpose of detecting flaws and imperfect workmanship. Operation within the specified limits of satisfactory performance is not necessarily required during the vibration period. The direction of vibration should be vertical to the normal rounting . pla


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