NAVY MIL-C-28779 B-1972 COMBINER EXTENDED FREQUENCY RANGE CU-2007( ) SRR《CU-2007( ) SRR扩展频带组合器》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-C-28779 B-1972 COMBINER EXTENDED FREQUENCY RANGE CU-2007( ) SRR《CU-2007( ) SRR扩展频带组合器》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-C-28779 B-1972 COMBINER EXTENDED FREQUENCY RANGE CU-2007( ) SRR《CU-2007( ) SRR扩展频带组合器》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-C-28779 B-1972 COMBINER EXTENDED FREQUENCY RANGE CU-2007( ) SRR《CU-2007( ) SRR扩展频带组合器》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-C-28779 B-1972 COMBINER EXTENDED FREQUENCY RANGE CU-2007( ) SRR《CU-2007( ) SRR扩展频带组合器》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-C-28779 B-1972 COMBINER EXTENDED FREQUENCY RANGE CU-2007( ) SRR《CU-2007( ) SRR扩展频带组合器》.pdf_第5页
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1、- VIL-C-28779B 59 I 9999906 0033466 7 m ) 3 - dosdJ) MIL-C-28779B( EC) 31 March 1972 SUPERSEDING MIL- C-2 8 7 7 9A( EC) 11 February 1972 (See 6.6) MILITARY SPECIFICATION COMBINER, EXTENDED FREQUENCY RANGE CU-2007 ( ) /SRR 1. SCOPE . 1.1 This specification covers the requirements for an extended freq

2、uency range combiner CU-2007( )/SRR that is intended to permit existing 2 Megahertz (MHz) to 30 MHz shipboard antennas to be used with receivers having operating frequencies below 2 MHz. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS # 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or re

3、quest for proposal form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-s-901 MIL-E-16400 MIL-E-17555 MIL- F- 19 20 7 MIL-T-23103 MIL-1-45208 STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-Sh-105 MIL-STD- 10 8 MIL-STD- 109 MIL-STD-129 MIL-STD-189 - Shock Test, H.I. (High-Impact), Sh

4、p- board Machinery, Equipment and Systems, Requirements for (NAVY) Shore, General Specification Accessories, and Repair Parts, Pack- aging and Packing of - Fuseholders, Extractor Post Type, Blown Fuse Indicating and Nonindicating, General Specification for - Thermal Performance Evaluation, Air- born

5、e Electronic Equipment, General Requirement for - Electronic Equipment, Naval Ship and - Electronic and Electrical Equipment, - Inspection System Requirements - Sampling Procedures and Tables for In- - Definitions of, and Basic Requirements spection by Attributes for Enclosure for Electric and Elect

6、ronic Equipment - Quality Acsurance Terms and Definitions - Marking for Shipment and Storage - Racks, Electrical Equipment, 19-Inch and Associated Panels THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS -.25.- PAGES FSC 5985 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL

7、- C-2 87 79B ( EC) MIL- STD-4 15 MIL-STD-461 MlL-STD-470 MIL-STD-471 MIL-STD- 781 MIL-STD- 7 85 MIL-STD- 134 5 MIL- STD- 136 4 MIL-STD-1472 HANDBOOKS MILITARY MIL-HDBK-217 MIL-HDBK-472 PUBLICATIONS MILITARY NAVSHIPS NAVSHIPS - Test Provisions for Electronic Systems and Associated Equipment, Design C

8、riteria for - Electromagnetic Interference Character- istics, Requirements for Equipment - Maintainability Program Requirements (for Systems and Equipments) - Maintainability Demonstration - Reliability Tests Exponential Dis- - Reliability Program for Systems and - Data, Measurement, in Support of t

9、ribut ion Equipment Development and Production Maintenance, Calibration, and Repair of Electronic Equipment - Preferred General Purpose Electronic Test Equipment - Human Engineering Design Criteria for Military Systems, Equipment, and Facilities - Reliability Stress and Failure Rate - Maintainabilit

10、y Prediction Data for Electronic Equipment 0967-303-8610 - Technical Manual for Antenna Coupler Groups ANISM-38, 39, 40, 49, and 50 0967-320-0010 - U.S. Navy Installation Criteria for CY-4516 (A) /S Shipboard Electronic Equipment Cab ine t (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publicat

11、ions required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be ob- tained from the procuring activity or s directed by the contracting officer. ) 3. RFQUIREMENTS 3.1 General. The equipment to be supplied shall meet all the applicable detail requirements of MIL-E-16400, except

12、 as hereinafter specified. 3.1.1 First article sample. Prior to beginning production a sample shall be tested as specified in 4.3 (see 6.4). The sample shall be suitable for complete evaluation of mechanical and electrical form, design, and performance. It shall be of final mechanical and electrical

13、 form, employ standard or non- standard (when approved by the command or agency concerned) parts, and be com- pletely representative of the final equipment. 3. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-# MIL- C- 28 7 7 9B ( EC) 3.1.2 Materials.

14、 Ail materials shall be in accordance with MIL-E-16400, except as hereinafter specified. The use of components or materials in the construction of the , complementary filter of the combiner that have nonlinear characteristics (iron core coils, for example) is prohibited. The basic st

15、ructural material for chassis panel and enclosures shall be aluminum or aluminum alloy. 3.1.3 Selection of parts. Selection of all parts shall be as specified in MIL-E-16400. Requests for approval for the use of nonstandard parts shall be submitted in strict accordance with the requirements

16、of MIL-E-16400. 3.2 Composition. The combiner shall consist of the following: (a) Complementary filter. (b) Active receiver multicoupler. (c) Power supply. (d) Overload protection circuit and alarm. 3.2.1 Complementary filter. A complementary filter type of signal separa- tion network shall be emplo

17、yed that shall separate incoming signals above and below the prescribed crossover frequency of 1.85 MHz. Signals below 1.85 MHz shall be passed through the low-pass section of the complementary filter and delivered to the active receiver multicoupler. Signals above 1.85 MHz shall be passed through t

18、he high-pass section of the complementary filter and delivered to existing 2 MHz to 30 MHz distribution systems. 3.2.2 Active receiver multicoupler. The active receiver multicoupler shall provide a prescribed amount of low-noise amplification and shall develop 8 isolated broadband outputs, each of w

19、hich may be connected to a separate radio receiver operating in the 10 kHz to 1.85 MHz frequency range. Appropriate overload circuitry shall be provided to protect the active multicoupler from signals of distructive amplitudes. The overload circuitry shall be integral with the active multicoupler. #

20、 3.2.3 Power supply. An appropriate power supply shall be provided to develop the necessary operating voltages for the active multicoupler. Al1 of its components shall be standard military parts. There shall be no non-standard parts as described in 3.1.3 incorporated in this section of the equipment

21、. # 3.2.4 Overload protection and alarm. An appropriate overload protection device with alarm shall be provided to meet the requirements of,, and 3.3 Frequency range. The frequency range shall be inclusive from 10 kHz to 30 MHz. Signals below 1.85 MHz shall be delivered to t

22、he active receiver multicoupler. Signals above 1.85 MHz shall be delivered to the output for existing 2 MKz to 30 MHz distribution systems. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- - MIL-C-28777B 57 W 7777706 0033467 2 W MIL-C-287 79B (EC)

23、3.4 Primary power source. The active receiver multicoupler shall operate from a 115 volt k 10 percent, 60 Hz i 5 percent, single-phase power source. 3.5 Orientation. The equipment shall be capable of storage in any orien- tation and shall be capable of operation in any angle up to 90 degrees from th

24、e normal. 3.6 Reliability. I! 3.6.1 Quantitative reliability requirement. The mean time between failure (MTBF), 8, as defined by MIL-STD-781, of this equipment shall be 30,000 hours. 3.6.2 Reliability program plan. The supplier shall submit a reliability program plan in accordance with, and in the p

25、aragraph sequence of, MIL-STD-785 (see 6.3). that require submission of detailed tasks, procedures to implement and control these tasks, and time schedules. be submitted as a separate and complete entity within the total system or equipment project delineation. The reliability program plan as approv

26、ed and incorporated into the contract becomes the basis for contractual compliance. The plan, including reliability test plans, must describe an integrated effort within the total project. will meet specified quantitative reliability requirements during development and manufacture. Government approv

27、al. Particular attention shall be paid to the sections of MIL-STD-785 The proposed reliability program plan shall It shall provide information to show how the supplier The final reliability program plan shall be submitted for I! 3.6.3 Reliability prediction. The contractor shall perform a reliabilit

28、y prediction in accordance with the paragraph of MIL-HDBK-217 entitled “How to Make a Reliability Prediction Based on Stress Factors and Part Populations“. The prediction shall assume a 5OoC ambient temperature and a shipboard installa- tion. with MIL-T-23103 for purposes of determining thermal stre

29、ss levels. For electrical stress levels, the manufacturer shall perform a theoretical electrical analysis to determine pertinent voltage and current levels in all circuits. This analysis shall be submitted to the government for approval. The contractor shall perform a thermal analysis and survey in

30、accordance Source of failure rates. The primary source of failure rate data When shall be MIL-HDBK-217. For items not included in MIL-HDBK-217, other sources of data may be used with the approval of the command or agency concerned. such alternate sources of data are proposed, enough informat

31、ion shall be sub- mitted to enable the command or agency concerned to evaluate the validity and applicability of the results derived therefrom (see 6.3). I Il 3.6.4 Reliability reports. Reports providing a complete accounting of progress on each element defined by the reliability program plan, resul

32、ts achieved, and status of actions to resolve problems and correct weak links shall be prepared for the command or agency concerned (see 6.3). 3.7 General requirements. 3.7.1 Weight and mounting dimensions. The weight of the combining network shall not exceed 50 pounds. stalled in a standard 19 inch

33、 rack (see MIL-STD-189), panel size GC. The CU-2007( )/SRR shall be capable of being in- , , ., 4 (i; x. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-C-28777B 57 7777706 0033LI70 7 The overall dimensions shall not exceed the following

34、: Height 13 in. Width Length 19 in. 20 in. 3.7.2 Human engineering aspects of detail design. Equipment design shall conform to the criteria of MIL-STD-1472 and the requirements stated herein. Front panel layout. A patch-panel arrangement to facilitate patching between any receiver and any co

35、upler shall be provided on the front panel. minals. Also the following controls and indicators shall be provided on the front panel: The arrangement shall include 8 receiver terminals and 8 coupler ter- Arrangement of the patching terminals shall be as shown in figure 1. (a) An ac power on-off switc

36、h that interrupts both sides of the ac (b) An ac power indicator lamp. (c) An overload indicator lamp, (d) An overload reset control. line. 3.7.3 Removable assemblies. The complementary filter, active multicoupler and power supply shall be separate assemblies and individually removable from the fron

37、t panel. 3.7.4 Cab les and connect ors. All radio frequency terminals in the rear of the equipment shall be female coaxial, type C. The 115 volt ac power terminal shall mate with a type MS 3106A14S7S cable plug. An appropriate jumper cable shall be provided to make the con- n

38、ection between the low-pass output terminal of the complementary filter and the input terminal of the active multicoupler. All terminals except those for front panel patching shall be accessible from the rear of the equipment. The patch panel shall consist of: (a) (b) (c) “wenty patc

39、h cords type TP PL-W4 1, or equal (see NAVSHIPS 0967- 303-8610, Additional equipment supplied). Eight. coupler terminations using receptacles that are compatible with patch cord type TP PL-4W 1, or equal. (See figure 2.) Eight receiver terminations routed from the rear receiver input terminals using

40、 receptacles identical to the coupler termina- tions. (See figure 2.) spare RF input terminals using receptacles identical to the coupler terminations. (See figure 2.) (d) Four spare radio frequency (RF) terminations routed from the rear Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking per

41、mitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-28777B 57 I 7777706 0033473 O M MIL- 628 7 7 9B (E C) 3.7.5 Fuses. Each side of the ac line shall be fused. Fuses shall be of the glass melamine type and shall be mounted in a fuse holder. Blown fuse indicators, which conform to the requirements of M

42、iL-F-19207, shall be provided for each active fuse. 3.7.6 Power-handling capability and linearity requirements. Termination conditions. The high-pass output of the complementary filter shall be terminated in a 50 ohm dummy load. The low-pass output of the complementary filter shall be termin

43、ated in the active multicoupler. Between 10 kHz and 2 MHz the power-handling capability shall be 10 watts root mean square (rms) , 10 watts, peak envelope power (PEP), available power from a 50 ohm source. Between 2 MHz and 30 MHz the power-handling capability shall be 500 watts rms,

44、 5 kilowatts (kW) PEP. Continuous operation at the power levels specified in and shall not degrade the performance below the requirements of section 3. All intermodulation products that are between 2 MHz and 30 MHz, created by two 50 volt rms signals applied to the in

45、put terminal of the com- plementary filter at any two frequencies between 2 MHz and 30 MHz and detectable at the high-pass output terminal of the complementary filter, shall be 110 deci- bels (dB) or more below 50 volts. (See figure 4.) All intermodulation products that are between 10 kHz an

46、d 1.85 MHz, created by two 50 volt rms signals applied to the input terminal of the com- plementary filter between 2 MHz and 30 MHz and detectable at any output terminal of the active multicoupler, shall be 110 dB or more below 50 volts. (See figure 5.) All intermodulation products created b

47、y two 0.25 volt rms signals applied to the input terminal of the complementary filter between 10 kHz and 1.85 MHz shall be measured at 70 dB or more below 0.25 volt at any output of the active multicoupler. (See figure 5.) tions required in 3.6, the power levels described in shall be conside

48、red to occur 5 percent of the time. shall be considered to occur U) percent of the time. product levels shall not be degraded by impedance terminations on the remaining 7 unused outputs. circuited, open cirouited, or terminated outputs in any other combination of impedance levels. For purpos

49、es of reliability calcula- The power handling capability described in Intermodulation This shall hold true for all of the 7 remaining short 3.7.7 Temperature. The CU-2007( )/SRR shall be capable of operation within the limits of class 4 of MIL-E-16400. 3.7.8 Shock, vibration, and inclination. The equipment shall meet the requirements of MIL-E-16400 and grade A, hull-mounted, class I, lightweight, type A shock requirements of MIL-S-901. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or


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