1、MIL-C-5546A (1) b8 m 9779906 0114652 4 m - . . . . . . . - . . . . ._- .- MIL- C- 5546A AMENDMENT- I IS FEBRUARY J951 MILITARY SPECIFICATION COMPOND; FNINE CLEXNINO (CRESOL BASE) This amendmmnt form a part of MiUtary Specification 1-0-5546A, dated 21 August 1950, and WOI approved by the Departments
2、of the Army, the Navy, and the Air Force for-use of procurement services of the respective Departments. . % Paragraph 6.4 stitute the following: Provieions for Qualification Toste: Delete the third sentence and sub- “Requests for authorization of tests should be addressed to the Director, U. S. Naval Air Ekperimentril. Station, Naval Air Material Center, Naval Base, Philadelphia 12, . ., Pennsy1vania.n .- - .- ., -0oo- E . 8 5 8 O e . .I Licensed by Information Handling Services