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1、. y MIL-C-bob85 13 W 9997906 O340937 4 W MIL-C -60685() 15 April 1970 SUERSEDnTG FA -PD -MI -265 3 18 May 1965 MILITARY SPECIFICATION CATAPULT, AIRCRAFT EJECTION SEAT: M91, REMANUFAC- METAL PARTS ASSEMBLY 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers Catapult, Aircraft Ejection Seat, M31, Remanufactured Me

2、tal Parts Assembly. and used in conjunction.with other propellant actuated devices in aircrew emergency escape sysiems . The assembly will ultimately be loaded 1.2 Items to be reworked under this specification to the remanufactured M3A1 Catapult configuration shall be limited to Catapult, M3A1 P.N.,

3、 which were previously reworked under “Project Nylok“ and Catapult, M3A1. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or reqcest for proposal, form a part of the specification to the ex- tent specified herein: SPEC IF ICAT IONS Military M

4、IL-A-2550 MIL-C-5541 - Ammunition and Special Weapons, General Speci- - Chemical Films and Chimeical Film Materials ficatLon for for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys STANABDS Military MIL-STD-lO5 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection Ka-STD-109 - Quality Assurance Terms and Definitions by Attr

5、ibutes - DRAWINGS Munitions Command F8593636 - Catapult, Aircraft Ejection Seat, MW, Metal Parts Assembly P Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-bOb5 23 W 77777Ob 03407L b W 2.1 DRAWINGS (Contd) F8797431 F8797432 IBL-8593636 - Ammuni

6、tion Container, Fiber 33304 for Catapult, - Box, Packing, hw,ition for Catapult, Aircraft - Inspection Equipment List fcr Catapult, Air- Aircraft Ejection Seat, M3A1 Ejection Seat, WW Craft Ejection Sect, M3.41, Ketal Parts Assembly . (Copies of specifications, standards and drawings required 3y sup

7、pliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 2.2 Other publications.- The following docmert fcms a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. issue in effect on date of invitation f

8、or bids or request for proposal shall Ur,lecs otherwise indicated, the apply ASA B46.1 - Surface Texture (Application for copies should be addressed to the Americar; Standards Associa- tion, 10 East 40th Street, New, N.Y. 10016) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 General.- Materiais, parts and assemblies shall coz

9、ply with the re- quirements specified on the applicable drawings, referenced specifications and the following: 3.2 Hydrostatic pressure.- The components listed below shall withstand the corresponding internal pressure as indicated in Table I for a period of i5 seconds, minimum, without application o

10、f any external load and shall show no evidence of leakage or mechanical failure (see 6.2). Table I Hydrostatic Pressure Component Outside Tube Telescoping Tube % Inside Tube (-st ninimum) 2500 3200 3200 3.3 Metal parts assembly,- Parts shall be cozbineci to poduce an assembly which conforms to the r

11、equirements of the metal parts assex3ly 6rawing and the following : 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-60685(MiT) 3.3.1 Remanufactured metal parts assembly shall contain the following new components: O-ring packing, 6227-11. Pin,

12、 shear, 8593654, Washer, shock, 8593652. Sea, plain, 8593659. Seal, fixed, 8593662. Pellet, 8594154 for inside and outside tubes. 3.3.2 Conversion of Catapult, M3A1 P.N. to the latest M3A1 Catapult con- figuration shall be accomplished by replacing the following coqonents, in addition to replacing t

13、he components listed undar 3.3.1 and by modifying com- ponents as noted: Stop rings containing the thin flange (approximately .O72 thick) shall be replaced with Ring, Stop, Part No. 8593643. at the internal threaded end shall be replaced with Block, Part No. 8593648. Blocks which con

14、tain three 1/8 inch diameter holes on body diameter Trunnion.- See 6.4.1. Tube, inside.- See Tube, outside.- See 6.5. 3.3.3 Torque.- Torque requirements shall be as specified in Table II. No loosening or deformation shall occurupon application of the breakaway torque

15、. Table II B - A - Run-on Seating or Bottoming Component (Inch Pounds). (including A) (Inch-Pounds) Cap and Outside Tube 75 min 550 + 50 Trunnion and Outside Tube 75 min 559 + 50 Spacer and Telescoping Tube - - Block and inside Tube 75 min -e Stop Ring and Trunnion 75 min - c Breakaway 400 min 400 m

16、in 200 min - ( Inch-Pounds ) - - Bottoming torque.- The bottoming torque between block and inside tube and between stop ring and trunnion, shall not exceed the running torque by more than 50 inch-pounds. (see 6.3) 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

17、 license from IHS-,-,-MIL-c-60685() , 3.4 Protective finish.- Protective finish shall be in accordance with the applicable specification and drawings and shall. apply to all surfaces of the component regardless of configuration (see 6.4;4) 3.5 Residual magnetism.- The metal parts assembly shall not

18、deflect the indicator of the compass more than three degrees in either direction when passed in front of the compass at a distance of 6 inches (see 6.3). 3.6 Workmanshi2.- The requirements for workmanship are as specified on the applicable drawings, referenced specifications and the following: 3.6.1

19、 Metal defects.- The part shall be free from cracks, splits, or other . metal defects. 3.6.2 Burr. - The part shall not have a burr -which might interfere with the assembly or function of the item or which might be injurious to personnel hand- ling the item. 3.6.3 Foreign matter.- The part or assemb

20、ly shall not contain chips, dirt, grease, rust, corrosion or other foreign matter. 3.7 Special instructions.- See notes in 6.4. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS - 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. - Unless otherwise specified in the con- tract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the p

21、erformance of all =. inspection requirements as specified. herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the supplier may use his om or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. form any

22、of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed re- quirements, The Government reserves the right to per- 4.1,i Quality assurance terms and definitions.- Reference shall be made to MIL-STD-109 to defi

23、ne the quality assurance terms used. 4.1.2 Inspection.- Inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-A-2550. 4.2 Inspection provisions. 4.2,1 Lot. - 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-L MIL-C-60685 13 9999906 0340923 b U MIL-C-60685(MU)

24、 Submission of product.- The product shall be submitted in accordance with MIL-Sn-S05. Size of lot.- For the purpose of identification and shipment; the shipping lots of metal parts assemblies shall consist of 1200 catapults, maximum, exclusive of test samples, provided the homoegneit

25、y of remanufacturing process has been retained throughout-the inspection lot. A smaller lot may be shipped upon approval of the contracting officer. . 4.2 2 Examination. - The roughness comparison specimens prescribed in ASA B46.i shall be used as a basis of compmison for surface roughness determina

26、tion. Four power (4X) magnification may be used in performing visual examination for such defects as burr and foreign matter. 4;2.2.1 Reclaimed parts.- Examination of reuseable parts, which require no reprocessing, shall be limited to inspection of defects that require visual type inspection and gag

27、ing of mounting hole in block, trunnion lugs and wall thickness in de-staked area of outside tube. One hundred percent examination shall be per- formed for all such defects. All nonconforming parts shall be either reprocessed or rejected. Reprocessed parts.- One- hundred percent examination

28、shall be per- formed for all critical defects. Examination for major and minor defects shall be performed on a defect basis inaccordance with the classification of defects contained herein, using the sampling plan and associated criteria in Tables III and IV. For an individual defect (single chmacte

29、ristic) the criteria in Table III shall be used. For total defects within a major or minor group, the criteria in Table IV shall be used. All nonconforming material shall be rejected. Table III Major Minor Lot Size Sample Size Accept Reject Accept Reject i - 300 i301 - 3200 3201 - 8000 8001. - 22000

30、 . 301 - i300 100$ Examinat ion 110 150 225 300 -. - 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a-c-o685 (MU) Table IV Total Allowable Defects Per Sample Size 300 4 .5 7 LO i4 300 5 7 LO i4 20 110 225 3 4 5 8 11

31、 225 4 5 8 11 17 Sample Sizes for Major Defects Number of Defects in Class 2- 3 4- 7 8 - i9 20 - 43 over 43 110 150 Sample Sizes for Minor Defects Number of Defects in Class 2- 3 4- 7 8 - 16 17 - 48 over 48 2 3 4 5 8 3 4 6 .8 11 Tube, Outsrua, Drawing D8593638, covering a Lztail of Drawing F

32、8593636 Method of Inspection Defect _- CRITICAL Metal defective Visual 1. Pitch diameter of thread, min. Major diameter of thread, min. Thickness of wall in de-staked mea (see 6.5) Thead damaged Protective finish inadequate or defective Burr Foreign matter Gage Gage Gage Visual Visual Visual Visual

33、101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. MINOR None defined 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 I MIL-C-60b-5 13 = 777770b 0340723 T I( m-c-60685 (m) Tube, Outside and Pellet Assembly, Drawing 3593633, covering a detail of Drawing F

34、U543636. CRITICAL Defect Method of Inspection None defined MAJOR None defined MINOR 201. Pellet missing, loose or improperly inserted Manual a detzil of Drawing F859363 CRITICAL None defined 7 - - - w Y Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,

35、-MIL-C-bOb5 13 = 77377Ob 0340724 1 (Contd) Defect MAJOR 101. 102. 103. Thread damaged 104. Metal defective 105. 106. Burr or sharp corner 107. Foreign matter Pitch diameter of thread, min. Major diameter of thread, min. Protective finish inadequate or defective Method of Inspection Gage Gage

36、 Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual MINOR None defined Ring, Stop, and Pellet Assembly, Drawing C8593643, covering a detail of Drawing F8593636. CRITICAL None defined MAJOR None defined MINOR 201. Pellet missing, loose or improperly inserted htch, Drawing C8593644, covering a detail

37、CRITICAL 1. Metal defective MAJOR 101. Angle at large end 102. 103. Surface finish, improper 104. Burr or sharp -corner 105. Foreign matter Protective finish inadequate or defective 8 b I Manual covering a detail of drzwing F8593636. CRITICAL None defined. MAJOR 101. 102. Pitch diameter of thread, D

38、BX. Minor diameter of thread, max. 11 Gage Gage Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-60b5 13 7777706 0340728 7 -! - MIL-c-60685 (MU) 4.2.2. i4 (Cont d) Dgf ect MAJOR 103. Threads damaged . 104 Metal defective 105. 106. Burr or sharp

39、corner 107. Foreign matter Protective finish inadequate or tiefective MINOR None defined. Plug, Drawing 8593656, covering a deta CRITICAL None defined. MAJOR 101. Metal defective 102, 103. Visual and Manual Visual Visual Visual Visual Sealing and Retaining - Compound Application, -

40、 Each telescoping tube and spacer assembly shall be examined for presence of sealant on all sur- faces other than the threaded joint of telescoping tube and spacer. sealant shall be cause for rejection of the as.sembly. Presence of 4.2.3 Inspection Testing,- The following tests shall be perfomed in

41、accord- Hyrostatic Pressure.- Each outside, telescoping and inside tube ance with the provlsions of 6.3; shall be subjected to an internal hydrostatic pressure. comply with the requirements of 3.2 shall be-cause for rejection of the tube. Failure of any tube to Breakaway Torque.- A b

42、reakaway torque shall be applied to each assembly threaded joint as listed in Table II. ply with the requirements of column C of Table II shall be cause for rejection of the assemby. Failure of any assembly to corn- Protective Finish, Replated Components .- The number of specimens and accept

43、ance criteria for protective finish tests shall be in accordance with the applicable Military Standard listed on the drawing. Residual Magnetism.- Each catapult shall be tested for excessive residual magnetism. Failure of any catapult to compy with the requirements df 3.5 shall be cause for

44、rejection of the catapult. 14 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-hOb85 13 M 9999906 03Li0931 7 Mi 1 MILC-O(MU) 4.2.4 Inspection eauipn?ent.- The examination and tests shall be made using equipment listed on iEb8593636. 4.3 Test met

45、hods and procedures. 4.3.1 Hydrostatic pressce.- The outside, telescoping and inside tube shall be mounted in the device and subjected to the internal hydrostatic pres- sure. each end without applying any axial load other than that applied by the liquid pressure. The device used shall internally sea

46、l the tube within 1-3 inches from 4.3.2 Breakaway torque.- A torque wrench set at the torque requirements specified in 3.3.3 shall be used to determine the adequacy of the joints. The assembly shall be secured in the fixture prior to application of the torque. 4.3.3 Protective finish, replated parts

47、 - Test procedures for protective finish shall be in accordance with the applicable Military Standard referenced on the drawing. 4.3.4 Residual magnetism.- The catapult shall be tested for excessive re- sidual magnetism in an area free of local magnetic effects by placing the assem- bly 6 inches fro

48、m and at the same height as the compass in a north-south hori- zontal position (trunnion end at south) with the compass set in an east-west heading as shown in Figure 1. pass in a longitudinal direction for its entire length, rotated 180 degrees in the horizontal position about its longitudinal axis

49、 and moved slowly back past the compass. The assembly shall be moved slowly past the com- 5. PREPARATION FOR DEUVERY 5.1 Packing and marking.- Packing and marking shall be in accordance with Drawings F6797431 and F797432. 6, NOTES 6.1 Ordering data.- Procurement documents should specie the title, number and date of this specification. 6.2 A mechanic


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