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NAVY MIL-C-82651-1977 CARTRIDGE IMPULSE CCU-22 A ASSEMBLY《CCU-22 A型炮筒推动装置》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-C-82651-1977 CARTRIDGE IMPULSE CCU-22 A ASSEMBLY《CCU-22 A型炮筒推动装置》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-C-82651-1977 CARTRIDGE IMPULSE CCU-22 A ASSEMBLY《CCU-22 A型炮筒推动装置》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-C-82651-1977 CARTRIDGE IMPULSE CCU-22 A ASSEMBLY《CCU-22 A型炮筒推动装置》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-C-8265L 13 W 7779706 0932257 T W MIL-C-82651 (OS) 31 January 1977 MILITAFU! SPECIFICATION CRR!TFUDGE, IMPULSE, CCU-22/A ASSFMBLY This specification is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Comd, Departmat of the Navy, and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Departmnt

2、of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the minimum requirements or the procurement of the CCU-22/A inipUise cartridgeloaded assembly referred to herein as the cartridge assembly. 2.1 Issues of dccments. The following docTuments of the issue in effect on the date of invitation for

3、bids or request for proposal, form jyrt of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS Military MIL-P-116 ,MIL33-947 9 Preservation-Packaging, Meth% of Seat System, pward Ejection, Aircraft, General Specification for MIL-P-82652 Propellant, Solid, Composite MIM-82662 CataULATIO

4、NS 49 m 100-199 Transportation (The Code of Federal Regulations is available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Governt Printing Office, Washington, D.C. Orders should specify “49 CFR 100-199 (latest revision) I) . 20462. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted

5、 without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-8265L 13 H 9977906 0432259 3 H * MIL-82651 (OS) NATIONAI; P.IIMIOR FREIGHT TRAFFIC ASSOCTATION, IYC., ACEU“ National Wtor Freight Classification (Application for copies should be addressed to American Trucking Associtions, Attn: %riff Order Section, 1616 P Street,

6、 Washington, D.C. 20036). NIFDF4 Q;ASSI?ICATION - I A- nifonn Freight Classification (Application for copies should be addressed to the Uniform Classification Codttee, Roam 1106, 222 South Riverside Plaza, Chicago, IL 60606). 3.1First article. Unless otherwise specified in the contract (see 6.2), fi

7、rst article samples of the cartridge assgoblies are required and shall be manufactured us-ing the methods and-procedures proposed-for production. purposes of detemllning, prior to starting production, that the contractors production mthods are capable of producing cartridge assemblies that amply wit

8、h the technical requirements of the contract (see 4.4) . The samples shall be tested as specified in Section 4 for the 3.2 Definitions. Definitions of various terms used herein are listed in 6.4. 3.3 Materials. All materials, parts and assemblies shall be in accordance with the applicable drawings,

9、this specification and the d-nts referenced herein. 3-.4 Age. 3.4.1 Explosive ccanponents. All explosive ccanponents, including but not limited to, ignition pawders, primers and igniters, shall be mufactured within the 12 mnths prior to the contract scheduled delivery date for the cartridge assarbli

10、es lot. 3.4.2 Propellant. The propellant shall be manufactured within the 150 days prior to the contract scheduled delivery date for the cartridge assemblies lot. 3.5 Ballistic performance requirments. The cartridge assemblies shall meet the ballistic wxfom-iance requiremats of TABLE I when assemble

11、d into acceptable rocket cakpult hardmre in accordance With MIL-C-82662 and test fired using an ejected weight of 375 pounds. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-8265L 13 7779706 0432260 T -65OF MINI MAX PARAMETER 70F 165OF ErnI p

12、Ipy( ml MAX Dynamic Bsponse Index (DRI) # Separation Velocity ( f t/s) TABLE I. Ballistic Perfomce Requiranents - 375 Pomd Ejected Weight. - 18.0 - 22.0 - - - 35 - 40 - 45 ignition Delay (m) Axial Thruct (Ibf) - 30 - 30 - 30 - 7,000 - 7,000 - 7,000 !i 1. o 3.6 Propllant. The propellant shall be in a

13、-P-82652. 3.7 Radiographic requirmts. Each loaded cartridge assembly shall confom to the radiographic requirements of EIIL-S”D-453, radiographic quality level 1. 3.8 Shear pin strength. Each lot of shear pins (drawings 11740613) shall be tested in acaxdance with 4.5.7. Shear pins shall shear when su

14、bjected to a load of 41 k 5 lbs applied at the rate of 0.125 inches per minute. 1 3.9 Protective finish. ProWtive finish shall be in accordance with the applicable specifications and drawings and shall apply to all surfaces of the component reqardless of contour configuration. no evidence of disinte

15、gration of propellant or derangrnt of components and shall be capable of meeting the ballistic performance requirmts of 3.5 when test fixed in accordance with 4.4.2 after exposure to the follming environmental conditions: 3.10 Environmental requirements. ?he cartridge assemblies shall show 3.10.1 Hi

16、gh tenp?erature. The cartridge assemibly shall be capable of withstanding the high temperature test of 3.10.2 Vibration. The cartridge assembly shall be capable of withstanding the vibration test of 3.10.3 Temper ature-shock. The cartridge assembly shall be capble of withstanding t

17、he teinperatureshock test of 4.4.J. 3. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-2651 13 W 7779906 Oq32261 L W MIM-82651 (OS) 3.11 Identification marking. Each cartridge assembly shall be =ked in accordance with drawing 11740605. 3.11.1

18、 Liot designation. ?he following lot designation system shall be used for identification marking of each cartridge assembly: aa-xxx-cccc where : aa = the dative total of lots produced xxx = the letter designation (abbreviation) cccc = the mnth and year of the manufacture by one supplier of the suppl

19、ier of the oldest propellant batGh used in the cartridge assanbly lot 3.12 WrlaMnship. ?he requirmts for mrkmanship shall be as specified in the applicable drawings, referenced specifications and the following: 3.12.1 Metal defects. All romponents shall be free of cracks, splits, cold shots, inclusi

20、ons, porosity or any similar defect. 3.12.2 Burr, assembly or function of the item or which might be injurious to personnel handling the item. No part shall have a burr which might interfere With the 3.12.3 Foreign matter. No part of the assembly shall contain chips, dirt, grease, rust, corrosion or

21、 other foreign material, 4. QUALITY ACSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inswtion. Unless otherwise specified in the Except as otherwise cpecified contract, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirerents as specified herein. in the contract, the contractor ma

22、y use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection Iiequirementc specified herein unless disapproved by the Government. perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification here such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services confonn t

23、o prescribed requirements. The Governmnt reserves the right to 4.2 Classification of inspection. The inspection requirements specified herein are classified as follows: a. First article inspection (see 4.4) b. Quality conformance hspction (see 4.5) 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or n

24、etworking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4.3 Inspection conditions. Unless otherwise specified (see 6,2), all inspections shall be performed urider the following corditions: a. Temperature: ambient 18 to 35OC (65 to 95OF) b. Altitude: Nom1 ground c. Vibration: Pane d. Humidity: Fbom ambient

25、to 95 percent relative, maxhum 4.4 First article inspection. Unless otherwise specified 3-1 the contract (see 6.21, a first article sample of 21 cartridge assemblies, manufactured in accordance with 3.1, shall be sulmitted to the Naval Ordnance Station, Indian EIead, Fqland 20640 The first article s

26、amples shall be subjected to trie quality conformance inspection of 4.5 with the exception of the test firing of 4.5.5 folld by enviromntal testing, radiographic examhations and static firing in the sequence specified 3Y3LE II. Acceptance of the first article savle ,4-iall be based on no defxts in t

27、he sample. cartridge assemblies by the contractor, prior to approval of the first article sample, shall be at the contractors risk. shall not k included as a part of the quantity specified for delivery in the contract (see 6.2) . for first article inspection. f ications. of inspection shall be seria

28、lized and inspection data traceable to a specific serial number. . Items 4.5.1 Test reports. When specified in the contract (see 6.2) , the 1- contractor shall furnish test reports to the procuring activity. reports shall inclilde the following information: “est O a. b. Propellant description (see 3

29、.6 and 6.3. i) . Static firing performance test results (see 4.5.5 and 6.3.2). c. surmiary sheet (see 6.3.3). d. Armnunition data cards (see 6.3.4) . e. l?ropellant/assenbly production records (see 6.3.5). f. Certification of age of explosive capnents and propellant (see 3.4). 4.5.2 Sampling for qua

30、lity conformance inspection. Lot. Forthe purposes of identification, inspection, and shipment, a 10- loaded assemblies shall consist of 360 assemblies, 2!2?L retain4 as follows: , inclusive of test samples. The hamqmeity of inspection lot a. b. Components were produced by haniogeneous proces

31、s. Ingredients were frcnn the sarrie ingredient lot wl-.en =;ce than one cartridge batch comprises the cartridge lot. 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MILrC-82651 (Oc) Sampling for examination. Designation of defects (critica

32、l, major, and minor) shall be in accordance with WR-43. examination shall be selected in accordance with incpection level II of Samples for MIL-STD-105. Sampling for static firing test. assemblies shall be suhritted to the Naval-Ordnance Station, Iniiian Head, Varyland 20640 for static firin

33、g in-accordance t,Jith 4.5.5. assembly samples shall not be preselected during production. assemblies selected for samples shall not be included as a part of the quantity specified for delivery in the contract or order. camponents from a single primary cmponent lot shall be used in a production lot

34、of cartridge assemblies. than one cartridge assembly production lot. shall be divided as equally as possible among cartridge batches. cartridge batch not represented in the 21 sanple cartridge assemblies, one sample cartridge shall be selected for static firing by the contractor (see , so t

35、hat at least one cartridge from each cartridge batch has been static fired. A sample of 21 cartridge Cartridqe Cartridge Only prhwy One primary camponent lot may be used in mre Frcin each The ballistic sample size Sampling for radiographic inspection. Each cartridge assembly shall be subject

36、ed to the radicqraphic inspection specified in 4.5.6. Sampling for shear pin test. A sample of 50 shear pins from each shear pin lot shall be subjected to the shear ph strength test of 4.5.7. 4.5.3 Esuhnission of rejected lot. A sample of 42 cartridge assemblies shall be selected in accordan

37、ce with and sukdtted when, with prior approval of the procuring activity, the contractor requests that the rejected lot be test fired under different conditions or the contractor believes a rejected lot my be rmrkd to met the r.uirements of this spification. 4.5.4 Examination. Sample cartrid

38、ge assemblies selected in accordance with shall be examined for defects in accordance With khe applicable drawings, 3.9, 3.11 and 3.12. (AQLs) per ML-S“E105 shall be as follows: The acceptable quality levels a. Critical defects: 0.04 percent defective b. Major defects: 1.0 percent defective

39、c. Minor defects: 2.5 percent defective 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-r - MIL-C-82b5L 23 m 777770b 04322bb O m P4IL-C-82651 (S) J 4.5.5 Static firing test. Sanple cartridge assemblies selected in accordance wi+h shall be s

40、tatic fired at the Navai ordnance Station, Indian Head, Maryland 20640 within 30 days after swssion for acceptance of the cartridge assembly lot. into 3 equal groups and one group conditioned at each temperature specified in TABLE I for a minimum of 8 hours and static fired within 10 minutes after r

41、emval frcnn the conditioning chamber. shall be analyzed in accordance with MIGSTD-414. Nonconfomce with TABLE I shall be cauce for rejection of the lot. The samples shall be divided Data specified in Wm i Contractor static firing test. Sample cartridges selected by the conkactor in accordanc

42、e with shall be static fird by the contractor as cartridge batch acceptance tests. cartridges shall be fired at each temperature: -65OF, +70F and +16SF. Failure of any cartridge to meet the requirements of TABLE I shall be cause for rejection of the specific batch of cartridges. An equal ncr

43、dxr of Post static firing disassembly. A post firin5 disassembly of all contractor tested units shall be conducted by the project engineer. Detailed observations on conditions, including marginal mditions, of individual componente shall be noted. When specified in the contract (see 6.2) , a

44、disassdly findings report shall be suhitted to the procuring activity. 4.5.6 Radiographic inspection. Cartridge assemblies shall be radio- graphically inspected in accordance with MuiSTD-453, radiographic quality level 1. Radio- graphs shall be capable of detecting defects and cartridge assembly com

45、ponents 0.03 inch in length or width, whichever is smaller. cmpnents cannot be sham using standard radiographic techniques, neutron radiography shall be employed to show these camponents. When specified in the contract (see 6.2) , all radiographs taken of the cartridge assemblies or componente there

46、of shall be forwarded to the activity designated by the procuring activity. site by a designated Governent representative. assembly lot shall be subject to approval of +he radiographs by the designated Govemrent activity. 4.5.7 Shear pin test. inches per minute to each sample shear pin selected in a

47、ccordance with of shear pins shall be rejected and no pin from that lot shall be used in any catapuit assembly. 4.6 Packaging inspection. The packaging, packing and marking shall be inspect no hardware, propellant, or mtal parts acceptable, scrapped, or tested be dicposed of without authori

48、zation of the procuring activity; all ita be made available to the procuring activity upon request; and that the disposal of any tested hardware, propellant, or metal parts without authorization by the procuring activity will result in the test being declared invalid, and a retest will be required.

49、6.10 Retention of radiographs. The contract should specify that all radiographs of accepted lots of cartridge ascablies be retained on file by the contractor for 7 years or 1 year past the service life of the unit, whichever is longer. 6.11 Life. The rocket catapult has a design life of 7 years with Design life includes both tk installed service life and the shelf and installed service life of 5 years Eram the date of propellant manu- fac

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