1、NIL-C-83489 INT AND L 83 m 99999b O43bL44 b m HILITART SPECIFICATION CLOTEI, COATED, NPtON, WLYURETBANE COdIZll This interh amendment ir issucd for use by the Naval Air Syrtemr Coprpurd ,with Military Specif icatioa XIL-C-83489 dated 26 October 1976. . 2. I. . om1 -. . . . ,- . .- - . .-. . .- .i. .
2、-.LA,.- . - .- . . -L-C- . -. _. 1.1, line 1: Delete “two“ ad rubrtiiuta nthlee“. line 2: Between “cloth“, and “radio frequency“, insert “thermallyn,. *_. *. s. 1.2, delete rad mbstitutm thr followiry: “1.2 Classification, The finished coated cloth sbll be of the . following types (see 6.2): e. . 2.
3、1, . . a. L 3r2, FED-STPI oEpsTp601 MIL-STP810 - Plain weave, 6.0 ots/sq yd - Plda weave, 4.0 ozdsq yd . . :. _. . -r ,. . - Plain weave, 9.2 odsq yd 5 .- - m I ,-:. . . -*- . . *. ;*.i. : 9 . .,. -. *- .: . - Cloth, Coated, .rrb Tape, Coated Cloth:+“ - Cl08ury of Pabric.Iiperfactions . _ . - Rubbat
4、: Samplltituter I. .I “TABLE I. Physical requirements of base cloth. . -., . .,- . , .* -. . Charac tarir t ic waive . , , 1. . 2.9 7 3.1 60 50 200 170 10 .b. PW Type II Typa ILI 1.7 0 1.9 . *. .I 108 , 88 . 1 140 120 - 3.7 0 6.0 .I . .* I. . 290. .e 240 - . .- .: . . . .*. f. *. , 20 :. :i . 18 a.;
5、:,: PlainW . . :. , ,. .i . ._ I . , - ,; . .V-. *-.*-I ,.*-L. . :i.i,*tai-2: tetwara ?.iair m mraio frequwc f. lina 6: Delete “e:; INT, 4ENDbENT 1 (AS) . 8 .- Add the following new paragraph: tested and approved under the appropriate provisions. of 7-104.55. of. the:Arptd Services Procurement Regul
6、ation. The first article should be a preprodtiction . sample. The first article rhould coasirt of 5 yarda of coated clgth,-l=1/2 yarda of base cloth and 8 thermally bondtd:*neania* The contracting officer-. should include specific instruction8 in all procurement inetrimients, regarding arrangements
7、for examinations, test and approval of the first article.(.*.: (6. rS First article. When a first article ia requi - s-. . P . Preparing activity: ,. -:, -. . A I (Project No. 8305-N594) . ._ Navy - AS - 1.8. .- . . ., , 9x -., , .* . . -. ,. s . - ._ .: .; . .- - , ;* “. . . C Page 9 of 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-