NAVY MIL-C-85001 B-1983 CHAFF ROLL (TYPE RR-( ) AL) GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR《TYPE RR-( ) AL型(干扰雷达的)金属碎箔卷线总说明书》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-C-85001 B-1983 CHAFF ROLL (TYPE RR-( ) AL) GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR《TYPE RR-( ) AL型(干扰雷达的)金属碎箔卷线总说明书》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-C-85001 B-1983 CHAFF ROLL (TYPE RR-( ) AL) GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR《TYPE RR-( ) AL型(干扰雷达的)金属碎箔卷线总说明书》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-C-85001 B-1983 CHAFF ROLL (TYPE RR-( ) AL) GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR《TYPE RR-( ) AL型(干扰雷达的)金属碎箔卷线总说明书》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-C-85001 B-1983 CHAFF ROLL (TYPE RR-( ) AL) GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR《TYPE RR-( ) AL型(干扰雷达的)金属碎箔卷线总说明书》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-C-85001 B-1983 CHAFF ROLL (TYPE RR-( ) AL) GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR《TYPE RR-( ) AL型(干扰雷达的)金属碎箔卷线总说明书》.pdf_第5页
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1、c -/5-9s MIL-C-8500IB( AS) 17 Mast 1983 SUPERSEDING 15 August 1977 MI L - C-8 500 1A ( AS) I. MILITARY SPECIFICATION CHAFF ROLL (TYPE RR-( )/AL), GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR This specification is approved for use by the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy and is available for use by all

2、Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE. 1.1 Scope. This specification establishes the design, performance, and acceptancwuirements for the Chaff Roll (Type RR-( )/AL). reflector) roll or roll set contains components capable of creating confusing returns to radar systems oper

3、ating within specified frequency ranges. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS. The chaff (radar 2.1 Government documents. 2.1.1 Specifications, standards, and handbooks. Unless otherwise specified, the following.specifications, standards, and handbooks of the issue listed in that issue of the Department of Defen

4、se index of Specifications and Standards (DoDISS) specified in the solicitation form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Beneficial comnents (recommendations, additions , deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to:

5、 Comnanding Officer, Naval Air Engineering Center, Engineering Specifi cations and Standards Department (ESSD) Code 93, Lakehurst, NJ 08733, by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Fom 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. -. FSG-5865 Provide

6、d by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-SPECIFICATIONS Federal P P P - T-45 UU-P- 268 PPP-B-601 PPP-8-636 QQ-S-781 Mil i tary MI L-P -1 16 MIL-B-131 MIL-1-631 DOD-D-1000 MI L-T- 18303 MI L-C-8500 1 / 1 MIL-C-85001/2 STANDARDS Mi 1 i tary MIL-STD-129

7、 MI L - STD- 130 DoD-STD-480 MIL-C-85001B( AS) Tape, Gummed , Paper, Reinforced and Plain, for Sealing and Securing Paper, Kraft, Wrapping Boxes, Wood, C1 eated-Plywood Box, Shi ppi ng , Fi berboard Strapping, Steel , and Seal s Preservation-Packaging, Methods of Barrier Material s , Water Vaporproo

8、f, F1 exi bl e, Heat-Seal ab1 e Incul ation, Electrical , Synthetic-Resi n Composition, Nonrigid Drawing, Engineering and Associated Li st Test Procedures; Preproduction, Acceptance and Life for Aircraft El ectronic Equipment, Format for Chaff Roll Set (Type RR-l7l/AL), Specification Sheet Chaff Rol

9、l (Type RR-l72A/AL), Specification Sheet Marking for Shipment and Storage Identification Marking of U.S. Military Prop er ty Configuration Control -Engineering Changes, Deviations and Waivers . 4 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-

10、C-85001B(AS) . MIL-STD-794 Parts and Equipment ,. Procedures for , *. Packaging and Packing of . MIL-STD-810 Environmental Test Methods M I L- STD -83 1 MIL-STD-2071 Test Reports , Preparat i on of Testing of Chaff Radar Cross-section 2.12 Other Government documents, drawing and pub1 ications. The f

11、ollowing other Government documents, drawings, and other publications form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. DRAW1 NGS Naval Air Systems Command B. . DL 1050AS158 Chaff Roll Assembly (Type RR-( )/AL) DL 1050ASlll Chaff Roll, RR-( )/AL; Marking, Preservat i on, and Packagin

12、g of DL 1050AS124 Vi brat on Fixture, Chaff Rol 1 MANUALS Naval Air Systems Command NAVAIR 16-30ALE41-1 Techni cal Manual , Mai ntenance Instructions, Intermediate, Dispensing Set Countermeasures Chaff and . AN/ALE-41 PUBLICATIONS Bureau of Naval Weapons . .*- WR-43 Preparation of Quality Assurance

13、. Provi si ons (Copies of specifications and standards required by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or .as directed by the contracting officer.) specification to the extent specified herein. The issues of the documents w

14、hich are indicated as DoD adopted shall be the issue listed in the current DoDISS and the supplement thereto, if applicable. 2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-850

15、01B( AS) STANDARDS American Society of Mechanical Engineers ANSI Y1405 Dimensioning and Tolerancing (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, United Engineering Center, 345 East 47th Street, New York, N.Y. 10017) 2.3 Order of precedence, In the .eve

16、nt of a confl ict between the text of this specification and the references cited herein, the text of this specification shall take precedence. 30 REQUIREMENTS, 3,l Specification sheets. The individual item requirements shall be as specified herein and in accordance with the applicable specification

17、 sheets. In the event of any conflict between requirements of this specification and the specification sheets, the latter shall govern. 3.2 First article, When specified in the contract, a sample shall be subjected to first article inspection (see 4.2, 6,2.1, and 6.3), 3.3 Chaff material. The chaff

18、material shall be in accordance with the appl i cab1 e speci fi cat i on sheet . 3,3,1 Di oles, Dipoles shall meet the dimension and composition requirements o t e applicable specification sheets, Dipoles composed of coated filaments shall have dc resistivity of less than 10 ohms per linear inch. 3,

19、3,2 Coatin . When required by the applicable specification sheet, a a. b. -prevent cohesion between dipoles which may be caused by slip coating + s a be applied to the chaff material to: prevent dipole end welding and metal smear during the cutting operat i on -a corrosi ve condi ti ons. c, increase

20、 dispersion by reducing dipole-to-dipole friction. The formulation of the slip coating shall be approved by the procuring activity prior to use as part of the first article inspection procedures or quality conformance inspection procedures if first article inspection is not required (see 6.2.2). 3.3

21、.3 Film. Chaff roll film shall be synthetic resin composition, non-rigid in accordance with MIL-1-631, Type G (Polyethylene terephthalate), Form F, Class II, clear translucent .O02 inch thick by 12.500 1.032 inches (unspl iced) . 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted

22、 without license from IHS-,-,-. VIL-C-85001B 58 m 9779906 0373104 4 W MI L-C-85001 B (AS) 3.4 Design and construction. Each chaff roll (see 6.4.2), including chaff and all parts, assemblies, packing, and packaging; shall conform to all the requirements of this specification and applicable specificat

23、ion sheet for design, construction, and workmanship, except as otherwise specified in the contract (see 6.2.1). Configuration control shall be maintained in accordance with DoD-STD-480. O 3.4.1 Nomencl ature and identif icati On marking. Nomencl ature and identification marking shall be in accordanc

24、e with MIL-STD-129, MIL-STD-130, and as specified herein. 3.4.2 Item definition. The chaff roll or roll set (see 6.4.3 covered by this specification shall consist of a standard roll or roll set fi I led with chaff components as specified in the applicable specification sheet. 3.4.3 Physical characte

25、ristics. The chaff roll or roll set shall be functionally compatible with the AN/ALE-38 and AN/ALE-41 (see 6.4.4) Di,spensing Sets. Neither the operational elability of either dispensing sets nor the effectiveness of the chaff shall be degraded when the chaff roll(s) or roll set(s) are used with the

26、se dispensers. 3.5 Standard conditions. The following conditions shall be used to establ ish normal performance characteristics under standard conditions. a. Temperature b. Altitude c. Vibration Room ambient (25 f 10C) Normal Ground - None d. Humidity Room ambient up to 90 percent 3.6 Service condit

27、ions. The chaff roll or roll set shall op.erate as Tolerances re1 at i ye humi di ty - . required under any of the environmental service conditions or combinations of these conditions specified in MIL-STD-810 asmodified herein. shall be in accordance with the general requirements of MIL-STD-810. set

28、 forth to establish the specified performance apply to performance under both standard and extrem service conditions. extreme conditions is acceptable, tolerances or values setting forth accept- able variations from the performance under standard conditions will be specified herein. in accordance wi

29、th MIL-STD-2071 and the applicable specification sheet, when the chaff roll or roll set is tested in accordance with the requirements speci fi ed therei n. 3.7 Performance requirements. Unless otherwise specified herein, values When reduced performance under - 3.7.1 Performance characteristics. Perf

30、ormance characteristics shall be 3.8 Detail requirements. The chaff roll or roll set contents shall meet the design, construction, and physical requirements contained herein. Drawings shall be interpreted in accordance with DoD-D-1000 and ANSI Y-14.5. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

31、networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-flIL-C-B5OOLB 5B W 99997Ob 0173105 b W MIL-C-85001B( AS) 3.8.1 Chaff roll set. A chaff roll set shall consist of identifiable chaff rolls, each of which shall conform to the requirements contained herein and the specific requirements of the applicabl

32、e specification sheet. 3.8.2 Chaff roll. Function. Each individual chaff roll shall be of the roll film type compati bmthe AN/ALE-38 and AN/ALE-41 di spencers. The rol 1 shall be formed by placing chaff between two layers of film to form a film/chaff/ film sandwich which is subsequently woun

33、d on a feed shaft assembly to form a chaff roll Form factor. The film and chaff payload (see 6.4.7) shall have a length of 100 15 feet, and shall provide 51 +1 revolutions on the roll hub. The maximum radius of the roll shall be 6.32 inches, and the minimum radius of the roll shall be 5.63 i

34、nches. Out of round conditions shall be held to a minimum and shall in no case be greater than .5 inch variation between the maximum and mi nimum radius measurements on the rol 1 . The maximum al 1 owabl e misalignment of film edges shall be in accordance with DL 1050AS158. The minimum gross weight

35、of the film, hub, and chaff combination shall be as specified in the applicable specification sheet, 3t8m2t2tl Packin densit , Packing density shall conform with the Leader. A leader, consisting of an extension of the two films of requirements of ti t e appl Scab e specification sheet. the f

36、ilm/chaff/film sandwich, shall be provided at the outer circumference of the chaff roll to facilitate loading of the roll in the ALE-38/ALE-41 cartridge, The length of each film leader shall be 20 +2, -0 feet. 3,8,2,4 wing of film. If the manufacturing process of the chaff roll is auch that c a shaf

37、t assembly, it shall be necessary to “flip“ the films at the completion of winding each roll. This is accomplished by unwinding the outside layer of film until it meets the remaining film layer end, and cutting this unwound layer so that it is even with the remaining film end. Upon completion of thi

38、s procedure, the outer film becomes the inner film and the inner film becomes the outer film, and thus provides proper film orientation for dispensing. is spread over two film layers and wound onto the feed Marking of film. Regardless of the process used in manufactur- ing the roll, a labe

39、l containing the words “FILM FLIPPED“ shall be applied to the end of the film as an indication that the film/chaff/film sandwich is in the proper configuration for dispensing. In addition, the outer film of each chaff roll shall be marked with a 3/16 i 1/16 inch rod stripe approximately 3 inches fro

40、m and parallel to the leading edge of the film, The stripe shall run from the outer circumference of the film leader for a length of at least 80 feet toward the inner circumference of the chaff roll Chaff roll components. A chaff roll shall consist of the components specified in DL 1050AS158

41、 and the applicable specification sheet . Dipole configuration. The lengths, counts, and configurations of chaff dipoles included within each chaff roll shall be as specified in the applicable specification sheet. 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without

42、 license from IHS-,-,-MI L-C-85001B ( AS) Weight. The minimum gross weight of a chaff roll shall -be as specified in thepl icable specification she. 3.8.3 Marking of chaff roll. Each chaff roll shall be permanent in accordance with MIL - STD 130 , DL 1050AS158, and the applicable spec sheet

43、, 3.9 Workmanship. Workmanship shall be in accordance w-ith this specification and applicable specification sheet. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS y marked fi cati on 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. UnTess otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for th

44、e performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection- requirements specified herein, unless di sapproved by the Governme

45、nt. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure suppl ies and services conform to prescribed requirements. The Government will conduct all flight tests. 4.1.1 Classification of inspections. T

46、he inspection requirements . specified herein are classified as follows: a. First Article Inspections (see 4.2) b. Initial Production Inspec-tion (see 4.3) c. Quality Conformance Inspections (see 4.4) 4.1.2 Classification of characteristics. The characteristics verified by the tests and examinations

47、 described herein are classified as major or minor in accordance with WR-43. istics are identified by the symbol (MI. Test and examinations described which are not annotated with a classification code are classified minor. Test and examinations that verify major character- 4.1.3 Lot information. A l

48、ot shall consist of a group of items of a specific configuration; produced within the same time frame at one location; by the same production line and production technique; and submitted for acceptance, inspection, or use at one time, 4i-2 First article inspection, First article inspection- shall be

49、 con- ducted by the contractor on three chaff rolls representa r rn r- *? n .I- G L O rc +- a, a, r u) t O C, ru U .I- ; .? u a, u) a, II ru U n n ru O C, L a, cc a, e n 7 I- 7 .-I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C=85001B( AS) interference problem, a delayed start wi 11 be acceptable. however, may result in a short run. presence of at least 100 seconds of


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