NAVY MIL-D-81068-1964 DEVICE HIT AND LOCATING (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 0)《击中并定位装置(0系数46型鱼雷)》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-D-81068-1964 DEVICE HIT AND LOCATING (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 0)《击中并定位装置(0系数46型鱼雷)》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-D-81068-1964 DEVICE HIT AND LOCATING (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 0)《击中并定位装置(0系数46型鱼雷)》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-D-81068-1964 DEVICE HIT AND LOCATING (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 0)《击中并定位装置(0系数46型鱼雷)》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-D-81068-1964 DEVICE HIT AND LOCATING (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 0)《击中并定位装置(0系数46型鱼雷)》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-D-81068-1964 DEVICE HIT AND LOCATING (FOR TORPEDO MK 46 MOD 0)《击中并定位装置(0系数46型鱼雷)》.pdf_第5页
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1、- MIL-D-810b 13 m 7797706 0358445 2 rf 5,37t I MIL-D-81068 (Wep) 21 May 1964 - , - - MILITARY SPECSFICATION DEVICE, HIT AND LOCATING (For Torpedo Mk 46 Mod O) This specification has been approved by the Bureau of Naval Weapons, Department of the Navy. 1. SCOPE 1.1 BuWeps LD 287489. tme and- is refer

2、red to hereirr as “Hit and Locating Device.“ for a description of the Hit and Locating Device.) This specification covers the Hit and Locating Device, The Hit and Locating Device is of one class and one (See 6.1 2. APPLICABLE Doms 2.1 Government documents. - The following docunents, of the issue in

3、effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS Military a-p-116 Preservation, Methods of FSC -1355 - /- ,*- E- THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS PAGES. -1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without licens

4、e from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-L0b 13 W 7777906 0358446 4 M MIL-D-81068 (Wep) MIL-E-5272 Environmental Testing , Aeronautical and Associated Equipment, General Specification for STANDAIIDS Military MIL-STD-10 5 MIL -STD -129 MIL-STD-130 DRAWINGS Bureau of Naval Weapons BuWeps L;D 287489 (List of Drawings) BuW

5、eps Dwg 1222243 (Copies of documents required Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspe et i on by Attributes Marking for Shipment and Storage Identification Marking of U. S. Military Property Hit and Locating Device and Encase- ment Assembly (and all documents listed thereon) Battery (Mercury “A“) y

6、 suppliers in connection with specifi nrocurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) 3 2.2 Other publications. - The following documents form a part of Unless otherwise this specification to the extent specified herein. indicated, the

7、 issue in effect on date of invitation for bids shall apply. PUBLICATIONS Consolidated Classification Committee Uniform Freight Classification Rules k Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_. MIL-D-81Ob8 13 m 7777906 0358447 b W-. -A _- MIL

8、-D-81068 (Wep) (Application for copies should be addressed to the Consolidated Classifi- cation Committee, 22 Chicago Union Station, Chicago 6, Illinois .) National Bureau of Standards Handbook H28 Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Services (Application for copies should be addressed to the Superin

9、tendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C.) 3. FEQUIRFSIENTS 3.1 Preproduction sample.- Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, the preproduction sample shall: (a) Be manufactured using the procedures specified for the production lot. (b) (e) . Consist of fiv

10、e Hit and Locating Devices. Be tested as specified in section 4 herein and is for the purpose of determining that, prior to starting production, the suppliers production methods are capable of yielding items that cmply with the technical requirements of the contract. 3.2 Basic requirements. - . 3.2.

11、1 Materials and treatments of materials and parts.- Unless otherwise specified in the contract or order, all materials and treatments of materials and parts used in the manufacture of the Hit and Locating Device shall be in accordance with the requirements specified herein and- the applicable docume

12、nts listed in BuWeps LD 287489. Fungus-proof materials.- Materials that are nutrients for fungi shall not be used where it is practical to avoid using such mater- ials. Where used, and not hermetically sealed, materials that are nutrients for fungi shall be treated with a fungicidal agent ac

13、ceptable to the procuring activity. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-D-BlObe 13 7797706 035Bq48 B MIL-D-81068 (Wep) 3.2.2 Gages.- The supplier shall provide whatever gages are neces- sary and adequate to assure that the materials a

14、nd parts of the Hit and Locating Device will meet dimensions and requirements shown on the appli- cable documents listed in BuWeps L;D 287489. the procuring activity will furnish existing pertinent drawings of Naval final inspection gages for use only in the designing of the suppliers gages. for des

15、igning and manufacturing the gages needed for the satisfactory fulfillment of the contract requirements. When requested by the supplier, This action does not relieve the supplier of the responsibility 3.2.3 Inspection and test equipment and facilities.- The supplier shall furnish and maintain all ne

16、cessary inspection and test equipment and facilities, and provide personnel for performing all acceptance tests specified herein. The test equipment shall be adequate in quantity to permit performance of the required acceptance tests for the Hit and Locating Device. 3.2.4 Threads.- Unless otherwise

17、specified, all threads shall be in accordance with the National Bureau of Standards Handbook 28. 3.3 Performance requirements and product characteristics. - 3.3.1 Preproduction other than acceptance requirements. - Operational service life.- The output signal shall not decay more than three

18、decibels (db) after three weeks of continuous, unattended, submerged operation. The current flow between the exposed connector pins and the case, when the Hit and Locating Device is submerged in sea water (3.1 percent minimm salinity), will not decrease the three- week operating life of the Hit and

19、Locating Device, whether or not the exposed connector pins are immersd in sea water having a temperature from 29 + 1 degree Fahrenheit (F) to 99 + 1 degree F at any pressure up to iO0 pounds per square inch gage (Fsig). Environmental requirements. - Unless otherwise specified, the Hit and Lo

20、cating Device shall be capable of conforming to the perform- ance requirements and product characteristics of this specification after being exposed, at any temperature in the applicable range, to the environ- ments and all conditions specified in this section. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprod

21、uction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-LOh8 13 W 999970b 0358449 T W Condition Double Acceleration (6.3 2) Amplitue (g) minimum (in) minimum - Nonoperating, 0.75 - - 1.3 o .o36 Ready Non- Ready operating and o .10 - 3.0 - 10 .o - b L f I E I .- Frequency (CPS) 5-6 6-16 16-

22、24 24-40 40 -74 74-500 rf- MIL-D-81068 (Wep) C ondit ion Peak Minimum (see 6.3.2) Magnitude Duration (54 (ms 1 Nonoperating 60 8.0 Reaiy Non- Vibration (see 6.3.i).- The Hit and Locating Device shall be. capable of withstanding the vibration shown in table I. Acceleration Direction Any Tab

23、le I Shock (see 6.3.3).- The Hit and Locating Device shall be capable of withstanding shock specified in table II. Table II. operating Ready 45 20.0 Forward 85 Any except Acceleration (see 6.3.4) .- The Hit and Locating Device shall be capable of withstanding the accelerations sp

24、ecified in table III. ;: - . 5 . -._ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-I MIL-D-o (Wep) Table III Acceleration Schedule Condition Magnit ude Acceleration (see 6.3.2) (gs) Direction Nonoperating, 25 Forward operating and Ready Ready Non-

25、35 Aft Temperature (see 6.3.5). - The Hit and Locating Device shall be capable of withstanding the temperatures specified in table IV. Table N Temperature Schedule Condition Temperature (see 6.3.2) (Degrees F) St orage (less batteries) Operating -45 ta-+i40 Ready and o to i40 Pre

26、ssure (see 6.3.6).- The fully assembled Hit and Locating Device shall operate when submerged in sea water at any pressure up to 1000 psig at any temperature frcan 29 + 1 degree F to 99 + - 1 degree F for the specified aperational service life ( 3.3.2 Acceptance requirements.- Activa

27、tion of signal.- The Hit and Locating Device shall remain in a static ready condition until its signal is activated by one of two means: 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-83Ob 33 m 979790b O358453 8 - I _. - MIL-D-81068 (Wep) (a

28、) Closing of an external circuit. (b) The flooding of sea water (3.1 percent ninimm salinity) across the exposed pins. Output signal,- The Hit and Locating Device shall prduce a signai 02 12 + 2 milliseconds (ms) duration, at a repetition rate of 1.0 +0.1 -0.4 .per second and with a fr

29、equency of 45 3- - 1 kilcir,ple per second (kcps) Output level.- The signal output level 2 shall be 56 db referred to one dyne per square centimeter (cIyne/cm ) at one yard from the Exercise Head longitudinal center line. Power supply.- The Power supply for the Hit and Locating Devic

30、e shall be self -contained batteries (BuWeps Drawing 1222243) capable of an output of 17.5 - + 1.0 volt direct current (vdc). Attitude.- The Hit and Locating Device shall be capable of operating in accordance with the performance requirements when positioned in any attitude. Weight.-

31、 The weight of the Hit and Locating Device, less mounting hardware, shall not exceed five pounds. Workmanship.- The workmanship and finish shall be of sufficiently high grade to assure satisfactouy operation consistent with requlrements of this specification. shall be thoroughly clean and fr

32、ee of excess materials, chips, and loose or splattered foreign materials. exhibited in any approved preproduction sample, subject to any qualifica- tions stated in the Governments notice of approval, shall be determina- tive of the requirements of the contract relative to workmanship insofar as not

33、specifically covered by applicable specifications. All parts used in the assembly The standards of workmanship 3.3.2. permanently applicable 8 Identification.- The Hit and Locating Device shall be . identified in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-130 and the documents listed in BuWeps LD 287489, Prov

34、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-D-8LObd 13 9979906 0358452 T MIL-D-81068 ( Wep) 4. QUl!JXTY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Inspection.- Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the perfor

35、mance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in this specifica- tion where such inspections are deemed necessaw to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed reqwirements . The Government resemes 4.2 Reliability tests. - 4.2.

36、1 Classification of reliability tests. - The classification of reliability tests and the tests and examlnations required under each classification are as follows: (a) Preproduction tests other than acceptance tests (4.7). (1) (2) Environmental tests (4.7.2) Operational service life test (4.7.1) (b)

37、Acceptance tests and examination (4.8). (1) Operational performance test ( (2) Examination ( 4.3 Sampling. - Unless otherwise specified, and when applicable, the sampling plans and procedures used in determining the acceptability of products shall be in accordance with the provisions

38、 set forth in Standard MIL-STD-lO5. 4.3.1 Preproduction sampling. - Unless otherwise specified, for each contmct or order, a lot of five Hit and Locating Devices shall be manufactured using the facilities, methods, and procedures proposed for production. The preproduction sample shall be subjected t

39、o preproduction tests at an activity designated in the contract or by the Bureau of Naval Weapons for purposes of determining compliance with the requirements of the contract, specifications and drawings. Further production of the Hit and Locating Devices by the supplier, prior to approval of the pr

40、eproduction Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-D-81068 (Wep) sample, shall be at the suppliers risk. will be applied as part of the quantity specified in the contract or order, but shall not be used in any equipment manufactured for

41、 the Government. Preproduction saxqles accepted 4.3.2 Production sampling.- Inspeckion lot definition, formation, and size shall be in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-105. 4.3.3 Periodic production sampling. - Unless otherwise specified, at any time during production of the Hit and Locating Devices

42、 for the contract or order, a randm sample of two Hit and Locating Devices will be selected for submission to a Bureau of Naval Weapons assigned activity for the periodic production tests. be considered satisfactory if they meet all the requirements of the applicable contract, specifications, and dr

43、awings and withstand the tests specified herein. as part of the quantity specified by the contract or order but shall not be used in any equipment manufactured for the Government. The Hit and Locating Devices shall Periodic production samples tested will be applied 4.4 Rejection. - 4.4.1 Rejection o

44、f preproduction samples.- Failure of any Hit and Locating Device in the preproduction sample to meet the requirements specified herein, after being tested in accordance with the preproduction tests specified in this section, shall be cause for rejection of all the Hit and Locating Devices in the pre

45、production sample. 4.4.2 Rejection of production samples.- Failure of any Hit and Locating Device in the production sample (inspection lot, see 4.3.2) to meet the acceptance requirements, after being tested in accordance with the acceptance tests set forth in this section, may be considered cause fo

46、r rejection of the entire production sample (inspection lot) or cause for cessation of production as determined by the procuring activity. 4.5 Test equipment.- The following items of the test equipment, or equivalent, will be required to perform the acceptance tests specified herein. (a) Voltmeter -

47、 Capable of measuring O to 20 vdc idth a minimum accuracy of + 0.2 vdc over full scale deflection. I /- 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-flIL-D-BLOb8 23 m 7779706 0358459 3 m I- Hewlett-Packard Universal Counter Model 523D Tektronix

48、Oscilloscope Model 535A Hewlett-Packard Power Supply Model 723 Tektronix Probe P6000 Tektronix Probe P6027 Stop Watch - With an accuracy of one-half percent in one Test chamber - The chamber shall be a temperature controlled Sensing the output of the Hit and Locating Device. Being pressurized to 100

49、0 psig using salt water (common salt, sodium chloride in tap water, specific gravity 1.025 - + 0.015) and must be able to retain the pressure of 1000 psig for a period of three weeks. Maintaining salt water at a temperzture of 29 c 1 de- gree F for a period of two weeks and 99 - + l degree F for a period of one week. minute. pressure


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