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1、. . .1 +I I it- D - 8 -d 5 3.4 B (A9 i0 September i969 SUPERSEDLYG M.IL-D-81514A(AS) . 22 April 19G8 r. MILJTARY SPECIFICATION DEVICE, RESTRAINT HARNESS TAKE-UP, INERTIA-LOCKING POWERED-RETRACTING; GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR This specification has been approved by the Naval Air Systems Corninand, Dep

2、artment of the Navy. 1. SCOPE quirements for all Inertia-Locking, Restraint Harness Tab-Up Devices having a powered retraction mode. These devices arc iiitcildecl for use by aircreivmcii in. designated military aircrat seats diiriiig normal flight operations, as well as during 1.1 The purpose of thi

3、s spccification is to establish tlic general re- nrJ fn11nXx6 o, eri.ess. Tl1e detail reql1irc1iicnts, if diffcrcnt fro111 those specified herein, shall be covered jn the applicable cletail speciIicatlons. -1ne pow- ered retraction feature of this device is iiitendql to be used for 8 single operatio

4、n during the pre-ejection phase of escape t.0 automatically aid the aircrewnlan in positioning himself properly for ejection. . ,- 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS - -. 2.1 The following clocuinciits of the issue in effcct on dzte of inviiatioii for bids or request for proposal, forin a part of tki.s specifi

5、cation to the cdent speci- fied hcrein. . .- SPE CIFICTIONS NN-P-530 Plywood, Flat Panel QQ-I?-416 ._ Plating, Cachnhm (I;: lect r odq os itcd) . PPP -B -G O I. Boxes, Woocl, Cletec-PlyYood BOXCS, Wood, Nailed aiid Lock-Carney . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wi

6、thout license from IHS-,-,-. _ . -. - .- MIL-D-LSL4B Lb W 777770b 0204682 3 - -. MI L- D- 8 1 5 1 4 B (AS) Federal Continued) PPP-B-66 5 e- Boxes, Paperboard, Metal Stayed, Including Stay Materia1 Boxes, Setp Cushioning Mat e ri al, Ce llulo sic PPP-B-676 EPP-C-843 Military MIGP-116 MIGW-1511 MI I.-

7、 S- 5 O 02 Preservation, Methods of Wirc Rope, Steel Carbon Flexible, Preformed Surfacc Treatments and Metallic Coatings for Metal Surfaces of Weapon Systems . Envirolmental Testing, Aeronaut.ica1 and Associated kuipineiit , General Specification or MIL- E-5272 Chemicals, Films, aiid Chemical Filn1

8、Materials for Aliuuinunl ancl Almninuin Alloys MI G C -5 5 41 Finishes and Coatings, General Specificntioii for Protection of Aircraft aiid Aircraft Parts MI I - F- 71 79 Screw Threads, Standard, Optimum Selected Series, General Specification for BIIL-S-7742 MI GC-795 8 MILI-85 O0 Controls, Push-pul

9、l, Flcxihle and Rigid Interchxiigeability and Replacea1)ility of Compoiient Parts for Aircraft and htissilcs Aiiodic Coatings, for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys MIL- A- SG25 Fi ni she s : Organ i c , W capo lis S y slc ni, Ap p li ca ti on and C.oiil;-o1 of MI G F- 1 82 64. General Specificatioii for

10、 Design and Evaluation of Cartridge ActuatcdDevices Webbing, Textile, Dacron, TAW Elongation System Safety Engiiiecriig of Systcms and Associated ScSsystems and Ecpipmcilt; Gcneral Sficcificztion fcr - Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes Marking for Shipment and Storage Ident

11、ification Marking of U. S. Military Property Specifications and Stalida1ds, Ordcr of Precedence ior the Selection of Radiographic Inspection Maintainability Progam hquiremcnts (for Systems and Quipmcnts) Maint ai nabi li ty De mons tr atio ii Requiremcnts for Reliability Prog-ram (for Systems aiid E

12、quipmerits) J. Lubrication of Military Equipment Hiiinan Enginecriilg Design Criteria for Military Systems , Eqiiipnieiit and Fa ci lities Mctnls. Definitions of Uissiriiilar 3 :- .- . . .:A: Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- ._ . .- .

13、- . - _ _ flIL-D-81514B 16 7977706 020q684 7 + hlI L- D- 8 15 14 E (AS) PU13UCATIO XS Departnient of Defense ?- i AIIGHDEK-132 Protective Finishes Naval Air Enmineering Center ACEL Report No. 533 Antliroponietry of Naval Aviators - 1964 DDC AD G2G 322 . (Whcii recjiiesting any of the applicable docm

14、nents, refer t.o hoth title+ niid ki- ber. All rcqiicsts shoiilcl be made via the cognizant Govcmnieiit quality assurance representative. Copies of this specification and other uiiclnssificd specifications, standaids and drkwings required by contractors in coiuicctioli with specific procure- ment fu

15、nctions should be obtained upon application to thc Commanding Officer, Naval Publications and Forms Center (Code 1051), 5801 Tabor Avenue, PhiladeIphia, Pennsylvania 19120. All other documents should kc obtained from the procuring activity 01- as directed by the contracting officer. ) 3. REQUIREMENT

16、S . 3.1 Qua:liication - The powcred-rct,.actiiig, inertia-locking, rcstraint- harness take-up device, henceforth referrcd to herein as PI.RD, furnislied under this specification shall be a product which is qualified for listing on tlic! epplicable qiinli- . fied products list at the tiine set for op

17、ening of bids (see i. 3, 4.3.1 aiid 6.3). Edi device covered by a separate detail specification sli-11 bc. qualified separately. Be- fore coiiimencing any qus-li ficatio test.s spc.cified herein, Type I releases shnll be obtaincd foi. the ballistic subsysteni and cartridge/gas gencrator in nccordaii

18、ce with MILD-23615 and MIL-D-21625, respcctively, Before thhc PIHD iiay be listed on the applicable qualified products list, Type III or Typc IV release, as applicable, shall be obtained for the cartridge in accordance with MILrD-21625. - 3.2 First article - Unless otherwise speciied (se(! 6.2), thc

19、 PIRD fuinislicd iindcr this specification shall be a product which h:is hecn iiispectcd and him pmsed thc first article inspection specified in 4.4 tliougi 4.4.; 2. 3.3 - Sc lec tio 11 of3e -.- c i fi cn ti on s and:_stnCdAi:I-s - Spc c: i fica t i ons and standards for necesssry commodities and sc

20、rviccs not specified hcrcin or in tlie ap- plicable detail specifications shall bc selected iii accorciaitlce with MTGSTD-143. I_ 3.4 - Materials - Materials shall coiiforin to aipli cnlilc specifications and standards and shall be as specified herein aiid on appIi.cahlc di*mings. Matei-ia1.s which

21、are not covered by.specifications, or which are not spcci.ficxlly described herein, shcrts in tlic clioi.ce of both iiintei-.als and corrosion pi-otcction prnct ICCC. 4 .- I- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L- D- 8 1 5 1 46 (AS) 3.

22、 4 1 L- Mct3i1 parts - All motal parts sliali bc of tlic typc or trcntod in a m:iimcr to render tliem adecplitcly rcsiatnnt to corr.osion. in MS33586, shall nod be used in iiiiimatc contact wit11 cncli other. Un- less siiitab1.y protcctcd ngniiist elcctro1yt.i corrosion, dissii

23、iil-i* mctnlo, as dciimd c. 3.4.2 _I Fuiigus-proof inateripiuii - Corrosion proi.l$ciivc. pi.:ici.i ces cscd in the manufacture of tliesc devices sliall bc in accordance with MIL-F-7179 require- ments for cxterior surface. - Finislics - - Protective coatings .and fii;islies usccl shall not c

24、rack, chip or scale during normal service .Me or in the extremes of ntiiiosp1ieri.c condi- tions as specified herein. Surface trcatiiients, coatings xnd finislies siid1 coiiforlm to MIIL-S-5002, or siirface treatmeats lierein specified. Gcieral guidance in the ap- plication and control of organic fi

25、iiishcs is provided in MIL-F-18264 and in MIL- HDBK- 1 3 2. -n Anodixina - All aluni iiiiirii and aluiiiiiiiu-i alloy parts, except those subje.ct to -;ear, shall be anodized in accordance with RIT JPR-8625, Type JI. Anodic coatings for 211 aluiuiiiuiii and aliiniiiiuni alloy parts subjcci t

26、o vcar sli:111 conform to MIIrA-8625, TPC III. minical srii-ime treaten! - For a1uminuiii and auiiiiiiuin alloy parts not suliject to wcar, abrasion or orosion, cheinica.1 coiivemion surface trcat- ment in accorclance with 1IIL.C-5541 inay be iisccl in licu of anodizing. Plating -

27、Steel przrts in contact with aliimiiiun or aluniiniiiii alloys shall be cndmiuiii-phteci in accordaiicc. with QQ-P-41G Tyse II, Class 1. 3.4.4 Hydraulic - fluids - IIydraulic fluids iiscc? in tlia PIRD slia11 luncti.oii sdisfnctorily tlrougiiout tic teiiipcrnhiro rango from -Go 3 to 4-1 GO“ F and sh

28、all be nonilminanblc, noicoioive, iioiitoxic Lind iiiorgniiic in iintuc aiid s1i:ll b: approved by tho pyocui*ing activi ty. 3.5 - Desigu nncl coiistructioii - The PIRD slinll bc dcsigncd md oricatcd *- * in such n 1iiaiii:cr as to be compntihle wih the desigiiutcd sircraft seat. It shall be suitabl

29、c for usc *;it11 tho aircrciwnaii (loyor limit 3 perceiitilc J.IINI, upp:!r limit 9s perce1;tile. inan, as specified in the Raid Air Engiiieerin Ccnter (ACE L) 1tcpor.l. Xo. 533), autoiiintically placiiig him in the best ejec!tion posiijon diiring the prc-ejcciioii pliasc of an cjection or iii best

30、ront.rniiicd positioii ui?dcr mic! coiditior,s iii non- ejection setits. tests specified hcreiii. Thekvice shall be desigiiccl to IICC aJl of the. rcquirm7cnt:s ancl 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.-. MIL-D-BLSLLIB Lb = 7779

31、706 0204bBb O 3.5.1 Operation - The design of the PIXtD shall provide for tlic follov- ing three modes of opcratioii: (a) Manual loikc -.u p in cc hani siii precluding additioiiil payout of the poi.soincl rest rniiit hay- ness take-up strap/cable. In addi tion, as tlic scat occiipaiits shoulders mov

32、e toward the seat back, thc stowage/talx?-up mechanism shall retract the take-up strap/cqble as slack is introduced. tnchecl to the restyaint hariiess take- up strap/cable. The desigil of the eii fitting shall be subject to tlie approval of the procuring activity. The cablc or webbi.iig siiall be pr

33、otected at the point ofattacli- ment to prevent d,mage by wagging or rubbing. . harness takc-iip strap/cable attachment shall conform to MLW-1511 or 3. i. 2.5 take-up mcciinnisw for the automatic retraction of the rest.raint harness in accorance with Unless otherwise specified by the procur

34、ing act.ivity or detail speci- fication, when installed in the seat, this meclisnism slialf perinit an 18-inch linear dispiaccnisn of the personiiel restrknt attnchment hardivarc as mcasured from lhe fiiiiy retracted position to the fuUy extended position of thc restraint harness taicc-up strap/cabi

35、e. Stowag;e/talce-up niechaiiisrn - The PIHD shall include a.,stowage/ . 3.5.2. G - Manual control. - llie PIRD shall be equipped with an cxtcrnnl +. - control loor mmud opxation. The control handle shd have two positions: laut.0- loclP and iiianual-lockll. . A push-pull. cable meeting tlie requirem

36、ents of RIIL-C-7958 shalJ. cbiincot the coiitrol hande with the locking mechailsiin. Other control coniiec- tiotis iuay bc siilmittcd $0 the procuring acthrity for apju-oval for um in lieu o the push-puli vithstand a minimum of 200 inch pounds of breakaway torque. 3.11 Lubrication - Unless othe.rwis

37、e specified, lubrication shall be in accordance with hlILSTD-838. 3.12 Reliabilily - Due to the emergency nature of the escape system, prime importance shall be placed upon the attainment of a high overall degrec of reliability. A reliability test report should be subinitted, indicating the probahil

38、- ity of success of the PIRD. The requircment for the probability of success is O. 98 at the 90 percent lower confidence hit. As part of the reliability analysis to be subinittcd, the contractor shall prepare a failure mode analysis. This analy- sis shall provide (a) the probability of failure, (b)

39、the eqcctcd modc!(s), cause(s), of failure, and (c) the consequoncc of each mode of failure and shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-785. 3.13 Maintainability - The maximum acccptable measure of main- tainability for the coniplcte system shall be one nian-hoiir of direct maintenance labor perfornied

40、at the organizational maintenance ccheloii per 100 light hours of the system. retention of the system maintainability shall be in accordance with AIILSTD-470 and MILSTD-471. in ATILSTD-1472. shall be desigmed to occur at Progi-essive Aircraft Rework periods. ,- The maintainability program to achieve

41、, demonstrate, and assure General design for maintainability guidcIines are contained Major schediiled maiiitenancc, such as coiiiponent replaccinciit, 12 ., . .- .- . .Y. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-D- 81 5 14B(AS) 3.14 Desi

42、gn safety - The contractor shall conform to the general re- quiremmtts of MIL-S-38130 when designing the PIRD to ensure system design safety. In identifying potential problems/hazards, the contractor shall develop information concerning probability of the problem/hazard occurrence. -* 3.15 Data requ

43、irements - The data requirements of MILD-21625 and MILS23615 shall be met. Rcports, including copies of applicable films and in- strumentation records, shall be furnished in the format and quantities indicated for each test performed in accordance with Section 4, herein, or with MIL-D-21625 and MILD

44、-23615. The data and records submitted shall be legible and suitable for.ana1- ysis to prmit the pi.ocuring activity aiid its support activities to conduct an evalur- tion of the system and its performance capabilities. . .- 3.16 Interchangeability - All parts having the same rnanufacturer?s part nu

45、mber shall be directly and completely interchangeable with respect to instal- lation and performance as specified in MILI-8500. 3.17 Identification of product - Identification marking shaI be in accordance with MILSTD-130. Nameplates shall contain the following informa- tion: DEVICE, RESTRAINT HARNE

46、SS TAKE-UP, IiWRTIA- JBCKING, POWERED-RETRAC TING Specification MIGD-81514B(AS) Federal Stock No. Manufacturers part No. Manufacturers serial No. Contract or Order No. Manufactiwers name or trademark Cartridge nomenclature 3.18 Workmanship - The PIRD, including all detail parts, shall be fabricated

47、and finished to produce an item free from defects which could prevent . proper functioning of the complete unit in service. . 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIOS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection - Unlcss otherwise specified here- in or in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for t

48、he perforin- ance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as otlierwise spec- ified herein or in the contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any otlicr facilities suitable for the performance of the inspcction requircnients specified herein, unless disapprovcd by the Go

49、vcrnn-icnt. The Goveriimcnt reservcs the right to perform any of the iiispections set forth in thc specificatioii when such inspections are deemed necessary to ensure supplies and scrviccs cordorm to prescribed re- quirements. 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI G D- 6 1 5 14 B (A S) I WARNNG Be


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