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1、MIL-F-23447 63 979990b 0237073 O 7 ELF- 23447 (Wep 3 14 September 1962 MILITARY SPECIFICATION FIRE WARNING SYSTEMS, AIRCRAFT, RADIATION SE3JSING TYPE; TEST AND INSTALLATION OF This specification has been approved by the Bureau of Naval Weapons, Department of the Navy. 1. SCOPE 1.1 manufacture, testi

2、ng and installation of radiation sensing (surveillance type) fire warning systems far use in aircraft. - Scope. This specification describes the requirements for the design, 2. AFTLICABIX DOCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents,of the issue in effect on date of invitation to bid, form a part-of SPECIF

3、IC AT IOITS this specification to the extent specified herein: Military MILP-116 MIL-W-5088 MIL-E-52 7 2 MILES400 MIEG-5572 MIE 5-56 24 MILD-6055 MIL-E-7080 MIL 1-8 700 MIL-C-26482 MIED-703 2 7 Preservation, Methods of Wi-ring, Aircraft, Installation of Envronmental Testing, Aeronautical and Associa

4、ted Electronic Eqdpment, Aircraft, General Specification Gasoline, Aviation: Grades 80/87, 91/96, 100/130, ilS/l45 Jet Fuel, Grades JP-3, JP-4 and JP-5 Drums; Metal with Removable Head, Reusable Interior, Relays, Electrical, Aircraft, General Specification for Interference, Controlled Requirements,

5、Aircraft Electric Equipment, Piloted Aircraft, Installation Parts and Equipment, Aeronautical, Preparation for Installation and Test of Electronic Equipment in Connectors, Electric, Circular, Miniature, Quick Drawings, Engineering and Associated Lists Equipment, General Specification for for Shippin

6、g Equipment and Selection of, General Specification for Delivery Aircraft, General Specification for Dis connect I sc-6340 Ly - _- ;HIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS - Use of (When requesting any of the applicable documents, refer to both title and number. Copies of this specification and other unclassified spe

7、cifications and drawings required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained upon application to the Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Depot (Code CDS) , 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia 20, Pennsylvania other documents should be obtained from the procuring act

8、ivity or as directed by the contracting officer ) All requests should be made via the cognizant Government inspector. All 3.1 Preproduction testing, Prior to beginning production installation of fire warning systems, preproduction tests shall be performed. (See ke3) 3.2 control amplifier, warning si

9、gnals, a test circuit and necessary wiring, term “system“ as used in this specification shall refer to the fire warning system. Components. The fire warning system shall consist of optic sensors, a The 3.3 Materials and parts, 3,J.i Netals. Netals shall be corrosion-resistant os shall be suitably pr

10、otected to resist corrosion and electrolybic action for the life of the equipment, Dissimilar metals, as defined in Standard MS 33586, shall not be used in direct contact .with each other, Magnesium. The use of magnesium and its alloys shall be avoided if practicable, and its use where neces

11、sary shall be subject to approval by the Bureau of Naval k?eapons 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-23447 63 W 7777906 0237075 4 W 3.3.2 Nonmetals. All nonmetals shall be moisture resistant, shall not support fungus growth and s

12、hall not be adversely affected by weathering, aircraft fluids and temperature extremes. 3.3.3 Selection of materials and parts, Specifications and standards for necessary materials and processes no% specifically designated herein shall be selected in accordance with the order of precedence set forth

13、 in ANA Bulletin No, l.43. for the purpose. Materials-. Materials shall conform to the applicable specifications in conformance with Specification FIIL-E-5400. - AN or MIL standacd parts shall be used wherever they are suitable 3.3 .4 Interchanceability. All parts having the same manufacture

14、rs part number shall be directly and completely interchangeable with each other with respect to installaton and performance. numbers shall be governed by the drawing number requirements of Specification Changes in manufacturers! part MIED-70327. 3.3e5 Weight. requirements of this specification. Weig

15、ht shall be kept to a minimum consistent with other 3 .k Design requirements. 3.4.1 Function. radiant energy (non-thermal) emitted by a flame. The system shall produce an alarm signal when exposed to 3.4.2 Flame detection characteristics The system shall indicate fire within $J seconds after exposur

16、e to the standard test flame described herein. Mo alarm shall occur as a-result of exposure to steady or intermittent sources of extraneous radiation such as steady or chopped sunlight, hot engine parts or artificial lighting, or any other apjbient light that may exist within an engine space. 3.4.3

17、Detection capabilitx. with the maximum design number of sensors, and. only one sensor is subjected to the flame. lation of contaminants that may be encountered in noml aircraft operatiori. 3.4.4 Automatic repeatabilitx. Within 5 seconds after signal clearance, the system shall be capable of signalli

18、ng a re-ignition of the flame, without requiring manual resetting. The system shall signal an alarm when operating The detection capability shall not be adversely affected by accumu- 3.4.5 Abnormal flight conditions, The system shall be capable of continuing operation during abnormal flight attitude

19、s, rapidly changing altitudes from sea level to 80,000 feet, 95% relative humidity, temperatures varying between -65F and 180F, contaminating atmospheres, 1sg accelerations and other conditions which may be encountered during take-off, flight, landing or servicing the aircraft. .- 3 - Provided by IH

20、SNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1CCCL-F- 23;ifi cat of m. The system components shall be marked for identification in accordance with Standard PEL-STD-130. 3 06 Installation reauirements. 3.6.1 Monitored zoneso zones as may be d-etermined by the ai

21、rcraft contractor, shall be monitored by the sensors : The foliowing potential fire zones, and such other (a) Power sections and accessory sections of reciprocating engine (b) C,ompressor, burner, tailpipe (if necessary) and afterburner (c) Accessory sections of turbine engines, if flarrmable fluid

22、system (d) %sine compartments of rocket engine installations. (e) Awiili.ary power plant compartments if not normally occupied. (f) Compartments containing electrical or electronic equipment in the compartments. compartments of turbine engine installations, conponents and sources of ignition are bot

23、h present. vicinity of combustibles where such compartmencs are not normally occupied. 3,6.2 -.W. Censors shall be located- and aimed to provide complete optical coverage of sources of combustibles such as fuel and hydraulic fluid components, and sources of ignition such as electri.ca1 equipment, wh

24、ere the proximity of these and other sources of combustion and ignition may be potential sources of fire. The selected locations shall also comply with the following requirements. (a) Sensors shall be located to view the paths of most probable flame travel, including air exits from potential fire zo

25、nes. (b) Sensors shall be located out of the paths of normal exhaust gases and shall not be located in positions where ambient temperatures may exceed the allowable operating temperature of the sensors, (c) Sensors shall not be mounted on hot enLine parts nor in any manner that will interfere with t

26、he ready re-air or replacement of the engine, un8 shall be positioned to avoid facing into # - - -. 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-23447 63 7977706 0237077 1 MIL-F-23447 (Wep) (a) Sensors shall be located to minimize the prob

27、ability of damage during engine removal and other aircraft maintenance. 3.6.3 Accessibility. Components shall be located to facilitate repair, replacement and test, preferably without the use of special tools or the movement of other parts of the airplane. 3.6.4 Fire-resistance. Connectors, clamps a

28、nd wiring located within potential fire zones shall be capable of withstanding a temperature of 2000OF for at least 5 minutes. 3e6.5 a suitable locking means. Safety wiring. All connectom shall be secured by safety wire or by 3.6.6 Electric and electronic components. Except as modified herein, insta

29、llation of electric and electronic components of the system shall be in accordance with the applicable requirements of Specifications MILE-7080 and MIL-1-8700, respectively. 3.6.7 Wiring. accordance with Specification PEL-W-5088. clamped at intervals not exceeding 8 inches, and shall be so installed

30、 as to minimize the possibility of chafing and the effects of vibration resonance of the sensors. Wiring in potential fire zones shall be protected to withstand a 20OO0? fire for a period of 5 minutes without impairing the fire detection 8aEp occwg to tge Laiso 3.6.8 tPie%wlusive use or each fire wa

31、rning system. supplied Srom the essential bus. foregoing requirements provided that failure of the testing circuit will not impair the ability of the system to detect and signal a fire. The installation of all wiring of the system shall be in Wiring to the sensors shall be a -Billties Le s ha 1 be i

32、solated as required to preclude false signals if Circuit breaker. A separate circuit breaker shall be provided for Testing circuits need not comply with the The electrical power shall be 307 warning system, and after any changes to the engine or nacelle that may affect the operation of the system, t

33、he contractor shall submit to the Bureau of Naval Weapons, for review and concurrence, the design data listed below. contractor shall also specifically indicate any proposed deviations from thhs specification, Submittal of data. Prior to the initial installation of the fire The (a) Location of contr

34、ol units, warning signals and test switches. (b) A sketch of the, sensor locations in relation to engines, firewalls and shrouding, and showing the field of optical coverage of each sensor. subjected durin arrcraft o erations. (c) Estimated maximum temperature to which eaeh sensor will be (d) Estmat

35、ed weighf of the sysiem and major components therof. r-+ .;- 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-23447 63 W 7777706 0237080 8 W JyB*y Workmanship. All details of workmanship shall be in accordance with hgg grade aircraft practice.

36、 4 QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4,l Inspection responsibility, The supplier is responsible for . Each component of the system shall be Response time. Each sensor shall be exposed to the test flame as The Control unit ad.iustment. Each control unit shall be tested to determine Insulation resistancec

37、Each sensor and control unit shall be subjected This measurement shall not be 4.6.5 Each sensor and control unit shall be subjected to a test potential between electrical circuits and between electrical circuits and the metal case. be a sinusoidal voltage at a commercial frequency with an ms value o

38、f five times the maximum circuit voltage. The potential shall start from zero and. Dielectric test. Except as specified in 4.6,5,1, the test potential shall - 9 LO - . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-shall. be increased at a uniform r

39、ate to the test value. It shall be maintained at this value for 5 seconds, and then reduced at a uniform zero. These tests are intended to insure proper electrical isolation of the circuit components, and should not be applied to circuits where the potential will appear across windings, resistors, c

40、apacitors or similar components. Alternate dielectric test. Hermetically sealed components shall be tested at 200 volnd 20 foot-candles shall be used. The test of 4.6.15 shall be repeated, 8.6.17 Fault in conductor. With the system operating at standby, th integrity test switch shall be actu

41、ated and the warning lights shall illuminate. test switch shall be released. turn to the control unrit case and to the external ground lead, and a warning s5gnal shall not occur. disconnected and a warning signal shall not occur. The Each external connection shall be grounded in Each ex-berna. wire

42、of %he Bystsin shaLJ, be fndS;vi,dually 4060I.8 Radio interference test. confomance with the mquj.r6 flight operating conditions, with any combination of atmospheric conditions that may be encountered: No cleaning other than the The flame test of k.5.3 shall The sensor shall be subjected to the expl

43、osion test This test may be waived providing the Bureau of Naval Weapons with a certified The system shall be operated for 1000 hours, either in continuous period or in 20 periods each consisting of 50 hours operation At the completion of the 1000 hours, the system shall An alarm shall occur in 5 se

44、conds 2nd inspc+*inn. Any evidence of major deterioration, (a) Engine start, (b) Quick warm-up to maximum allowable temperature. (c) Ground run-up to f u11 power. (d) TapEj-off. (e) Mibitary power climb from take-off (and maximum thrust). (f) Level flight at full military power (and maximum thrust)

45、(g) Propellor feathering, if applicable. (h) Engine restart during flight, at minimum allowable airspeed (i) Landing roll with maximum allowable reversed-thrust operation. (j) Dive from service ceiling under conditions simultaneously resulting in both maximum increase in ambient air and airplane spe

46、ed, The change shall be accomplished in minimm practicable time, starting from low speed conditions. k Missed approach or go-around after long low-power approach. 1 Flight with airplane tail facing into the sun at sunset. at service ceiling and below 20,000 feet. (if permissible). v. The fire warnin

47、g system installation of one of the first complete experimental or production aircraft will be subject to inspection by an engineering representative of the Bureau of Naval Weapons u 4.7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-F-23447 63

48、M 7777706 O237087 O M IOL-F- 234.47 (Wep) for conformance with the requirements of this specification, that this inspection will be conducted at the aircraft contractors glana concurrently with similar engineering inspections of other systems of the aircraft. It is expected 4.8 Satisfactow performan

49、ce. Failure of any component being tested to meet the requirements of any specifiFtest, or occurrence of a false alarm during any test, shall constitute faniire of the component. 5. PFiEPARATION FOR DELIVXRY 501 components that are purchased directly by or shipped directly to the Government. Application. The requirements of Section 5 apply only to system 502 Freservation and packaging. 5.2.1 system shall be preserved and packaged


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