NAVY MIL-F-85399 (1)-1995 FUZE GUIDED MISSILE FMU-138 B《FMU-138 B制导导弹引信》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-F-85399 (1)-1995 FUZE GUIDED MISSILE FMU-138 B《FMU-138 B制导导弹引信》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-F-85399 (1)-1995 FUZE GUIDED MISSILE FMU-138 B《FMU-138 B制导导弹引信》.pdf_第2页
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1、I INCH-POUND I AMENDMENT 1 9 June 1995 MIL- F -85399 (AS 1 MI L ITARY SPEC IF I CAT ION FUZE, GUIDED MISSILE, FMU-l38/B This amendnent forms a part of MIL-F-85339(AS). dated 14 November 1980, and is approved for use by the Naval Air Systems Cmand. Department of the Navy, and is available for use by

2、all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE 2 2.1, SPECIFICATIONS - MILITARY: Delete “MIL-S-6872 Soldering Process, General Specification for. “ Add “MIL-F-14256 F1 ux. Sol deri ng , Li qui d, Paste F1 ux, Sol der Paste and Sol der -Paste F1 ux, (For Electronic/Electrical Use), G

3、eneral Specification for. “ Delete “MIL-T-14757 Tri chl orotri fl uoroethane I “ 2.1, STANDARDS - MILITARY: Add “MI L - STD - 20 O O Standard Requi rements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies. “ PAGE 3 2.1, PUBLICATIONS: Delete “WS-6536 Procedures and Requirements for Preparation and S

4、oldering of Electrical Connections.“ &C N/A 1 of 2 FSC 1336 DISTRIBUTION STATFMENT A. Approved for public release: distribution is unlimited. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-F-5399 (1) m 9999906 2002679 055 MIL-F-85399(AS) AMENDMENT 1 PAGE 12 Delete text after paragraph heading

5、 am substitute the fol 1 owi ng : “Preparation, procedures, and requirements for soldering of electrical connections and components shall be in accordance with MIL-STD-2000. Soldering fluxes shall be in accordance with MIL-F-14256. Mechanical soldering shall be in accordance with DOD-STD-1866.“ PAGE 17 4.4.3: “Isopropyl alcohol (TT-1-735, grade optional) may be used as the immersion Delete second sentence and substitute the following: fluid for gross leak testing.“ Preparing activity: Navy - AS (Project No. 1336-0001) 2 Licensed by Information Handling Services


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