NAVY MIL-G-23723-1964 GYROSCOPE RATE SWITCHING CN-495 AJB-3《CN-495 AJB-3速率开关陀螺》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-G-23723-1964 GYROSCOPE RATE SWITCHING CN-495 AJB-3《CN-495 AJB-3速率开关陀螺》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-G-23723-1964 GYROSCOPE RATE SWITCHING CN-495 AJB-3《CN-495 AJB-3速率开关陀螺》.pdf_第5页
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1、M I L- G -2 37 2 3 NEP) 15 JANUARY I964 MILITART SPECIFICATIOLI GYROSCOPE, RATE SWI“IXG CirJ+95/WB-3 This rpeciiicatlon h been approved by the Bureau of anl Weapons, Department of the Havy. 1.1 Scope - aiir rpocification coverm deiign and aU per- formance requirementr for the rate 6wltching gyroscap

2、. m-495/AJB-3. Gentra - The following doclhnts, of the issue in effect - 2.1 on the BSEQB, Wunting; an Mountr, Vibration (for u4e with Elehtronic Equipwnt in aircraft) Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Electron Pubes and Aeronautical, P

3、reparation for Delivery Anodic Coatings, for AUrinu and AuninUr Alloys Nomenclature and ikmepktrs for Aeronauticrl Uctronic uld Associated Equlpnent Reliability Aeeurance for Mduction Acceptance of Avionico Eqwipnmnt, General Specification for Chnectorr, Xectric,Circular, Miniature Quick Mrcmct Prov

4、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Military .,.- MIL-STD-13 O MIL-STD-143 Specifications and Staridarb, Order MJX-STD-704 Electric Power, Aircraft, Charactes- Identification Marking of U. S. Military Property of Procedence for the Selection

5、of istics and Utilization of 333586 Metals, Definition of Dissimilar Ms1738A Gyroscope, Rate miitching m-495 /MB- 3 2.2 Availability of documents - When requesting any of the applicable documents, refer to both title and number. specification and applicable documents may be obtained upon application

6、 to the Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Depot, Code 33tX, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Copies of this Philadelphia 20, Pennsylnnia. 3.1 Preproduction - The rate, switching gyroscope furnished under this specification shall be a product, samples of which have been tested and have passed the preproduction test

7、s specified herein. 3 02 Selection of Oovement documents - Specifications and standarda for necessary commoaities and services not specified herein shall be selected in accordance with MIL-STD-143 except as provided in 3.2.1 and 3.2.2. 3.2.1 Commercial parts - Commercial parts having suitable prop-

8、In any *se, commercial parts, such as screws, erties shall be used, where on the date of invitations for bids, there are no ieuitable standard partci. bolts, nuts, cotter pins, having suitable properties, shall be - used provided: They can be replaced by the atandard parts (MS or AN) without alterat

9、ion. (a) (b) The corresponding standard part numbers are referenced in the parts list and if practicable, on the contrac- C=-? tors drawings. 3 -, t Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-23723 bb m 777770b 0132220 T m mEG-23723 (VE P

10、) 3.2.2 Standard part a - With the exception of 3,2.1, M8 and Aai staJnburd parts shall bo wed where they suit the purpose. idenfiified on the drawings by their part numbers. They ahall be 3.3 Mmk?lrlr - - Thc care rhall pmvie a hemtically I. Y Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or network

11、ing permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-23723 bb W 777790b 0132222 3 MILG-2372? (WE?) bo posoible without the usu of any special tool, jig or fixtw, unlerr auch device is speciflcaly amroved by the procuring activity. sealing of the cae ahall not be depenbnt upon eay material which will be

12、adversely affected by any atmosphere to which the instrument may be subjected in normal we in military aircraft. of 90 percent nitrogen and ten gercent helium. The nitrogen used ahall be ia: accordance with Specification BB-N-41, Qpe I, Clase I, Grade C. Tha fU1n.g medium shall contain not more than

13、 0.6 milligram of water vapor per liter (bw point -65C) at the filling pressure. pressum of the filling nrodium in the cam shall be 1 I.1 atmoaphem. that when completely assembled the weight shall not exceed 1.5 pounds, diameter shall be in accorancc with Bpecifica;tion Mn-S-n4ZI The 3 .4 Paver Reou

14、irernents - The rate qlitching Gyro shall meet all aylicable requirements of ZIL-STD-74 and sh.1 ve specified perFormnce fmx the PolloGing porrcr gotkceo with chr-ThreB aase, ll5V category “B“; 12VA Xiectronic parts - Electronic parts and the application Parts that 3.5 a2 thereof shall be in accorda

15、nce Wth Specification MIL-E-5400. do not appear on agproved lists in accordance with Specification MIL-E-5400 ahall not be used unless approved by the procuring activity, diodes shall be chosen, applied, and the complements reported as outlined in Specification Mn;-%4682. the procuring activity for

16、review and approval prior to preproduction teeting. 3.5.3 Eiec$ronic drtvices - Electron tubea, transistors and The comglement report mut be submitted to 3.5.4 Electric connectors - The electric connectora used aal1 conform .Co Sgecification MIL-C-26482 and MS17386r The connector code number marking

17、s a8 specified in *cification MXL-E-5kO shall be legibly and permanently applied to the cam or connector ofS.the rate t#itching ayromcope 3.5 *5 Wiring - Intermel wiring shall be color coded, neat and accosrljiehed in such a mer that invdual wires may be easi?g traced. WIZW ekall be secured mechanic

18、dy to the terminals prior to soMering, where practicahrle. The wiring Bhall be insulated from the instrument case. Performe.ncc - The rate switching gyroscope ahall perfom 3.6 rertisfactorLly when subjected to the tests specified in Section 4 of this BC Wfiwcion. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo repr

19、oduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-23723 66 W 777770b 0332223 5 I/ . KX-G-23723 (TEP) 3.6.1 Reliability in map tiu htween feilures - aie mh .witching gynscopc rbrn han a WniiUm of loo0 hourr of man (omratiq) the between failurea when hrkd and accepted eu outlined und

20、er #e nquimnta of 4.4.3. 3.7 Identlfication- of ppduct - 3.7.1 Hamplate - A -plate conformng to Speciflcstion MIL-IV- ehal be securely attached to the exterior of the care and ehall $e marlud in accordance wlth the -quroairntr of MXL-STD-130i;i. 3.7*2 Msnufacturer r number - %e manufacturerra plrt n

21、mhr on the Wplrtt 8hai. k Enticfi with tht wmdactwrr ew- nkrlng production drawing number including rppUcable dash narr if*g the drawing in tabulated and CQVIrS mre than one . . exist httaeen uni designaed by the procuring agency fo$ the purpose. part number. requirements shall bb:;go$frned by the d

22、rawing ta templates, jig., or gager. -I 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-G-23723 bb 77777Ob 01322ZL.I 7 M - - MIL and eonfiguration of the rata awitching gyroscopes which will be produced ofi the IiyLnufac- turers production line

23、. The ee.taple rate sw%tching a Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-(b) Acceptance tests: Acceptance tests are those tests performed on rate switching gyroscopes manufactured and submitted for acceptance under contract. 4.3 Preproduction

24、tests - The preproduction tests of the rate switching gyroscopes shall consist of all the tests of this specifi- cation specified under paragraph headed Test methods. 4.3.1 Preproduction test sample instructions - Preproduction test samples shallconsist of three rate switching gyroscopes manufacture

25、d in accordance with this specification. duction testing shall not have been previously tested except for the Individual tests. designated by the procuring activity. The samples submitted for prepro- The samples shall be forwarded to the testing laboratory Preproduction test sample identific

26、ation - The test samples shall be plainly identified by securely attached, durable tags marked with the following information: Sample for Preproduction Testing Submitted by (Manufacturers me, date) for Preproduction Testing in accordance with Specification MIL-G-;23?3 under contract - or order numbe

27、r. GYROSCOPE, RATE SWIPING CN-495/AJB-3 MS 17324 Manufacturers Part Number 4.4 Acceptance tests - The acceptance tests of the rate swiilching gyroscope shall consist of the Individual, Sam;slh cnd .Reliebility and shall be responsible for accomplishing the required tests. except that the Sampling pl

28、an B tests shall be conducted at a Government laboratory designated by the procuring activity. plan B tests, shall be under the supervision of the Government Inspector. !The contractor shall furnish test reports ehowlng quantitative results for all tests required by this specification, signed by an

29、authorized repre- sentative of the contractor or laboratory as applicable. approval of material during theceours$ of manufacture sha kintho. casa bc conrtnied as a guarantee or me acceptance Of Che flnlsheh product. tests of this specification. The contractor shall furnish all samplos Acceptance tes

30、ts, except for Sampling Acceptance or 4.4.1 Individual tests - Each rate switching gyroscope eub- mittedfor acceptance shall be subjected to the Individual tests. These tests shall be adequate o determine compliance with the requirements of material, worlananship, operatioml adequacy and reliability

31、. each equipment accepted shall have passed the following tests, conducted in the order listed: As a minimum Examination of product Dielectric tengtb Wit chhg Yaw oscillation Steady etate turn and yaw oscillation Power f ai luri c . _ - - Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking pe

32、rmitted without license from IHS-,-,-4,4.2 Eampling PM test8 - The rsaip1ing plan terts ohall consist of Sampling plan A and Smpllng plm B tests. seiected for sampliw teskm rhall firrt have parred the Individual terto. The test sampler which have been subjected to Sanrpling plan A tests shall not be

33、 delivered on contract until they have been refurbished and mrub- mitted ted by the procuring activity. Each rrnple rhll be plainly idruitlfie by a securely attached, durable tag marked with the following tirhmation: mere sample8 shall-be forwarded GYROSC0PP;p RAD SWITCHXNG (%-495/AJB-3 stlbniitted

34、by (Manufacturers nama, date) for broduction acceptance Sampling Flan B testing, in accordance with Catract/rder NO . lhmxthcturihrtr part nupiber *HOTE: Uhen Sampling pim B ia invo6d the quantity rhallb zerb. Sampling pian B la to br omitted the quantity shall be oTT) Sampling plan B test

35、s - Ehch rate switching gyro- scope selected for Sampling plan B testing shall be subjected to the following tests, conducted in the order listed: Sampling plan A Radio noise interference rlismpe rature -al t itude Vibration failure Shock Life Test for helium Internal e xaainat ion 4.4.3 Reliability

36、 assurance tests - The test samples which have successfully passed the-Individual tests shall be tested for reli- abiliey quality assurance in accordance with Specification MIL-R-23094A Procedure I. Test level - The test level shall be as specified in the system Specification MIL-C-Z3716 or

37、MIL-C-WW. Duty cycle - The duty cycle shall be as specified in the system Speclfication MIEC-23716 or MIL-C-23727 :a Accept-Reject criteria - Figure i3 of Specification MIL-R-23094 shall be used to determine the accept-reject criteria for the Reliability Qualification plan and figure

38、 i4 shall be used for the Reliability Sampling plan. Performance characteristics to be measured - aie per- formance of the rate switching aroscope shall not degrade the system to the extent defined as a failure in the “Performance characteristics to be measured“ paragraph of the system Speci

39、fication MIL-C- 3371 6 or i :LI an open circuit batmen pine D and E, and Repeat the procedure (LB specified in and UnrNtching ahail occur aa rpeclfied in at turn rates of 45, 20*, and 15“ per minute nepectlvely. rhall occur at each of there tyrn rates within 8 seconds, 20 sec

40、onde, and 30 mcoads, respectively. afir stop of each specified rate of turn, and except the direction of ble W, appwipoFnr ar rpcified in 4.5.3. ninute minimum beion beginning kat. aroillrtlonr of plum aad mnur ,one depc per mcsnd with a, 2 hcond plriodi the open circuit shall min betwoan pi

41、n8 D and E, and cntnuity shall continue to exist betwen pins C and I). Allm the rate ahitching gyrorcope to nui for one At zem turn rate, apply yaw 4.6.5 Steady rtate.turn and yaw orcillation - secure the =te switching gyroscope, with mounting feet dawn, to CL ccmblned rate and lnusoidal rate test a

42、py8ratui and apply power as speclfled in 4.5.3. Allm lb rate aritching gyrorcope to run for 14 finute before beglnnfoq; test. 2 recend pcriod on a 30 per rinute rate of turn in the CW a?sgdtion %inuTty between pins D and E, and an,ppen circuit between ginsC and D shall occur within 30 seconds after

43、except in CCW direction of rotation; % he same results shaEl:bgyroseep at 20 per minute, tm. rab. Aiter .witching hus occurm, FImove powar fxm th. e #; gpo shal be properiy connected- and power.:applied as in 3.5.1 shall then be subjected to an ambient temperature of 71 ,OC (16F) for a period of 4 h

44、o-rs-. tenperatwe of /5OC for a perioa of 30 minutes and then shal meet the re= quirenents of ?.he The Pate ;svi.t;ching gyro At the end of the f0-y.r how period, .the unit shall be subjected to n Barnplhg plan A Tests. 4.6.10 Low temperature operation - The rate switching gyroscope shall be properl

45、y connected except that no power shall tie applha. switching gyroscope shall then be subjected to an ambient temperature of -54C (-65F) for a period of 4 hours. 4.5.3 during the last i5 minutes of the 4-hour period. temperature maintained at -54C (-65“F), the rate switching-gyroscope shall then meet

46、 the requirements as specified in 4.6.3, exceptingthat the time to sw-kch at i then iubjcctlng the rate switching gyroscope to the test as ipecified In 4.6.3, except the switching and unsw-ltching times ai mpec- ifitd in 4.6.10 rhall apply. gyroscopa may %e gently vib.mted or tapped during %hi8 chec

47、k. During each of steps 7, 8, and 10 of -cedure I, the rate sxitching gyroscope ihall be6bjected. to the trat as specified in 46.3 once each hour of the specified 4 hour period, except that the watch- ing t- 1p spcified _r in 4.6.9 SU applye *I The rate switching (b) . ._ 44.14 Vibration Faxlure 1 T

48、he equipment shall6 tested in accordance vith Procedure XII of Specification MIL-E-5272 except he frequency shaU be-5 to 2000 CS, 4.6.15 - Shock - The TL-G-33723 (XEP) 4.6.18 6Bq - The rate switching gyroscope shall be rub- jected to the salt Spry test of Specification ML-E-5ZY72, Procedure I. mount

49、ing feet down, to 8 Scorrby table. Subject the rate mitching gyroscope to a 15“ total movement at 5 to 7 orciliatione per minute. then shut off for 2 hourr. of i5O hours eprating tim ha6 been reached. The rate switchin Internal examination - The cast of the rate switching gyroscope shall be opened an8 the in


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