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1、EEElMIL-HDBK-225A25 Nnrch 199”1superssdng ffIL+iDBK-225(AS)4 Octokr 1968sYtKmnsDUC2UPIIIONAID 0PE2?ATIcNAMSC - N/l! m 5990lWTIUBWICW Wflm. Approvsd for LXllc rekese; distribution isunlimited.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL.ADRK-22

2、5ADE?ARIWNI! OF THE NAVYWaehirqton, EC 20361therefOre, UIL-HOBK-218 has. a=i=Methcd of Uamtirq9. Star2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .pi-Iil”tA y5Phantm vi= of typical differential .Rantm view of pi-l control tranef . . 155nl f

3、o- with rotatable =tir . . . 1”mxque”:L.:.:L- “”ittg unit torque F5tim+t actual tonqControl transfo- Ocurrent effa drawn by cocoil=en” “”-”. . .1561=,7gracuen . . . . .”.pe gradient . . . . . . .iltsge . . . - . . 28. . . . . . . . . 7Goerfactnr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ofect of capcitor on

4、 coil cUXenti . . . . .ntrd transformer etatnr WilXlillgs. . . . . . 160control -Q Wsti tmw) . . . . . . . . 160ntiol tian5f0rrt=rstitor wfis wi.r.,_.pacitors. . . . . . .6la capcitors . . . . . . . . .ntrol system with acitir 161TX+3x+!R systxm withcut ayxhro C.apacltir . 162TX-mX+i 5yst63nwith eyn

5、dw= apciti . . . 162TX-TDX-Cr 5m with approximately one-halfactual ice. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Fr syndwo sizes; approxmatilyone-half actual size . . . . . . . . . . .Mounthg clanpass=bly . . . . . . . . . .clamping discs -MS90400 . . . . . . . . . . .Mapterassembli= -W90401 . . . . . . . .

6、 .Zeroi.mgrings -MS90398 . . . . . . . . . . . .shaft nuts -ItS17187 . . . . . . . . . . . . .orivewasherz -14S17186 . . . . . . . . . . . .Straight pinion wrench - MS90393 . . . . . . .90-degree pinion - MS90394 . . . . . . .Scdcet wrend assemblies - MS90395 . . . . . .t.icmti rqasyn=hrousamti scre

7、w . . .F%mnting a syndiro US- a clamping discassembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Mounting a syrchro using an adapter lY(frmthe shaft ard) . . . . . . . . . . . . .r4cunti.rqa synchro using an ada= lY(frcanthe“lbaarx a) . . . . . . . . .himnting a syrduna using three nrwnting cl-ass

8、emble. ., . . . . . . . . .Mountirg asynm3AiOEK-225AEi9urs118.119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153Zii Lut the field is usually aent only in theclcse vicinity of the magnet. Magnets cczm in nary shapes, tut one of the Jnest cmumn is

9、 tie bar magnet (see Figure 5). Fdes The erd rsgiom of a magnet are kncwm aa FOlee. Theerripointi.q _ geograic north is calld the north-seeking or sinplythe north pie, ard the other is called the mth+eekirq or south pole. OnFigure 5 the hrokem lines represent the lines of force whid mike up t

10、heimgnetic field. These lines of force are directional, radiating frcm thenorth pole of the nmgnet, passing thrcqh the aurmurdirq medium, and re-entering the magnet at.the M ple. Field strength is gr-kt near thepoles, where the lines of force are nmre concentrat05. Maqnetic attraction ad rewl

11、sion. If tkm magnets are close-, their fields interact ard the magnets, when free tn nuve, -epoaltlon. Ifthelinee of fores, axi hence the fields, ereti the aamdirection, they ted to cxmbine ard pull the magnets eth=. Figure 6ahwe two her magmte with unlike pies clce tcgether, with the resultantattra

12、ction. Figure 7 ahcwe the bar magnets plaazd with like pies clcsetogether. ma lines of force are = in oppaite ione, ad thefielde repel - other, i.rq the magnets apart. me strerqth ofattraction or replaion (1) as the ple strengths increase, (2)decreases aa the distance between the Pies inueases, ard

13、(3) depemia onthe mdium tlmmgh whi if the a.urent fla is reverad indirection, the magnetic plerity also rewrses. nleetmrgth of enelectrrzmgnetdep3dsupn the number of in the mil and thexity of current flowirg. Atom a saturation point, no imreasa ineither turneorthec+myent

14、fl- willstrehofenelirmease theectnnngnat with a given axe.1.4.3 Poeitionim a cermnmt mamet with ekctxmacrnete . Firstcnmider a penmnent har Irdgnetnrmnted onapiwotneeren el,es on Figure 12. the el gIw3tis mt. ized, thekar _is free to turn. With a wltage aid to the electraraW=t gnet, thebsra F=ition

15、deperdent on the F91arity of the elgnet.A given le of the electraregnet attrect9 the unlike le of the barmt - Ihebar nxqnet tmrns on the pivot to align itself so thet it53Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL.-HOOK-225Ascuth le is neare

16、st the north pole of the elt. If theelectrtxmgnet reverses arity, the lnr mgnet will again pivot, placirqthe mrth ,e -est the elsctragnet. Usirn k electrcnmonets. Figure 13 shcwe tm electrmragnetsplaced at right arqles tn eati other W the pivoted bar magnet. As thepolarity of the applied volt

17、age dvmgffi, the bar r=vt assumes theirdicatedpitions. on Figure 13(A), the side electromagnet is notenergizsd, ad the top one has wimnn effect on the kar magnet. On Figure13(B), bth el=trmagneti have equal eff=ts. On Figure 13(C), thep31arity of the voltage applid to theside electrmragnet has hcwev

18、er, to simplify follwirq discussions, it isassunsd tit it does. Since the plarity of an electrcznagnetdepcds onthe direction of electron f104, the,har rmgret is attracbxi in onedirection duri.rgore half-cycle ax? in the other direction during the next4)Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or

19、 networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-FU1.rtulBK-225Aihalf-cycle. Eecause of i- imia, the bar nngnet cannot taun.rapidly- to follw the dW.TI negnaticfield. Usim elxmnsane ts. If the bar magnet is ri?pla with anelectrcmegnet, the sam results are alishsd as when CC was Apreviousl

20、y. an Figures 20(A) d 20(B), the wltagee aied to toth coilsare revers wxler these cmrd.itions,theelgneta ere mtually attractsfi. On Figure 20(C), the Cormsdions tothe aiils are reversed; thelwer magnatkculdtum ifit were freelm or amversely, gives anelectrical cut wh.idlis a function of the +ar psiti

21、on of its shaft. mm e transmitter. A tirque transmitter is a unit wtiichelectricallytramanits angular informationaccording to the ysimlition of its rotor with respect to its stator. me rotor pition isdeterndnd mchanimlly or mnually by the informationto be erd result is the tran

22、sformationof arqular data into correspotiirgelectriml values. lbrque transm“tbersare normlly mnnectd to othertorque syndnms (rivers, differentialivers, or differentialtrenmittera) . Urtiercertain conditions,they my be u5e5 as controltral-!smitm . )8Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or net

23、working permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-Ii13EK-22sA3.1.1.2 OJntrol transnuta. lXtX!ptfor kirq Cmnectd onlytocnntrol transfonnereor wntrol differential transmitters,cnkrxJltransmitters perform the Sam function as tozque transnu“tt ht in testing certein SX2XVUclumacteristics,ancle control i

24、s often useful. tier suti cmxiitiom, the elemntsrevolved are frequently referred to as an opm servo loop.3.4.2 Clcsef3-cvcle control. Clcsed-cle control refers to nomslactuation of the systi by the diffemme tetween input ard cutfut dab,with the feedkad device operative.10IIProvided by IHSNot for Res

25、aleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-M33ADEK-225A3.4.3 inums mntrol mntimms control i5wsdtn describeationofsamo syetemonitsl,of theSllnllnesaof the error. Allsystem considered inthie Lxxlkexercissmntimme amtrol; lnxmar, there aresystems hhitidomt.3.4.4 pwiatim. lha

26、 deviatifm or of a eerm is the diffe.reru3m-.3.4.5 lone1. Iheerror sigralorvol ie thecormdiva sigmlsdwelopd in the system by a differema betwen-.inplt.sd3.4.6 ml. mstrment Smms.errl pc$m.reemosare designations M to classify-. ati tsemois omrstedat l-than 100wattamaxinumOJntinuousc%ut. A SenmUtm whce

27、e rati.nqthisaucamtiscalleap=.4.1 GSmSlral. A )cmdldge of unit cmxwt.ion d daracterieti=will prwide a tettar un5eretan5irq of eynduo ation. As statedprwicu.sly, are, in effect, trensformre Whr6a Pri.unry-tisecomky czmplirg my te varied by physically -* the relativeorientation of the two wtiirys. Mis

28、 is accnpliehxl ,j7ymxnt one ofthe windings so that it is free to -te inside the other. IIEinnernuvable wirciingis rolled the rotor; ad the cuter, usually stationary,wi.niiq is called the ator. Ilw2rotormneiet230f either one or threeroils M on sheet steel laminations. me Stator normally ansists ofth

29、ree roils hwurriin interm lly slotted laminations. In scam un.ils,therotor is the primary ard the stator is the eecm the S3 to S2 voltige will akcut 16 vulte alsa in phasewith the RI to R2 voltage; ti the S2 to S1 voltage will k simk 85 volts,180 dees cat of ass with the Rl b R2 voltage. li.lthmghth

30、e tames onFigure 34 resemble ti.m graphs of AC vmltages, they shcw only themriations in effective voltage amplitude end ese es a function of therotor ition. In a tire graph, the horizontal axis wmld shw the timrather than rotor p2sition.4.7 ivers. lbrque reivere, usually called re.ceimre, areelectri

31、mlly identiml to torque transmitters of the sam size. In scznesizes of etamkd symhrcs, Uniw are desigmtd as tnrqua reeivere, ht.may te usd es either transmittersor receivers. mass unite are allatorque receiver-transmitters.4.7.1 Rotor mvemnt. Noznnlly the -iver ia Umestrail-lExieXDeptfor brush ti ir

32、q friction. Waanpwar is first epplieslto asystem,the transm,utterition guickly dmnges; or if the receiver is ewitdiedintmthe system, thereiver rotorturnsto to the psition ofthe transzu,“tterrotor. mis sudden rrotioncan cause the rutor ti c6cilleti(swingbck al-dforth) arourd the =iti. -t dus ti thesi

33、milarity between aymhrcs erd single-ase ion mtnrst the rotnrmY SPin if f=t encqh. sane methcd of prevmting exces-siwc5cillatiom or spinning mst te US05. In smll units, a retxmiing action13Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-HDBK-22SAm

34、y be prcducd by a ahoti wi.rding on the quadrature axis, at rightangles to the direct axis. M larger unik, a ical device knmn asan inertia danper is mre effective. Several variations of the inertiaClanpSrarein-. Dr020fthemre amnmn typs mnsists of a hmvy brasfleel which is free tn rotate arcuml a km.

35、h attached to the rutorshaft. A tension spring cm the hshirq ruks against the fly.heel causingthan to turn together during twnml cpsration. If the rotor shaft turns orten3s to change its sped or direction of rotation su+denly, the inertia ofthec3sr the irrg corxiition.4.7.2 8tator voltame rmuircd to

36、 us ition rotor. Figure 34 ehcwstuth the vultages induced in the stator as a furction of rotor peition,a.rdthe voltages which must ke ali05 to the stator to turn the rotnr to adestisd ition.4.8 llxble remivers. mere are certain applications when thers on tw i.rdicatordials are to ke cmpred or add+.

37、Follm-the-nter arqle-reader dials in a Gun Dir-r Train Irrimtor System aregccd examples of such usage.4.8.1 Follm%he-minter dials. In this type, two dials are rmntedmncentrically. When the imiice.son tie inner ad cutex dials are alignsd,the actual gun psition ard tie gun train order are in agreenent

38、.4.8.2 Amle-reader train dials. Ihesedials are alsa crrc=mtric. mecuter dial is driven by a receiver .supplisdwith l- data, ard isgraduated in 10-dsgree -emnts. me inner dial, driven by a r-iversupplied with 36-sFeed data, is graduatsd in kmth ad minu hver, q =UI mntml K= anplifyirq deviceswh

39、i - nuve these heavy loads. Fbr such applimtions, a mntroltremsformr is used. Figure 36 is a antm vi of a typical mntroltransformer (Cl)with a drum rotor. Ma winiings are effectiw+y “trat=d =re . _izti is suied b thestator wirrlirqsfrm either a transmitter (C2(or TX), or differentialtransmitter (C13

40、Xor mX). The mgmtic field mtd by the atatnrcurrents mrrespmis in psition to the pition of the field in the SUFPIYW W =cititim”. By transfonrer action, a ml- isinilcedintherotoror S 1=s =e = is rir. at hi=frsquency; (2)the nunkr of primary turn5; fewer turns are rsquirsd athigher frqerq; ad (3)tie nu

41、mber of semndary turns; redu- inproportion to reduction in nurkr of primary turns.4.13 Sm2hro characteristics.4.13.1 me. ltmqueis si.rplya measure of hw nmtiload a machinecan tuzll. In torque .synchros,only small lcwl.eare turned; therefore, onlya small amount of torque is rirsd. Ibrqueis expresssd

42、as the prcxiuctof the fore? ard the distance frcrnthe line of action to tie center ofrotation. In heavy nkatiinery,torque may k expressd in IXIurri-feet, htin syrx2hrc6,torque measurements are in curce-i.ndes (oz-in). Consider thearrarqement on Figure 38, where leys of different sizes are attachsd t

43、o aShaft. Whm the plley radius is one inch, the torque requird to lift theattitied 6cunce weight is 6 oz-in. When tie pulley radius is two ties,the torque required td lift the =am weight is 12 oz-in. Inaeasiq tiedi (2) a special plley was attached to the shaft of theunit er b2st ad weights were .suspmdsd frrm the rim of the pulley;16Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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