1、1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers Initiator, Cartrizc Actuated, Uelay, NllY, Assewbly, loaded witii Cartridge belay, 1.1231, for use witii other propellant actuated ueviccs in aircrew emergency escape systems. 2. MPLICAaiL bOCL?ibSIS 2.1 The follming documents OE the issue in effect on date OE
2、invi- tation for bicis or request for proposal form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein: SltCIIICATImS Milit ary PIIL-A-25 50 Ammunition and Special Weapons, General Specification For Pliii t ary XIL-STd-lQ 9 NIL-STU-416 ;is- 2 87 4 1. luu IXS :-tuiii tr ions Conimand F 11 7
3、2 ti 5 O 3 FS718142 F 8 7 9 8 143 ILLii726503 Sampling Procedures axid Tables for In- Qiiality Assurance Term anti definitions Sampling Proccciures ancl lalles for SpcctiOAi bjj AttriLutcs Inspection by Variables for Percent Uef ective hose Assembly, jetaciiablt: Lnd Pitting, Necl ium Pres sur e Ini
4、tiator, Cartridge Actuateci, Delay, 21114, Ass emb ly Uox, Packing, Amrrunition for Initiator, fielay, Kl in Film Container M330 Loritainer , lpiber , tlmxmiiioii, $1398 for initiator, iielay, Cartricize Actuated, MN, ?130, IGl, 332, X42, X43, M72 or m.14, Cartridge Actuated, Delay, KLl$, Assembly -
5、 Inspection Lqdpr.icnt List for Initiator, - -.i: 8 urr.- The part shall not have a burr wriicii mipt interfere with the assembly or function of the item, or which might be injurious to personnel ianciling the item. 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without licen
6、se from IHS-,-,-3.5.3 ForciEr: Gatter.- hc part or assetibly siiali iiclt coricain chips, ciir 1:, grease, rust , corrosion or otiier foi-cign mat ter. 4. QCALIY ASStWGCli PROVISIOXS 4.1 Kecponsibility for Inspection.- Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purciase order, the supplier is res
7、ponsible for the perf ormance of al1 inspection requirements specif ied lierein. Except as otherwise speci- fied in tie contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable far the performance of the inspectioil requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Gov
8、ernment. The Government re- serves tie right to perform any of the inspections set forth iii the speci- fication where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. 4.1.1 Quality Assurance terns and definitions.- Reference shall be made to
9、MIL-STU-109 to define quality assurance terms used. 4.1.2 Inspection.- Inspection shall be in accoraance with MIL-A-2550. 4.2 Inspection provisions. 4.2.1 Lot. Submission of product.- The product shall be submitted in accordance with MIL-STD-105. 4.2,1.2 Size of lot.- A lot shall consist of
10、an identifiable group of assembled unts containing metal parts assemblies prodtice by a tiomo- geneous process and loaded with acceptabie cartridges. 4.2.2 Examination,- One hundred percent examination shall be per- formed for all critical defects. Examination for major and niiior defects shall be p
11、erformed on a defect basis in accordance with tne classification of defects using the sampling plan and associated criteria in Table 11. All nonconforming material shall be rejected. The total number of allowable defects per class for either the major or minor classification shall not exceed the acc
12、eptance number of Table II. Four power magnification may be used for inspection of such defects as burr and foreign matter. TASLE II Paj or Xinor Lot Size Sample Size 1-300 10ox 301-800 50 801-1800 90 3 Accept: Rej ect Accept Kei ect Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitt
13、ed without license from IHS-,-,-Pietiiocl of Iiispectioii Cricicai 1. Mixed cartridges visual 2. Pktnl defective visual 3. O-ring missing visual 4. Sealing disc missing, damaged or improperly vi sua i secured Ma j or 101. O-ring split, cut or cracked 102. Foreign matter Minor visual visual 201. Case
14、 scratched, wrinkled, bu-ged or dented visual visual 202. Varnish missing or inadequate Assenlbly, brawinp, F117205U3, less Urawirigs 38353536, ii593298, 9859485b. D8594557, D85946b0 and Li10521032. Critical 1. Set screw missing Paj or 101. Thread damaged 102. Burr 103. Foreign matter visual
15、 visual visual visual binor 201. Case scratched, wrinkled, bulged or dented visual 202. Varnish missing or inadequate visual AsseiCd) .- I- . - Jefect Xe th or! of Ics pec ti on ICii. ZireaG Gamaged 132. iurr 103, Foreign matter visual visual visual Xinor None defined Assembly, Drawi
16、nj: F11726503, less urawings 28359536, B8593298 and DS594857. Critical 1. Cartridge loose 2. Cartridge retainer loose 3. Metering groove of cartridge 4, retainer missing miss ing idongated hole of cartridge retainer lianual and visual Xanual and visual visual visual None defined 4inor Xone defined 4
17、.2,2.5 Assembly. Drawing F11726503. less Drawings E8359536 and B8593298. Critical 1. Location of cartridge retainer 2. 3. Any part missing 4. Improper assembly 5. Shear pin not engaged in firing pin Foreign matter in gas port Haj or 101, Length from firing pin housing boss face to gas port face, max
18、. gage gage visual visual visual 5 e I - P Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- (contd) LeFect 201. Varnish rissins or inadequate 202. Location of label incorrect 203. iiarrier material missing from set screw 4.2.2. G Assembly, Dra
19、wing F11726503. Critical 1. Marking missing, incorrect or illegible Najor 101. Height of cap, max. 102. Cap set screw missing, loose or above flusli Pinor 201. Total length, max. 202. Location of marking incorrect 203. 204. Protective finish inadequate or defective Shipping cap or plug missing 4.2.2
20、.7 Container Fiber, Drawing CS798143. Critical: Bone defined Xajor: Xone defined Ptinor 201. Gap between body and cover, max. 202. Contents loose 203. Hetal ends loose or distorted 204. Cut or cianiagecl through all unpregnated layers 205. i-arkinA missing, incorrect or illegible 2G6. Tape incomplet
21、e or badly wrinkled 207. Leiigtli of tear tab, min. 208. Colar of tape incorrect Ketimd of Iaspecton visual visual visual visual %e vi sua 1 visual vis II a 1 manual manual manual visual visual visual visual visual 30s. Packinp, Drawinp, C879S142. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction
22、 or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Defect Critical: None define Hajor: None defined: Minor 201. Contents loose 202. Hardware missing, loose, broken or 203. Strapping missing, loose, broken or improperly engaged improperly ass embled impr Oper ly ass embled 204. Contents of box exp
23、osed 205. Sox damaged 206. Marking missing, incorrect or illegible 207. Number of units incorrect 208. Car seal missing, unsealed or improperly pos itioneci Method of Inspection manual Nanual and visual Nanual and visual visual visual visual visual visual 4.2.3 Inspection testinK.- The following tes
24、ts shall be performed in accordance with 4.3. Breakaway torque.- Each initiator shall be subjected to a breakaway torque application. Failure of any initiator to comply with the requirements of 3.2 shall be cause for rejection of the assembly. Residual maEnetism.- Each assembly shall
25、 be subjected to the test for excessive residual magnetism. Failure of any assemblqr to comply with the requirements of 3.3 shall be cause for rejection of tne assembly . Functional.- The following test shall be performed by the Government . Eal1istcs.- Twenty one units shall be te
26、sted to determine compliance with requirements of 3.4.1, 3.4.2 and 3.4.3. The units shall be temperature conditioncd as provided in Table III and variables sampling plan of MIL-STD-414, example C-2 or C-3, as applicable for the AQL listed in table shall be used for each sanpie of 7 uxiitr
27、s. Failure of any unit to comply with the requirements of 3.4.1, 3.4.2 and 3.4.3, or failure of a sample to meet the criteria of the variables saw pling plan shall be cause for rejection of the lot. The TABLE III Temperature Sample Size a -65 to -70F 65 to 75F 209“ to 205“ 7 7 7 o. 65Z O. 65; C. 65%
28、 7 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4.2.4 Znspection equipment.- llie examication znd tests shall De nacia using ecuipxsnt listed on IEL11726503. 4.3 Test Nethods and Procedures. 4.3.1 Ereakaway torque.- A torque wrench set at the torq
29、ue require- ment specified in 3.2 shall be used in conjunction with the fixture to determine the adequacy of the joint. The torque shall be applied to the cap. res i the 4,3.2 Residual map=netism.- The initiator shall be tested for excessive .dual magnetism in an area free of local magnetic effects
30、by placing initiator six inches fron and at the same height as the compass in a - north-south horizontal position (cap end at south) witn the compass set in an east-west liending. The initiator shall be moved slowly past the compass in a longitudinal direction for its entire length, rotated 90 degre
31、es in the horizontal position about its longitudinal axis and moved slowly back past the compass. rotation of the initiator. Tiiis procedure shall be repeated for each 90 degree 4.3.3 Functional. 3allistic.- The test sample shall be rigidly supported in the fixture. The sample shall be teste
32、d within 5 minutes after removal fron the conditioning chamber. When this time limit is exceeded the sample unit shall be reconditioned in accordance with, Tenperature conditioning.- A standard 11114 initiator, loacled with a dummy H231 cartridge, containing a temperature sensiti
33、ve element, shall be placed in the conditioning the samples. The conditioning time shall be than the time necessary to bring the element tridge to the required temperature. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Packing and markinRe- Packing and ance with Drawings (28798142 and C8798143. chamber at the sam
34、e time as a minimum of 1 hour longer contained in the dummy car- marking shall be in accord- 6. SOTES 6.1 Orderin? data.- Procurement documents should specify Illie title number arid ate of this specification. 6.2 A meciianical failure is defined as any deformation or breakage of a part, the occurre
35、nce of wbicn is other than a design function. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- .3 igniriori eay is define as the time that lapses between tne fi-; ,Ang of the pressure eleinent and the beginning of the continuous pressure rise on tiir pressure time record. Custodian : Army - HU Preparing activity: Amy - XU Project No. 1377-A333 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-