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1、 MIL-I-L7545A b m 7777906 OLL7378 3 m , MIL-I- 19545A( SHIPS) 15 June 1956 SUPERSEDING 14 June 1956 MIL-I-l9545(snPs) MILLTARY SPECIFLCATION INSECTICIDE, BENZENE HEXACHLORIDE CONCENTRATE LIQULD (9 PERCENT GAMMA ISOMER) (FOR OUTSIDE USE) 1. SCOPE 1.1 This sp cif ication covers insecticide, liquid, be

2、nzen e h exachlor le concentrate suitable for outdoor use in the control of flies and mosquitoes resistant to DDT. 2. APPLICABLE DOUCMENTS 2.1 The following specifications and standards, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification: SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL

3、PPP-B-729 - Drums: Metal 55-Gallon (for Shipment of Non- PPP-D-760 - Drums and Pails, Metal (5 and 16.64 Gallon). corrosive Materials). MILITARY MIL-D-3716 - Desiccants (Activated) for Dynamic Dehurnid- if i c ation NAVY DEPARTMENT General Specifications for Inspection of Material. STANDARDS FEDERAL

4、 FED-STD-791 - Lubricants Liquid Fuels and Related Products; Methods of Testing. FED. SUP CLASS. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-I-ICYSA b = 7799906 0337377 5 W MLITARY ML-STD- 105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables for ML-STD-129 -

5、 Marking for The following label data shall be durably. and legibly marked on the main panel of the body by lithographing, stenciling or printing with a noncorrosive, weather-resistant, waterproof ink which will not smear nor rub off during han;. dling. If dl of the label data cannot be applied due

6、to being too voluminous, that Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL -% - 19 545A( SHI PS) portion, such as the mixing instructions and directions for use maybe pl$cec c#) a label made of white paper containing not more than 15 pepept wi

7、bleaclped m ground wood pulp and having a smooth finish. Labels shall be securely affixed. in plac with water-resistant label adhesive as specified in section 3 of Stand- ard MIL-STD-129 and shall be waterproofed by coatinq the entire outer surface of ae label with the same adhesive: IN$ECTICJ.DE, B

8、ENZENE HEXACHLORIDE CONCENTRATE, LIQ.UIP, (9 PERCE%T GAMMA:ISOMER) (FQRQEl? be applied at the rate of 2 quarts per acre ;(an application sate of about O, 125 p8und gamma:BC per acre). Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-_ MIL-I-L9545A b W

9、 99999Ob OLL7382 5 W 2, Ground sprays. - (a) Fogs (mosquito adults). - . One part of insecticide shall be diluted with 4-1/2 parts of fuel oil to make a 2. O percent gamma BHC solution (will contain agproximately O. 167 pound.: gamma per gallon$;. Spray.sW be applied at the rate of 35 gallons per ho

10、mma BHC per acre). b Mists (mosquito adults). - A 2. O percent gamma BHC solu- tion shall b e diluted with fuel oil as detailed above. Spray shall be applied at the rate of 70 gallons per hour with a vehicular speed of 5 miles per hour (this treats a 200 foot swath, qr 24 acresper mile of front, at

11、the rate of O. 10 poyd gamma BHC per acre). Some larvicidal action will be obtained with this treatment. (c) Sprays, larvicidal (mosquito larvae). - .A 2. O percent gamma BHC solution shdl be diluted with fuel oil as detailed above. Spray shall be applied at a rate which will give an.application of

12、Oc 1 pound of gamma BHC per acre (approximately 3 quarts) for draining areas and of 1. O pound of gamma BHC per acre (approximately 6 gallons) where a long r%ilual effect is desired (this dosage is injurious to some forms of wildlife). Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permi

13、tted without license from IHS-,-,-F,“;I 1, i :!.i: : 4 1 A( SIiZ I S) 4. QIJALIIY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Sarnplinq for acceptance inspection. - 4,LI Lot; - For purposes of sampling a lot shall consist of all hsrxkicide of the: sain and offered or delivery at one time, 4.1.2 amplinq for exarninatlo

14、nof fUed Containers. - A random sample of filled containers shall be selected from each lot offered for Government inspection in accordance with Standard MIL-STD-105 at Inspection Level I, an Acceptable Quality Level (A. Q. L.) = 2.5 percent defective to verify compliance with all stipu- lations of

15、this specification regarding fill, closure, marking and other require- ments not involving tests. 4, I. 3 Samplinq for tests. - From each lot offered for Government tests two containers shall be selected at random. From each of the two containers enough insecticide to perform tests shall be taken an

16、d placed in separate clean, dry metal or glass containers, sealed, marked and forwarded to the testing laboratory desig- nated by the bureau or agency concerned. in accordance with 4.1.2 shall be examined by the Government inspector for defects of the container and the closure, for evidence of leaka

17、ge, and for unsatisfactory markings; each sample filled container shall also be weighed to determine the amount of the contents. Any container in the sample, having one or more defects, or under required fill, shall be rejected and if the number of defective containers in any sample exceeds the acce

18、ptance number for the appropriate sampling plan of Standard MIL-STD-105, the lot represented by the sample shall be rejected. Rejected lots may be resubmitted for acceptance inspection tests provided that the contractor has removed or repaired all nonconforming containers. * 4.2 Examination of fille

19、d containers. - Each sample filled container selected 4.3 Acceptance inspection tests. - The sample specimens selected in accord- ance with 4.1 3 shall be subjected separately to the tests specified in 4.4. If eitkr specimen fails one or more of these tests, the lot shall be rejected. Rejected lots

20、may be resubmitted for acceptance inspection tests provided the contractor has rernowd or reworked all nonconforming products. 4.4 .Test procedures. - Test procedures shall be as follows: 4.4.1 Appearance and stabilitv at 80“ F. - With the concentrate at 80 5.10“ F. , exambe for clarity, homogeneity

21、 and undissolved material. 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-I-L75Ll5A 68 W 7779706 OLL738LI 7 W liii:Z-I-L9c;5%(SNIPS) 4.4.2 Appearance 9nd:stability at 32F. - Store a sample of the material in glass at 32 + 2F- for 4 days, seed

22、with a crystal of lindane and continue storage for 4 weeks, Examine as in 4.4.1. 4.4.3 Flash point. - The flash point shall be determined with the Tag Closed Cup Tester aS specified in Method 110.1 of Standard FED-STD-791, 44.4 Gamma isomer content (by partition chromatography). 4.4,4.1 Apparatus an

23、d reaqents. - The apparatus and reagents to be used are those described in sections 5.149 and 5; 150 Qf the WfficialMethods of Anaysis of the Association of Official Agricultural Chemistt 10 F. , add 5 mR, of concentrate to 95 ma. of Dieseloil contained in a 100 ma, mixing cylinder, Mix thoroughly a

24、nd .examine for phase separation or sedimentation or both, Store at test temperature for 24 hours and reexamine, 4.5 inspection procedures. - For Naval purchases, the general inspection procedures shall be in accordance with General Specifications for Inspection of Material. 5, PREPARATION FOR DELIV

25、ERY 5.1 Packaqincr. - The concentrate shall be furnished in 5 gallon drurns or 55 galion drums as specified in the contract or order as follows: 5.1.1 Five mllon drums. - The drums shall confrom to type I, class 1, of Specification PPP-D-760, The interior and exterior of the drums shall be coated as

26、 specified In. Specification PPP-D-760 :(see 6.3). 5,l. 2 FWtv-five aallon drums. - The drums shall conform to type U. of Speci- fication PPP-D-729. The interior of the drum shall be lined as specified in 5.1,l (see 6.3). The exterior of the drum shall be coated as specified inspecifica- tion PPP-D-

27、729. 5.2 Markina,.- Xn, addition to any special marking specified in the contract OF order, each Shiipphg container shall be marked in accordance with Stand- ard MIL-STD-129 and 3.4. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- flIL-I-195LI5A b W

28、 7779906 OLL7386 2 U bat-1- 19 545q SIIIPS) 6. NOTES U. 1 Orderinq data. - Procurement documents should speciiy the following: (a) Title, number, .and date of this specification (b) Whether 5-gallon drums or 55-Won drums m?e required (see 5.1). 6.2 The following ingredients are considered suitable f

29、or use hformulating a concentrate capable of meeting the requirements 3,l and 3.2: (a Benzene hexachloride - BHC of not less than 36 percent gamma (b) Solvent - “Velsicol AR-BO” - Velsicol Corp, , Chicago, X and the fact that, the Government may have formulated, furnished, or in any way supplied the

30、 said draw.ings, specificatiork, or other data is not to be regarded by implication or othervise as in any manner licehsing the.holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying an$ rights or permission to manu- facture, use, or sell any patented invention that ma$ in any way be related thereto. Preparing activity: Navy - Bui*eau.of Ships f . i .; Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-

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