NAVY MIL-I-22802-1961 CONTROL-MONITOR DCU-75 A《DCU-75 A控制监控》.pdf

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1、T;“ . . f- 3 MIL-1-22802 58 W 777790b OL5Lb73 T M lL4-22802 (WEPI I MARCH 1961 MILITARY SPECIFICATION InfUght Monitor and Control, Fighter Aircraft Version, T-249A This specification has been approved by the Bureau of Naval Weapons, Department of the Navy. 1. SCOPE Sco e - The equipmnt covered by th

2、is specification shall -f 1.1 monitor and caitro 2, APPLICABLE DOCLJIENTS certain airborne armanient stores. t 2.1 I General - The following docknts of the issue in effect on the data of in- for bids form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein: SPECIFICATIONS 8 Militaq MXL-W-508

3、8 Wiring, Aircraft, Installation of I- * mL-E-5 Preproduction and Inspection, for Aircraft Electronic Equipment, Format for 1 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS - PAGES. IFSC 5821 1 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-flIL-I-22B02 5 H 777770b 0151674

4、 1 H rnL-1-22802( WE?) STANDARDS Niita+y MIL-STU-704 Electric Power, Aircraft, Characteristics and Utilization of 13I L-STD-3102 Connectors-Electrical, Receptacles, Box Hou nti ng Connections, Input Power Airborne Electronic Equipment; 28-Volt DC; ll5-Volt Slngle- Phase AC, or 115/200 Volt 3-Phase A

5、C, or Combinations Kf L-STD-25245 PUBLICATIONS , Gureau of Naval Weapons SISR-300 Material Changes and Material Eulletins, Preparation of Bureau of Naval Keapons DLhOA99-1 List of hawings, Inflight Monitor and Zontrol T-249A Fighter Aircraft Version List of Supplementary Documents, Inflight Monitor

6、and Control T-249A Fighter Air- craft Version DUOA99-2 2.2 fivailability of Documents (1) When requesting specifications, standards, drawings, and publications refer to both title and number. of this specification and apI;licable specifications required by contractors in connection with specific pro

7、curement functions may be obtained upon application to the Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Depot, Code Cas, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia 20, Pennsylvania. Copies , 3. REQUIWNTS fulfillment of major design obJectives shall be the prime consideration. so doing the following shall govern: 3.1 Parta

8、 and Materials - In the selection of parts and materials, In (1) 2) Parts and materials requirements shall conform to Specfica tion IL-E-Loo. Nonrepairable subassenblies, as outlined in specif ica- tion YJL-E-5400, shall be used when practicable. general size of the subassembly, and the amount of Th

9、e 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-22802 58 m 7797706 CIL51675 3 m circuitry to be included therein shall be approved by the procuring activity. Nonrepairable subassemblies must be reliable. than 5000 hours should be the goal o

10、f each. When previously produced models of this equipment did not use nonrepairable subassemblies, the design shall not be changed to employ nonrepairable Pswmblies without the approval of the procuring activity. k mean-tim!-to failure of more (3) 3.1.1 Nonstandard Parts and Material Approval - Appr

11、oval of the use of nonstandard parts and materials shall be obtained as outlined in Specification MIL-E-5400. 3.2 Design ard Construction - 3.201 General - The equipment shall conform with all the applicable requirements ofmication MIL-E-SLOO for design, construction, and workmanship, unless otherwi

12、se apecified herein. cables, shall be a minimum consistent with good design and shall not exceed 2 pounds. 3.2.2 Ttal Weight - The total weight of the equipment, excluding 3.2.3 Operating Life - Total Operating Life - The equipment shall have a minimuni totab operating life of 50,000 cycles

13、of operation with reasonable servicing and replacement of parts. and the life of such parts shall be specified by the manufacturer. Parts requiring replacement within this interval Mean Operating Time Between Failures - The equipment shall have a minim of 10,000 cycles of operation between f

14、ailures. A failure ahall be defined a8 any malfunctioning which causes the equipment to fail to meet the minimum performance requirements specified for the equipment . Cycle of Operation - One cycle of operation of the equipment (1) shall be defined as follows! il I ti The equipment shall be

15、 energized with 27.5 C 0.5 volts DC and the current through each circuit to an external resistive load shall be 5 amperes. Rotary Switch S101 shall be cycled from theOFF position through WE, GRD and AIR; and then returne ti to the OFF position. Toggle Switch 5102 shall be operated from the NOZ4 P%H

16、position to EMER fiTi and then returned to the NOX4 PAR 2 (2) 1 (3) position. p 3 . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-22802 58 9999906 OLSLb7b 5 MIL-I-22802(WEP) (4) (5) Relay K2 shall be energized and de-energized causing lamp DS

17、l03 to glow. The press-to-test feature of the lamp DSl03 shall be operated cauaing DS103 to glow. Panel lamps Bi01 and DS102 shall glow during the (6) entire cycle of operation. 3.2.h Cablinn and Connections - Cables and Connector8 - lha equipment shall provide for use interconnectio

18、n Cabling - The equipment shall be capable of of cables and connectors in accordance with Specification MIL-E-SLOO. satisfactory operation using external wiring in accordance with the applicable requiremnts of Specification mL-W-5088. The external wiring shall be unshielded, except that a minimum nu

19、mber of the individual wires may be shielded when demonatrated as necessary to meet interference control requiremnts and provided the assembly of the cable to its plugs my be easily accomplished. atbched to the cable shall not be supplied as part of the equipmant. External cables and that portion of

20、 the connectors Input Power Connection - Input connectiom shall be in accordance with MS25245. 3.3.5 Control Panela - The equipment shall conform to the applicable requirements of Spebification MIL-C-6781 with the following exception: (1) Any type fastener approved by the procuring activity

21、may be uaed to fasten the dust cover box to the control panel, The configuration of all control panels must be approved by the procuring activity prior to preproduction testing. 3.2.6 Interchangeability - The equipment shall meet the interchangea- bility requirements a8 defined in Spcification MIL-E

22、-5400. 302.7 Interference Contr.01 - The generation of radio interference by the equipment and the vulnerability of the equipment to radio interference shall be controlled within the limits of Specification MIL-1-6181, 3.2.8 Maintenance Provisiona and Field Teatin - Provisions for maintenance shall

23、be specified in Specification NILE -hou. specific test points and test facilities shall be provided to the greatest extent practicable for ease of field testing and maintenance. 3 02.9 Standard Conditions - The following conditions shall be used - to estbliah norm1 perf ormance characteristics under

24、 standard conditions and for making laboratory bench tests. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-22802 58 W 799970b 0353b77 7 1 MIL-I-22802(fiP) Tempera ture Room ambient (30 - + loo C) Al ti tudo Normal ground Vibration Nona Humid

25、ity Room ambient up to 90% relative humidity 27.5 4 0.5 VDC Service Conditions - The equipmnt shall operate satisfactorily under aw of the environmental service conditions or reasonable combination of these conditions as specified in Specification MIL-E-5L00 for Laes 1 oquipmant. Input power voltage

26、 - 3.2.10 3.2.11 Warm-up Time - The equipment shall be capable of providing the performance characteristics specified herein without the necessity of a warm- up period. all appicable requirements of MIL-STD-704 and shall give specified perf ormance from the f ollming power sonrces with characteris t

27、ics ;as defined in MIL-STD-704 having limits as speclfied therein. Tho power required shall not exceed the specified amounts. 3.2.12 Primary Input Power Requiremnts - The equipment shall met (1) DC Power 28V, Category “B”, 15 Amps. Manual reset is permitted after abnormal operation. performance is r

28、equired only during takeoff, climb, cruise and cruise combat. Full equipment Undervoltage Protection - The equipment shall not be damaged by voltages below the minimum specified herein and shall automtically resume norma1 operation when the voltage returns within limits. 3 .j Performance -

29、3.3.1 General - Unless otherwise specified, values set forth to establish the rments for salisfactory performance apply to performance under both standard and extreme service conditions. When reduced performance under the extreme conditions is acceptable, tolerances or values Betting forzh acceptabl

30、e variations from the performance under the standard conditions will be specified, 3 *3 *2 Control Characteristics - The equipnent shall provide means to exercise directing and restraining influence over certain airborne arrrament stores as follows: (1) Select the following store operationai statest

31、 OFF SAFE GRU AIR r* 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-22802 58 77777Ob OL51b78 7 W MIL-1-22802 (dEP) , (2) (3) Select between normal power supply and emergency power supply Supply primary DC power for the store, independently o

32、f ths selected operational atate, when the condition of the store does not correspond to the selectod operational state Prevent unintentional operation of the parer aelector switch. (4) (5) Prevent unintentional operation of the store operational state selector switch from the OFF or.SnEE position t

33、o the GRU or AIR position. 3.303 Monitorinp; Characteristics - The equipment shall provide a visual indication that the condition of the store corresponds to the selected store operational state. visual indicator, means to verify the ability of this indicator to function. The equipment shall incorpo

34、rate, as part of this 3.1, Detail Requirements - 3.401 Inflight Monitor and Control, T2 or through pins B and k of connector 5101, SlOlU, K2, pins j and h of connector 5101 shall each be capable of switching 2.5 amperes DC motor load or 5 amperes DC resistive load and be capable of supplying i5 ampe

35、res DC continuously. combined continuous load on circuits through pin j and pin h of connector 5101, shall not exceed fi amperes DC. shali ba capable of continuously carrying and switching a 5 ampere resistive or a 2.5 ampere inductive DC load. I The maximum (3) ll loop paths through SlOU, SlOiB, Sl

36、OlC, and S102 (4) U1 loop paths through pins F, H, and 2 of connector 5101 shall be capable of carrying 5 amperes D.C. continuously. , (5) Oround wire through pin a of connector 5101 shall be capable of carrying 5 amperes DC continuously. 4. QUALITY ASSUEIANCE PROVISIONS subjected to thewing tests t

37、o, determine compliance with ali applicable requirements a 4.1 General - Items covered by this specification shall be (1) ?reproduction Tests (2) Production Sample Tests (3) Acceptance Tests (4) Life Tests L. 2 Preproduction Tests - Preproduction tests shall be made on one or more equipmnts represen

38、tative of the production equipments to be supplied under the contract. ?reproduction tests shall consist of the followingr ( 1) Contrac tor s Demonstration Tests (2) Service Approval Tests Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-22802 5

39、8 m 797770b 0353680 7 m I 4.3 Froduction Sample Tests = *en requested by the procuring activity, one equipmnt shall be selected from the first ten production equipments submitted for acceptance and sent to a designated government laboratory for test, The equipment shall be solected by the government

40、 inspector after the equipment has successfully pssed all individual tests. IHIL-I-O(WEP) . 4.2.1 Contractors Demonstration Tests - Contractors demonstration tests shall be accomplished under the responsibiity of the contractor and shall be conducted in accordance with the approvedxtest procedure of

41、 4.6, Data ob- tained by the contractor in conducting these tests shall be submitted to the procuring activity for review and approval prior to shipping the equipmnt to th“ specified destination for service approval tests. and the procuring activity shall be advised when tests are to be conducted SO

42、 that a representative my be designatedto witness or supervise the tests when so desired. tests shall obtain the service of a commercial testing laboratory satisfactory to the procuring activity. Service Approval Tests - kt the completion of the contractors demonstration tests and when requested by

43、the procuring activity, the equipmnt shall be deivered to a specified government laboratory for additional testing. This additional testing my consist af duplicating tests previously conducted and such other tests as are deemed necessaw to determine compliance with all applicable design and Performa

44、nce requirements. mitted for service approval tests, the contractor shall also submit the accesuory material and design and test data specified in Specification MIL-E-5400. characteristics of the equipment and establish the equipments compliance with applicable requirements . Scope of Tests - Prepro

45、duction tests shall include all tests deemed necessary to determine that the equipmnt meets all the requiremnts of this specification and the contract. environmental tests in accordance with Specification AIL-T-5422 and interference tests in accordance with Specification MIL-1-6181. shall be by the

46、procuring activity upon satisfactory completion of all tests. No production equipmonts shall be delivered prior to the approval of the preproduction model. approval of the preproduction model is at the contractors own risk. approved preproauction model will be returned to the contractor for his us8

47、in the fabrication and testing of equipment to be submitted for acceptance. The preproauction model shall not be considered as one of the equipments under the contract; haever, it may be reworked bj- the contractor and aubmi ttec for acceptance as a production equipment . The government inspector Co

48、ntractors not having adequate facilities to conduc+ (11.1 required 4.2.2 h.2.2.1 Accessory Material - In addition to the complete equipment sub- This information shall indicate the physical and electrical 4.2.3 Preproductkon tests shall include 4.2 .I, Preproduction Approval = Approval of the prepro

49、duction model Prefabrication of production aquipment prior to the The 8 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4.3.1 Scope of Testa - This equipment may be subjected to av and all tests the procuring activity deems necessary to assure that the production equipment is equivapnt to the previously approved preproduction sample In deaign, const


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