1、NIL-I-24739A (3) 42 M 999990b 0478338 3 - c- I INCH-POUND I AMENDMENT 1 24 May 1991 MIL-I-Z4739A(SH) MILITARY SPECIFICATION INFLATION ASSEMBLY, AUTOMATIC/MANUAL, LIFE PRESERVER This amendment forms a part of MIL-I-24739A(SH), dated 12 April 1991, and is approved for use by the Naval Sea Systems Comm
2、and, Department of the Navy and is available for use by all Depannents and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE 3 2.1.2, Under “PUBLICATIONS“, delete the following: “(Copies of this publication are available from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, Catalog No. 0190-LP-128-4800, Building
3、 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 191 11-5094,)“ and substitute: 0 “(Copies of this publication are available from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, Catalog No. 91O-LP-128-4O0, Building 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 1911 1-5094.)“. PAGE 7 3.5.4, Third sentence, delete and
4、substitute: “The gas shall pass through the gas passages in the outlet and shall not pass through any part of the inflation assembly into the atmosphere.“ 3.7.1, End of the paragraph, delete “4.9“ and substitute “4.8.1“ 3.7.2, End of the first sentence, delete “4.9.2“ and substitute “4.8.2“. 3.8, En
5、d of the paragraph, delete “4.10“ and substitute “4.9“. AMSC N/A FSC 4220 DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. PAGE 1 OF 3 . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-I-24739A(SH) AMENDMENT 1 3.9
6、, End of the paragraph, delete “4.11“ and substitute “4.10“. 3.11, End of the paragraph, delete “4.12“ and substitute “4.11“. PAGE 8 3.12, End of the paragraph, delete “4.13“ and substitute “4.12“. 3.13, End of the paragraph, delete “4.14“ and substitute “4.13“. 3.14, End of the paragraph, delete “4
7、.15“ and substitute “4.14“. 3.15, End of the paragraph, delete “4.16“ and substitute “4.15“. 3.17: Delete and substitute: “3.17 Workmanship. The inflation assemblies shall be of uniform quality and free from other defects which could adversely affect performance, reliability, or durability (see 4.16
8、).“ 3.18: Delete and substitute: “3.18 Marking. Each inflation assembly shall have a permanently affixed label with legible and durable letters and numerals in accordance with MIL-STD-130 with the following information: Inflation Assy., Automatic Contract # Mfgr (Name) SER # Lot # NSN (To be assimed
9、) Date of Mfgr 3.19: Add as new paragraph: “3.19 Serial number. Each item shall be identified by individual serial numbers which shall be assigned by the manufacturer (see 6.2). Serialization shall be by a block of consecutive numbers to cover the entire acquisition document quality. Method of marki
10、ng shall be as specified in 3.18. Battery replacement dates unil Il 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-a MIL-I-24739A (1) 42 999990b 0478340 T 9 MILI-24739A(SH) AMENDMENT 1 PAGE 13 4.6.2, Line 13, delete “seven (7)“ and substitute “ten
11、 (10)“. 4.6.3, Line 13, delete “seven (7)“ and substitute “ten (10)“. PAGE 14 4.7.2, Line 2, after “1“ delete “degrees“ and substitute degree“. 4.7.2, Line 5, after “(zero“ delete “i-J and substitute I+ 1“. 4.8.1, End of the paragraph, delete “4.9.2“ and substitute “4.8.2“. 4.8.2: Delete and substit
12、ute: “4.8.2 Explosive atmosphere. The inflation assembly shall be subjected to an explosive atmosphere test in accordance with MIGSTD-810, Method 511.2, Procedure I, with test altitude being sea level and ambient air temperature of 125 it 5 degrees Fahrenheit (52 3 degrees Centigrade.)“ PAGE 15 e 4.
13、10, End of the paragraph, delete “3.11“ and substitute “3.9“. PAGE 16 4.16, End of the paragraph, delete “3.16“ and substitute “3.17“ PAGE 17 6.2, (e), End of the sentence, delete “3.20“ and substitute “3.19“. Preparing Activity: Navy - SH (Project 4220-N377) 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-