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1、MIL-I-50731A 13 W 7797706 0330312 W 5737.14 3 August 193 . SUPERSEDING Sf IL-1-5 O 7 31 (.ft!) 5 August i971 YILITARY SPECIFICATI0:i INITIATOR, PROPELLAJT ACTCATED, DELAY , JAU-3/A25 AS CEMIiT,Y 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers Initiator, Propellant Actuated, Delay, JAU-3IA25, Assembly loaded

2、witti 114 pellets, an M42 primer and a delay element for use in conjunction with other propellant actuated devices in aircrew emergency escape sys tenis. 2. APPLICABLE DOCCXEKTS 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of

3、this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIPICATI1Io:;S Yil i t a r y PIIL-A-:! 5 5 O HIL-It-?5 5 79 Yilitary - Ammunition and Special Xeapons, General - iiose Assembly Tetrafluoroethylene, High Specification for Temperature Power Plant, Aircraft - Samplin;: Procedures and Tables for In

4、spection - Quaiitv Assurance rer:ns and Definitions by Attributes Nun it ions Coamanc! FI1731674 Dg230891 D9280S97 - Initiator, Propellant Actuated, Delay, JAU- - Sox, Fiberboard (Inner) , Packing, 31.425 Assecbly Anmunition far Initiator, Delay (Gas- Subninia ture) !)cl ay (Cas-Subminia ture) - so-

5、 A, Packing, hmmition for Initiator, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-39280893 - Box, Tjiberbokri !-ction .- Unless otherwise specified in the con- tract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspect

6、ion requirements as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the suoplier may use his otm or any other facilities suitable for the perfornance of the inspection requireinents specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. form any of the inspections set fort

7、h in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure simplies and services conform to prescribed re- quirements. The Governcient reserves the right to per- 4.1.1 Qualitv-assurance terms and-Aefinitions.-Rcference shall be made to IIII,-STD-109 to define quality assurance term

8、s used. 4.1.2 1nsnection.-Inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-A-2550. 4.2 First article -s&rnT&. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4.2.1 - Initial production _-_L- saniple.-At the beginning of regular production, a sample shall b

9、e submitted in accoz-ance witti contract requirements and shall consist of 21 assembled initiators for ballistic tests, 50 shear pins, and 10 sets of unassembled parts for visual and dimensional examination and tests. The sample shall be manufactured using the same materials, equipment, processes an

10、d procedures as used in regular production. materials, including packaging shall be the same as used in regular production and shall be obtained from the same source of ,supply. All parts and First article samples and ballistic acceptance tests sainples of ballistic subassemblies shall be su

11、bmitted in accordance with their applicable specification. -I_ Bxaniination and I -. tests.-After _ examination and provisional acceptance at source, the sample shall be inspected for all requirements of the drawings and specifications at a Government laboratory or such other facility specif

12、ied in the contract. Initial pr-cduction failujT:.-Failure of the sample to comply with the requirements of the drawings and specifications shall result in sample disapproval. 4.3 Inspection provisioj-5 4.3.1 LoL. -._ Submission . -_ -.- - of - _product. - - -The product slisll be su

13、biiitted in accord- ance with MII,-CTT)-lO5. Size ?-f-ht-.-A lot shall consist of an identifiable group of assenbled units containin3 metal parts assemblies produced by a homogeneous process and loaded with acceptable exyilosive and pyrotecnic cofiponents. 4.3.2 Cxamtntji-.-One hundred perce

14、nt esoinination stiall be performed for all critical defects. Examination or major and minor defects shall be performed on a defect basis in accordance with the classification of defects contained herein, usin: the snniplinq plans and associated criteria in Tables 11 and III. For an indiviciiial dci

15、cct (single characteristic), the criteria in Table II shall be used. For total dcfectc witliin a major or minor group the ertteria in Table III shall be used. AL3 non-conforciinc, material shall be itejected. Inspection for rubber O-rin?.s s!iall be in accordance with MIL-STD- 413. The surface roume

16、ss comparison specintens prescribed in ASA U46.1 shall be used as a Liasis of comparison for siirface rougliness deteridination. power (4X) magnificarion may be used in perforning visual examination for such defects as burr and foreign matter. Four 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or n

17、etworking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL - 1-5073l-A (MU) 4.3.2 (Contd) I TABLE 11 ilajor Sample s-ze AcceKt Relect -.I_ -I - -. -.- Lot Size 1 - 300 100% Examination - - 301 - 1300 110 1 2 1301 - 3200 150 2 3 3201 - 8000 225 3 4 8001 - 22000 300 4 5 TAYLE III - - Total Allowable Defects

18、 per S-le Size Sample Size or PIajor I_- Defects 110 150 - - No. of Defect in Class -II- - 2-3 4-7 8 - 19 20 - 43 over 43 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 8 No. of Defects in -.- Class - 2 -3 4 -7 8 - 16 17 - 45 over 48 2 3 3 4 4 5 6 s 8 11 linor Accept Reject 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 - - 225 300 3 4 4 5 5 7 8 10 Il 14 225

19、 300 4 5 5 7 8 10 11 14 17 20 Pin, Firing, 9w. Cl1738410 ceveririo, a detall of DwkC11731492 I -I- - .- - _ I-.-I .I_-_ Ffethod of Inspection -.-.-_- Defect _ CRITICA?, 1. Diameter of striker Gase 2. Length of striker Gase 3. Pletal defective Visual ?IrJC)R 101. True position of “O“ ring gro

20、ove with body 102. Concentricity of striker with brciy 103. True positon of shear pin Iinl (Contd) I_- Defect Method of Inspwtion EIIXOR (Cont d) 209. Width of shoulder Gage 210. Diameter of shoulder Gage 211. Total length Gage 212. Diameter of large end Gage 213. Angle at bottom of bore, sm

21、all end Gage 214. Surface finish improper, except as otherwise classified Gage P&,-Ssr, Dwy,. U11731626, covering a detail of Dwg . C11731492 CRITICAL 1. Metal defective Visual MAJOR 101. Diameter, min. 102. Total length, min. 103. Surface finish improper 104. 105, Burr 106. Foreign matter P

22、rotective finish inadequate or defective Gage Gage Visual Visual Visual Visual 201. Diameter, max. 202. Total length Gage Gage Thg. F11731674. CRITICAT, Bracket, Nountinp, DWT- Cl1731624 covcring a detail of Izone defined MAJOR 101. Pitch dianeter of internal. thread, mnx. 102. Major diamete

23、r of internal thread, min. 103. Diameter of mountins holes Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-I-50731A 13 9379906 0330320 7 (Contd) Defect I- MAJOR (Cont d) 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. Length of mounting holes cen

24、ters Height from base to thread hole center Length from shoulder to thread hole center Shoulder radius incorrect Width of shoulder Protective finish inadequate or defective Burr or sharp corner Foreign matter 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 208. 209 210. 211 212. 213. 214. Pitch diameter of inter

25、nal thread, min. ?linor diameter of internal thread, max. Total base length Width of mounting surface (base) Height from base to top of shoulder Thickness of hace Length from center line to base end lountin$ hole location Length of base relief Depth of base relief Base relief location incorrect Angl

26、e of hase relief incorrect Radius, angles, or chamfers missing or incorrect Surface finish inproper MIL-1-507 31A (MU) Method of Inspection Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Visual Y isual Visual Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Visual Delay Element Assembly 0.85 Sec.

27、Delay Drawing F11731584 covering a detail of DWE. F1173L6z4. CRITICAL (see 6.6) 1. Improper assembly X-ray lf and Visual 2. Any part missing X-ray i/ and Visual 3. Mixed ammunition Visual 4. Flash hole missin.? or obstructed Visual 5. Xaricing missing, incorrect or ille-ible Visual 6. Metal defectiv

28、e Visual Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Method of Insp -= V is ua 1 Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,

29、-,-MIL-I-5073LA 13 M 9979706 0330322 O _=_ - mL-1-507 3lh(iU) (Cont d) Defect MAJOR 101. O-ring not lubricat 102. Burr 103. Foreign matter MIXOR None defined AsEeny, Drawing FU731674 CRITICAL 1. Anv part missing 2. Improper assembly 3. Total length, max. 4. Marking missing, incorrect

30、 or illegible MAJOR 101. Gurr 102. ForeiSn matter Method of Inspection Visual Visual Visual X-ray i/ and Visual X-ray i/ and Visual Gage . Visual Visual Visual MINOR 201. Thread sealing compound missing Visual 202. Shipping cap missing Visual 203, Protective finish inadequate or defective Visual l/

31、dicular to the ravs of the x-ray machine. tified, shall be forwarded to the procuring activity. The assembly shall be x-rayed with the loris axis of the initiator perpen- The x-ray negatives, properly iden- Sox, Fiberboard (Inner) I- Packing, I Drawingm280891. CRITICAL Wone defined PHJOT: So

32、ne defined 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-1-50731A 13 m 7777706 0330323 2 m MIL-I-S0731A(!W) (Cont d) Defect MINOR 201. Contents loose 202. Cut or damaged through all impregnated layers 203. Marking missing, incorrect

33、 or illegible 204. Tape incomplete or badly wrinkled 205. Length of tear tab, min. 206. Color of tape incorrect Box, Packing, Drawing D9280892 Method of Inspection Manual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual CRITICAL None defined MAJOR None defined MINOR 201. Contents loose 202. Hardware miss

34、ing, loose, broken or improperly engaged 203. Strapping missing, loose, broken or improperly assembled 204. Contents of box exposed 205. Box damaged 206. Marking missing, incorrect or illegible Manual Visual Visual Visual visual Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wi

35、thout license from IHS-,-,- - MIL-I-5073LA 13 3777706 0330324 4 MIL-I-50731A(MU) 4.3.3 Inspection testing.-The following tests shall be performed in accordance with the provisions of 4.4. 4.3,3,1 Shear pin strength.-Fifty pins from each lot of shear pins tested by the contractor shall be tested for

36、shear strength. Failure of any pin to comply with the requirements of 3.6 shall be cause for rejection of the lot. Protective finish.-Unless otherwise specified, sampling plans and procedures in determination of the acceptability of coated parts and articles submitted by a supplier shall be

37、in accordance with provisions set forth in NIL-STD-105 and MIL-C-68539, Residual magnetism.-Each assembly shall be subjected to the test for excessive residual magnetism, the requirement of 3.3 shall be cause for rejection of the assembly, Failure of any assembly to comply with Break

38、away torque,-Each initiator shall be subjected to the breakaway torque application. Failure of any initiator assembly to comply with the requirements of 3.2 shall be cause for rejection of the assembly. Hermetic seal.-Each initiator shall be subjected to a hermetic seal test. of 3.8 shall be

39、 cause for rejection af the initiator. Failure of any initiator to comply with the requirements Government: Functiona2.-The following tests shall be performed by the Ballistics.-Twenty-one (21) units shall be tested to determine compliance with the requirements of 3.4.1, 3.4.2, and

40、 3.4.3. The units shall be temperature conditioned as provided in Table IV and, Failure of any unit to comply with the requirements of 3.4.1, 3.4.2 and 3.4.3 shall be cause far rejection of the lot. TABLE IV Temperature Sample Size -65 to -70 F 65 to 75O F 2000 to 2050 F 7 7 7 4.3.4 Inspec

41、tion equipment,-The examination and tests shall be made using equipment listed on IE1.-1173164, 4.4 Wt methods and procedures, 6.4.1 Shear pin strength,-After application OE protective finish, the pin shall be Subjected to the shear strength test to determine compliance with 3.6, The test shall be p

42、erformed in the ixture in conjunction with a tensile testing machine. 13 Q Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-5073LA 13 m 7799706 0330325 MIL-I-50731A(MLJ) 4.4.2 Protective finish.-Test procedures for protective inish sa be in acco

43、rdance with the specification referenced on the component drawing. 4.4.3 Breakaway torque.-A torque wrench set at the torque requirement specified in 3.2 shall be used in conjunction with the fixture to determine the adequacy of the joint. female body and male body and (2) between the male or female

44、 body and the body and (3) between the body and the housing. The torques shall be applied (1) between the 4.4.4 Residual magnetism.-The initiator shall be tested for excessive residual magnetism using an approved compass in an area free of local magnetic effects, by placing the initiator 6 inches fr

45、om and at the same height as the compass in a north-south horizontal position (housing end at south) with the compass set in an east-west heading. moved slowly past the compass in a longitudinal direction for its entire length. rotated 90 degrees in the horizontal position about its longitudinal axi

46、s and moved slowly back past the compass. 90 degree rotation of the initiator. The initiator shall be This procedure shall be repeated for each 4.4.5 Hermetic seal_.-The method and procedure for performing the hermetic seal test shall be as approved by the Government. 4.4.6 Functional Ballis

47、tics.-The test sample shall be rigidly supported in the fixture and shall be tested within five (5) minutes after its removal from the conditioning chamber. When this time limit is exceeded the sample shall be reconditioned in accordance with Temperature conditioning.-A standard

48、 JAU-3/A Initiator loaded with dummy IIA pellets and a dummy M42 primer and delay element containing a temperature sensitive element shall be placed in the conditioning chamber at the same time as the samples. 1 hour longer than the time necessary to bring the element contained in the dummy cartridge to the required temperature. The conditioning time shall be a minimum of 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Eling and !larking.-Packing and marking shall be as specified by the procuring activity: D9280891 and D9280893. Level A - Dwgs: D9280891 and D9280892, Level B - Dwgs. 6. NOTES 6.1 Ordering


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