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1、NIL-I-!I5!I50 5B 4777706 O377026 B m MIL-I-85850(AS) 21 JULY 1987 ,“. ? ! I?. *- MILITARY SPECIFICATION INTEGRATED VOICE COMMUNICATIONS SWITCHING SYSTEM This specification is approved for use within the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and is available for use by all departments an

2、d agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the performance characteristics of an Integrated Voice Communications Switching System, hereinafter referred to as IVCSS, to be used primarily at Naval and Marine Corps facilities engaged in Air Traffic Control. T

3、he IVCSS shall provide many operators access to and control of multichannel radiophone, intercom and telephone communications. The IVCSS is the replacement for the current AN/FSA-52(V) and 0A-7621 (V)/FSA-52(V) Communications Control Groups. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents 2.1.1 Spe

4、cification, standards and handbooks. The following S ecifications, standards and handbooks form a part of this specification to t R e extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documents shall be those listed in the,issue of the Department of Defense Index of SDecificat

5、ions and Standards (DODISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation. SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-E- MIL-E- 16400 17555 MIL-P-116 MIL-L-6363 Electronic Equipment, Naval Ship and Shore; General Specification Electronic and Electrical Equipment Accessories and Repair Parts; Packaging and Pack

6、ing of Preservation-Packa in Methods of Lamps, Incandesced, iviation- Service, General Specification for Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Commanding Officer, Naval Air Engineering

7、 Center, Systems Engineering and Standardization Department (SESD) Code 53, Lakehurst, NJ 067336100, by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by tetter. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release, dis

8、tribution is un1 imi ted. AMSC N/A FSC-5895 THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS 3 5 PAGES. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-1-85850 58 m 777770b 0377027 T i MIL-I-85850(AS) STANDARDS FEDERAL FED-STD-595 MILITARY MIL-STD-1 O9 MIL-STD-454 MIL-STD

9、-461 MIL-STD-462 MIL-STD-471 MI L-STD-781 DOD-STD-2167 PUBLICATIONS NAVELEX 0967-874-501 0 NAVELEX 0967-005-9000 NAVELEX 0967-LP-005-9010 NAVELEX 0967-LP-005-9020 NAVELEX 0967-LP-005-9030 NAVELEX 0969-LP-005-9040 EE165-EA-OMI-O1 O/El20 NAVELEX 0281 -LP-071-1200 EE165-EA-OMI-01 O/El20 NAVELEX 0967-LP

10、-429-501 O NAVELEX 0967-LP-428-1 O1 O NAVELEX 0967-LP-544-5010 HANDBOOK MILITARY MI L-HDBK-241 Col ors Qual i ty Assurance Terms and Defi ni ti ons Standard General Requirements for Electronic Equipment Electromagnetic Emission and Suscepti bil i ty Requirements for the Control of Electromagnetic In

11、terference Electromagnetic Interference Characteristics, Measurement OP Mai ntai nabi 1 i ty Demonstration Re1 i abi 1 i ty Desi gn Qual i f icati on and Production Acceptance Tests: Exponential Distribution System Software Deve1 opment Technical Manual for Console Group, Comunication Control AN/FSA

12、-!jZ(V) Technical Manual for Land1 ine Selector Control Group 0A-7261 (V)/FSA-52(V) (Changes 1 adio receivers. Status 1 ights shall be provided to indicate whether the main receiver (green) or standby receiver (amber) is selected. Selector display modules (SDM) . Each SDM shall contain a n

13、umber of six-character alphanumeric word displays equal to the number of third and fourth digits of a radio frequency (RF) display, shall not be 0 selectors in the selector module. Decimal points, for example, between the -7- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted witho

14、ut license from IHS-,-,-MIL-I-85850( AS) counted as one of the six required characters. Each display module shall be 1 ocated in or adjacent to a selector module. The 26 upper case 1 etters “A“ to “2“ and the ten numerals “O“ to “9“ shall be displayed in distinct and unambiguous fashion. Display mod

15、ule words shall be legible in a broad range of ambient light, ranging from total darkness to bright light (not less than 40 foot candl es per square foot) . Variable intensity 1 ightni ng and backlighting shall be provided, as appropriate, under control of the common dimmer control . 3,3.2.1,3 Inter

16、com/telephone direct access switch module (DASM). Each operator control subsystem shall have the capabil i ty to directly access i ntercom/tel ephone channel S . These channel S provi de di rect access to operator positions within the same faci 1 i ty or operator positions at remote facil i ties. Th

17、e module shall contain a minimum of four pushbuttons and shall be expandable in groups of four pushbuttons to a total of sixteen. One pushbutton switch with appropriate indicator light(s) shall be provided for each direct access i ntercomhel ephone channel . Indicator 1 amps shall provide the operat

18、or with instantaneous recognition of pushbutton assignments (i ,e.: Intercom cal 1, intercom monitor, telephone). Pushbutton 1 abel ing shall be provided by removable designation strips adjacent to the pushbuttons or by removable legends within the pushbutton housing. The module shall have the capab

19、ility of accommodating alphanumeric displays (see adjacent to each direct access pushbutton which can be el.ectronically al terable to correspond to the current IVCSS configuration, The DASM shall provide for three distinct modes of intercom operation; intercom call, intercom call with ov

20、erride, and intercom monitor. Pushbuttons and designation strips shall be back1 ighted under control of the common dimmer control . Special function module (SFM). Each operator control subsystem shall have a special function module which includes a pushbutton dial keypad and the fol 1 owi

21、ng additional pushbuttons/i ndicators: Indirect access ( IA) Cal 1 answer (CA) Hold (HLD) Re1 ease (REL) Headset/l oudspeaker (HL) Override headset/l oudspeaker (OHL) Programmable (Qty 2) Each SFM shall contain not less than of 8 pushbuttons (in addi tion to dial keypad buttons) . Each pushbutton (w

22、ith the exception of the hol d and re1 ease) shall have a designation stri p/l egend and status 1 ight. Selection of each pushbutton shall energize the associated status 1 ight. Al 1 pushbuttons shall be momentary type. Back1 ighting of all pushbuttons shall be under the control of the common dimmer

23、 control The requirements for this module shall be as specified below: a . Pushbutton dial keypad. Provides capabil i ty to selectively signal on intercom/tel ephone channel s, to i ni tiate self test and to enter various access codes, Provi des both standard dual tone mu1 ti -frequency (DTMF) and d

24、ial pul se signal i ng capabi 1 i ties . b. Indirect access (IA) pushbutton. When used in conjunction with the pushbutton dial keypad, the indirect button shall be used to initiate intercom and telephone cal 1-S which are not otherwise accessible through a DA pushbutton. All DA accessible parties sh

25、all al so be accessible through use of -8- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-the IA procedure. An indirect access shall be initiated by an ini tia1 operation of the IA pushbutton fol lowed by the appropriate address code entered on the

26、keypad. A self test of the position shall be provided and activated by an indirect access self test code. This feature shall execute test routines in the position processor to perform diagnostics verifying operational status of the position. Appropriate pass or fail indications shall be provided. In

27、 addition, a means for testing all indicator lights shall be included. A reconfigure enable function shall al so be provided which allows an operator to control the timing of the reconfiguration of his position. After system reconfi guration has been i ni ti ated by the supervi sor, the operator pos

28、ition shall receive a vi sual and audible indication that the position is ready for reconfiguration. However, reconfiguration can not occur until the operator executes an indirect access code on the SFM keypad. An audible indication shall then be received at the position indicating that position rec

29、onfiguration is complete. A self reconfiguration function shall also be provided which shall allow each operator to select not less than two of the pre-programmed position maps described in 3.3,2.3.1. The reconf iguration shall be i ni tiated by entering an indirect access code on the SFM keyboard.

30、No other positions shall be affected by this self reconfiguration. The access code shall be changeable. c. Call answer (CA) pushbutton. The cal 1 answer pushbutton shall provide the capabil i ty to answer all calls not directed to DA buttons and provide a visual indication. d. Hold (HLD) pushbutton.

31、 The hold pushbutton shall establ i sh a hold condi tion on al 1 intercom (IA) and telephone cal 1 S, except override cal 1 S, to enable the operator to answer or initiate another call without disconnecting the call on hold. It shall be possible to -establish a hold condition on multiple circuits at

32、 a position simultaneously. The indicator light of each circuit on hold shall wink. A connection shall be reestablished by depressing the button associated with a circuit on hold thereby removing the hold condi tion for that circuit. e. Release (RELI pushbutton. The release pushbutton shall disconne

33、ct the position from any existing intercom or telephone connection except an incoming override call. The release button shall have no status indicators. f. Headset/loudspeaker (HL) pushbutton. Successive operation of the HL- button shall direct the audi o routing of incoming intercom/tel ephone and

34、radio calls either to the headset or to the loudspeaker as chosen by the operator. g . Overri de headset/l oudspeaker (OHL) pushbutton. Successi ve depressions of the OhL pushbuttons shall direct the routing of incoming override cal 1 S either to the headset or the loudspeaker as .chosen by the oper

35、ator, unless the HL switch is in the speaker position. In this case, the HL switch shall govern the routing of incoming override cal 1 s. Al so provides a vi sual indication of an incoming override cal 1 . i. Programmable pushbuttons. Two programiable pushbuttons shall be provided on the SFM which m

36、ay be programed to provide any one of the functions specified in 3.3.f.1.11. “ .5 Speaker control modu1.e (SCM) .- The SCM provi des a 1 oudspeaker -9- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-mounted behind a gril 1 for reproducing vo

37、ice and chime signal S, Front panel mounted level control S, accessible to the operator, shall be provided to adjust the audio level s to the headset and loudspeakeri In addi tion, the SCM shall provide necessary circuitry to generate chime signal S, The chime signal shall be generated at approximat

38、ely two second intervals whenever an intercom (if configured for chime) or telephone call is directed to the position. The chime shall cease when the call is answered, Maintenance control s, not accessible to the operator, shall be provided for adjusting the chime volume and frequency. The maximum c

39、hime output level shall be 1 imited to 300 mw into a 4 ohm resistive load, A front panel mounted chime cut-off pushbutton shall silence the chime tone, Successive operation of the button shall alternately mute the chime and all ow incoming chimes to ring, The status light associated with the chime c

40、ut-off pushbutton shall be on only when the chime is muted, Two SCMs are required at positions designated for split operation, 3.3,2,1,6 Dimer module. A comnon dimmer control shall be provided to vary the intensity of al 1 back1 ighted pushbuttons and indicators at the pos tion. It may be a separate

41、 module or i ncl uded on the SFM or SCM. 3,3,2,1,7 Jackbox module. This module shall provide a multifunction interface between the system and the operators. It shall contain a dual set of tip-ri ng-sl eeve jacks for use with 6-wire headsetdhandsets equipped with a PJ-421 plug. The jacks shall occupy

42、 minimal space in a front-panel mounted module but shall be sufficiently separated to allow headsets and handsets to be easily inserted and removed without undue stress on the jackbox or headset/handset. One set of jacks shall be clearly designated for use by the operator and the other set shall be

43、clearly designated for monitoring, For clarification purposes, the operator pl ugged into the operator jacks wi 11 be referred to as the main operator while the operator plugged into the monitor jacks will be referred to as the monitor operator. a, Normal operating mode, In this mode, the main opera

44、tor shall be ab.1 e to communicate on intercom and telephone channel S without depressing hi S headset s PTT switch, To communicate on radio, the operator must depress the PTT switch or the positions footswi tch. The monitor operator will only be able to monitor all communications unless the followi

45、ng actions are taken. To communicate on intercom and telephone, the monitor operator must depress his headset/handsets PTT switch, To communicate on radio, the monitor operator must depress the PTT switch and the position S footswi tch. b, Split operation mode. If the Split Operation (SO) button on

46、the SFM is selected, the main operator shall have access to radio communications only, while the monitor operator shall have access to i ntercom/telephone communications and shall be able to hear radio communications except when intercom/telephone communications is in .progress. The monitor operator

47、 will not have the capabil i ty to comunicate over a radio channel while operating in the SO mode, c, Instructor mode, If the Instructor (INST) pushbutton on the SFM or DASM is selected, the monitor operator shall have pre-emptive capabil ities over the main operator regardless of whether the operat

48、or is transmitting on a radio, intercom or telephone channel , The monitor operator i ni tiates pre-emption by depressing the headset/handsets PTT switch. When not pre-empting , the monitor operator will be ab1 e to monitor al 1 radiophone, -1 0- Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netwo

49、rking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-h. MIL-1-85850 58 7797706 017703b O m MI L- 1-85850 ( AS) intercom and telephone communications. The monitor operator can only communicate if the PTT switch is depressed. When pre-empted, the main operator can only monitor radiophone, intercom and telephone communications. When specified in the contract (see 6.2.1 1, some quantities of separate modules containing the monitor operator jacks shall be provided. This will allow for a m

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