NAVY MIL-J-7093 A-1964 JATO MARK 6 MOD 1《MARK 6 MOD 1型喷气式起飞助推器》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-J-7093 A-1964 JATO MARK 6 MOD 1《MARK 6 MOD 1型喷气式起飞助推器》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-J-7093 A-1964 JATO MARK 6 MOD 1《MARK 6 MOD 1型喷气式起飞助推器》.pdf_第5页
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1、MIL-J-7093A (Weps) 8 September i964 Superseding MI L-E-7093 (Aer) 9 August 1955 MI LIT ARY SPEC1 FI CAT I ON JATO MARK 6 MOD 1 This specification has been approved by Bureau of Naval Weapons, Department of the Navy 1. SCOPE 1.1 Mark 6 Mod 1, 15KS-1000, referred to herein as rocket motor or unit. Thi

2、s specification covers the solid propellant rocket motor JATO 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government Furnished Documents.- The fol lowing documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFI

3、CATIONS Military .- MIL-Q-9858 Quality Control System Requirements STANDARDS Military MI L-STD-105 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Attributes Marking for Shipment and Storage Ballistic Nomenclature, Rocket Static Tests -Ml L-ST D-129 . MI L-ST D-292 pl R THIS M)CUMEWT CONTAINS -/. P

4、AGES. _ .-I _- Licensed by Information Handling Services7 _ _-_ - HIL-J-7073A 13 I 9999706 O292222 2 m MI L-J-7093A (Neps) Ml L-STD-414 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection by Variables- for Percent De fe cti ve Manual on Quality Control of Materials ASTM-STP-15-6 (When requesting any of th

5、e applicable docments, refer to both title and number, All requests should be made via the cognizant Government Inspector, Copies of this specification and other unclassified specifications and drawings required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained upon

6、 application to the Commanding Officer, Naval Supply Depot (Code105 1, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia 20, Pennsylvania, All other documents shouid be obtained fr-om the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) (ASTM Specification maybe obtained from American Society for Testin

7、g Materials1916 Race St. Philadelphia, Pa.) DRAWINGS . Bureau of Naval Weapons -LD 419664 -,LD 515662 JATO Mk 6 Mod 1,lgniter Mk 165 Mod O, Carloading, Packaging, Palletizing and Shipping Assemblies JATO Mk 6 Mod 1, Loaded Assembly - CD 2000087 . JATO Mk 6 Mod 1 (Requests for the drawings, list of d

8、rawings, and Classification of Defects (CDs) should be addressed to the Commanding Officer, Central Technical Documents Office, Louisville, Kentucky.) 2.2 Other Publications.- The follawing document of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, forms a part of this s

9、pecifi- cation to the extent specified herein, CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS Title 49 CFR Parts 71 -90 Interstate Commerce Commission Rules and Regulations for the Transportation of Explosives and Other Dangerous Articles (The Interstate Commerce Commission tegulations are a part of he Code of Federal

10、 Regulations (1949 Edition - Revised 1963) wailable from the Super- intendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C, Orders for the above publication should cite 49 CFR 71-9(Rev0 1963).) 2 - - . - - - - _ - .- _- z Licensed by Information Handling Services3. MI L-J-7093A (Wep

11、s) REQUIREMENTS 3.1 activity, each contractor shd I before beginning large scere produdion under- any contract or order, submib for testing a preproduction lot -mnufactursd by proposed piduetion methods. The preproduction lot shall consist of twenty-eight (28) loaded motors repre- senting four (4) p

12、ropellant batches. The motors shall be tested as specified in section 4 of this specification and figure 1 at an activity designated by the procuring activity to confirm that production equipment, methods, and criteria proposed are suitable for mass production and will yield rocket motors meeting th

13、e requirements of this specification. At the discretion of the procuring activity, these tesis may be repeated under any ofthe following conditions: Preproduction Requ remen one at -75F and one at 150F. Requirements. -Ballistic data obtained from the test firings shall meet the requirement

14、s of 3.3.1 Nozzle Resizing. -When the results of the above test ( do not meet the requirements (3.3.1) and it appears that the performance of the pro- pellant batch can be brought within limits by changing the nozzle throat diameter, one (i) udditional lot test sample shall be fire

15、d wth the revised nozzle throat diameter and at a temperature to be specified by the procuring agency. Satis- factory performance of this test shall qualify the lot for acceptance with the re- vised nozzle size. 4A2.1.3 Test Results. -Prior to the initiation of the Intermediate Sampling Schedule (4.

16、5.2.2) the contractor shall furnish the procuring agency, for review 5 . -+-; .* ._ Licensed by Information Handling Services. . . . - - - . MI L- J -7093A (weps) and acceptance, the results of test firings ( including pressure and thrust time curves. Abnormal performance, blow-ups or reject

17、ion of propellant batches or motors for defects may be cause for continuation of initial sampling plan, until adequate verification of unit is approved in writing to iustify reduction of sampling. Any revision to test plan is at contractors risk if approval is not granted. random from each l

18、ot, conditioned and test fired (in accordance with 4.8.3) Intermedigte Sampling Schedule. -One motor shall be selected at alternately at -75OF and 15OOF. requirements of 3.3.1. Requirements. -Ballistic data obtained from test firings shall meet the 4, Selection of Units, -The test m

19、otor shall be selected at random from all the assembled motors of the lot. By specific agreement between the contractor and the customer, it will be permissible to select the test motor prior to assembly of the entire lot. meet the 3 Nozzle Resizing. -When the results of the above test (4.5

20、.2.2) do not requirements (3.3.1) and it appears that the performance of the propellant batch can be brought within limits by changing the nozzle throat diameter, one (1) additional lot test sample shall be fired with the revised nozzle throa diameter and at a temperature to be specified by the proc

21、uring agency. Satisfactory performance of this test shall qualify the lot for acceptance with the revised nozzle size. Test Results. initiation of the Normal Sampling Schedule (4.5.2,3) the contractor shall furnish the procuring agency the results of test firings ( including pressu

22、re and thrust time curves. Abnormal performance, blow-ups or rejection of propellant batches or motors for defects may be cause for continuation of initial sampling plan, until adequate verification of unit is approved in writing to justify reduction of sampling. Any revision to test plan is at cont

23、ractors risk if approval is not granted. Review. -The test data shall be submitted to the procuring activity for review for the purpose of reducing sampling in accordance with the Normal Sampling Sc hedu I e ( under the Intermediate Sampling Schedule ( and upon app

24、roval by the procuring activity in writing, the Normal Sampling Schedule shall form the basis for acceptance of the assembled motors. -After production of at least 3,000 moton and prior to the Normal Sampling Schedule. -After the production of the 2,000 motors Selection of Units. -One (i)

25、motor shall be selected at random from each of four (4) randomly selected lots represented in sixteen (16) lots assembled in sequence. For eighty percent (80%) of the lots, samples may be selected after grain assembly of the entire lot; and for twenty percent (20%) of the lots, samples may be select

26、ed after motor assembly of entire lot. All tests shall be in new inert 6 Licensed by Information Handling Servicesparts. Each group of four (4) moton shall be conditioned and test fired (in accordance with 4.8.3) alternately at -75OF and at 15OOF. Acceptance. -Acceptance of the sixteen (16

27、) lots from which the sample of four (4) was withdrawn shall be based on the ballistic performance of the test motors selected therefrom. Control Charts. -The contractor shall maintain statistical control charts for each of the five (5) basic ballistic parameters (paragraph 3.3.1) for all mo

28、tors submitted for acceptance under the Normal Sampling Schedule at each of the temperatures -75F and 150OF. . of the range charts shall be computed according to the formula: Range Charts. -A “statistical control index rating“, QR, for each QR .I IO0 -a Where a is the percent of values on th

29、e range chart outside of the 3 cr limit, (paragraph 4.6). Schedule, the contractor shall submit data and necessary calculations to demonstrate that the statistical control index rating for each of the range charts is at least 85% for 200 consecutive firings. Data and Calculations. -Prior to

30、initiation of the Normal Sampling Range Chart Index Rating. -As part of the requirements for continued application of the Normal Sampling Schedule, the statistical control index rating for the range charts ( shall be computed continuously. The computation shall include data from 50 s

31、ub-groups accumulated prior to the time of calculafing statistical control index ratings. Continuance of the Normal Sampling Schedule requires, in part , that the statistical control index rating for the range charts shall be at least 85%. If the computed value is less than 85%, the Normal Sampling

32、Schedule shall be discontinued immediately, and the Intermediate Production Scheduleshall be applied. A value of less than 85% for the index rating shall not be cause for rejection of units accepted under the Normal Sampling Schedule (para- graph In order to resume the Normal Sampling Sche

33、dule, the con- tractor shall submit data and necessary calculations to demonstrate that the sta- tistical control index rating for each of the range charts is at least 85% for 200 consecutive firings, or that the factor responsible for the low QR rating has been found and corrected. of the m

34、ean value charts ( shall be computed according to the formula: Mean Value. -A “statisticai control index rating“, Qx, for each Q, 100-b Where : - 3s b is the percent of values outside of the X I X limits (para- 2 7 graph 4.6). Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-J-7093A 13 = 9999qOb

35、 0292228 3 i; MI L- J -7093A (Wep) Mean Value Index Rating. -The statistical control index rating, Q, for the mean values ( shall be computed after each 200 firings. While the reduced normal sampling schedule is in effect, the contractor shall furnish the customer with copies of stat

36、istical control charts ( along with computed QR values ( and Qx values ( at least after each 200 firings. The computation shall include data from 50 sub-groups accumu- lated prior to the time of calculating statistical control index ratings. Action based on QR values has been

37、 previously specified in paragraph Action based on Qx values is as follows: Q, has been greater than 85% for 200 consecutive firings; (a) The value of Su must be greater than x. (b) The assembled units represented by each group of four (4) test units shall be accepted if the avera

38、ge value, X, of all the ballistic properties specified (3.3.1) lies within the limits Su and SL, (paragraph 4.6), and if all of the ballistic data for each of the test units are individually within tha acceptance limits. (c) If the average value requirement is not met, the assembled units represente

39、d by the four (4) test samples shall be tested in accordance with the Intermediate Production Schedule of one (1) firing per batch of propellant. If an individual value is outside of the acceptance limits of 3.3.1,the lot shall be re- iected. Failure to meet the condition ( shall not be

40、cause for discontinuance of the Normal Sampling Schedule . Qx has not been greater than 85% for 200 consecutive firings; (a) The value of Su must be greater than X. (b) The assembled units represented by each group of four (4) test units shall be accepted if the average value, X, of all th

41、e ballistic properties specified (3.3.1) lies within the limits SL and Si, and if all the ballistic data for each of the test units are individually within the acceptance limits (3.3.1). (c) If the averagevalue requirement is not met, the assembled units represented by the four (4) test samples shal

42、l be tested in accordance with the Intermediate Production Schedule of one (i) firing per batch of propellant. Batches from which test units have been selected under the Normal Sampling Schedule shali not require additional testing. Failure to meet the requirements of ( shall not be caus

43、e for discontinuance of the - Normal Sampling Schedule, If an individual value under the 8. - Licensed by Information Handling ServicesHIL-J-7073A 13 E 373730b 027222q 5 E Ml L-J-7093A (Meps) Normal Sampling Schedule is outside of the acceptance limits, the lot shall be reiected. 4.6 Procedure for C

44、alculating Statistical Control Charts for Bal listic Data. 4.6. i Test data for each basic ballistic parameter to be analyzed shall be divided in chronological order with respect to firing date into sub-groups of four samples each, from the series of data being used as the base period. When the Norm

45、al Sampling Schedule is in effect, the first four firings from units selected from each days assemblies shall constitute a sub-group. Additional firings from the same group of units shall not be recorded by the procedures of this paragraph. 4.6.2 shall be computed by the formulas: From each sub-grou

46、p of samples, the mean, x, and the range, R, - R = Xma, - min Where Xi =- individual value for each sample. The grand mean value, k, and the estimated standard deviation, - 4.6.3 of X in the base period shall be computed by the formulas: sX - X m - x=- Where m = number of sub-groups of four in the b

47、ase period, - R s= xm ER - Where R is the average range, -, of the sub-groups in the base RI- period. 4.6,4 sub-group 2, and the range, R, of each sub-group shall be plotted on appropri- ate graph paper in chronological order with respect to firing date. 4.6.5 shal I be appropriately indicated. 4.6.

48、6 shall be appropriately indicated: For each parameter to be analyzed, the average value of each On each range chart, the Ication of the 3 ucontrol limit (4.6.8) On each average value chart, the location of the following values (a) Grand production mean, x. (b) Specification limits, Licensed by Info

49、rmation Handling Services- MIL-J-7073A 13 7999706 0292230 L MI L-J-7093A (Wepc) (c) The term Su where Su is the upper specification limit minus 3 sX for the property under consideration. (d) The term SL where SL is the lower specification limit plus 3 sX for the property under consideration. (e) The term tu where: = 3 sx tu = x +A 2 (f) The term tL where: (9) The term SIu where: (h) The term SILwhere: 4.6.7 Control chart values and limits (4.6.1 thru 4.6.6) shall be com- puted when sufficient data haue been accumulated to provide a b


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