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1、MIL-L-24131C(SH)2 November 1995SUPERSEDINGMIL-L-24131B(SH)23 March 1973(See 6.6)Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of usein improving this document should be addressed to: Commander, Naval Sea Systems Command, SEA55Z3, Department of the Na

2、vy, Washington, DC 20362-5101, by using the self-addressed StandardizationDocument Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter.AMSC N/A FSC 9150DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution unlimited.MILITARY SPECIFICATIONLUBRICANT, CO

3、LLOIDAL GRAPHITE IN ISOPROPANOL1. SCOPE1.1 Scope. This specification covers a noncorrosive, dry, adherent lubricant consisting of acolloidal dispersion of graphite in isopropanol, intended for use with metal parts having limitedclearances in applications where control of impurities is required.2. AP

4、PLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 Government documents.2.1.1 Specifications and standards. The following specifications and standards form a part of thisspecification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of these documentsshall be those listed in the issue of the Department of

5、Defense Index of Specifications and Standards(DoDISS) and supplement thereto, cited in the solicitation.SPECIFICATIONSFEDERALTT-I-735 - Isopropyl Alcohol.PPP-P-1892 - Paint, Varnish, Lacquer and Related Materials; Packaging, Packing,and Marking of.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netw

6、orking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-24131C(SH)2STANDARDSMILITARYMIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage.(Copies of specifications and standards required by contractors in connection with specificacquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as direc

7、ted by the contractingactivity.)Unless otherwise indicated, copies of federal and military specifications, standards, and handbooksare available from the Standardization Documents Order Desk, Bldg. 4D, 700 Robbins Avenue,Philadelphia, PA 19111-5094.2.2 Non-Government publications. The following docu

8、ment(s) form a part of this document to theextent specified herein. Unless otherwise specified, the issues of the documents which are DoD adoptedare those listed in the issue of the DoDISS cited in the solicitation. Unless otherwise specified, the issuesof documents not listed in the DoDISS are the

9、issues of the documents cited in the solicitation.AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM)D516 - Sulfate Ion in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water, Tests for.D1179 - Fluoride Ion in Industrial Water and Industrial Waste Water, Tests for.D1208 - Common Properties of Certain Pigments

10、(Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials,1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103.)(Non-Government standards and other publications are normally available from the organizationswhich prepare or which distribute the documents. These docum

11、ents also may be available in or throughlibraries or other informational services).2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this document and thereferences cited herein (except for associated detailed specifications, specification sheets or MSstandards), the text of th

12、is document takes precedence. Nothing in this document, however, supersedesapplicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.3. REQUIREMENTS3.3 Qualification. The lubricant furnished under this specification shall be products which arequalified for listing on the applicab

13、le qualified products list at the time set for opening of bids (see 4.2and 6.4).3.2 Materials. The lubricant shall consist of colloidal graphite dispersed in isopropanol with abinder and dispersant.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-

14、L-24131C(SH)33.2.1 Isopropanol. The volatile diluent shall be isopropyl alcohol in conformance with therequirements of grades A or B of TT-I-735.3.2.2 Binder and dispersant. The binder and the dispersant shall be nonionic organic materialswhich are not corrosive to metals. The binder and dispersant

15、shall form a dry film which holds thegraphite to the surface to which the lubricant is applied. The lubricant shall not form a hard unstirrablecake on settling in storage.3.2.3 Graphite. Electric furnace graphite, 99 percent purity or higher, shall be used in thepreparation of the lubricant.3.2.4 Dr

16、ied solids composition (washed solids). Dried solids from the lubricant shall contain 75percent 5 percent graphite (see 4.4.3).3.3 Physical and chemical requirements. Each batch of lubricant shall conform to the requirementsspecified in table I.Table I - Physical and chemical requirements.Total soli

17、ds content;weight percent 3.3 0.5Graphite content (percent of totalsolids)75 5Particle size, micronsMaximum dimensions of 90percent of the particlesMaximum dimension of anyparticle410Ash; weight percent,Maximum on total solidsFluorine, parts per million, (ppm)Maximum on total solidsChlorine, parts p

18、er million,Maximum on total solidsSulfur, parts per millionMaximum on total solidsLead, parts per millionMaximum on total solids0.7520200200150Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-24131C(SH)4Film properties:AdherenceSpallingAppearanc

19、eThe coated surface shall be dry andshall not become exposed whensubjected to light abrasion.Film continuity shall not be broken,metal surface shall not be exposed.Dry, nonoily.3.4 Package stability. The lubricant shall be capable of being manually stirred or blended to asmooth lump-free dispersion

20、with no hard cake sediment remaining for a period up to six months afterdelivery (see 4.4.2).3.5 Mercury, lead, and boron prohibitions.(a) Mercury. Instruments and equipment containing mercury or compounds of mercury shall not beused in the manufacture and packaging of the lubricant, nor in testing

21、and inspection unlesssamples are discarded after test.(b) Lead. Ingredients, processing equipment, and containers shall be sufficiently free of lead orcompounds of lead that the dried solids of the lubricant shall not contain more than 150 ppm oflead (see 4.4.1).(c) Boron. Compounds containing boron

22、 shall not be used in cleaning and processing equipmentor containers.4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, thecontractor is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements, examinations and tests

23、 asspecified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, or disapproved by theGovernment, the contractor may use his own or other facilities suitable for the performance of theinspection requirements herein. The authorized representative reserves the right to perform any

24、 of theinspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure suppliesand services conform to prescribed requirements.4.1.1 Inspection system. The contractor shall provide and maintain an inspection system. Inaddition, the contractor shall maintain a traceab

25、ility system to ensure the proper identity of material.4.1.2 Reports. Three copies of certified reports, with the information listed below and in the formatshown in Figure 1, shall be furnished by the supplier. These reports shall include:(a) Lot number of the supply, purchasers order number.Provide

26、d by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-24131C(SH)5(b) The batch number(s) of the high solids mill dispersion.(c) The batch number(s) of the solvent (isopropanol) used in the high solids mill dispersion and inthe final product.(d) The actual r

27、esults of each production inspection and test.(e) The certification of cleanliness required by, when applicable.(f) A statement of compliance to the qualification approval requirements and the date and a copyof the record of approval of qualification tests and inspection data by NAVSEA or

28、 itsauthorized representative.4.2 Qualification tests. Qualification tests shall be conducted at a laboratory satisfactory toNAVSEA. Qualification tests shall consist of the tests specified in 4.4, in addition to the qualityconformance inspections and tests specified in 4.3. Application for qualific

29、ation tests shall be made inaccordance with “Provisions Governing Qualification SD-6“ (see 6.4 and 6.5).4.3 Quality conformance.4.3.1 Inspections, tests, sampling and reports shall be in accordance with the requirements of thisspecification. Lot. A lot of lubricant offered for delivery shall

30、consist of all material manufactured in oneoperation using high solids graphite mill dispersion and solvent (isopropanol), each of one batchdesignation. Batch. A batch of ingredient or semi-finished materials shall consist of a quantity ofmaterial produced at one time for use in the final pro

31、duct and identified by a designation characteristic ofthe one batch.4.3.2 Samples. Samples taken shall be from the final product in the marked approved containers(see 5.2 and 5.3). Samples shall be held in the container for at least 24 hours and shaken thoroughlybefore specimens are taken for test.

32、When the election to perform the analysis for ash, chlorine, fluorineand sulfur on the high solids graphite mill dispersion is made, the supplier shall also take at least tworepresentative samples from each storage tank or storage container.4.3.3 Quality conformance inspection. Film propertie

33、s. Film properties shall be determined on both regular and irregular surfaces. Regular surface. A single thickness of lubricant approximately 2 square inches in areashall be brushed on a metal surface and permitted to dry for at least 5 minutes to determine compliancewith table I. The metal

34、 shall be at least 1/4 inch thick and the surface shall be dry, clean, free of millscale, and have a surface finish of 32 to 63 microinches. Film properties shall be determined as follows:Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-24131C(S

35、H)6(a) Appearance - The film shall be examined visually.(b) Adherence - Adherence shall be determined by rubbing the dry film with the finger, usingmoderate pressure.(c) Spalling - Spalling shall be determined by sharply tapping the metal surface with the edge of aspatula while the metal is held abo

36、ve a white surface. The metal shall be tapped in an area ofthe metal surface not coated with lubricant. Irregular surface. A single coat of lubricant shall be brushed on the threads of a 3/4-10steel machine bolt and permitted to dry for at least 5 minutes to determine compliance with table

37、I. Thethreads shall be dry, clean, and free of rust and scale. Film properties shall be examined as follows:(a) Appearance - The film shall be examined visually.(b) Adherence - Adherence shall be determined by running an unlubricated 3/4-10 nut on and offthe bolt by hand.(c) Spalling - Spalling shal

38、l be determined by tapping the head of the bolt with a spatula while thebolt is held upright above a white surface.4.3.4 Quality conformance tests. Particle size. The particle size shall be determined optically by the following procedure orby an equally accurate alternate procedure which has

39、been approved in writing. Procedure. Dilute a sample of the thoroughly mixed lubricant with isopropanol to yield amixture with 0.2 weight percent solids. Place one drop of the thoroughly mixed diluted lubricant on amicroscope slide and immediately protect the lubricant by placing a cover gl

40、ass over it. Place a drop ofimmersion oil on the cover glass and place the microscope slide with cover glass on the stage of amicroscope with lighting furnished through the window in the stage and through an Abbe type condenser orequal. Bring the oil immersion lens into contact with the drop of oil

41、and observe the lubricant particles at1000 diameters. Make a search of the drop of lubricant in areas thin enough to permit inspection of theseparated particles. Total solids. Total solids (non-volatile) shall be determined in the following manner or byan equally accurate alternate procedure

42、which has been approved in writing. Procedure. Dry a clean Vycor evaporating dish at 570F 5F for approximately 30minutes, cool in a dessicator and determine its tare weight to 0.0001 gram. Repeat this step untilconstant weight is obtained. Mix the contents of the bulk lubricant container th

43、oroughly. Weighapproximately 3 grams of lubricant to 0.0001g into the tared Vycor dish. Allow bulk solvent toevaporate overnight at room temperature in a clean, well ventilated area prior to any heating of sample.Heat the Vycor dish and lubricant contents to 230F 5F for 1.5 hours in a ventilated lab

44、oratory oven.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-L-24131C(SH)7Cool the Vycor dish and residue in a dessicator and weigh. Identify this residue s residue (1) and storethe Vycor dish and residue in a dessicator until ready to perform gr

45、aphite content testing in accordancewith paragraph 4.4.3. From the weight of the residue in the dish and the weight of sample taken, calculatethe percent by weight of total solids using the following expression:Total solids, weight percent = wt of residue (1) wt of sample x 100The total solids (non-

46、volatile) content shall be in accordance with table I. Ash, chlorine, fluorine, and sulfur. Analysis shall be made on oven dried solids obtainedby the methods of and reported in parts per million (ppm) found in the oven dried solids.(a) If the supplier elects to perform the analysis

47、on the high solids graphite mill dispersion, heshall clean all equipment used for storage of the mill grind and for all subsequent processingand filling to be free of all contamination, including cleaning materials. Inspections shall beperformed visually. Compounds containing boron, halides, or sulf

48、ur shall not be used incleaning. Equipment segregated for use in preparing this lubricant only, may be cleaned byrinsing with isopropanol using new or segregated cleaning tools.(b) The supplier shall certify that the requirements of have been met and that noadditions other than isopropano

49、l have been made to the high solids graphite mill dispersion. Ash shall be determined by the Loss on Ignition and Ash test of ASTM D1208 or by anequally accurate alternate procedure which has been approved in writing. Analytical procedures for chlorine and sulfur. Either spectrophotometric method (see4. or the X-ray method (see shall be used for chlorine determination. Either the X-rayemission method or turbidime


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