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1、This ocu3er.t has een approved I for public release anci sale; its . distribution is unlimited. c /4-33-z3 XIL-P-15731D KIL-P- 15731C 21 ed herein: SPECIFICATIONS FEDERAL L-P-378 - Plastic Sheet an Strip (Polyolefin). PPP-B-636 - Box, Fiberboard. PPP-P-704 - Pails, Metal: (Shipping, Steel 1 tnrough

2、12 Galion). PPP-T-60 - Tape, Pressure Sensitive Adhesive, Katerproof, for Packaging. STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STD-105 - Sampling Procedures and Tables or Inspection by Attributes. MIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage. MIL-STD-147 - Palletized Unit Loads 40“ x 48“ 4-Way (Partiai; Pallet Skids

3、, Runners or Pallet Type Base. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the contracting officer.) # 2.2 Other publications. The following d

4、ocuments form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date of UNIFORM CLASSIFICATION COMMITTEE Uniform Freight Classification Rules. (Application for copies should be addr

5、essed to the Uniform Classificat,on Committee, 202 Union Station, 516 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Illinois 60606.) AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS (ASTM) C 24 - Pyrometric Cone Equivalent (PCE) of Refractory Materials, Test for. C 180 - Panel Spalling Test for Fire Clay Plastic Refra

6、ctories. C 181 - Workability Index of Fire Clay Plastic Refractories, Test for. C 491 - Modulus of Rupture of Air-Setting Plastic Refractories, Test for. + .r .% (Application for copies shoal6 be addressed to the American Society for Testing ana Materials, 1916 Race Street, PhilaUelp;iia, Pennsylvan

7、ia 19103.) - .- -. -. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-573LD 93 m 9999906 OLLbB64 7 m MIL-P- 15 7 311i NATIONAL CLASS1 FI CATI OK BOAN Xational Motor Freight Classification Rules Y (Application for copies snouia be addressed to the Xz.

8、 Motor Fregnt Association, Inc., 1616 P Street, N.W., Was;iington, D.C. 20036.) (Technical society anci technical association specificaticns and standazs are generally available for reference from libraries. They are also distributeci among technical groups and using Feeral agencies. 1 3. REQ

9、UIREMENTS 3.1 -Qualification. The fire clay super duty refractory plastic mix fiirnishe under this specification shall be products which are qualifie for listing on the applicable qualified products list at the time set for opening of bids (see 4.2 and 6.2). sufficient water to rener the mass plasti

10、c and a stiff mud consistency. The grog shall be composed principally or entirely of calcined clay, and the raw clay shall be a plastic grade used to supply the necessary working properties and bond. # 3.2 Material. Tne plastic mix shall be essentially a mixture of grog, raw clay, and 3.3 P rometric

11、 cone e uivaient. The pyrometric cone equivalent shall be not less than cone 32-ll-F7(s- in 4.4.2, the average -he- mo ulus of rupture shall be not less than the fol1owi;ig: 3.4 Transverse stren th (modulus of rupture). When the material is tested as specified 100 p.s.i. after being heat soaked at 1

12、,50O0F. for 5 hours. 200 p.s.i. after being heat soaked at 2,000F. for 5 hours. 300 p.s.i. after being heat soake at 2,550F. for 5 hours. 3.5 Permanent linear change. When the material is tested as specified in 4.4.3, the . average permanent linear change after oven drying (230F.) ana after being he

13、at soaked at , l,500F., or 2,000F. or 2,550F. for 5 hours, shall not be greater than minus 2 percent. The average permanent linear change after the 2,55O0F. test shall not vary from the 2,000F. test result by more than 0.75 percent. of the material as received shall be not less than 18 nor more than

14、 35 percent. The material shall be able to withstand three drops of the test weight without crumbling. 3.6 Workability. When tested as specified in 4.4.4, the average workability factor 3.7 Preheat. The plastic shall not show evidence of excessive fusion, slumping, 3.8 S allin loss. The spalling los

15、s after the preheat and spalling tests shall not or dimensional change after the preheat test (see 4.4.5). exceed 5 percent - see4.4.5). 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS # 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for

16、the performance of all inspection require- ments as specified herein. Except as otherwise specified in the contract oz order, the supplier may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government. The G

17、overn- ment reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. satisfactory to the Naval Ship Engineering Center. the tests specified in 4.4. 4.2 Qualifica

18、tion tests.L/ Qualification tests shall be conducted at a laboratory Qualification tests shall consist of 4.3 Quality conformance inspection. A Application for Qualification tests shall be made in accordance with “Pr3visions Governing Qualification SI)-6“ (see 6.2. ana 6.3). =, 2. I Provided by IHSN

19、ot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-1573LD 73 W 7777706 033b65 7 W KIL-P- 157311 4.3.1 Sam lin for quality conformance inspection. Sampling for qual-ty conformance F;-i“4 # inspection s all be performed in accorance wit11 the prbvisions of MIL-STD-

20、l.05, except where otherwise indicated hereinafter. For purposes of sampling, an inspectiori lot for examination and tests shall consist of all material submitte for delivery at one time. c 4.3.2 Esanination of elastic mix. Examination of the plastic mix shal.1 be made in accorance wits. the class f

21、ication of defects , inspection levels and acceptable quality levels (AQLs) specifie in tnrougii The lot size, for purpose of determining the sample size in accordance with MIL-STD-105, shall be expressed in units of filled primary containers for examinatior, in, in units of

22、 shipping containers in and in units of skids for examination under when palletized load is specified. I Examination for defects in net contents. The sample unit for this examination # shall be one filled primary container. specified or indicated quantity. I: Examinat

23、ion of re aration for delivery. ArA examination shal be made to determine that packaging, pacmamng comply with the requirements of section 5 of this specification. The sample unit for this examination sha;l be one shipsing container, fully packed, selected just prior to the closing operation. Shippi

24、ng contaners fully prepared for delivery shall be examined or closure defects. Theaverage net contents shall be not less than the Examine Defect Packaging Packaging material (as applicable) not as specified. Packaging material (as applicable) not sealed as s?ecified. Not the level specified. Contain

25、er not of the specified size, type, or style; closures Any nonconforming component, component missing, dainaged, or Inadequate application of components, such as: Incomplete closure, Packing Not in accordance with contract requirements. not accomplished by specifie or required metnods or materials.

26、otherwise defective affecting serviceability. loose or inadequate strapping, bulged or distorted containers. Marking Omitted, illegible, incorrect, incomplete, or not in accordance with contract requirements. Date of packing missing or not as specified. # Examination of palietized unit loads

27、, applicable. When palletization packing is required (see 5.3.3), an examination shall be made to determine that palletized unit loads comply with the requirements of section 5 of this specification. The sample unit for this examination shall be one palletized unit load. Exami ne Defect Packing Not

28、palletized as specified. Arrangement or number of unit containers per pallet not in Any nonconforming component, component missing, damaged or other- Inadequate application or components, such as: Incomplete closures, accordance with MIL-STD-147. wise defective affecting serviceability. loose or ina

29、dequate strapping, bulged or distorted containers. in accordance with contract requirements. Weight Gross weight exceeds specified requirements. Markings . Exterior markings omitted, illegible, incorrect, incomplete or not t Ins ection levels and acceptable quality levels (AQLs) for eraminat

30、ions. The inspection levbt-nshe sample size and tmeptable +lay levels (AQLs) , expressed in defects per 100 units, shall be as follows: f . s- 2 - s- 2 1 4.0 4.0 s- 2 i t 1 Acceptable i I quality levei! Examination inspection paragraph Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduc

31、tion or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-15731D Number of determinations per coniposi te MIL-P-L5731D 73 W 777790b OLLbbb O W Results reported as Pass or Numerically fail- 2/ / to nearest- 4.3.3 Qualit conformance testinq. Quality conformance testing of the plastic mix shall b

32、e con + ucted in accordance with table I for the characteristics indicEted therein on I each lot submitted for acceptance. shall be selected at random to provide a 200 pound sample for testing. evidence of failure to meet the specified reqUirements. # Retests. In the event of any failure to

33、meet the specified requirements, an additional 200 pound sample shall be selected and tested in accorance with table I for all characteristics indicated therein. If the final result for any indicated ck.aracteristic, obtained by averaging the results from the original test and the retest, falls to c

34、onform to the specified requirement, this shall be cause for rejection of the lot. One drum or two cartons of plastic mix, as applicable, There shall be no Table I - Instructions for testing. 2 - Cone number - Specif i cation reference Require- Method ment 1 Modulus of rupture neat soaked at 1500F.

35、Heat soaked at 2000F. Heat soaked at 2550F. Permanent linear change Heat soaked at 1500F. Heat soaked at 2000F. Heat soaked at 2550F. Variance be tween 20 OOF. and 2550OF. Workability factor Preheat- Spalling loss- 3/ 3/ LI 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.5 3*5 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Average of 5 Average of 5 Averag

36、e of 5 Average of 5 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.2 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.3 4.4.3 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 4.4.5 - 0.1 percent -. 0.1 percent - 0.1 percent , 0.1 percent - I I Average of 5 Average of 5 Average of 5 p.s.i. p.s.i. p.s.i. A If failure is indicated, report either description of failure or numerical point of 2 Tes

37、t reports shall include all values on which results are based. ?/See # Waiver of reheat and s allin tests. Preheat and spalling testing shall be waived when theibs Mtm0,OOO pounds or if both of the following conditions exist: failure, as applicable. (a) Evidence is shown that the pr

38、oduct has been tested by an acceptable testing laboratory and found in compliance with the requirement of 3.8 within one year preceding the shipping date of the lot being inspected. as that previously tested in (a) above. (b) Tne product represents the same grade and type of ingredients and processi

39、ng 4.4 - Test procedures. 4.4.1 P rometric cone e uivalent. The pyrometric cone equivalent shall be determined .in accordancb aohd in ASTM C. 24. 4.4.2 Modulus of rupture. # For each test temperature, 5 test bars, 2 by 2 by S,inches, shall be made by hand-ramming in a suitable mold. After re

40、moval from the mold, the test Sam-les shall be air-dried for 24 hours and then oven-dried for 24 hours at 220 to 230F. After this drying period, the samples shall be placed in a suitable furnace and heated to the test temperature in from 3 to 3-1/2 hours and held at the test temperature for 5 hours.

41、 The samples shall be permitted to cool in the closed furnace for a period of at least 10 hours. * Specimens prepared and heated as described in shall be tested for modulus of rupture in accordance with the method specified in ASTM C491. # 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproducti

42、on or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-P-15731D 93 W 777 MI L-P- 157 310 * i 4.4.3 Permanent linear change. The length of the 5 specimens, prepared as specified in, shall be measured to the nearest 0.01 inch after molding, after dryingat 220 to 230F., ana after firing at

43、 the specified temperature for 5 nours (see 3.5). ihe linear change shall be computed. The linear change shall be the average linear cninge of the 5 samples reporte as a percentage of the molded length. the method specified in ASTI4 C 181. _- # 4.4.4 Workahi lity. Three specimens shall be teste for

44、workability ir; accordance with 4.4.5 Preneat and spallinq tests. # Preparation of test anels. The test material shall be rammed into a mold naving inside dimensions 18 bm-Fm 4-1/2 inches, which is divide by 1/16 inch metal strips into sections 3 inches in width along the 18 inch dimension.

45、After air drying for 18 to 24 hours, the molded specimen shall be built into a test panel, as shown in figure 1, and the metal diviing strips remove from tne furnace face of the panel. %e intended hot face of the test specimen shall be punched with a 3/16 inch diameter nail on 2 inch centers. Border

46、 brick about the specimen and insulation behind the panel snall conform to the type and arrangement specified in ASTM C 180. E Preheating and spalling treatment, Test panels, constructed is specified in, shall be preheatxand subjected to thermal spalling in accordance with the metnod

47、 : specified in ASTM C 160. The preheat: temperature shall be 30OOOP. i Removal of spalls. After dismantling the panel, the six sections of the test specimen shall be weighed collectivcly to the nearest 0.5 pound. Spalls shall be removed from each section of the test specimen in the manner d

48、escribed in ASTM C 180. The test specimen shall be reweighed and the loss in weight determined as a percentage of the weight before removal of spalls. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY (The preparation for delivery requirements specified herein apply only for irect Government procurements. For the extent

49、of applicability of the preparatioc for delivery requirements of referenced documents listed in section 2, see 6.4.) # 5.1 Packaging. Packaging shall be level A or C as specified (see 6.1;. # 5.1.1 Level A. i The one-hundred pound unit quantities of plastic mix, in approximately 2 inch thick slices, shall be packaged in polyethylene sheet, not less than 0.003 ;rich thick, conforming to L-P-378, type I. The sneet may be used as a wrappi


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