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1、 MIL-P-28739 59 m 9999906 0032Lib0 L m - t 7 April 1970 *_ . MILITARY SPECIFICATION .- PEDESTAL GROUP, ANTENNA, FOR XFF AhTEXhAS AIPI /U PA - 57 .- .-# 1. SCOPE, 1. This opecification covers the design and construction of a lightwdght Antunnu Pedertal Grdup Aii/UPA-57 to support and position an IFF

2、interrogator antenna, either in rynchronism to a remote com- mand input, or in synchronlm to a manual command input, or independently at a rcectable speed. The pedestal shall operate at ipceds from 2 to 30 revolutions per minute (rpm) when shved and shall operate at epeeda up to 15 rpm when free run

3、ning. It io intended that thb IFF antenna positioning system will repre - sent the latest advance8 in the field of shipboard pedeotol8nd nolidstate control design. 2. APPLICABLE WCMENTS 2.1 The foilowing documents of the issue in effect on dite of invitation for bide or request for proposal, orm a p

4、art of the specification to the extent specified herein. .- * SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-T-27 - Transformer and inductor (Audio, Power, and High Power hl IL - S - 9 O 1 MIL-Q-9858 - Quality Program Requirements MIL-E-15090 - Enamel, Equipment, Light-Gray (Formula No. 111) MIL-E-16400 - Electronic E

5、quipment, Kaval Ship and Shore, General MIL-E-17555 - Electronic and Electrical Equipment, Accessories and MIL-M-17556 - Motor, Direct Current, Fractional Hp (Shipboard Use) MIL-C-45662 .- Calibration System Requirements MIL-P-55110 - Printed Wiring Boards Pulae) General Specification for Equipment

6、and Systeme, Requirement for (Navy) - Shock Tests, H.I. (High Impact), Shipboard Machinery. Specification (Kavy) Repair Parta, Packaging and Packing of STAXDARDS ;I ILITA RY MIL-STD-105 MIL-STD-108 MIL-STD-167 MIL-STD -27 5 MIL-STD-454 MIL-STD-461 M IL - ST D -47 O I XIL-STD-756 MIL-STD-7 81 .MIL -

7、STD - 7 8 5 - I Sampling Procedures and Tablca for inspection by Attribute 8 Definition of and Basic Requirements for Enclosures for Electric and Electronic Equipment Mechonical Vibrationa of Shipboard Equipment Printed Wiring for Electronic Equipment Standard General Requirement6 for Electronic Ele

8、ctromagnet ic Interference Character ist ics Maintainability Program Requirements (for Systems Reliability Prediction Reliability Tests Exponential Distribution Reliability Program for Systems and Equipment Equipment Requirements for Equipment and Equipments) Development and Production Provided by I

9、HSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-M IL-P*28739(EC) MIL-STD-1472 - PLBUCATIONS . , MEdfLITARY MIL-HDBK-216 - MIL-HDBK-2 1 7 - . _. i- :- .* h :. . . . . 1. - .- . a. . . -. . . ., RF Transmisrion Lines .ad Fittings. Reliability Strear and Faiiure Rat

10、e Data for Electronic Equipment. - (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings. and publications required by ruppliers in connection with specific procurement functions ahould be obtained from the procuring activity or 01 directed by the con- t racting officer.) 2.2 Other publications. The foUown

11、g.document form8 a part of this specification KO the extent speci- fied herein. Unless otherwise irdicated the issue in effect on date of invitation for $ids or request for pro- posals shall apply. - ,. KATIOXAL BUREAU OF STASDARDS Handbook H28 - Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Services. (Applica

12、tion for copies should be addressed to the Superintendent a: Documents, US. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402.) . .- 3, REQUIREMEKTS 3.1 General requirements. The equipment shall be in accordance with MIL-E-16400, except as herein- after specified. Human engineering aspects of equip

13、ment and facility design shall conform to MIL-STD-1472. 3.2 First article sample. Prior to beginning production, a sample shall be rested as specified in 4.3 (see 6.3). 3.3 Material. Screws and screw thread devices shall be in accordance with the requirements of Hand- book-H2 8. 3.3.1 Aluminum or an

14、y other lightweight material acceptable to the command or qe,ncy concerned may be used where the weight of units can be significantly reduced without penalizing strength, machining accur- acy, or resistance to wear and corrosion. Aluminum may be used in motor construction. Use of magnesium will not

15、be permitted. 3.3.2 All external hardware shall be made of austenitic corrosion-resistant steel. RF transmission lines and fittings shall be in accordance with MIL-HDBK-216. 3.4 Reliability. 4.1 Quantitative reliability requirement. The specified MTBF (as defined by MIL-STD-781) of this equipment sh

16、ail be 4030 hour8. 3.4.2 Reliability program plan. The contractor shall submit a reliability program plan in accordance wi:n paragraph sequence with XIIL-STD-785 (see 6.2.2). ., 3.4.3 Reliability prediction. The contractor shall submit the following reliability predictions (see 6.2.2) (a) Fca

17、sibiity Prediction shall be made in accordance with the requirements of MIL-STD-756. (b) Design prediction based on stress factors and part populations in accordance with the requirr- ments of MIL-HDBK-217. / 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

18、 IHS-,-,-9 .- e. -rr . , .: i. 3.4.4 Source of failure rates. The primary hource of failure rate dati Separation of pedestai manclal control by up to 3.5.: Chock, vibration an9 inclinaiion. Chock requirements shaii ba Grade A, Class i, mediiin weigh;, :y;se A in ccoraance with XIL-S-901. 3.5

19、.3;2 The vibration requirenianis shayi be yps o: LIIL-STD-il. t , 3.5.4 Enclosure. The above-aeck units shall conform to the watertight enclosure requirements of MIL-STD-108. The below -deck units sall conform to the dripproof enclosure requirements of. MiL-STD-i 06 3.5.5 Service reliability. The eq

20、uipment shall be designed to operate as specified herein, under con- ditions encountered aboard ship. 3.5.6 Interconnecting cable., The conductors carrying current exceeding 0.5 ampere and those conduc- tors connected to commutated sources shall be run in cables separate fmm other conductors. All te

21、rminal boards and cable entrances shall be designed and arranged to accommodate this division of circuits, Shielded cables shall be employed to eliminate any effects of strzy signal pickup on pedestal control and operation. 3.5.7 Special test equipment. No special test equipment or tools shall be re

22、quired for maintenance or nlipnment of the pedestai group. i.8 Symhros. Synchros shall be ftiimished by the contractor and shall be in accordance with .-. . . . 1, - 16409. .5,9 Trarisformers. Transformers shall conorm to grade 4, Class R, lile expectancy S of MIL-STD- 4i at applicnde, 3 5.1C L.!:ui

23、a. construction, Potted or nonrepairable circuit boards and modules shall not be used. - J. ;. I i rs: poi% A11 points reqaired13r trouble -shooting, aligning, and maintaining.the pedestal c:.w.- e proviiec! ana shall be readily axessible, 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking

24、 permitted without license from IHS-,-,- ._ MIL-P-28739 59 9 777970b 0032463 7 Provision shali be made to prevent the pedestal from running away when synchro inpur signal is lost. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- FIGURE 1. .Pi

25、ctorid view of antenna pedestal group, 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- -MIL-P-28737 59 W 7777906 0032465 O W .* . -i - . MIL-P-t8739(EC) Stowing of antenna. A.stow- switch shall be provided on the Control Power Supply unit

26、such that wheMhis.switch is closed, the pnteiinQshaii rotate to 0 stow position predetermined by an adjustable setting, either on the antenna control or on the ptdestai, md lock in that poiition. .A mankl brake release shiill be provided on the pedestal. Brake operation shall not be ao abrupt as to

27、damag,either the pedestal or the antenna. Brake operation shal occur when primary power is lost. , Stable operation, The pedestal eholl reach stable ohration in the he-running condition within 5 minutes or less. 3.6.2 Antenna Survival. The Antenna Pedestal Group shail be capable of surviving

28、 100 knot winds relative to the pedestal, with 7 pef of ice, under the environmental conditiona specified in 3.5.18. 3.7- Antenna pedestal assembly. The btenna pedestal 6hul be designed to conform to the requirements of 3.6.1. 3.7.1 Pedestal base. The pedestal assembly shall have the necessary base

29、support with a deck mounting flange. A marker on the base shall indicate ships foremounting. The bottom of the pedestal base shall be closed to prevent the entrance of moisture or dirt. 3.7.2 Pedestal gear box. A modular drive gear box shall be suppiied mounted on the aoove bse con- rainmg the synch

30、ros with a baciclash limit of 5 minutes of arc. The drive gear train backlash snail no: exceed i0 z-.Lxies of arc at the outpct. Consiaeration shall be given to :he use of helical gears in the cesigr 3.7.3 Synchro transmixers. X 1: and.a 3:l synchro transmitter shall be provideci to supply azimuth i

31、nformation to an indicator when the pedestal is in the free running condition. 3.7.4 IFF rotary joint. X capacity-type IFF rotary joint, together wirb a slip ring caphie of trms- mit:kg d.c.voitage and current shall be provided. Tne joint silal1 be mounted on the peaes;al assemoly ark shali be remov

32、able withut disturbing the antenna or any other major group parts. The IFF rotary joint shall accommodate IFF Transmissions of 15 kilowatt (kw) peak power having a duty Hz of one percect in the frequency band of 1010 to 1110 megahertz (MHz). Tne iower portion of the rotary joint shaii nave water- pr

33、oof fitting to mate with:a CG-l54/C connector and the upper portion snall have a waterproof fitting to m .i *. . . . . * .- .i;. t Il . I . -. “ CI o f rT t rici I Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-,A; :. , . 3.7.10 Pedestal enclosure.

34、The pedestal.ahall nd rir 10 a mininium. Provision shall be made for plugged drain holes at all low portions of the pcdestrl to drain atmospheric condeneatio_n. ,. 3.8 Control power supply unit. The control power supply unit shall include all necessary parts for the conirol of the antenna system wit

35、h the exception of those items which by necessity must be located elsewhere. This unit shall consist of control circuitry for the automaic positioning of tba antenna rad 8ll data dbtriDu- tion for the antenna control system and shall have “Power On“ and error indicators, fueeholders. and on-off swit

36、ch readily visible and accessible. A voltmeter together with a waferswitch shall be providea whereby alignment shall be readily accomplished. Control ;ocking devices are not required on this Unit. The unit shall be designed for hard, mounting on the base only. All electrical connections shall be fro

37、m the rear. 3.8.1 Servo control amplifier. The control power supply unit shall contir. the servo coctrpl orr,p?:uier. Gain and anti-hunt controls shall be provided. The error signai amplifier 6rivir.g ;he peaestal rive motor power amplGier shall not contain any vaeuun-, tsbes. Transistors and other

38、semiconauctor devices shdi be used for the entire servo electronic Circuitry. . 3.8.2 Power supplies. All necessary power supplies for servo amplifier and niotor fieia si.aY. e szpplied. li0 rotating prts or vacuUm tubes shall be used. Cemiconducror or magnetic amplii,er cevices snail be used where

39、ajqlicabie. . . . . 5.6.; -kzess:o;:. +av:sh:. +AL, * =.;hct? f:- :Lrr.xs r.a,-;zantL oxis =9ij“, H;:c %iixien: cbk iength h,i De ?roviec the cks:s 10 ;oc;ng provisions a; G, =5“ za =%I. perrr:*.t opers;ron an :roso.-sma;z.g i.-, : nci yi o: iae bove paax;u;.a, :ze caXe oe.2.g s.?;o.-:ec oy a

40、 ho. izantal a?rhg-;oacec zrz. 02 siz-.Lkr cevice pprovec 5:; :;-.e coz-.x;lar.a.-.:y car.ccr.t. e - rant ?afiei kyod:, IV:?. ;:a ctr,errise specified in the contre io: :ne performance of the insp Tnt Government reserves the ;7uch inspect:.,As are deemed .ements specified herein, unless disapproved

41、by the Covernar! 8 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-4 cedures and criteria of the written description of the quality control qystem. Any changes to the quality control system or the quality program plan shall be submitted to the cogniz

42、ant Government Inspector for approval prior to use. . . a. .I. 4.1 .Z Government verification .All quality assurance operations performed by the contractor will be subject to Government verification at any time. Verification will consist. of (a) surveillance of the.operations to determine that -prac

43、tices, methods, and procedures of the written system description are being properly applied, (b) Government product inspection-to measure quality of product to be offered for acceptance, and (c) Govern-ment product inspection of delivered products to assure compliance with ali requirements of this-

44、specification. Failure of tE-contractor to promptly Correct deficiencies discovered by him or of which he is notified shall be cause for suspension of acceptance until corrective action has been made or until con- formance of product to prescribed criteria has been demonstrated. .- - -. 4.1.3 Tectpr

45、ocedures. The supplier shall submit written test procedures . be identified in accordance with 4.2 as to classification (see 6.2.2). . Procedures for inspections, tests, demonstrations, and so forth, shall contain step by step information which will enable the operator to properly perform th

46、e requirements of this specification. The method of examination shailbe clearly defined. The rocedures shall contain a list of test equipment identified by name and m6del. Special test equipment shall also be listed and identified. Test equipment shall be calibrated in accordance w.ith ?.I I

47、L -C -4 5662. Y . Data sheets shall be included inthe procedures. Conformance parameters shall be clearly indicated with tolerance limits. Whenever quantitative measurements are made, the result shall be shown by quantitative data. _. -. 4.2 Classification of inspecrion. The inspection requi

48、rements specified herein are classified as follows: (a) First article inspection (see 4.3). (b) Quality conformance inspection (see 4.4). (1) Production inspection (see 4.4.1). (2) Production control inspection (see 4.4.2). (3) Environmental tests (see 4.4.3). - I (c) inspection of preparation for d

49、elivery (see 4.6) I_ * c 4.3 1:rst article inspection. Cnless otherwise specified (see 6.3), all units shall be required for first i :icLe inspection. First article inspection shall consist of all examination and testing necessary to derer- :-:e ,-on:$ance with the requirements of. this specification. Fir

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