1、NOTE: The document identifier and heading hasbeen changed on this page to reflect that thisis a performance specification. There are noother changes to this document. The documentidentifier on subsequent pages has not beenchanged, but will be changed the next timethis document is revised.MIL-PRF-184
2、87A(OS)7 April 1972SUPERSEDINGMIL-C-18487 (NOrd)13 June 1955PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATIONCOMPOUND, GUN SLUSHINGThis specification has been approved by the NavalOrdnance Systems Command, Department of the Navy.1. SCOPE1.1 The gun slushing compound covered by this specification isintended for use as a cor
3、rosion preventive on ferrous and nonferrousmetals which are stored indoors or outdoors for indefinite periods. (See 6.1.).2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invita-tion for bids or request for proposal, form a part of the specificationto the extent s
4、pecified herein. SPECIFICATIONSFederalP-D-680 Dry Cleaning SolventPPP-C-96 Can, Metal, 28 Gage and LighterSTANDARDSFederalFED-STD-791 Lubricants, Liquid Fuels, and RelatedProducts; Methods of TestingFSC 8030Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS
5、-,-,-MIL-C-18487A (OS) “a!Mi litaryNL-STLI-1O5 Samp1ing I“rolwduresby Attributesand Tables for Lnspcc.t.iollMIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage(Copiesof specifications,standards, drawings, and publicationsrequired by suppliers in connectionwith specific procurement functionsshould be obtain
6、ed from the procuring activity or as directed by the cori-tracting officer.)2.2 Other publications. The following documents fo a part of thisspecification to the extent specified herein. Unless othefiise indic-ated, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request forproposal shall appl
7、y.American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM)ASTM Standards on Petroleum Products and Lubricants, Parts 7 and 18(Applicationfor copies should be addressed to the American Society afor Testing and Materials, 1916 Raco Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.)CODE OF FEDERAL REGULATIONS49 CFR 171-190 Il
8、azardousMaterials Regulations, DepartmentTransportation(Applicationfor copies should be addressed to the SuperintendentDocuments, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C. 20.IOZ.,3. REQUIREME!WSorof3.1 First article. Wren specified in the contract or purchase orderand befo?c production has comm
9、enced,w sample or samples otthe gwIslushing compound shall be made available to the constructingoificer“rhis authorized representativefor approval in accordancewith 4.3, TIIcaPPrOval Of the first article samples authorizes the commencement OF pro-duction but does not relieve the supplier of responsi
10、bility for compli-ance with all the applicable provisions of this specification.92Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-C-18487A (OS)The compound shal1 bc n completelyhomogeneousmi;fre%#ol (C61(6)on the stcmn bath to about 180” to 190 F
11、oand stirred until all so!uble mutter is in solution. While stin accor-0 mini -renheit1 hot,fiIter t:,ltwytu. Trans(cr upproximatcly grams F !CsamPJe LO a“resr turn.approxima!e!y 13 miIllmetcrs (mm)in diameter ond 250 mm lung 11/2 jr.cb hy 10, incllcs J , heat in a waterluthm:i)nt:llncd at 180” to 1
12、90 F;lhrenei t for I hour. Remove from the b:ithnnd examine whi Je hot, and ufler cooling, for any visiblc sefvirationin:o Iuyers of diffcrcnr appearance or scpnrationof solid or liquidmatter at the bottom of the tube.4.6.5 Corrosiveness. Corrosivenessshal1 bc determined in accordancewith method 53o
13、4 of FED-STO-791,except that the time of exposure shallbe 5 days instead of 24 hours.695Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IMIL-Cr 18487A (OS)4.6.6 Salt spray and rain test. Clean and polish four steel panels a71approximately3 inches by
14、6 inches by 1/8 inch as specified in ASTM D 1748.The material to be examined shall be melted, heated to 180” t 5“ Fahren-heit, :!NLI:1Iight COUI (upproximarolyI/16-inchthick) brushed on theplates. One or the plales shall be Kepk In a verlical fiition in +halabor a-ry for 24 hours and then I) IUC. L!
15、LI ill a ruck , L!xposwl 1 u Ihc Weal herin an unshaded location,so thatthe plate shall be inclined at an angleof 45” to the vertical facingsouth. The plate shall be sprayed lightlywith a 4 percent salt solution of the first day and left exposed to theweather for not less than 60 days. The other thr
16、ee plates shall be hungin a vertical position an oven snd maintained at a temperatureof140 i 2 Fahrenheitfor 24 hours. These three plates shall be exsminedfor compliancewith the requirementsof 3.9. The plates shall be removedfrom the oven, allowed to cool, and one plate exposed in the rackdescribed
17、above. Another plate shall be kept in a horizontal positionand lightly sprayed with a 4 percent salt solution once every day for aperiod of 5 days. The fourth plate shall be placed under an intermittentshower of water maintained at a temperatureof 100 Fahrenheit,a vigor-ous shower being applied for
18、approximately3 to 4 minutes then no waterfor about the ssme length of time; the shower shall be formedby allowingwater, maintained at a“temperatureof 100” Fahrenheit to siphon it inter-vals from a 5-gallon tank into a metal trough, the bottom of which hasthree or more parallel rows of smal1 holes (s
19、hout l/16-inchdiameter).his test should be continued for not less than 5 hours, the plate beingheld in a position shout 60” to the vertical immediatelyunder fallingwater. At the end of 5 hours of this intermittentshowering, the plateshall be placed in a horizontal position and allowed to remain with
20、 theadheringwater for at least 24 hours. No rust shall be in evidence onsny of the four plates after the completionof the test, and the coatingon all the plates shall be easily removed with wsste, wet with Stoddardsolvent.46”7“-” The material shall be melted at a temperatureof.180 f 2 Fahren elt and
21、 poured into a standard grease worker, describedin method 311 of FED-STD-791 (ASTM D 217),which has been equippedwitha l/2-inchtall brass collar screwed to the top. (Whenpouring thesample into the grease worker, fill as near to the top of the rim aspossible.) The sample shall be allowed to stand ove
22、rnight in the workerat room temperature and then brought to 77 Fahrenheit. The brass collarshal1 then be carefully removed and t!%egresse protruding shal1 be cutoff smooth with the top of the worker by the use of a spatula. Fivepenetrations shall be.made immediately on the sample by the standardpene
23、trometer cone, described in method 311 of FED-STD-791 (ASTM D 217),using a 150-gram load, 5 seconds, and the average result reported as theconsistency. The penetrations shall be made three-fourths of an inchfrom center and spaced evenly around the circumference.a716Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo re
24、production or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-(aU(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)MI L-C-18487A (OS)4.6.8 Water content. The water content shal1 be determined in accor-dance with method 3001 of FEO-STCS-791(ASTMD 95).5. PREPARATION FOR OELI VERY5“%-% Unless otheswise specified, the gun slushing comp
25、oundshall be urms ed in 35-pound, lug cover, steel grease pails or 400-poundremovabehead, side seam welded, steel drums as specifiedby the pro-curing activity. The steel pai1s shall conform to the requirementsofPPP-C-96; the steel drums shall conform to the requirementsof 49 CFR171-190. The closure
26、for the drums shall have a bolted ring sealcover.5.2 Pack:ng. No overpacking is required for the 35- or 400-poundmetal containers for domestic or overseas shipment.5.3 Markin+In addition to any special marking requiredby the con-tract or or er, marking shal1 conform to the requirementsof MIL-STD-129
27、.6. NOTES6.1 Intended use. Gun slushing compound is intended as a corrosionpreventive for ferrous and nonferrous metals in indefinitestorage andin outdoor and indoor use. It is applied hot in thin coats by brushingor dipping. It is soluble in commercialsolvents, slow to dissolve,especially in cold w
28、eather when used outdoors. It is usually found moreeconomica1, in both time and material, to remove the compound by steamingor scraping. The compoundwhen applied over clean surfaces providesexcellent protection.6.2 Ordering data. Procurementdocuments should specify the following:Title, number, and d
29、ate ofQuantitySize of shipping containerthis specificationdesired (see S.1)Special marking required, if any (see.5.3) ,.Point of delivezyWhether first article testing is necessary, where testing willbe performed, and size of sample required (see 3,1 and 6.3).7IProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprodu
30、ction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-C-18487A (0s)6.3 First article. When a supplier is in continuous”production fromcontract to contract, considerationshould be given to waive the firstarticlc.in.sll.ution. When a First iIFI iutc is spcc.ified (SCC 6.2) and assoon us pruc
31、tirable after the :lward OF colllracl”, tirsl :Lrt icle sawllrsshall bc scpuratcly packaged anti t-orwardtxl to the testitig activity impli-cated in the contract or order, who shal1 have the responsibility fortesting to determine compliancewith the requirementsof this specifica-tion and notifying th
32、e procuring activity of approval or disapproval.Samples shall be pleinly identifiedwith securely atteched durable tagsor labelsmarked with the following information:(a) Samples for first article inspection(b) Contract or order number(c) Gun slushing compound;specification number(d) Manufacturers ide
33、ntification(e) Oate of manufacture(f) Manufacturers name and address .6.4 GVIIslushing compoundshall be purchased on a pound basis, theunit being 1 pound.Custodian:Navy - OSPreparing activity:Navy - OS(ProjectNo. 8030-N03S)8Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without
34、 license from IHS-,-,-SPECIFICATION ANALYSIS SHEETIForm AmwuvedIhldd., 1,.,” No. 22. R255NSTRUCI1OSS Th, she., , ,. b. f,lld .u by P., so. nel. e, h.r C, vernment o, con, ,9 1.1 delay .ml at th. 1.1 c:. Comments and th. XI two or thus form.,11 h,. t,t,p.t. c,. t.d. Fold . . lm on ,.ss. s,de. .l.ple
35、m c.m. r, and send 1. rwelmrme .C:, V,IV C.mm.nts,.d wIIo. . ., hmit,cd en Ihm r.rm d. not C SIII.1. or ,mPly thorll i :. *.1 . o.r:I. I. V( Ihuf. rw.ccd dncum. ml.l or .cw. m amend c traa.ul rqu, reme.:9.,., CI., C., ONMI L-L-18487A (OS), Compound, Gun Slushing.=,80”:, . .,”,.,: CO”l. AC1 .“-. c-1.
36、 s., -Roe”.co “.01. . I O,mcc, .20” C.? J. N. Co m.c. , SU, CO$4T. .C11. “AS .“” PA!4T OF l“E SP.3C, S, C4T,0N CR E*TEO PR08L EMS OR REOUIR50 IN TESPREIATIOM IN PRO CUE.hlENT USE,. . .1”. 0.$? . . .” .“”o Km 0 Wo. mwc.2. CO”ME.15 0. ” SPCC, V, CA1,ONREO”ORE”C., CO14SIOEF!E0 100 RIGIOX IS THE SECOFICB1lON RESTR,C,VE,3 “cl 0 “0 (1,.,.,.1. -h., -,)s“. ”, , co ., (P,”,.* ., ,*.d r”. me ,., ” . Op, b,.,1 IDD, W.1426 ac,C“,O,IO.,0.,a71. .C”“., “.“,.,.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-