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1、1. 6 COPE MIL- synthetic (for ferrous metal and wood surfaces) Tires. pneumatic; vehicle and portable equipment Inner tube, pneunatic tire (automotive truck, motor cycles and (other ground vehicles ) Batteries, storeRe; ignition, lighting and starting Cleaning and preparation of ferrotu and cinc coa

2、ted surfaces for Lacquer, vinylidene, resin, -ter and fuel resistant, white and Plate; identification and plate, identifScetion traniportation data Fittings, lubrication (hydraulic) Surface treatments (except priming and painting for nieta and metal (parts in aircraft ) Drawings and data liits; Prep

3、arRtiOn of (for engines, accessories, Tests, aircraft welding operators, certificete Chemical film for aluminum and aluminum alloys Ospoline. aviation, grades 80/70, 91/96, 100/130, 1151145 Pupl, aircraft turbine and jet engines, grades Jp-3, Jp-4, and Jp-5 Hozele, fuel oil and servicing Filter/sepa

4、rator, aviation and motor fuel non-airborne Interference suppression. radio requirements for engine generators Sealer, surface, wood, preservative Hose. rubber, gasoline, with reiiseable coupling Hose, gasoline, synthetic rubber discharge, collapsible Primer, zinc chromte. for aircraft use Engine, g

5、asoline, industrial tp Truck, 5-ton, 6 L 6, ieriem m9 Support equipment, aeronautical special, general specificetion for Drawings and data lists, preparation of Extinguishers, fire, carbon dioxide (portable, permanent shut-off Primer, paint, zinc-chromate, alkyd type organic protective coating orang

6、e, Formula 113-54 and other auxiliary equipment ) and miscellaneous engines design . (h8nd or wheeled type) Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. MIL-R-2L42b 23 7777906 0373757 4 -. - . - M1-2426( Aer ) c ST ANMBIIS FED-STS595 - Colors MI

7、L-STD-129 - Marking for shipment and itorage MIL-STIk130 - Identificstion merking of U. S. Military property MS-35866 - Wheelr DRAWINGS BUAB SZ DRAWINGS NOB, 230, 236.1, 238.2 and 238.3 - Bilterfeeperator case and elemento. and mountings PUBLICATIONS AIR FORCPrHAVY AERONAUTICU BULLETINS 143 - Specif

8、icstionr and Stendards; we of (When requesting rpecificntions, standnrde, drawings and publicetions refer to both title and number. applicstion to the Commanding Officer, Navel Aviation Supply Depot, Philadelphia 11, Penneylvenin, Attention, Code AD. ) Copiee of this specificstion and applicable spe

9、cificationr may be obtained upon 2.2 Other Publicstione - The following documents form a Part of thii specification. Unless otherwiee indicsted the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bid eh11 apply: AMERICAN SOCIY OF MECKANICAL ENGINEFXS ASWAPl - Code for installation. proving, and operat

10、ion of poritire dirplace- ment meterr in liquid hydrocarbon service or petroleum PD Code. (Informstion as to the aveilabllity of thio Code may be obtained from the Americnn Society of Mechnnicnl Engineers, 29 West 39th Street, New York, Hew York, or the Petroleum Institute, 50 Weat 50th Street. New

11、Pork, Hew York.) INTERSTA!E COMMERCE COMMISSION PUBLICATION Safety Regulation, Part MC-300, or MO303 (Information 8s to the availability of these documentr amy be obtained from the Interstate Commerce Commieeion, Bureau of Motor Carrier8, Varhington 25, D. C.) BUREAU OF YARDS ANI, DOCKS Technicnl Pu

12、blicstlop HAVDOCgS TP-lR-2, Part B, Section 2 - Identification, mrking and painting of vehicle equipment (Copies of this publicntion my be obtained upon application to the Officer-in-Charge, Naval Supply Depot, Horfolk, Virginia. 3. BEQUIBEMEKPS 3.1 Component Parts - The remitrailer shall conairt of

13、 8 tank arsembly, pump aseembly, air brake syetem, and a running gear. 3 e2 Material 3.2.1 Bpecificotionr and Standards - Specifications and stendardr for all BPIterialB, parto, ,/- 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.I tIIL-R-2142b 23

14、 m 77777Ob 0171758 b m ! -. I Y. . . HIL-R2l.426 (Aer ) and government certification and approval of procesres and equipment, which are not rpecificai4 derignated herein and which are neceieaq for the execution of this specification, rhall be selected in accordance with Bulletin lo. 143, except ar p

15、rovided in the following paragrapht the purpore, and shall be identified by their part naabere, rcrewr, bolts, nuts, cotter pin., etc., pay be mod, provided they develop raitable propertier and are replaceable by the AN or MIL rtandard part8 without alteration, and provided the correrponding

16、 A or MIL part numbers are referenced on the drawings and in the part8 iet8. applications for which no suitable.corresponding invitation for bidi, commercial part8 my be umd provided they conform to a11 requirem8nts Of thi8 rpecificatien. btaterialr not 8peCifiCel1y covered by thir or applic

17、able specification8 rhall be ruitable in every respect for the intended purpose. shall be muitable for operation in temperaturer ranging from fi30 to -20F and rhall be ruitable for extended periods of storage at temperaturep of I60 and -3OOP. fi1 materialr otherwire ured shall be protected by encloe

18、ure to insure satisfactory operation under all weather conditionr throughout the above temperature r8np;e. 3.2.2 When materialr are tued in the construction of the remitrailer that are aubject to corroeion or fungar due to the preience of any adverse global atnorpheric condition, due to the srsociat

19、ion of dissimilar metali uesd in the construction or installation, due to contact with any of the aviation, aromatic or jet-type fuelr, aridlor due to the preisnce of aw material required for the iatiifactory operation of the remitrailer in accorance with the requirement8 of this specification, they

20、 shell be treated or protected against such corrosion or fuwU8 in a manner that will in no way prevent compliance with performance requirements of thir ipecification. The use of any protective coating or treatment that will crack, chip, rcale, or deteriorate in any manner with age, in any global atm

21、ospheric condition, or in extreme temperature variationr, shell be avoided. Standard Psrtr - Ni or HIL Standard partr rhallbe turd wherever they are ruitable for Commercial utility parts ruch 68 In or MIL part is in effect on date of Hateriele rhall be as 8peCified herein. Material8 Protective Treat

22、ment - 3.3 Desim 3.3.1 for compliance with the requirements specified herein. requirements of the speCifiC8tiO118 and drawing8 referenced in Section 2 of the requirement8 specified herein, the requirements of thir specification shall govern. 3.3.2 arometic or jet-type fuels conforming to Specificati

23、ons MIL-F-5572 and MIL-F-5624 under temperature conditions rangi% from -20 to f130i. In addition, the seaitrailer rhall be capable of transporting e rated payload of 5000 gallon8 of fuel over hard ruraced road8 at a speed of 40 mph and over unimproved road8 at a speed of 10 iph when being towed by a

24、 73/2 ton, 6x6 truck-tractor, or a +ton, 6x6. il39 truck tractor conforming to Specification MIL-T-746. 3.4 Conmtruction - The semitrailer rhall be conrtructed mo that no partr will work loore in service. It shall be buil6 to withstand the rtraini, .jBrl, vibrations, and other conditionr incident to

25、 shipping, storage, and remice. 3.4.1 frictionless am practiwblc. The general arrangement of the remitrailer covered by thir specification rhall provide In the event of conflict between the The remitrailer rhall be designed to satirfactorily-iervcq all typer of aircraft with Pivotr, beariwr, and gea

26、r8 rhell neither bind nor rhake and shall be ar near 3.5 Tank Arsembly 3.5.1 The tank rhall be of the one cornpartment drop type of 5000-gsll0n capacity. !%e tnnk rhall be constructed of steel sheet and rhall conform to ICC for smll areEs power wire brushing may be satisfactory. of blasting materisl

27、 must be removed end the surface muet be dry. be started iilnedistely after rurfsce cleaning ie completed. edges, etiffners and in corners ad the first coating operation. contresting colors ahall then be applied to insure a uniform coating of six (6) mils thicknese. In well ventilated tanks a drying

28、 period of one hour between coats is sufficient. thickness shall be measured with an electro iaagnetic thickneas film gage which has been calibrated against metal of the same characteristice as the tank metal. additional coats shall be applied as necesiarp: Mter painting is complete tank8 should be

29、ventilated until gas free. NOTE: methyl ethyl ketone solution is both toxic and explosive. aircraft fuel shnll be prepsred and coated as specified in paragraph The interior of the tank shall be thoroughly cleaned and snnd blasted prior to Tank Coating - The interior surfaces of the

30、tank covered by paragreph 3.5.3 above shall which coniiets of a Thorough surface preparation . For large surfaces, fil traces ApulicPtion of the coating must he coat shllbe applied to all A sufficient number of coats of Total film If less than 6 mils 6t any point, atreordinary safetr precautions are

31、 required during the application of the coating as the All interior metallic fittings of the tank that will be subjected to contact with 3.5.4 and general maintenance. The semitrailer tank shell be designed so that all portions are accessible for cleaning 3.5.5 placa with a standerd SAE kingpin. whe

32、el of the Military n39! truck-tractor and shall be so located as to provide a clearance of 93 inches aft from the center line of the kingpin. 3.5.6 extend from the front of the kingpin to the noie of the tank. 3.5.7 Manholes - Three Circular manholes of at least 20-inch iire ihall be provided. The c

33、enter manhole eh11 havea 10-inch fuel-tight hinged filler cover with necessary Bafetp featurei to eliminate the gO8aibilitj of a ipark occurring while the cover i0 being opened or clored. The manholes on either side of the center manhole ehall be firmly fastened and used only as a means of access at

34、 the time of a Kenem1 overhaul or inspection, gasket toinsure a fuel-tight seat between the coller and the cover. ribbon-tjpe car seal to prevent withdrawal of fuel by unauthorized persons. 3.53 Airrente - The tank rents shell be in accordance with ICC Regulation MC-300.- Covers shn11 be equ

35、ipped with spring loaded quick release latches or fueibla plugs equipped with fine screens to provide additional emergency vapor release. 3.5.9 and having adequate landing platforms to accommodate the boarding ladders shell be provided. Tubular or formed with reat 2-112 to 3 inche8 above the bottom

36、of the tank. connection to the piping shall be so arranged that the valve may be removed for maintenance without removing any of the piping. brass rcreen. The remote control for these valve8 my be of any accepted commercial design either air or lubriceted cable operated which shall require the closi

37、ng of the valver when cabinet door is clored. The control rhll be located in a cabinet. Furible linke rhall be incorporated in emergency valver or itr control to provide automatic closing in the event of fire. horizontal flange mounted automtic water drain valve and control equal to the automatic wa

38、ter drain ralve of the filter/reprator. water slug control valves located at the outlet of the filter/ieperators. valve, incorporsted in the automatic drein valve control shall provide for blow down of the screen which protects the automatic drain. emergency remote control to close the emergency vnl

39、ve which shall be loceted on the opposite ride of the tank. painted adjacent to this control. or the word *PUSR* or *PULLy ar appropriate. rhall be brars, bronze er rteinlers rteel. 3.5.12 extinguishers, in accordance with Specification WIL-3 one device shall be provided for each 1-112 inch home. wi

40、th a 1-112 inch conventional notrle. 3.6.8 Hm - Each refueler mhell be equipped with two 1-1/2 inch hose and two 2-112 inch collapsible hose, each hose shall be SO-feet in length with male couplings o8 both ends. The specification for the 1-112 inch hoses shall be in accordance with specification HI

41、L-E-6615 and the specification for the 2-112 inch hose shall be in accordance with mpecification MIL-E-11588 with the following alterations:,, and 4.3.2 are deleted and rewritten am foilowat The metera shall be installed on the semitrailer mo am to be clearly legible under al

42、l Home Carrier Trouhm - Two (2) hose carrier troughs shall be provided, one on each side Each hose trough shall provide a satisfactory method to For the purpose of this procurement, paragraphs 3.2.3,, Paragraph 3,2.3 - in rubber wound in contra direction. The reenforcement the valve shell

43、open ai preseure ie relieved from dome when filter/separetor ir preseurized. ryetern shall be braes or bronre. Due to the narrow I difference in specific gravity between Jet fuel and water, the float shall be calibrated to l The control of the automatic water-drain valve and The automatic drain valv

44、e shall be protected by a 60-mesh copper rcreen no The floe% The automatic water-drain valve All componente of thlm MIL-R-21426 23 999990b 01939b3 T- _-I - nIL-R-21426(Aer) through accerr doors in the cabinet. shell be provided. modified with the following rupplementery provieionr: fuels, hide rails

45、 to support inlet end when removed for servicing The filterfreparator shall conform to Military Specification KIL-P-8508 ar Unit shRll be designed for a rated flow of 225 PU when operating on aviation Jet a. b. Inlet and outlet tubing shell be 3-hch I.D. grooved for Kroove-type couplinge. Automatic

46、water dispoasl end water slug control shell be provided and shall be utlet ob11 be located at top of care. C. ; . - - -I - -. - d, The filtedrepnrstor cese elements and mountings shall be in accordance with BUhE SE drawinge HOS. 238 dated 6 Sep 1955, 2381 dated 30 hug 1956, 238-2 dated 12 Jpl 1956 a

47、nd 238.3 dated 12 Jul 1956. e. Air eliminetor shall be 2-inch size. i. Automatic water-slug control ahall be provided to insure that large amountr of water which may pane through the filterlrepsrator are checked; the control valve shnll be of 3-inch rize and of the prersure diaphragm type and ihalla

48、e controlled br the float control aseembly rpecified in paragraph c. outlet. Slug-control rslve shall be located in piping immediately after filterfeeparator g. A 100 PSI prersure me ahn11 be inetalled with a suitable t 125 pound8 rtatic pressure with no distortion or lealcsge apparent. Teat with mi

49、ter ir sccepteble. 3.6.12 pump for sucking fuel from external rources. A ?-inch gate valve and a 3-inch owing check valve shall be instslled near the end of the suction stub at the furtheit point from the pump. stub ah11 be so loceted as to permit the connection of ruction hose by personnel rtmdtng on the ground. Suction Stub - One ?-inch suction stub shall be installed on the ruction ride of the Thii The suction stub ihall be provided with pipe cap. 3.6.13 s minimum of preriure drop shell be install


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