NAVY MIL-R-22679-1960 RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER RADIO RT-559 ASQ-58 AND RT-559A ASQ-58《RT-559 ASQ-58 及 RT-559A ASQ-58型无线电收发机》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-R-22679-1960 RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER RADIO RT-559 ASQ-58 AND RT-559A ASQ-58《RT-559 ASQ-58 及 RT-559A ASQ-58型无线电收发机》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-R-22679-1960 RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER RADIO RT-559 ASQ-58 AND RT-559A ASQ-58《RT-559 ASQ-58 及 RT-559A ASQ-58型无线电收发机》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-R-22679-1960 RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER RADIO RT-559 ASQ-58 AND RT-559A ASQ-58《RT-559 ASQ-58 及 RT-559A ASQ-58型无线电收发机》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-R-22679-1960 RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER RADIO RT-559 ASQ-58 AND RT-559A ASQ-58《RT-559 ASQ-58 及 RT-559A ASQ-58型无线电收发机》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-R-22679-1960 RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER RADIO RT-559 ASQ-58 AND RT-559A ASQ-58《RT-559 ASQ-58 及 RT-559A ASQ-58型无线电收发机》.pdf_第5页
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1、M I L-R-2 2 6 7 9 ( w EP 1 I NOVEMBER 1960 MILITARY SPECIFICATION RECEIVER-TRANSMITTER, RADIO RT- 559(*)/ASQ- 58 This specification has been approved by the Bureau of Naval Weapons, Department of the Navy. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope - The equipment covered by this specification shall be of one type and shal

2、l provide hxy radio communication with properly equipped surface stations and other aircraft by means of amplitude modulated radio telephony. When installed with the necessary associated equipment the radio set shall provide the following: (i) Communications by means of AM radio telephony (A3). (2)

3、Reception of special-type signals consistent with the performance (3) Automatic direction finding when installed with certain equipment. (4) Automatic relay wherein reception of signals on one equipment will requirements outlined herein. cause transmission on another as outlined herein. 1.2 Associat

4、ed Equipment - The equipment Shall operate with the following Q) Antenna AT-l4A/A with RG-8/U cable (2) Headset H-1/AR or H-4IAR associated equipment which shall not be supplied as part of the equipment: (3) Microphone - T - 17, NAF-213264-6 or ANB-M-C1, carbon type (4) Throttle Switch - NAF-ll24-17

5、 (5) Control, Radio Set C-2791/ARC, C-1607/ARC-52, or (6) Intercommunication Set AN/AIC-14 (7) Junction Box J-17A/ARC-5 (8) Jack Box J-22/ARC-5 (9) Direction Finder Group AN/ARA-48 (lo) Mounting-Plenum MT-2244/ASQ C-2072/ARC-52 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

6、hout license from IHS-,-,-h5-R-22679(WEP) 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 SPECIFICATIONS General - The following documents of the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein: Military MIL-1-22668 Integrated Electronic Centrals AN/AS

7、Q-56, AN/ASQ- 57, and AN/ASQ- 58 STANDARDS Federa FED-STD-595 Colors (Collection of 358 Standard Colors for paints and other materials) - 22.5 Relay Squelch Change - It shall be possible by changing not more than 7 coimections on a suitable terminal board to shift the receiver squelch circuits from

8、the signal- to-noise ratio type to the carrier operated type. The carrier operated type is to be used while relaying and the signal-to-noise ratio type is to be used for nonrelaying operation. 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.3.23

9、Automatic Direction Finding - When instailed with certain associated equipment, the radio set shall be suitable for automatic direction finding. When used for ttL service the receiver-transmitter wiii receive radio frequency signals from the direction finding antenna, amplify and demodulate them, an

10、d deiver the low-frequency modulation components to the direction finder amplifying and indicating equipment. When the radio set is connected in an automatic relaying instailation, the automatic direction finding function is available on one receiver-transmitter. When the relaying function is select

11、ed on Control, Radio Set C=2791/ARC, the ADF function is disabled. 3.4 Detailed Requirements - 3.4.1 Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-559/ASQ-58 - The receiver-transmitter shall meet the following requirements. Function - The receiver portion of the equipment shaU receive r-f energy from the a

12、ntenna, amplify and convert it to aural intemgence. The transmitter portion of the equipment shall generate r-f power and transmit it to the load specified herein. Form Factor - The receiver-transmitter shall be contained in a single unit capable of being directly mounted to a shockmounted equipment

13、 shelf which in turn is mounted in SUI aircraft, It shalt be possible to remove the unit from the equipment shelf and to remove the dust cover using ordinary hand tools without requiring removal of any cable. The over-ail dimensions shaU not exceed 7-9/16 by 10-37/64 by 19-25/32 inches. 3.4.

14、1. 3 Weight - The weight of the receiver-transmitter, less mounting, shall. not Contents - The receiver-transmitter shail contain the complete transmitter, modulator, receiver, direct crystal-controlled frequency generator, frequency selection system, automatic tuning devices, power supply,

15、and aU other parts to make the equipment function as a unit for the auxiliary equipment as specified herein. It shaU be possible to remove or replace any plug-in unit located on the main chassis using ordinary hand tools and without unsoldering any connections. It shail be further possible to replac

16、e any plug-in units with another without resynchronization except that realignment of tuning elements may be necessary. The above circuits shaii be contained in the following 13 modular assemblies. exceed 54-1/2 pounds, (i) Ampiifier-Preamplifier Module - Provides r-f amplification and first mixer d

17、uring both receiver and transmit modes, (2) 20-30 MC I-F Amplifier Module - Provides first i-f amplification and second mixer during reception and first injection frequency during transmission. (3) 1.85 MC I-F Amplifier Module - Provides second i-f amplification and detector circuitry, (4) Audio Amp

18、lifier Module - Provides audio amplification. (5) Spectrum Generator Module - Provides high-frequency injection (6) Oscillator Module - Provides low-frequency injection (7) Power Amplifier Module - Provides r-f amplification during transmission. 10 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or net

19、working permitted without license from IHS-,-,-. NIL-R-22677 58 777770b 03534qb 3 MIL-R- 22679wEP) (8) Guard Receiver Module - Provides emergency receiver circuitry except for audio amplification. (9) Relay Module - Provides power distribution circuitry. (lo) Modular Module - Provides audio amplific

20、ation and modulates the r-f carrier. (U) Mechanical Drive Module - Tunes r-f, oscillator, and first i-f circuitry by correctly positioning the gears connecting these modules. 62) Rectifier Unit - Rectifies 115 V, 400 cps input to provide 130 V DC, 03) A C Power Unit - Provides +430 V DC, 6.3 V AC, a

21、nd 26 V AC outputs, -15 V D VC, and +225 V DC. Electrical Connection: External Reference Receptacle Designation Type Function 51401 Amphenol 126-10572 Power, control and r-f connection (or approved equivalent) (or approved equivalent) 51402 Amphenol 82-811 R-F connector I

22、nternal - The following electrical connections shal be accessible when the (l) A Type JK-34, or an approved equivalent, jack for headset connection. (2) A Type JK-33, or an approved equivalent, jack for microphone connection. Test Connector - A test connector shall be provided on the front

23、 of the equip- unit is removed from its case: ment for use with AN/USA-11 test equipment. The following functions shall be provided to the connector: Function Pin Letter Main Audio A Aux Audio B T/R Relay Ground C Mike input b D Ground E Mike input a F 11 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

24、 or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- - -_ HIL-R-ZZb9 58 990bL57 5 MIL-R-22879(WEP) 3.4,l. 8 Controls, internal - The following semifixed adjustable controls shall be accessible with the unit removed from its cam: (i) Main receiver sensitivity control. (2) Guard receiver sensitivity

25、 control. (3) Main audio amplifier gain control. (4) Guard audio amplifier gain control. (5) Sidetone audio gain control. (6) Modulator audio gain control. (7) Signal-to-noise squelch control. (8) Auxiliary audio gain control. 3.4,1,7 Terminations 3.4.1. 7,l Receiver R-F - R-f input to the receiver

26、shall be through a 52-ohm cable from a signal generator having an effective source impedance of 52 ohms. Sensitivity shall be in terms of “open-circuit“ microvolts, 3.4.1. 7,2 Transmitter R-F - The r-f output load (dummy antenna) shall consist of a 52-ohm noninductive load which shall include means

27、suitable for measuring r-f power output, percentage modulation and distortion, 3.4.1,7,3 Receiver Audio - The main (headset) audio output channel of the receiver shall be terminated in a 300-ohm noninductive load which shall include means for measuring the audio-frequency power output. The auxiliary

28、 (wide-range) audio output channel of the receiver shaU be terminated in a resistance load of 20,000 ohms, including means for measuring the audio output voltage, shaU be connected to an audio-frequency generator and dummy microphone having character- istics as listed below: 3.4,l. 7,4 Transmitter i

29、nput - The audio (microphone) input circuit of the transmitter Carbon Microphone input Resistance - 82 ohms impedance (mainly resistive at audio frequencies) - 82 ohms Frequency range - 150-10,000 cps Total harmonic distortion - less than 1% Open-circuit output potential (adjustable) O. 05-3, O V rm

30、s 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-R-22679 58 rn 9999906 OL5LLI98 7 rn MIL-R-22679WEP) Dynamic Mike Input Resistance - 82 ohms Impedance (mainly resistive at audio frequencies) - 82 ohms Frequency range - 150-10,000 cps Total h

31、armonic distortion - less than 1% Open-circuit output potential (adjustable) - 1-50 mv rms Pressurization - The case containing this equipment requires a supply of dry pressurized air. At an internal pressure of 20 psi absolute, the case construction shall be such that leakage is no greater than 5 p

32、si in 24 hours when the external pressure is reduced to O. 65 psi absolute (70,000 feet). The equipment performance shall be in accordance with this specification when the internal pressure is maintained at 20 f 5 psi absolute, QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY General -

33、All major units and parts of the equipment shall be preserved, packaged, packed and marked for the level of shipment specified in the contract or order in accordance with Specification MIL-I- 22668. Use - This equipment is mainly intended to supply a uhf communication Precedence - When the requireme

34、nts of the contract, this specification, or applicable subsidiary specifications are in conflict, the following precedence shall apply: function for the Intesed Electronic Central AN/ASQ-58. (l) Contract - The contract shall have precedence over any specification. (2) System Specification - integrat

35、ed Electronic Centrals AN/ASQ- 56, AN/ASQ-57 and AN/ASQ-58 Specification MIL-1-22668 shall have precedence over this specification. (3) This Specification - This specification shall have precedence over all applicable subsidiary specifications. Any deviation from this speci- fication, or from subsid

36、iary specifications where applicable, shall be approved in writing by the procuring activity. (4) Referenced Specifications - Any referenced specification shall have precedence over all applicable subsidiary specifications referenced therein. All referenced specifications shall apply to the extent s

37、pecified. I s. r: 13 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-2Zb7.7 58 W 799390b 015LLI9 9 MIL-R-2267O(WEP) 6.3 The parentheses ( * ), when used in the type designation, shall be replaced by either a number or letter furnished by the pr

38、ocuring activity upon application by the con- tractor for assignment of nomenclature in accordance with 3.2.10 of Specification MIL-1-22668. The complete type number shall be used on nameplates, shipping records and instruction books, as applicable. NOTICE: When Government drawings, specifications,

39、or other data are used for any purpose other than in connection with a definitely related Government procurement operation, the United States Government thereby incurs no responsibility nor any obligation whatsoever; and the fact that Government may have formulated, furnished or in any way supplied

40、the said drawings, specifications or other data is not to be regarded by implication or otherwise as in any manner licensing the holder or any other person or corporation, or conveying any rights or permission to manufacture, use or sell any patented invention that may in any way be related Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-


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