NAVY MIL-R-5532 E-1965 RADAR RECOGNITION SET AN APX-7( )《AN APX-7( )型雷达识别设置》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-R-5532 E-1965 RADAR RECOGNITION SET AN APX-7( )《AN APX-7( )型雷达识别设置》.pdf_第1页
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1、I=- o/- 1 B MIL-R-5532E 58 7797906 0347737 3 m MIL-R- 5532 E (WP) I FEBRUARY 1965 SUPERSEDING MIL-R-55320 (WEP) 15 FEBRUARY 1962 MILITARY SPECIFICATION RADAR RECOGNITION SET AN/APX-7(*) This specification has been approved by the Wireau of Naval Weapons, Department of the Navy. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope -

2、The equipment covered by this specification is an airborne Interrogator-Responsor for use in conjnction with a system of electronic identification and recogni- tion. It shall interrogate Radar Identiication Set AN/APX-GB, receive the resulting AN/APX-6B replies and develop video outputs suitable for

3、 display on the indicator(s) associated with AN/APX-OA, AN/APS-BOB, AN/APS-LOC, AN/APS-44 and AN/APS-80 Radar Sets hereinafter referred to as the local radar“. 1.2 Classification - The equipment covered by this specification shall., Bases, Mounting; and Mounts, Vibration (For Use with Electronic Equ

4、ipment in Aircralt) THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS Aircraft, installation of Electronic Equipment, Aircraft, General Specification for Testing, Environmental: Aircraft Electronic Equipment Intererence Limits, Tests and Design Requirements, Aircraft Electrical and Electronic Equipment (See 2.2(2) Control Pan

5、el: Aircrat Equipment, Rack or Console Mounted Plate, Plastic, Lighting Radar Identification Set AN/APX-6B Electronic and Electrical Equipment and Associated Repair Parts, Prep- aration foi. Delivery of Test Procedures; Preproduction and Inspection, for Aircraft Electronic Equipment, Format lor Nome

6、nclature and Nameplates for Aeronautical Electronic and Associated Equipment Reliability Assurance for Production Acceptance of Avionic Equipment, General Specification for Electric Power, Aircraft, Character- istics and Utilization o , Availability of Documents (1) When requesting specifications, s

7、tandards, drawings, and publications refer to both title and number. cable specifications required by contractors in connection with specific procurement functions may be obtained upon application to the Command- ing Oficer, Naval Supply Depot, Code 105, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia 20, Pennsylva

8、nia. Copies of this specification and appli- 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-5532E 58 9979906 0147919 7 R MIL-R-5532E(WP) (2) Specification MIL-I-6181B is available only from Wireau of Naval Weapons, Washington 25, D. C. Atten

9、tion: RAAV-L. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Parts and Materials - in the selection of parts and materials, ulfillment of major design objectives shall be the prime consideration. in so doing the following shall govern: (3 ) / Parts and materials requirements shall conform to Specification MIL- E- 5400. Nonrep

10、airable subassemblies, as outlined in Specification MIL-E-5400, shall be used when practicable. The general size of the subassembly, and the amount of circuitry to be included therein shall be approved by the procuring activity. Nonrepair- able subassemblies must be reliable. When previously produce

11、d models of this equipment did not use nonrepairable subassemblies, the design shall not be changed to employ nonrepairable assemblies without the approval of the. (See 6.7) prqcuring activity. / 3.1. 1 Notistandard Parts and Material Approval - Approval for the use of non- standard parts and materi

12、als shall be obtained as outlined in Specification MIL-E-5400. *3.1.2 Electron Devices - Electron and applied, as outlined in Specification MIL- E-4682. 3.2 Design and Construction - tubes, transistors and diodes shall be chosen 3.2. 1 General - The equipment shall conform with ali the applicable re

13、quirements of Specification hIIL-E-5mdesign, construction and workmanship, unless otherwise specified herein. 3.2.2 Total Weight - The total weight of the equipment, excluding cables, shall be a minimum consistent with good design and shall not exceed 94 pounds. ance for 30 hours, continuously or in

14、termittently, without the necessity for readjustment of any controls which are inaccessible during flight. 3. %. 3 Operational Stability - The equipment shall operate with optimum perform- 3.2. 5 Operating Life - 3. 2.4. 1 Reliable Operating Life - The equipment shall have a reliable operating life

15、Parts requiring servicing or replacement of at least 250 hours without removal for bench servicing. at the end of this interval to renew this service lile shall be specified by the manufacturer. 3.2. 4.2 Total Operating Life - The equipment shall have a minimum total Operating Parts requiring replac

16、ement lile of 2000 hours with reasonable servicing and replacement of parts. within this interval and the Ille of such parts shall be specified by the manufacturer. Mean Operating Life Between Failures - The equipment shall have a mini- mum of 250 hours of mean operating life between failure

17、s when tested and accepted as outlined under the requirements of 4.4.2. 3 R i Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-5532E 5 m 7777706 OLLi7920 3 MIL-R-5532E(WP) . 3.2.5 Cabling and Connections - 3.2.5. 1 Cables and Connectors - This e

18、quipment shall provide the use of cables and connectors in accordance with Specification MIL-E-5400. 3.2. 5.2 interconnection Cabling - The equipment shall be capable of satisfactory operation using external wiring in accordance with the applicable requirements of Specification MIL-W-5086. vidual wi

19、res may be shielded when demonstrated as necessary to meet interference control require- ments and provided the assembly of the cable to its plugs may be easily accomplished. cables and that portion of the connectors attached to the cables shall not be supplied as part of the equipment. The external

20、 wiring shall be unshielded, except that a minimum numeber of the indi- External 3.2. 6 Nomenclature and Nameplates - Nomenclature assignment and nameplate apprvai for the equipment shall be in accordance with Specification MIL-N-18307. . 3.2.7 Jnterlerence Control - The generation of radio interfer

21、ence by the equipment and the vulnerability of the equipment to radio interference shall be controlled within the limits of Specification MIL-I-6181B with the following exceptions: (1) Figure 16 - This requirement is waived to the extent that noise level limits below O. 21 mc may be exceeded by not

22、more than 50%. Figure 17 - The brond band radiated interference limits at frequencies of 38, 115, 235, 345, and 690 mc,shall be increased to 1.54, 2.8, 2.1, 11.06, and 6.16 microvolts per kc respectively. In addition, it is permissible for any other 2 frequencies encompassed by Figure 17 to exceed t

23、he limits by 12 db. (2) , 3.2. 7. 1 Modes of Operation - The interference tests shall be made with the equip- ment operating in each, all, and any combination of the three modes of interrogation with trigger pulse rates of 300 cps. 3. 2. 7.2 ing cable lengths of 20 feet. Cable Lengths - The interfer

24、ence tests shall be made with the interconnect- - 3.2.7. 3 Conducted interference Tests - In order to simplify the test procedure, con- ducted interference tests on specific interconnecting cables may be eliminated provided that these cables do not connect to other electronic systems in the airplane

25、 such as radar equipment8 or pri- mary power supply sources. * shali not exceed 80 db + 10 log PO below the transmitted signal except at the 1/3 and 9th harmonic of transmitted frequency, which shall be 3000 UV maximum at 343 mc and 25,000 UV at 9270 mc. shall be construed to be the level,

26、in peak watts, of the fundamental transmitted power. ) Undesired Antenna Radiation - The power developed at the “Antenna“ jack (Po 3.2: 7. 5 RF Rejection - RF Rejection shall be provided to reduce the sensiivlty to at least 40 db below normal sensitivity for all signals in the following ranges: . 1

27、mc through 10 kc. (The use of external filter to meet this requirement is acceptable. ) 3. 2. 7. 6 Equipment Protection - The equipment shall not be damaged or rendered inoperative after the application of an RF signal of any amplitude up to two volts (applied at the Antenna jack with a 51 ohm gener

28、ator calibrated in terms of open circuit voltages) and of any type Of modulation. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-NIL-R-CC32E 58 = 777770b 0147921 5 MIL-R-5532E(WP) 3. 2. 8 Interchangeability 2 The equipment shall meet the interchan

29、geability require- ments as specified in Specification MIL-E-5400. 3. 2.9 Maintenance Provisions and Field Testing - Provisions for maintenance of the equipment shall be in accordance with Speciication MIL-E-5406. Specific test points and test facilities shall be provided to the greatest extent prac

30、ticable for ease of field testing and maintenance. 3.2. 10 Voltage Protection - The equipment shall not be damaged by voltages either above or below the minimum specified herein and shall automatically resume normal operation when the voltage returns within limits. 3.2. 11 Control Panels - All rack

31、or console mounted control panels shall conform The configuration of all control panels to the applicable requirements of Specification MIL-C-6781. must be approved by the procuring activity prior to preproduction testing. 3.2. 12 Standard Conditions - The following conditions shall be used to estab

32、lish normal performance characteristics under standard conditions and for making laboratory bench tests. Temperature Rooni.ambient (30 f looc) Altitude Normal ground Vibration None Humidity input power voltage Service Conditions - The equipment shall operate under any of the environ- Room ambient up

33、 to 90% relative humidity 115 i 1. O V AC and/or 27. 5 f O. 5 V DC 3.2. 13 mental service conditions or reasonable combination of these conditions in accordance with Specifi- cation MIL-E-5400 for Class 1 equipment except as modified herein. pheric service conditions at all altitudes from sea level

34、to 50, O00 feet except that an automatic reduction of transmitted RF peak pulse power output is permitted at altitudes above 35,000 feet as described in 3. 3. 6. 3.2. i3. 1 Altitude - The equipment shall provide specified performance under atmos- 3.2. 13.2 Shock - 3. 2. 13.2. 1 Equipment - The equip

35、ment shall not suffer however, operation of this delay shall be independent of DC. The design of this automatic warm-up 3. 3. 6. 9 Power Monitor - A power monitor shaI1 be incorporated which will connect a pin of the control connector (J108-D) through a low impedance to ground in the event the peak

36、transmitter power falls below a preset reference. ground return for an external indicator lamp which will serve as a warning that either the transmitter is inoperative or operating with reduced power. The ground return shall consist of a switching tran- sistor which provides less than 300 ohms imped

37、ance for a 20 ma load when “on“ and less than 800ua leakage for 28 VDC alarm supply when “off“. The maximum alarm load shall be 20 ma and the maximum alarm supply shall he 29 VDC. The alarm actuation point shall be adjustable by ,a control located on the power monitor module through a minimum range

38、of +30 to +35 db W. point shall be stable to f 2 db over service conditions (goal f 1 db). A spring return switch shall be located on the front panel which will operate the modulator altitude switch and thus reduce the trans- mitter power. This switch will be used for calibration and/or seif test of

39、 the power monitor. This connector pin will be used to supply a The actuaton 3. 3. 6. 10 Twin Pulse Generator - A twin pulse generator shall be incorporated which This jack shall be labeled “AUX TRIG“ and located under the protective flap. will modulate the transmitter with mode 1 interrogations whe

40、n a single trigger is applied to a type BNC front panel jack. This auxiliary trigger shall have the following characteristics: , Amplitude: Width: 1 + 2. -0 microseconcl 20 f 5v into 100 ohms (positive) Rise Time: O. 1 microsecond Fall Time: O. 2 microsecond I P RF: 160 - 320 The circuitry shall be

41、designed so that the transmitter may be triggered from either the normal TRIG jack or the AUX TRIG jack without mechanical switching. This auxiliary trigger shall also, trigger Receiver Gate, GTC, and Suppression unless these functions have been otherwise disabled , by the ap!iable circuitry. 3.3. 7

42、 Receiver Characteristics - 3. 3. 7. 1 Transponder Reply - The equipment shall receive replies transmitted by Radar Identification Set AN/APX-6B. multiple pulse replies having the characteristics as specified herein. The equipment shall also be capable of receiving single or 1 Pulse Shape -

43、 The basic Reply Pulse will have the following characteristics: (1) ihration - Between O. 4 and 1.3 microseconds. I. (2) Rise Time - O. 2 microsecond, or less. i (3) Decay Time - O. 4 microsecond, or less. (4) Spike Amplitude - Not greater than 40% of the average pulse amplitude. (5) Amplitude Jitte

44、r - 5% or lcss. j 12 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-5532E 58 W 9779706 OLLi7927 T MIL-R- 5532E(W P) I 4 * 3.3 7.1.2 Reply Coding - Transponder replies will be coded according to the: Mode of 1 interrogation used, as follows: Mo

45、de No. of Pulses Pulse Spacing (microseconds) - 1 1 2 2 16 f 2.5 I 16 f 2.5 1.45 to 2.9 (trains may be interleaved) Emergency Reply 4 Auxiliary Reply 3 to 28 (duration of 0.45 i O. 1 microsecond only) Receiver Gain- The maximum receiver gain shall be greater than 106 db (of which 6 db shall

46、be in the video processor and the remainder in the IF amplifier). In order to fulfill this requirement, the receiver shall be capable of producing limited 2 volt video output for an RF input signal at a level of -100 dbv, when the manual gain control is set at maximum. Limiting of the signal may be

47、just discernable in the noise. * when not being triggered shall hold the receiver desensitized to at least 75 db less than normal sens- tivity. (Normal sensitivity is the signal required to produce “just limiting“ of the video output. The “normal sensitivity“ may be adjusted for any level

48、between -60 and -100 dbv.) When the electronic switch is triggered by a pilse coincident with the first RF pulse of an interrogation, the sensitivity shall rise from the desensitized level to an adjustable initial GTC level. From this level the re- ceiver sensitivity shall be increasedat the rate of

49、 6 f 2 db/octave. The time at which the receiver sensitivity is 3 db below normal sensitivity shall be termed the GTC period. This GTC period shall he adjustable from 400 to 2400 microseconds by a chassis-mounted potentiometer. The interval for which the receiver gain is increased at 6 f 2 db/octave shall be at least the final 5 octaves, or at least include the interval between 50 microseconds alter triggering and the GTC period. The receiver shall remain sensitized at normal


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