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1、MILR-60117(MU) 20 MAY 1964 SUPERSEDING FA-PD-M1-2331, Rev 1 24 JULY 1961 MILITARY SPECIFICATION REMOVER, AIRCRAFT CANOPY, M4 AND M5 METAL PARTS ASSEMBLY 1. SCOPE 1.1 This specification covers Remover, Air- craft Canopy, M4 and M5, Metal Parts As- sembly, The assembly will ultimately be loaded and us

2、ed in conjunction with other propellant actuated devices in aircrew emer- gency escape systems. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1. The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or re- quest for proposal, form a part of this speci- fication to the extent specified herein. SP

3、ECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-A-2550-Ammunition and Special Weapons, General Specification for MIL-145208-Inspection System Requirements STANDARDS MILITARY MIGSTD-1054ampling Procedures and Tables for inspection by Attributes MIMTD-109-Quality Assurance Terms and Defi- nitions MIL-STD-413-Visual Inspect

4、ion Guide MIL-STD-6394urface Roughness Pre- ferred for Amy Ord- nance Materiel DRAWINGS MUNITIONS COMMAND F 8595441 -Remover, Aircraft Can- opy, M4 and M5, Metal Parta Assembly Fiber M418 for Re- mover, Aircraft Canopy, M4 with Cartridge M29A2 or M5 with Car- tridge M120 C 8823716 -Box, Packing, Amm

5、uni- tion for Remover, Air- craft Canopy, M4 with Cartridge M29A2 or M5 with Cartridge M120 Equipment List for Removers, Aircraft Canopy, M4 and M5, Metal Parts Assem- blS C 8823715 -Container, Ammunition, IEL 8595441-Index to Inspection (Copies of specifications, standards and drawings required by

6、suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as direced by the contracting officer.) 3. REQUIREMENTS for Rubber O-Rings - THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS /le PAGES. DEI o Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with

7、out license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-bo117 13 W 7779706 033574LI 7 W Component Cap and Outside Tube SIeeve and Outside Tube Firing Head and Inside Tube MILR-60117 (MU) (inch pounds) 75 min. 75 min. ti) niin. P- 3.1 General. Materials, parts and assem- blies shall comply with all the requirements specified

8、 on the applicable drawings and specifications, 3.2 Initial production sample. Unless other- wise directed by the contracting officer, an mitial production sample shall be required. 3.3 Material. The contractor shall be re- sponsible for selecting from the classification list contained in the raw ma

9、terial specifica- tion, the surface and physical condition of the raw material intended for use in manu- facture. 3.4 Physical properties. Physical propkr- ties required by the drawing shall be uniform throughout each part within specified toler- ances. Requirements for all alloy steel parts shall b

10、e achieved by quenching and temper- ing. 3.5 Hydrostatic pressure. The components listed below shall withstand the correspond- ing internal pressure as indicated in table I for 16 seconds, minimum, without application of any external load and shall show no evi- dence of leakage or mechanical failure

11、 (see 6.1). Outside Tube 3000 Telescoping Tube 1800 Inside Tube 1 2000 3.6 Shear pin strength. After application of protective finish, the pin shall shear when a load of 287 pounds plus or minus 28 pounds is applied at the steady rate of .26 inches per minute. 3.7 Structurai rjtrebgth. The metai par

12、ts assembly shall withstand a static load of 4000 pounds, minimum, for 16 seconds, minimum, in tension followed by 8 static load of 8000 pounds, minimum, for 16 seconds, minimum, in compression without permanent deforma- tion or breakage of a part. 3.8 Iporqae. Torque requirements shall be as specif

13、ied below. The run-on torque ahdl 2 not be less than the indicated value noted in table I. TABLE II. 3.8.1 Bottoming forque. The bottoming torque between cap and outside tube and between sleeve and outside tube shall not exceed the running torque by 60 inch pounds. No bottoming torque shall be appli

14、ed between firing head and inside tube. 3.9 Protective finish. Protective finish shall be in accordance with the applicable specification and drawings and shall apply to ali surfaces of the component regardless of contour configuration. 3.10 Residual magnetism. The metal parts assembly shall not def

15、lect the indicator of the compass more than 3 degrees in either direction when passed in front of the com- pass at a distance of 6 inches. 3.1 1 Workmanship. The requirements for workmanship are as specified on the appii- cable drawings, referenced specifications. and the following: 3.11.1 Metat def

16、ects. All components shall be fixe from cracks, splits, cold shuts, inclu- sions, porosity or any similar defect, 3.11.2 Burr. No part shall have a burr which might interfere with the assembly or function of the item or which might be in- jurious to personnel handling the item. 3.11.3 Foreign matter

17、, No part or assem- bly shall contain chips, dirt, grease, rust, corrosion or other foreign matter. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspsction. Udess otherwise specified in the contract or pur- chase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requ

18、ire- ments specified herein. Except as otherwise -_ Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-R-bo117 13 = 9799906 0335745 9 Lot Sim 1- 300 301- 1,300 8,000-22,000 3,201- 1,301- 3,200 8,000 specified, the supplier may utilize his own facili

19、ties or any commercial laboratory ac- ceptable to the Government. The Govern- ment reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. 4.1.1 QuaJitg assuran

20、ce terms and defini- fioizs. Reference shall be made to MIGSTD- 109 to define the quality assurance terms usecl. 4.1.2 Impection. Inspection shall be in accordance with MIL-A-2550 and MIL-I- 45208, except as specified herein. 4.2 Initial production sample. At the be- ginning of regular production, t

21、he contractor shall submit an initial production sample to a Government approved facility for evalua- tion, The sample shall consist of 5 metal parts assemblies, 10 sets of parts and fifty shear pins from the same lot of shear pins tested by the contractor. The sainples shall be subjected to the tes

22、ts in 4.3.3. Test pro- cedures shall be in accordance with 4.4, except as provided in RIIL-1-45208. The sample shall be manufactured in the same manner, using the same materials, equip- ment. processes and procedures as used in regular production. All parts and materials, including packaging and pac

23、king, must be the same as used in regular production and shall be obtained from the same source of supply. The contractor shall inspect the sam- ple in accordance with his inspection system and other inspection requirements of MILI- 45208. After inspection and provisional ac- ceptance at source, the

24、 initial production .- Major Minor Sample Size I Accept Reject Accept Rd- 160 225 12 3 100% Examination I 110 1 2 2 8 3 3 4 6 6 4 4! 300 14 5 5. h11LR-60117 (MU) sample shall be inspected at the Government approved facility for all requirements of the drawings and specifications. The Govern- ment re

25、serves the right to require new initial production samples until such time as an acceptable sample is submitted. 4.3 Inspection provisions. 4.3.1 Lot. Submission o.! prowmirtation, One hundred per cent examination shall be performed for all criti- cal defects. Examination for major and minor

26、 defects shall be performed on a defect basis in accordance with the classification of defects contained herein, using the sam- pling plan and associated criteria in tables III and IV. For an individual defect (single characteristic) the criteria in table III: shall be used. For total defects within

27、 a major or minor group the criteria in table IV shall be used. All non-conforming material shall be rejected. Inspection for rubber O-rings shall be in accordance with MIGSTD-413. The Ordnance Standard Finish Blocks prescribed in MIGSTD-639 shall be used as a basisis of comparison for surface rough

28、ness determina- tion. Four power (4X) magnification may be used in performing visual examination for such defects as burr and foreign matter. MIL-STD-105. 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- MIL-R-60117 13 777770b 0335746 O W MIL-R-601

29、17( MU) TABLE Il. Total Allowable Defects per Sample Size Sample Sizes for Major Defects . . . . No. of Defects in Class 2-3 4-7 8-19 20-43 over 45 Sample Sizes for Minor Defects . . No. of Defects in Class 23 4-7 8-16 17-48 over 48 110 1 2 3 4 6 110 Head, F.iliny, Dwg F8595.442, cot*- eriw

30、a detal of Dwg F8595-441. Dcfecf Method of Insfiction CRITICAL: None defhed JIAJOR: 101. Pitch diameter of thread, max. Gage 102. Minor diameter of thread, max. Gage 103. Pitch diameter of gas port thread, IlaX, -ge 104. Minor diameter of gas port thread, max. Gage 105. Pitch diameter of set screw t

31、hread, max. Gage 106. Minor diameter of set screw thread, man. Gage 107. Concentricity of head with body, large end Gage 108. Concentricity of midsection cavity with pitch diameter of thread Gage 109. Concentricity of pitch diameter of thread with body, small end Gage 110. Concentricity of body, sma

32、ll end with body, large end Gage 111. Symmetry of elongated slot with midsection cavity Gage 112. True poeition of pin hole with midsection cairity Gage 113. True position of holes in flange with diameter of head and face of flange Gage 114. True position of pitch diameter of gas port hole with mids

33、ection cavity Gage 116. Diameter of undercut, max. Gage 116. Diameter of midsection cavity Gage 117. Diameter of pin hoIe, max. Gage 118. Diameter of gas port counterbore Gage 119. Diameter of body, large end Gage 120. Diameter of body, simli end Gage 121. Diameter of chamfer at gas port Gage 122. D

34、epth to base of midsection cavity Gage 160 2 3 4 6 8 150 3 4 ci 8 11 - 225 i 300 i 3: 4 4 6 11 225 a 4 6 8 11 17 5 7 10 14 300 5 7 10 14 20 Defect Method 123. Depth of threaded cavity includ- 124. Depth of pin hole counterbore 126. Depth of gas port counterbore 126. Depth to end of thread, min. 127.

35、 Width of elongated slot, max. 128. Location of pin hole 129. Location of elongated slot 130. Location of gas port 131. Angular location of pin hole 132. Thread damaged or not full 133. Metal defective 134. Protective finish, inadequate or 135. Surface inish of gas port chamfer, ing undercut defecti

36、ve counterbore and midsection cavity, improper 136. Burr or sharp comer 137. Foreign matter MINOR: 201. Pitch diameter of thread, min. 202. Pitch diameter of gas port thread, 203. Pitch diameter of set screw thread, 204. Diameter of head 205. Diameter of small cavity 206. Diameter of flange 207. Dia

37、meter of holes in flange 208. Jiam&er of pinhale, min. 209. Depth to bottom of drill point, Max. 210. Depth to bottom of small cavity 211. Length to flange 212. Length to underside of flange 218. Length of body, small end 214. Length of elongated slot 215. Total length 216. Width across body at gas

38、port flat 217. Width of elongated slot 218. Diameter of chamfer at pin hole min. niin. of Zttspcciion Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Visual Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Measure Provided by IHSNot

39、 for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- =- 7 MIL-R-bOLL7 13 W 7777706 03357LI7 2 MIL-R-60117 (MU) Deject Method of Itisfieciion 219. Length of cutout on body, large end Measure 220. Width of undercut, max. Measure 222. Profile of elongated slot Measure 222. C

40、hamfer at mouth of midsection cavity . Measure 223. Marking missing, incorrect or illegible Visual 224. Radius or chamfer, missing or incorrect Visual 225. Surface finish, improper, except as otherwise classified Visual Pin, Fivng, Dzog C 8595443, cov- ering a detail of Dwg F 85O5.4&. Defect

41、 Method of Inspection CRITICAL: 1. Diameter of striker, max. MAJOR: 101. Concentricity of groove with shoulder and flange 102. Concentricity of striker with shoulder and flange 10.3. True position of pin hole with shoulder and flange 104. True position of relief holes with shoulder and flange 105. D

42、iameter of shoulder and flange 106. Diameter of pin hole, max. 107. Diameter of striker, min. 108. Diameter of groove 109. Depth of pin hole 110. Location of pin hole 111. Permissible variation of groove angles, max. 112. Metal defective 113. Protective finish inadequate or 114. Surface finish of sh

43、oulder, improper 11.5, Burr or sharp corner, except where 116. Foreign matter MINOR : 201. Diameter of body 202. Diameter of relief holes 203. Diameter of pin hole, min. 204. Length from rear flange to face of shoulder 80.5. Total length 206. Length of shoulder 207. Width across flanges 208. Width o

44、f rear flange 209. Location of pin hole 210. Width of groove Il 1, 3ai.kinE missing, incorrect or illegible 212. Radins or chamfer, missing or incorrect 21 3. Surface finish, improper, except as otherwise classified def ective permitted Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Vis

45、ual Visual Visual Visual Visual Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Gage Measure Visual Visual Visual Pin, Shear, Drug B8505.444, coz)e- ing a deta2 of Dwg F8595Ul. CRITTCAL: None defined MAJOR: 101. Diameter, max. Gage 102. Total length Gage 103. Metal defective Visual 104. Protective f

46、inish, inadequate or defective Visual 108. Surface finish, improper Visual 106. Burr Visual 107. Foreign matter Visual MINOR: 201. Profile of end Measure ering a detail of Dzcg F8595.441. CRITICAL: None defined MAJOR: 101. Symmetry of datum thickness with thickness Gage 102. Thickness, min. Gage 103

47、. Thickness at datum, min. Gage 104. Radius of small arc Gage 105. Radius of large arc Gage 106. Profile of chamfer ends Gage 107. Metal defective Visual 108. Protective finish, inadequate or defective Visual 109. Surface finish of small arc, improper YisuaT 110. Burr or sharp corner Visual 111. For

48、eign matter Visual MINOR : 201. Width Gage 202. Thickness, Max. Gage 203. Thickness at datum, max. Gage 204. Marking missing, incorrect or illegible Visual 205. Radius missing or incorrect Visual 206. Surface finish, improper, except as otherwise classified Visual Defect Method of Insfiection 4.3.2.

49、4 Key, LocEng, Dwg D8595445, GOV- Defect Method of Inspection Ring, Retaining, Dwg 0859.5646, coverng a detail of Dwg F8595441. Defect Meihod of Inspection CRITICAL: None defined MAJOR: 101. Concentricity of groore with inside diameter Gage 102. Concentricity of outside diameter with inside diameter Gage 10.3. Symmetry of groove width at datum with width Gage 104. Diameter, outside, Min. Gage 105. Diameter, inside, max. Gage 106. Diameter of groove Gage 107. Width of groove at datum

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