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NAVY MIL-R-81498 C-1979 RECEIVING-DECODING GROUP AN ARA-63《AN ARA-63型接收解码组》.pdf_第1页
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NAVY MIL-R-81498 C-1979 RECEIVING-DECODING GROUP AN ARA-63《AN ARA-63型接收解码组》.pdf_第2页
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NAVY MIL-R-81498 C-1979 RECEIVING-DECODING GROUP AN ARA-63《AN ARA-63型接收解码组》.pdf_第3页
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NAVY MIL-R-81498 C-1979 RECEIVING-DECODING GROUP AN ARA-63《AN ARA-63型接收解码组》.pdf_第4页
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NAVY MIL-R-81498 C-1979 RECEIVING-DECODING GROUP AN ARA-63《AN ARA-63型接收解码组》.pdf_第5页
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1、Decembe-r I97g _-A Superseding 17 September 1970 MIL-R-814988 (AS) MILITARY SPECIFICATION RECEIVING-DECODING GROUP AN/ARA- 63 This Specification has been approved for use by the Naval for use by all Depart ments and Agencies of the Depa tment of Defense. Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy,

2、and is available 1. SCOPE 1.1 receive and decode approach control guidance signals from the AN/SPN-41 (per SHIPS-T-5368), and AN/TRN-28 (per ELEX-T-18) Transmitting Sets. The system is designed to provide approach guidance to aircraft carriers and air stations. This specification pertains to design

3、requirements of the AN/ARA-63 Receiving-Decoding Group (RDG) only. *1.2 shall consist of the following items: Ss - The equipment, covered by this specif cation, shall Classification - The equipment, covered by this specification, Type Designation be per 6.3. SPEC IF I CAT IONS Military MIL- W-5088 M

4、IL-E-5400 MIL-T-5422 MIL-C-6781 MIL-P-7788 MIL-M-7793 MIL- E- 17555 MI L-T- 18303 MIL-N-18307 STANDARDS Mi 1 i tary MIL- STD-461 MIL-STD-462 MI L-STD-704 Wiring, Aircraft, Selection and Installation of El ec tronic Equi went, Airborne, General Specification for testing, Environmental, Airborne Elect

5、ronic and Associated Equipment Control Panel : Aircraft Equipment , Rack or Consol e Mounted Panels, Information, Integrally Illuminated Meter, fime Ftalizing Electronic and Electrical Equipment, Accessories, and Repair Parts; Packaging and Packing of Test Procedures; Preproduction, Acceptance, and

6、Life for Aircraft Electronic Equipment, Format for Nomenclature and Identification for Electronic, Aeronaut4 cal, and Aeronautical Support Equipment including Ground Support Equipment Electromagnetic Interference Character i st ics , Requirements for Equipment Electromagnetic Interference Character

7、i st ics , Masurhent of Electric Power, Aircraft, Characteristics and Utilization of 2 -*.: .- . . ._ Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-R-81 MIL- STD- 781 MIL- STD-794 Reliability Design Qualifications and Product Acceptance Tests: Exponential Distribution Parts and Equipment, Procedures

8、for Packaging Packing of 98C (AS) on and MIL-STD-785 MIL- STD- 2074 MIL-STD-2076 MI L-STD-2077 Systems and Equipment Deve1 opment and Product i on, Reliability program for Failure Classif ication for Reliability Testing, General Requirements for Unit Under Test Compatibility with Automatic Test Equi

9、pment, General Requi rements for Test Program Sets, General Requirements for PUBLICATIONS Naval Air Systems Command AR-5 AR-10 EI-559 Microelectronic Devices Used in Avionics Equipment, Procedure for Selection and Approval of Maintainability of Avionics Equipment and Systems, General Requi rements f

10、or Avionics Installation Instructions for Receiving- Decoding Group AN/ARA-63 Naval Electronic Systems Comnand ELEX-T-18 Transmitting Set, Electronic Guidance Signal, AN/TRN-28( XN-1) (V) Naval Ship Systems Comnand SHIPS-T-5368 - Transmitting Set, Aircraft Approach Control with Radome, AN/SPN-41 2.1

11、.1 Aval 1 abi 1 i ty of Documents (1) When requesting specifications, standards, drawings, and publications, refer to both the title and number. specification and applicable specifications required by contractors in connection with specific procurement function may be obtained upon application to th

12、e Comnanding Officer, Naval Publications and Forms Center, Code 105, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19120. Copies of this 3 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesYi i-R-81498: (AS) 3) Copies of Naval Electronic Systems Command and Naval Ship Sytem ComiT.!?d Specifications may be ob

13、tained upon application of Commander, Yaval Elect-onic Systems Command, Code 0573, Washington, D,C, 20360. I i. ?EQU IREMENTS 3.1 production xsting. )reproduction - This specification makes provision for pre- 3.3 fulfillment :f major design objectives shall be the prime consideration. so doing, tie

14、following shall govern: ?arts and materials - In the selection of parts and materials, In 3. Microelectronic technology shall be used, Microelectronic 3. Other parts and materials requirements shall conform to :. Nonrepairable Subassemblies, as outlined in MIL-E-5400 and AA-10, shal; be used. Nonrep

15、airable subassemblies shall be reliable in mordance Nith AR-10. 2. Where previously produced models of this equipment do not use ronrepairabi subassemblies, the design shall not be changed to employ wnrepairab-2 assemblies without the prior approval of the procuring activity. !terns shall :onform to

16、 requirements specified herein. YI L- E- 5400. 3.3.1 Yonstandard parts and materials approval - Approval for the use of nonstandard aarts and materials (including electronic tubes, transistors, and diodes), otter than microelectronic devices, shall be obtained as outlined in MIL-E-5400. Microelectro

17、nic devices shall be approved in accordance with AR-5. a 3.2.2 Yicroelectrc,qc Sub-assemblies shall meet the requirements of AR-5. Conformal ccetings, encapsulants, embednents or potting materials, used with nadu1 ar asswbl ies containing integrated circuits and discrete parts, shall be eas-y remova

18、ble without damage to the assembly. Modular microelectronic sub-assmblies - When used, Modular 3.2.3 modularized ;? accordance with AR-10. 3.3 applicable riquirements of MIL-E-5400 for design, construction and workmanship, txcept as otherwise specified herein. 3.3.1 cables, sha: be a minimum, consis

19、tent with good design, and shall not ex- ceed 15.0 pr,.;ds. wodules - The electronic portions of the equipment shall be :sign and construction - The equipment shall conform to all the - i“ .rJtal weight - The total weight of the equipment, excluding 3.3.2 establish a .?liability program per .MIt-STD

20、-785. ;eliability - When required by contract, the contractor shall 4 Licensed by Information Handling Services3.3.2.1 Operational stability - The equipment shall operate with satisfactory performance, continuously or intermittently, for a period of at least 1000 hours without the necessity for read

21、justment of any con- trols tha of 10,000 that requ tractor. equipment per 4.4.3 are inaccessible to the operator durjng normal use: Operating life - The AN/ARA-63 shall have a total operating life hours with reasonable servicing and replacement of parts. re scheduled replacement shal

22、l be specified by the con- Parts Reliability in mean time between failure (MTBF) - The production shall meet a specified MTBF of 1000 hours when tested and accepted and MIL-STD-785. totalizing meters in accordance with MIL-M-7793 per Table 1. Time totalizing meter - The equipment shall conta

23、in time TABLE I. Time totalizing meters. 3.3.3 Unit - Radio Receiver Pul se Decoder Cabling and connections Type of Meter Miniature, Digital , 115 volt, 400 Hertz Miniature, Digital, 115 volt, 400 Hertz the use of cables and connectors in accordance with MIL-E-5400. Cables and connectors - T

24、he equipment shall provide for Interconnecting cabling - The equipment shall be capable of satisfactory operation using external, interconnecting wiring in accordance with the applicable requirements of MIL-W-5088 The external interconnecting wiring shall be unshielded, except that a minimum

25、 number of the individual wires may be shielded when demonstrated as necessary to meet interference . control requirements, and provided that the assembly of the cable to its connectors may be easily accomplished. the connectors attached to the cables, shall not be supplied as part of the equipment.

26、 External cables, and that portion of . Control anels - All rack or console-mounted control panels shall conform + to the app icable requirements of MIL-C-6781. The con- 3.3.4 figuration of all panels shall have procuring activity approval prior to preproduction testing, 3.3.5 i nterchangeabi 1 i ty

27、 requirements of MIL-E-5400. Interchangeabi 1 i ty - The equipment chal 1 meet the 5 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-R-L478C 58 I 7779706 0458473 3 = MIL-R-81498C( AS) 3.3.6 equipment and the vulnerability of the equipment to radio interference shall be controlled within the limits of M

28、IL-STD-461 and MIL-STD-462, except as modif i ed bel ow: . 15 db on the 400 Hz power lines, -. stringent) by 10 db between 14 KHz and 60 KHz on the 400 Hz power lines. The . broadband switching limits shall expanded (made less stringent) by 6 db between 1 MHz and 25 MHz on the 28 volt DC power line,

29、 and 1000 MHz. Interference control - The generation of radio interference by the I a. The Limits of CEO1 shall Se expanded (made less stringent) by b. The Narrowband limits of CE03 shall be expanded (made less c. The broadband switching limi,ts of RE02 shall be expanded (made . less stringent) by 1

30、0 db between 14 KHz and 60 KHz, and 20 db between 3 MHz 3.3.7 Provisions for maintainability - Built-in test features; con- struction and packaging; provisions for test points; and other maintain- ability parameters shall be as specified in AR-10 as detailed herein. The built-in test provisions shal

31、l be manually activated by a push-button switch on the control panel. flight and post flight checks. ground. They shall also be electrically resetable by use of a test set. Versatile Avionic Shop Test System (VAST). MIL-STD-2076 down to the SRAS as defined below. When required by contract, V

32、AST Test Programs shall be furnished in accordance with MIL-STD-2077. :* VAST Test Programs exist for the equipment, and changes to the equipment are + made which will affect the fault diagnosis procedure, changes to the existing . Test Program shall be prepared as part of the equipment changes in a

33、ccordance . with MIL-STD-2077. -. , The self-test shall be sufficient for pre- It shall be operable in flight and on the BIT indicators shall be mechanically resetable. VAST compatibility - The equipment shall be compatible with the ?i It shall meet the requirements of If a. b. Definition of SRAS Th

34、e following SRAS comprise the Radio Receiver: (1) Mixer (2) Local Osci 11 ator (3) IF amplifer (4) Built-in test module (BIT) The following SRAS comprise the Pulse Decoder: (1) Power Supply (2) Logic Module (3) Two-card submodule of the Logic Module with the Logic Module removed from the Decoder and

35、 separately tested. 6 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-R-81498C( AS) c. The Receiver Control is an SRA. 3.3.8 nameplate approval for equipment identification shall be in accordance with Nomenclature and nameplates - Nomenclature assignment and MIL-N-18307 3.3.9 Standard conditions - The

36、conditions of Table II shall be used to establish normal performance characteristics under standard conditions and for making laboratory bench tests. TABLE II. Standard environmental conditions. Temper at Ure Al titude Normal Ground Vi brat i on None Humidity Input Power Voltage Room Ambient (+ 25OC

37、 - + 5OC) Room ambient up to 90% relative humidity 115 + 1.0 VAC rms, 400 Hz, 5 VAC rms, 400 qz(pane1 lighting) and + 27.5 - + 0.5 VDC 3.3.10 Service conditions - The equipment shall operate satisfactorily under any of the environmental service conditions, or reasonable combination of these conditio

38、ns, as specified in MIL-E-5400 for Class 2 equipment, except as modified herein. During + 95OC Intermittent operation, sensitivity shall be at least 66 db below 1 milliwatt. * 1 Vibration - The equipment shall operate satisfactorily when subjected to the vibration requirements of curve IV o

39、f MIL-E-5400, except that the console mounted panel control shall meet curve III. impact shock-5 GIs only. 3.3.11 prior to operation, sha 1 be kept to a minimum and shall not exceed 1.minute under standard conditions and 5 minutes at extreme service conditions. 3.3.12 Input electrical power

40、 quirements of MIL-STD-704 and shall give specified performance when energized from the power sources of Table III having characteristics and limits as defined in MIL-STD-704. The power required shall not exceed the specified amounts. Shock - The console mounted panel control shall be subje

41、cted to Warm-u time - The time required for the equipment to warm up, -+ Operating power - The equipment shall meet all applicable re- TABLE III. Operating power. a. volt-amperes. b. DC Power, + 28V, category B, 10 watts AC Power (3 phase) 115/200 volts rms, 400 Hz, category B, 60 .fl 7 Licensed by

42、Information Handling ServicesMIL-R-BL9C 58 I 9997906 0458475 7 * C i MIL-R-81498C( AS) than 05 amperes rms at 5 VAC rms. 3.3.12 3 voltage transients not exceeding 0.5 second during normal electric system operation. Operation shall return to normal with no resulting damage to the equipment.

43、Lighting power - Input power for lighting shall require not more Degraded perf ormance - Degraded perf ormance wi 1 1 be permi tted for 3.3.13 mentc under the conditions of 3.3.10 without the necessity for cooling air. 3.4 Performance - Unless otherwise specified, values set forth to establish the r

44、equirements for satisfactory performance apply to performance under all combinations of standard and extreme service and input power conditions. When reduced performance under the extreme conditions is acceptable, tolerances or values setting forth acceptable variations from the performance under th

45、e standard conditions, will be specified. Cooling - The equipment shall meet all performance require- 3.4.1 Operation - The equipment shall receive and decode pul se-modul ated Ku-Band transmission of elevation and azimuth guidance data from the AN/SPN-41 system or the AN/TRN-28 system, and shall pr

46、ovide output signals to drive crosspointers in accordance with aircraft deviations from a fixed approach path. 3.4.2 Accuracy AZ/EL uidance - The accuracy of the crosspointer output signals (from the AN/ARA-63 + that provide elevation guidance, shall be within 2 0.10 degree at the reference

47、glide path ( and t 0.2 degree at deviations of + 1.4 degree from the glide path. The accuracy f the crosspointer output signals, that provide azimuth guidance, shall be within t 0.2 degree at the reference course (; + 0.4 degree at deviation f 2 2.5 degrees from the course; and -

48、 + 0.6 degree at deviations of - + 6.0 degrees from the course. 3.4.3 channels using 10 frequencies. The frequency and intra-pair pulse codes used shall determine the channel of operation. The operating channels are as shown in Table IV. Frequency character i sti cs Receiver channelization -

49、 The equipment shall operate on 20 Ku-Band a Licensed by Information Handling Services. MIL-R-81498C(AS) TABLE IV. Intra-pair spacing identification azimuth. Elevation F 1 y-R i gh t Fly- 1 eft (2 0.2 usec) (+ - 0.2 usec) (+ - 0.2 usec) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 ia 15.412 GHz 15.430 15.484 15.508 15.532 15.568 15.592 15.616 15.664 15.688 15.412 15.436 15.484 15.508 15.532 15.568 15.592 15.616 15.664 15.688 12 usec 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 usec 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 10 usec 10


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