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1、17 February 1951 Superseding 19 August 19h9 NO. U02-A MILITARY SPECIFICATION . RFX;ULATOR, AIR PRESSURE, AIRCRAFT CABIN, GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR. 10, SCOPE 1.1 This specification cover8 the general requirements for cabin sir pressure regulators, 2. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIONS, STANDARX, DRAWINSS, AN

2、D PUBLICATIONS 2.1 The following specifications, standards, and publication, of the issue In effect on the date of invitation for bids, form a part of this epscification to the extent specified herein: SPECIFICATIONS. . FEDERAL MIL Preparation Of (For Engines, Accessories and Other Auxiliary Equipme

3、nt) Environmental Testing, Aeronautical and Assoclad Equipment, General Specification For Packaging and Packing of Aircraft Material in Steel Shipping Containers Lubricating Oil; Aircraft-Engine Interference Limits, Tests and Design Requirements, Aircraft Electrical and Electronic Equipment Pipe Thr

4、eads, Taper, .Aeronautical National Form, Symbol ANPT Screw Threads; Standard, Aeronautical Lubricating oil, Gas Turbine, Aircraft Motors, Mrect-Current, 28-volt Sgstem, Aircraft, Anodic-Coatings, For Auadnum and Aluminum Alloyi Oeneral Specification For .U, S. AIR FORCE 32L66 Design of Electrical E

5、quipmnt In Aircraft, eneral Specifqation for THIS DOCUBENT CONTAINS . Use of (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and puUlcationa required by contractors in comection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring ageney or as directed by $he contracting officer

6、.) 36 REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Material: . 3.1.1. Specifications and standards,- Specifications and standards for .U. matoriale, parta, and Govermont cert,ificaton and approval of procossas and equipment, which are not specifically designated herein and which aro necessary for the execution of this apacific

7、ation, shall be selected In accordance with Bulletin No. 143, except as provided in the follswing paragraph8 3.i.1.1 Stand4pd parta.- AN or Ma standard parts shall be used whorevor they are mitable for the purpose, and shall be Identified by their part numbers. Commerqial utility parte, such as scre

8、ws, belts, nuts, cotter pina, et cotara, may qeplacoable by thq AN or MIL standard pal-ts witheut alteration, and provided the corresponding AN or MIL part numbers are referencod on the drawings and ln the parts lists. AN or HTL part ia In effect on date of invitation for bida, cemmercial parte. my

9、be used prrvided they conform to the requirements ef this eperification. $qed* proaded they hava suitable propartias and are In applications for which no miitable cotTeepending 3.1.2 Hetd.r.- All matal8 8hd.l be of the corroran-resl6tant typ8, unleas mtitably protrcted to resirt corrorim during norn

10、ul semice life. The um of di88iaiilar metals shall be avoided whomrer practicablr. Msriioilar metals ara drrined in Standard ANol398. 3.1.3 Nonmagnetic mkfid80- Yrraegnotic materhl8 shall bo ured for- rll parts of the rqulator, rxmpt whore magnotic apteriil8 ara oussntlol. . I - - . . Licensed by In

11、formation Handling ServicesI -. - - _. -. - - I r -30 RIL-R-9345 (USAP) j.1.b #on-farroua materials.- Won-forroua material8 shall be used-fw 3.1.5 Castings.- Castings 8hall be of high grado qualie, clean, auund,. all paru of %he regulator, -opt whom ferroha materials are eastntial. and fror frm blow

12、 holes, parositiy, cracka, and other dofectu. 3.1.6 Protoctire troabent.- When materials are used in the conotruction oi tha rogulator that aro subject to corroelix in aalt air or othor atmospheric conditions likely to occur during service uaoge, they shall be protect86 egaIni$ such corroaion in a a

13、annar that will in no way provent cmplianco with the porformanco roquromenta of this specification. lb uae of my prorsc!tire ooatlng that WiU crack, chip, or scale with ago or oxtssmes of ataoepheric oonditions, shall be avoided, by acting as a eeU+ontrolled bloader of co5l.n air. dosigned and uonat

14、ructod 80 that no parta will work lowe in eervico. bo built to wlthrbnd the stwine, jars, Vibrations, and other condition8 haident ta shipping, atorago, instollotion, end aorrLco. can bo 0aaiI.y ripdo by tho psrsonn61 of opara- dts ami ovorhaul baoa. . 3.2 DOoigA and construction.- aie regulator sha

15、ll control cabin praasuro mo roguator ahaU be It shall 3.2.1 The regulator shall be constructed so that 8dJuntnonts and ropabu . .- I Licensed by Information Handling Servicest MIL-R-7345 Ib I 77777Ob OLb23 LI W . . . . Fidd calibration.- The design of the regulator shall be such that it c

16、an Wealibrated for all ranges, except unpressurized, with bench test- ing equipyAt without the use of a pressure chamber. 3,2.5.3 Shut off.- Means shall be incorporated whereby the regulator arbs mede inoperative in the closed position. . 3.3 Performance.- The regulator shall be capable of satisfact

17、orjr operatign when tubJected to the following conditions: (1) Temperature .I Temperaturas ranging from -54. to +71C. (2) Humidity - Relative humidity up to 100 percent Including conditions wherein condsnaation trikes place In the fom of both water and frost. (3) Salt spray - Exposure to salt sea at

18、mosphere. (4) Fungus - Fungus growth as encountered in tropical climates, (5) Explosive atmoqhere - ,peration within an explosive vapor within or surrouncflng the eqxipment. (6) Vibration - Vibration incident to service use. (7) Sand and duet - Sand and dust particle8 aa will be encountorod In deaer

19、t areas. (8) oil contamination - Contamination of cabin supply air by engine lubricant 8. (9) hoke contamination - Contamination of cabin air a1 a mault of tobacco smoking by flight personnel. 3.4 1nterchangaabiUty.- All parts having the ame mufacturerfa part number ahsll be directly and completely

20、interchangeable with each othor with respect to lnstlllation and performance. nunbera ahal be governed by the drawing number reqiremsnts of Spocific8tin mbb5028. Changea in manuiacturervs part 3.5 F1ltr.- A suitable filter shall be instrllod to excludd fmaipp material from the interior of the regula

21、tor. 3.6 Hountiq /lange.- The mounting flange shall conform to the drawing aa spscifled In tb detail specification. *. 3.7 Lubricrti.on.- No lubrication shall bo requlxwd in the field. 3.8 Threader 3.8.1 Pip.- Pipe threads shall confom to Specfioation EL-P-7105, 3.8.2 Scrmr.- Screw thmads ehall cono

22、np to Specification MIIL-S-77. Type 11 or III, and of a class that13 adequate to achieve the degree of protection required; otherwise required, in accordance with Specification NIL-A-8625. Cadmium plating shall be 3.10.2 Anoizng.- All aluminura alloy parts shall be anodized, unless j.1 Identificatio

23、n of product.- Equipment, assemblies, arid parte shall be marked for identification in accordance with Standard MILUSTDl3O. 3.U Tag,- A tag shall be eccurely attached to the regulator, marked to indicate the calibration of the regulator in each range of operation of which the regulator ia capable. *

24、. 3 .I 3 Workmanship : 3,j-jel (;enoral.- The rogulntor, including all parts and accessories, 1211 be conatriicted and finished in a thoroughly workmanliko mannor. ihrticular atteritian aha11 be given to neatness and thoroughneas of soldering, niarking of parts and aseemblies, welding and brazing, p

25、ainting, riwting, i3icliine-acrew assemblies, and freedom of parts from burrs and sharp edges. . 3.13.2 Mmanaions.- Dimensions and t6lercirices not specified, shal be a closa as is consistent with the best shop practices. Where dirnensioris and tolerances may affect the interchangeability, operation

26、, or performance of the regulator, they shall be held or limited accordingly, 3*13.3 Screw assemblies.- Assembly screws and bolts not having apocific t-oi-qa ruquirementa shall be tight. CX bolZ cannot i)3 appreciably tightened further without darnage or injury to tno scrf;w or bolt or threads. The

27、word %.gitm means Lnat tha screw 3.13.4 3ivating.- Riveting operations shall be.carefully performed to haure that %he rivets are tight and satisfactorily headed. 3.13.5 Gears.- Gear assemblies shall be proporly aligned and meshed, srid hiil be operable without interference, tight Spots, loose spots,

28、 or other irreguladties . Where required for accurate adjustments, gear arrssmbliee shall be free from backlash. 3.13.6 Cleaning.- The regulator shall be thoroughly cleaned of loose, spattered, or excess solder, metal chips, and other foreign material after final assembly. Burrs and sharp edges, as

29、well as resin flnsh that may crurble, shall be removed. . Licensed by Information Handling ServicesL. - . - MIL-R-7345 Lb W 7779706 01b25 B W I- 4- b.1.1 Qualification teiata.- QuaUication Wuta am th-o tasto accom- r!ntaly 1000-foot increments of ambient altitude throughout the constant pressuro dif

30、ferential range. 4.4.2.t.3 Test requirements.- Cabin pressure in simulated stabilized flight shall be maintained at a constant differential relative to ambient pressure. the detail specification f0.20 inch Hg. curve shall be drawn representing the mean of rendngs taken with virylrig air flous. with

31、this mean curve within 20.20 inch Hg, and the mean curve shall not vary from specified differential pressure by more than +0,20 inch Hg, . incorporating a range in which control is effected on a constant relative gas expansion curve. atabilized at 3OOO-foot intervalo throughout the. relative gas exp

32、ansion ran3e and flou of cabin pressurizing air shall be varied to give 10, 20, 50) 70, and 100 percent of rated regulator capacity. readings shall be taken for each air flow and ambient altitude. The prossure differential shall bo the differential specified in In simulated climbing flight a Indiviu

33、al curves gor ench specified air flow shall be consistmt Constant ratio range.- This test shall be appl-icable to agiilsCor-3 b. Ambient altitude stabilized.- Ambient altitude shall be Cabin altitude presaura 4.4.2,5.2 at the values computed for the specified relativa gas expansion cu

34、m a.20 inches Hg. the iollewing equaticnt Test requirement .- Cabin altitude pressura Irhall be mintminm The relative gas expanaion curve ahall be computed froia Specified RGE c - U65 P - 1.85 a Where RGE Relative gas expansion P, P a Cabin pressure in inches Hg abs Ambient pressum in inche8 Hg ab8

35、b.4.2.6 Initial oponing preasuro diffomntii1.- Initiai opning proootu-s (1) Tho initial flow of air shall bs Caro. shall be stabilized at caa levol. (2) hiblent altitude ohalebs increaowi cvly, (3) The pressure ifferantial shaU bo reed in lnctw GZ water at the firat lndootion of air fiou at tha WGU

36、air orifico aanomtw. A differential shall be ehocked in the followbg manner: -. Cabin altituda - Licensed by Information Handling Services- MIL-R-7345 Ib m 747770b OLb32 5 e ltA.2.7 CFcrbat changeover aechanrar . CC;?IR rmap chngtr shall ba such a8 to gim a rate of cabin pressura daoreaao of no nom

37、thnntibmd no lOa8 than 0.5 inchn Hg par 8econd. 4.1i.2.7.1. Harm1 to cc-hat range ahane.- Tho tLEe lntarvol of nomal t0 lr. Cuubat to norm1 range chnago.- The tho Internal of conbat to 1rorml range changa shall be such as to gim no mom than 2 inohes Hg .JFP rLtnut4 rRte of cabia preaeure ncre

38、am. vhile in the shut-off or inoperative conditiari, pCnaum for the regulator, as apeciod in the dotai apcificatian, ahtill bs mc?ae aoroaa the valv Shut-off leakage.- Ihe rogulatsr ahall be notaad in a c-or he air flaw through tho outflcr# valm sball bo Th i-;rudmua diiforentiol Fuit,+h?.y

39、m+4StWQd. b.k,2.8,1 mot roquiraswt.- ha ant. tharoby inCuri no r08pOMibiliw nor any obligatia whatsawor; and the fwt that tho Govament my hvo formulatad, furnlohsd, or in any way aupplied the said drawlnga, apecificatiom, or other data, i8 not to ba rogardod by bplicatian or othrrwiao I ln any mar Uconalng the hold- or any other person or curparatian, ar convgring any righ-ta ur psrmiosia to aanufacturo, ure, or re11 any patent& intcanton thpt may n rrw vay bo relatad themto. . . ._ Licensed by Information Handling Services


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