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1、 MIL-S-22777B 29 W 7997706 0372233 7 W.- 15 June 1981 SUPERSEDING MIL-S-22999A(WEP) 3 February 1964 MILITARY SPECIFICATION STARTERS, AIRCRAFT ENGINE, HYDRAULIC GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR This spesification is approved for use by the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and is available

2、for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification establishes the requirements for aircraft turbine engine hydraulic starters. 1.2 Classification. Starters covered by this specification shall be Types I and II. 1.2.1 Types. Type I starters s

3、hall be designed to operate They shall incorporate a flow-limiting device and shall be as a part of a dual pressure, nominal 3000-psi and 4000-psi hydraulic system. capable of operating satisfactorily from power sources having unlimited flow and from power sources limited to flow as specified in the

4、 applicable specification sheet and herein. Type II starters shall be designed to operate as a part of a nominal 4OOO-psi flow-limited hydraulic system. Type I and 11 hydraulic starters shall be designed to conform to Type II hydraulic system components as defined in MIL-H-8775, and shall be designe

5、d to operate in hydraulic systems conforming to the requirements of MIL-H-5440. Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions) and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: ENGINEERING SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS DEPARTMENT (CODE 93) NAVA

6、L AIR ENGINEERING CENTER, LAKEHURST NJ 08733, by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document or by letter. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-S-22797B 29 7777906 0372232 7 K MIL-S-22 99 9 B (AS) SPECIFICATIONS

7、Federal PPP-B-585 PPP-B-601 PPP-B-62 1 PPP-T-60 Military MIL-P-116 MIL-B- 12 1 MIL-H-5440 MIL-C-5501 MIL-(2-5541 MIL-H-5606 MIL- C- 60 2 1 MIL-H-6083 MIL-H-6088 MIL-H- 68 7 5 MIL-P-7105 MIL-F- 7 179 MIL-S-7742 Box, Wood, Wirewound (for Domestic Shipment) Boxes, Wood, Cleated-Plywood Boxes, Wood, Nai

8、led and Lock-Corner Tape, Packaging, Waterproof Preservation Packaging, Methods of Barrier Material, Greaseproofed, Waterproofed, Flexible Hydraulic Systems, Aircraft, Types I and II, Design and Ins tallation. Requirements for Cap and Plug, Protective, Dust and Moisture Seal Chemical Conversion Coat

9、ings on Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Hydraulic Fluid, Petroleum Base, Mrcraft, Missile and Ordnance Castings, Classification and Inspection of Hydraulic Fluid, Petroleum Base, for Preservation and Operation Heat Treatment of Aluminum Alloys Heat Treatment of Steels (Aircraft Practice), Process for P

10、ipe Threads, Taper, Aeronautical National Form, Symbol ANPT, General Requirements for Finishes and Coatings, Protection of Aerospace Weapons Systems, Structures and Parts, General Specification for Screw Threads, Standard, Optimum Selected Series, General Specification for . . 2 Licensed by Informat

11、ion Handling ServicesMIL-S-22779B 29 W 7797906 0372233 O W MIL-S-2 2 9 99 B (AS) SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) Military (Continued) MIL-S- 7 780 MIL-S-7848 MIL-A- 8625 MIL-H-8775 MIL-F-8815 MIL-S-8879 MIL-C- 11 79 6 MIL-C-16173 MIL-A- 2 11 80 MTL-S-22999/1 MIL-S-22999/2 MIL-H-254 75 MIL-H-83282 STANDAR

12、DS Military DOD-STD-100 MIL- STD- 12 9 MIL-STD-130 Starter, Electric, Constant Current, DC Starter, Engine, Air Turbine Type, General Specification for Anodic Coatings, for Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys Hydraulic System Components, Aircraft and Missiles, General Specification for Filter and Filter El

13、ements, Fluid Pressure, Hydraulic Line, 15-Micron Absolute, and 5- Micron Absolute, Type II Systems, General Specification for Screw Threads, Controlled Radius with Increased Minor Diameter, General Specification for Corrosion Preventive Compound, Petrolatum, Hot Application Corrosion Preventive Com

14、pound, Solvent Cutback, Cold Application Aluminum-Alloy Castings , High Strength Starter, Aircraft Engine, Hydraulic, for T58 Engine Starter, Aircraft Engine, Hydraulic, for T64 Engine Hydraulic System, Missile, Design, Installation Tests, and Data Requirements, .General Requirements for Hydraulic F

15、luid, Fire Resistant Synthetic Hydrocarbon Base, Aircraft Engineering Drawing Practices Marking for Shipment and Storage Identification Marking of U.S. Military Property 3 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-S-22777B 27 m 7777706 017223LI 2 m STANDARDS (Continued) Military (Continued) MIL-S

16、TD-280 DefinitIons of Item Levels, Item Exchangeability, Models and Related Terms MIL-STD-810 Environmental Test Methods MIL-STD-889 Dissimilar Met als MIL-STD-1523 Age Control of Age Sensitive Elastomeric Material MS14118 Adapter, Hydraulic Starter to Engine, NMounting MS33540 MS33 64 9 Safety Wiri

17、ng and Cotter Pinning, General Practices for Boss, Fluid Connection - Internal Straight Thread Air Force - Navy Aeronautical AND10050 Bosses, Standard Dimensions for Gasket Seal Straight Thread (Inactive for Design, Use MS33649) AND20002 Drive, Type XII, Engine Accessory AND20009 Drive, Type XIX, En

18、gine Accessory PUBLICATIONS Air Force - Navy Aeronautical Bulletins MIL-BULL-544 List of Specifications and Standards (Book Form) Approved by the Naval Air Systems Command (When requesting applicable documents, refer to both title and number. Copies of unclassified documents may be obtained from the

19、 Commanding Officer, Naval Publications and Forms Center, 5801 Tabor Avenue, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19120. Requests for copies of classified documents should be addressed to the Naval Publications and Forms Center, via the cognizant Government representative.) American National Standards Institu

20、te (ANSI) B46.1-1962 Surface Texture (Application for copies should be addressed to the American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.) Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-S-229998 27 m 9999906 0392235 i-I 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 Specification sheets. The individual i

21、tem requirements shall be as specified herein and in accordance with the applicable specification sheets. of this specification and the specification sheet,-the latter shall govern. In the event of any conflict between requirements 3.1.1 Precedence. The contract shall have precedence over any specif

22、ication. compliance with this specification or from subsidiary specifications or standards, for a qualified starter, are subject to approval in writing by the qualifying activity (see 3.15.3). Any design or construction change that may effect 3.2 Qualification. The starter furnished under this speci

23、fication shall be a product which has been qualified for listing on the applicable Qualified Products List at the time set for opening of bids (see 4.2 and 6.3). 3.3 Dimensions. Each part shall conform to the dimensions shown on the specification sheet. are shown, the part need not have the shape sh

24、own, but the part, including all protrusions, shall be contained within the outline shown. Design details which are shown but are not specifically required are shown as examples and for information only; such details are optional. Where only maximum or minimum dimensions 3.4 Data. Unless otherwise s

25、pecified in the contract, data cited in this specification is only required as part of the qualification submittal. 3.5 Materials and parts. Materials and parts used in construction of the starter shall be unaffected by hydraulic fluids (MIL-H-5606 or MIL-H-83282) while the starter is operating unde

26、r any of the specified conditions. Materials, parts, and processes shall conform to applicable Government specifications listed in MIL-BULL-544. or industry specifications may be used for mater2als or processes not covered by the documents listed in MIL-BULL-544, provided the specifications are appr

27、oved by the qualifying activity and contain provisions for adequate tests. Contractor 3.5.1 Materials. Toxic products. Materials which are toxic in themselves, or which become toxic when pulverized or vaporized, or which have toxic products of combustion, shail be used only upon written perm

28、ission of the qualifying activity. Non-metals. Non-metallic materials used, including plastics, fabrics, and protective finishes shall be flame-resistant, shall not support combustion, shall be moisture resistant, and shall not be adversely affected by weather, temperature, and ambient condi

29、tions. 5 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesmIL-S-22999B 27 7997906 0392236 6 Fungus resistance. Matercals that are nutrients for fungi shall not be used where it is practical to avoid them, used, all nutrient materials and associated fungicidal treatments used shall be specified on

30、the starter manufacturing drawings. Where Packings. Ail packings shall be in accordance with the requirements of MIL-H-5440 or MIL-H-25475 as applicable. synthetic rubber parts shall be controlled in accordance with MIL-STD- 1523. Age of Metals. All metals shall be compatible with

31、the intended temperature, functional, service and storage conditions to which the starter will be exposed. corrosion by hydraulic fluid shall be of the corrosion-resisting type, or shall be suitably treated to resist corrosion in accordance with or on internal surfaces in contact with hydra

32、ulic fluid or exposed to its vapors. Metals which are not protected from Cadmium and zinc plating shall not be used for internal parts Steels (except corrosion-resistant). a. Aircraft quality, vacuum-melted steel shall be used for parts which are heat treated to an ultimate tensile strengt

33、h 220,000 psi and above. approval by the qualifying activity. Such applications shall be subject to specific b. The ultimate tensile strength range in production parts shall not exceed the following limits: Minimum Ultimate Permissible Tensile Strength, P. s. I. Variation, P.S.I. 220,000 260 , O00 2

34、70,000 280 , O00 -0 4- 20,000 -0 + 20,000 -0 + 20,000 -0 + 20,000 c. Preference shall be given, in selection of carbon and low alloy steels , to compositions having the least hardenability which will insure through-hardening of the part concerned. d. Compositions shall be selected such that heat tre

35、atment to the required strength and service temperatures shall preclude temper embrittlement. e. Steels shall be selected having ductile-brittle fracture transition temperatures as determined by impact test below the minimum operating temperature. 6 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-S-229

36、97B 29 7779906 0392237 W MIL-S-229-9.9-B (AS) f. Steels whose mechanical properties are developed by cold deformation shall be so selected that the recovery temperature will be at least 50ctF (1OPC) above the maximum operating temperature range. g. Critical parts shall be designed and processed so a

37、s to result in no decarburization of highly stressed areas. Designs shall preclude use of as-forged surfaces unless specific approval is obtained from the qualifying activity. h. The mechanical drilling of holes in martensitic steels after hardening to strength levels of 180,000 psi and above shall

38、be avoided whenever practicable. detailed information concerning the processes to be used shall be submitted to the qualifying activity for approval. When such drilling is unavoidable, i. Any necessary straightening of parts after heat treatment to strength levels of 180,0000 psioand above shall be

39、accomplished at the tempering temperature, plus O P (-18 C) minus 50F (10%) , or the parts shall receive a stress-relieving treatment at this temperature immediately after straightening. Parts shall be inspected for cracks after straightening. j. Free-machining grades of steel shall be subject to ap

40、proval by the qualifying activity. Corrosion-resistant steels. The following limitations shall be observed in the selection and application of corrosion resistant steels. a. Unstabilized austenitic steels shall not be fusion welded. b. Precipitation hardening semi-austenitic grades shall n

41、ot be used in applications which require extended exposure to temperatures in the 750 -900F (399 -482%) range. c. The use of heat treated 431 or 19-9DL steel shall be subject to approval by the qualifying activity. d. The use of 17-4PH stainless steel aged below H1025 shall be subject to approval by

42、 the qualifying activity. Magnesium alloy. Magnesium or its alloy shall not be used. Castings. Castings shall be in accordance with MIL- C-6021 and shall be classified Class lB, grade C or higher. Aluminum alloy castings shall be in accordance with MIL-A-21180. Defects not 7 Lice

43、nsed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-S-229778 27 m 779970b 0372238 T m MIL-S-22999B(AS) materially affecting the suitability of the castings may be repaired at the foundry or during machining by peening, impregnation, welding, or other methods acceptable to the procuring activity. repaired casti

44、ngs shall be governed by quality control techniques subject to the approval of the qualifying activity. Inspection of Stress corrosion embrittlement factors. To prevent premature failures caused by stress corrosion or hydrogen embrittlement, the design and method of manufachre of parts of

45、titanium and steel heat-treated to tensile strengths above 220,000 psi or of bare high strength aluminum alloys and the techniques by which they are assembled and installed shall be such that sustained or residual surface tensile stresses and stress concentrations are minimized. Practices, such as:

46、the use of press or shrink fits; taper pins, clevis joints in which tightening of the bolt imposes a bending load on the female lugs; and straightening or assembly operations; which result in sustained or residual surface tensile stresses shall be avoided. In cases where such practices cannot be avo

47、ided, corrective practices such as stress relief heat treatment, optimum grain flow orientation, peening (shot or rotary flat) or similar surface working shall be used to minimize the hazard of stress corrosion or hydrogen embrittlement damage. sustained or residual surface tensile stresses in these

48、.materials exceed 50% of the material specification minimum yield strength in the longitudinal grain flow direction, 35% of the minimum yield strength in the long transverse direction and 15% of the minimum yield strength in the short transvherse direction, except that for materials of demonstrated

49、high resistance to stress corrosion cracking, such as 7075-T73 aluminum alloy, such stresses may be as high at 75% of the minimum yield strength in any grain flow direction. algebraic sum of all the continuous tension and compression surface stresses resulting from any source such as quenching, forming and assembly. The use of cadmium in contact with or plated on titanium shall not be permit ted. In no case shall These limits for stresses represent the Fatigue factors. To prevent premature failures caused by repeated loads, the design and method of manufacture, including con


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