NAVY MIL-S-3649 G-1989 SHIRT MEN-S LONG SLEEVE《男士长袖衬衣》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-S-3649 G-1989 SHIRT MEN-S LONG SLEEVE《男士长袖衬衣》.pdf_第5页
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1、999970b 2010020 T20 MfL-S-3649G(MC ) 12 October 1989 SUPERCEDING MIL-6-3649F (MC) 16 Septenber 1983 MiLITAW SPEIZIFICATIW SHIRT, MENS: I13NG SLEEVE This spcification is zpprwe ibr use b the U. S. mrine mrps, Department of the vy, ard is wailable for use by a11 Departments and Agencies c the Departme

2、nt of Defense. I. SOPE 1.1 Sm . mis specification mers the requirements fnr plyecter/ml tropic # shirts With low sleeves. 1.2 Classification. Ple shirt distribution is dim- .- Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMILS-364% (e) 2. APPLIWLE D02IMEW 2.1 Government docurrrents 2.1.1 spe cifications

3、and standards. ?he following specifications and Ulless staridards tiom a part of this ocment to the extent ecified herein. otherwise cpecifikd, the issues of these oanents continue th stitching tio the ends of the collar stad, seaning wether the =llar stand arid lining. b. nirn dawn oollar stand pie

4、ces arid stitch 1/16 inch frcxn raised %e. Bind sleeve -opening Class 1 a. nirn raw edges of binding the inside, insert the dges of sleeve qening an3 stitch 1/16 to l/8 inch irun the bided edge. The binding shai finish 1/2 inch wide. - STCH- - TYPE 30 1 30 1 301 - ST-/ IN .% . . 12-1 6 L 12-1 6 10-1

5、 4 70 70 70 - BOB/- - LPR - 70 70 70 I 13 Licensed by Information Handling Servicesm 999990b 2030033 689 m #ind sleeve openiq (ccritd) : - - j. Ibrn binding leve ard stitch ca- bartack diag- maily through binding dy. An sutanatic straight tack my b 1sed. Classes 2 and 3 5, The binding shall be med t

6、i3 the back edge of the Sleeve cpening wi-ut twists, pleats, puckers, or riw edges, and shall finish snooth, fiat, ad miform in appearance. The bindings shall finish 1/2 inch wide. e. Bind the rw edge of the sleeve at the back opening with the 1-1/2- inchide strip of the hic mate- rial, with the raw

7、 edge of the bind- turrced mder and caught in the stitching 1/16 inch kan tbe inner folded edge. Seam placket W sleeve (classes 2 and 3). Finished appearance. lhe placket shall be amed tD the front dge of the sleeve opening without twists, pleats, or pckers, aid shall finish snooth, flat, and unifor

8、m in WaranCe, !lhe Gacket shall finish 1-1/4 + 1/8 inches wide on the outside. a. “brn der ar3 cree the side eges and upper end of placket pieces m a flacket folding aid pressing machine, forming a point at the upper end. - STCH - TYPE 7 307 - x ar- tack x 301 301 Bar- tack 30 1 or ar 301 - 14 STCH/

9、 IN 10-1 4 28 per tack 28 per tack 3ar- 10-1 4 20 per bar- tack 28 per tack 12-1 6 70 70 70 m 70 70 70 . - BOB/- LPR 7 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 i - - U Licensed by Information Handling Servicesm 7799906 2030034 515 m - NO- - 1C 7 Seam placket to sleeve (classes 2 . and 3). (contd) b. Ibsition the placke

10、t piece on the inside of the sleeve at the front edge of the cpning with raw edges wen md sem 1/4 inch ran the rau dge. aie stitching shail extend er buttoi 21-24 per httoi 16-1 8 Per kittoi 24-24 E= butta 16-1 8 per but to1 - NDL - 40/6 M/6 40/6 40/6 40/6 40/6 40/6 BOB. - LPR . c b 40/6 I 40/6 I -

11、40/6 _- c Licensed by Information Handling Services9999706 2010044 4b4 9 - NO- - 23 I 24 25 26 I- Sew on buttons. (contd) d. Sew me SO-line- sewing ble button to the back end af each mff (classes 1 an 2). e. Sew one 20-line sewing be button to each pocket throwjh the hem. Identification and size mar

12、kings. a. Wen marking is 1zsed in lieu cd cloth identification or size la- bels, the identification mrkirq shall be =lied to the shirt at the location specified for the clot! label (see 14.a) and the size shall be mrke c17 the cnllar stand lining at the enter Sack. Cleaning. a. Trim all erds of stit

13、ching arrd rme the iase ends frm the shirt. b. we without injury to the material all spits, stains, shade tickets or markirqs. Pressim. Finished qpearance. aie entire shirt shall be hell Fessed. Pres- sim shall be acccmplished with a heated Fessing iron or gxessing machine of a type suitabe to ob- t

14、ain the desired qpearance in acmrdancx with manufacturing practice. se of a steminflated bag-type machine is prohibited. a. Ross collar on a collar ma- chine, creasing m the breakline ard shapirq to obtain the proper contour while pressing. STCH TYPE 101 or 30 1 1 o1 or 30 1 SW/ STCH TYPE 3- STCH/ I

15、N 21-24 Pr button 16-1 8 P= button 21-24 per buttan 16-1 8 per button 1 40/6 4 0/6 40/6 40/6 I. - BOB/- LPR 40/ 40/ , I ?5 Licensed by Information Handling Services9999906 20L0045 3T0 Prescinq. (mt d) b. Press buttonhole plait ani buttonstarid atmth ad flat. c. Press entire shirt (fronts back, sleev

16、es, pcket naps, ant pockets). mtton the fronts, poc ket flaps, sleeve plackets am cuf fc. - STCH TYPE . . ,. STCH TPPE - - STcrr/ IN 26 c Licensed by Information Handling Services99999Ob 2OLOOYb 237 MIL-6-364E (Mc) 3.7 Finished measurements. aie finished airts except ai class 3 shirt, the cuff shall

17、 be folded with the kittonholes matching and the measurement taken to the lower folded me. Table III. Pocket ad flap measurement 1/ - Neck Size 13 to 14-1/2 15 to 18 (inclusive) (inclusive) inches inches Pockets width, side edge to side edge 4-1 /2 5-i /8 Length, top -e to bttan ege 5-3/4 6 Flaps Wi

18、dth, at top edge 4-3/4 5-3 /8 Length, at sides I -5/a 1 -?/8 kngth, at center 2-1 /2 2-7/ with a 1 inch lip along the cpn 11-inch dimension. aie polyethylene flexible film shall b2 0.0015 inch thick. me final closure of the bag shall be heat-sealed with the heat srd made = close as pssible to the cp

19、en d. A 1/4-inch dianeter ble shall te nade at me amer of the plyethylene bag ia allow excess air to escape. Alternatively, the final closure of the bag my be acccmplishe ky mans of a tuck or reverse flap. Each bag shall mtain a label (see 5.3.1 ). 5.1.2 Cmrcil. Ehirts shall be packaged to afford ad

20、equate p-otection against physical dmnage &ring shipnent fran the supplier to the first receiv- i- activity. me packaging and tie cpantity sr ,package shall bo the sane as that normally used by the contractor for retail distribution. 5.2 Packinq. Packing hall k level A, B, or ammerciai as specified

21、(see 6.2). 5.2.1 Level A. Licensed by Information Handling Services999990b 2030049 T4b MIL-6-3619G (MC) hthd 1. Sixty (60) shirts of cm class and size shall be picked in a fiberboard shipping amtainer with liner, mnfoming to classweather resistant, size 1u3. 3A of MIL-8-17757. Fach shipping

22、amtainer &all be as- sembled, clod, arid reinfarced as specified in the apperidix thereto. Method 2. Wen specified (see 6.2), three level B shipping am- tainers, 180 shirts of me class and size a-ily, shall be cnrerpacked in a fi- berboard shipping mtainer Conforming tn class-weather resista

23、nt, size m. 4 of MIGR-17757, assembled, elo&, and reinforced as specified in the appendix thereto. 5.2.2 vel B. Sxty (60) shirts cd one class and size only shall tE pack- ed in a fiberboard chipping mntainer with liner, conforming to class danes- tic, siae Fb. 34 of MIL-f3-17757. aie fiberboard used

24、 in fabricating the bx shall be grade 275. mch shipping container chal1 be assded, closed, ar3 reinforced as specified in the appendix thereto. 5.2.3 Cormiercial. Shirts, packaged as specified in 5.1, shall be pcked hi a mnner ta insure carrier azceptance 2pd safe delivery at destination at the loli

25、est transportation rate br such supplies. Chtainers shall be in e ance with Uniform Freight Classification Rules, Mtional Iyjtor Freight Classi- fication aId U. S. astal Service bnua regulations of other carriers applicable to the mode of transpottation. 5.3 Palletization. When specified (see 6.2),

26、slacks packed as specified in 5.2 shall be palletized ai a 4-way entry pallet in azcordance with load type 1A of MLSTp.147. Each pepared load shall be bgnjed with pimary aid sec- odary straps in axordance with bonding mans C, K and L or O ernd P. Rdlet pattern shall be in a=cordance with the endix o

27、f MIL-STD-147. !he pallet shall be 4+2y, I, class 1, Style 1, Size A, mc Group I, II, nI, or N of MIkP-15011, or, d-way, &pe IV, V or VXII, Qass 1, Style A, Size 2, Wxd Group I, II, III or IV, Grade A of FN-P-71. Interlocking d loads &al1 be effected y reversing the pattern of each murse. if the con

28、tainer is of a size hich does mt mfonn to my af the patterns spcified in &-Cni-147, . the pallet pattern used shaU be apprwed by the contractirg officer. a 5.4 Marki . in cddition to my special marking required by tbe =tract or urder, + ipping containers ard palletized mit loids &ail be =ked in acco

29、rdance with MIGSTD-129. 5.3.1 Polyethylene bagged packages. miyethylene bagged packages shall hwe the fnllowing information legibly pinted of stampd in black, bold let- ters 1/4 inch in height directly 0111 the bag across the center face, on a white aper label inserted within the bag, 93 ES tr, prmit ready identifica- tion. Nanenclat Ure Stock tumber Si ze Contract Mmher Nane of contractor 30 Licensed by Information Handling Services

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