NAVY MIL-S-7996 A-1953 SERVO POWER UNIT TYPE C3A-1B《C3A-1B伺服电源型号》.pdf

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NAVY MIL-S-7996 A-1953 SERVO POWER UNIT TYPE C3A-1B《C3A-1B伺服电源型号》.pdf_第1页
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1、- MIL-S-799bA. bb 9999906 OL2bb23 2 . MfL-S17988A(Aer) g January 1953 Supe rsbdin 29 September i952 HIL-S-7996Lr) HILITARY SPECIFICATIQN BEMVQ POWER mm TYPE C3A-1B Thin specifiaation has been. approted by the Bureau of Aeromutios, Department of the Navy SCOPE AND CLASSIIPICATION 1. - 1.1 SCOPE: This

2、 speoification covers the requfememta for a servo power unit for use with a CAS-2a Continuous Strip Airamft Camem System and the HA-loa Aircraft Camem Magazine. 1.2 CLASSIFICATION: The servo power unit covered by tus irpeci- fiaation shall be OP the type designated C3A-1R. 2. APPLICABLE SPECIFICATIO

3、NS AND OTIIER BUBLICATINS 2.1 GENERAL: The following speclfioations and publiartlon8, OP the Isme ir effect on date of this specification fonn a part of thie speoifioafion to the extent speclficd herein. 2.2 SPECIFICATIONS : Mili targ WIL -H -3171 MIL-D-3464 WIL-C-4150(USAF) MIL-C-SO15 HIL-E=5272(US

4、AF) MIL4 -554 1 HIL-1-6181 MIL-C-6054 MIL-Po6889 Magnesium Alloy, Processes for Corroaon Protection of Desiocants (aotivated) in Bags; for Statio Dehumidification and Paokaging Case; Oarryhg, Photographic Equipment, Shock and Va terproof. Cornec tors; Eleetrical Environmental Testing, Aerbnautioal a

5、nd Associated Equipment, (eneral Specifi- cation for) Chemical Films for Aluminum and Aluminum Interference Limits and Tests, Airomit Eleotrical and Electronic Equipment. Con ta in8 rs , S tee 1 Shipping. Primer; Zinc-Chromate, For Airarakt Use. - Alloys. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction

6、 or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-7996A 66 = 9999906 OL26624 4 E 2.3 MIL-S-7996A(Aer) 6 January 1953 HIL-C-7932(Aer) MIL-M-7933(Aer) Hagazine System, Aircraft Camera, Roll Film, Er Force - Navy Aeronautical AN-QQ-A-696 Anodio Filma; Corro sion-Pro teo tive (For.) Camera Sys

7、tem; Aircraft, Continuous Strip, Stereo, Type CAS-28. Image Motion Compensating, Type MA-10. U. S. arm 3-134 Enamel, Synthetic, Semi-Gloss. U. S. Nary General Specifications for Inspeation of Katsrial. OTmR PUBLICATIONS : Hilitars Standards MIL-STD-129 Harking of Shipments, JAN - STD - 15 Eleotrical

8、 and Electronic Symbols. NAYEXOS P-938 Presemation, Packaging and Packing of Hi litary Supplies and Equipment. 2 a4 AVAILABILITY OF SPECIFICATIONS, OTHER PUBLICATIONS AND 284.1 Vhen requesting specifloations and other publications, refer to both title and pumbsr. 2.4.2 Specifications ai. Other Publi

9、cations: Copies of this speci- fication, applicable specificktions and othei. publications may be obtained upon appication to the Commandiiig Officer, U. S, Naval Air Station, Jobnsville, Pennsylvania, Attention: Toohnica Records Division. DRAWINGS : 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 DESIGN: The servo power unit,

10、 when adequately powered and prop9rly connected, ahall supply power to operate the MA-loa Magazine as specified in Specification HIL-H-7933 or the CAS-28 Canesa as specified in Specification MIL-C-7932. The movement of film within the magazine or camera during exposure ia obtained by means of a serv

11、o drive motor and associated mechanism. Power for the motor le provided by the servo power unit. The rate of film transport speed as governed by the drive motor and servo power unit shall be detennined by a D.C. input voltage fmm a control unit which provides a voltage proportional to the ratio of a

12、ircraft ground 8peed (V) to altitude (H) in two ranges; one from 4.5 to .O9 knots per foot and tho other from ,45 ta .O09 knots er foot. In the law altitude range the oltage Shall correspond to 30 VA and in the high altitude range to 300 V/H. The voltage 80 provided shall be oontinuouslp variable be

13、tween vnluer of 2.7 and 135 volta for both rangas, mean8 o seleotion of the Input voltage from one of two alternate means; (1) by o eration of a 8canner system as rpeoified in Speoificotion HIL-C- 7932 or f2) by a manual aetting in of aircraft ground apeed and altitude, The control must provide Prov

14、ided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Hrt-S-7996A(Aer) 8 January 1953 The aontrol must provide 2Y.5 volt D.C. p6-r for operetion sf the servo power unit snd magazine or aamera. energizing the altitude range changeooap relay In the servo power u

15、nit in the 1000 to 50,000 foot altitude range. the input voltage fmm the control by factors of focal length and deprea- sion angle by means of seteator switohes and assooiated networks. The msultant voltage shall be eupplied to the velocity servo power section for mntrol of the film drive motor In t

16、he camera or magazine. The servo power unit when used with the CAS-Za Camera shall also supply power to position the camera slits In accordance with exprpsure time settings on a control unit. The control must pmvide a meana of The servo power unit shall modify 3.1.1 Depression AnzLe Switch: Values o

17、f depressionangle switch settings shall be provided as follows: 250, 300, 350, 4S0, 600 and 900, below horhontal. 3.1.2 Focal Length Switch: Values of focal length switch setting shall be provided and marked as follows: CAS-28 100 mm, 7 inch, 12 inch, and 20 inch MA-loa 6 Inch, 12 inch, 24 inch and

18、30 inch 3.1.3 Connector: The unit shall he provided with a conneotor to oonform to NIL-C-5015 and Drawing AN3102 and shall be a type AN3102-28-12PU. Internal connectors shall be Winchester Type HRE: or equivalent. 3.1.4 Shock: The unit shall provide for shock mounting using vibration isolator mounts

19、. The ahock mounts shall be permanently attached to the servo power unit. 3 e2 operation from (1) a 27.5 vol% DC power supply having possible fluctuation8 from 24 to 29 volts; and (2) 8 115 volt AC single phase 400 cycle supply with possible fluctuations of plus or minus 5 volts and plus or minus 20

20、 cycles per second, nec tion. POWER: The servo power unit shall be oapable of satisfactory The power Supplie8 shall have a common ground aon- 3.3 . INTERCHANGEABILITY: All components bearing the same manu- facturers part number shall be directly interchangeable with respect to installa tlon and perf

21、ormance requirements of this specification, 3 04 ever they are suitable Por the purpose and shall be identified by their part numbers. cotter pins, et cetera, may be used, provided they develop suitable propep- ties and are replocenble by the AN or JAN standard parts without alteration, and provided

22、 the corresponding AN or JAN part numbers are referenced on the drawings and in the parts lists. corresponding AN part is In effect on date of this specification, commercial utility parts may be used provided they conform to all requirements of this specification. Commercial components may be used i

23、f standard components are not available at the time of fabrication of the instrument, provided that they possess suitable properties, and are interchangeable with AN or JAN standard components. STANDARD PARTS: AN or JAN standard parts shall be used wher- Commercial utility parts, such as screws, bol

24、ts, nuts, In ap;,lications for which no suitable Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-HIL-S-7996A( Aer) 6 January 1953 3.5 NAHEPLATE: A nameplate permanently and legibly marked with tbe following information shall be securely attached to t

25、he unit: SERVO POWER UNIT TYPE C3A-lB SPECIFICATION MIL-S-7996A (Ae r 115 volts A.C. 400 cyoles amps Serial No. BUAER L Hfrs Part No. Model No, Stock NO, Contract No. Weight - Manufacturers Same or Trademark U. S. PROPERTY * Note: The unit serial number shall be followed by a dash and digits indicza

26、ting the month and year of manufacture . 3.6 PROTECTIVE COATING: Aluminm surfaces shall be chemically treetea with Alodine 600 or equivalent and shall conform to Specification MIL-C-5541, and where applicable, shall bo the only finish required on interior surfaaes. An alternate process for treating

27、aluminum surfaces shall be an anodic treatment conforming to Specification AN-QQ-A-696. Where applicable, magnesium surfaces shall be chemically treated in con- fonnance with MIL-H-3171. An alternate process for treating magnesium shall be an electrolytic treatment type “HAEY developea by the Bureau

28、 of Ordnance at Frankfort Arsenal. Primers sbll be of the zinc chromate base type. These shI1 be Type AP-10 as manufactured by United Chromium Company, Neu York, N.Y., or equivalent, or shall conform to MIL-P-6889. 3.7 FINISHES: When enamel finishes are used for interior surfaces, the enamel shall b

29、e flat black enamel, Sullivan Varnish Co., Chicago, Ill., #44-159 or equivalent. Where applicable, exterior mrfaces, excluding instrument panels, shall be finished with blue-gr .- “Hammeritew enamel, type #54-130 manufactured by tbe Sullivan Varnish Company, Chloago, Ill., or equivalent. Switch pane

30、ls strall be finishad with a black semi-lustre enamel conforming to Specification 3-174. Formulations shall contain a suitable fungicidal additive. 3.8 UIRINC DIACRAHS: A legible schematic wiring diagrsm shall be securely fastened to the interior of the unit. Electrical symbols shall 3.9 DIKENSION:

31、The outline dimensions of the unit, exclusive of oonneotoro, abIl not exceed 17 Inches in length, 10 inches in height, and 8-3/4 inohes in width. 3.10 UEICHT: The weight of the unit ahall not exceed 26 pounds. 3.11 CONSTRUCTION: The equipment shall be so oonstruotsd that the HlatlOn8hip between it8

32、oomponentr will not be measurably dirturbed by 1tmin8, jars and vibmtloas incident to shipping ond rtomge op aircraft ln8klltionr. 00ni0rai fo JAN-STD-15 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-777bA bb 7797706 OL2bb27 T M Il I. - S -

33、799bh ( Am - ri January l9X 3.11.1 Workmnnnhip: The equipment 8ha:l be cnnetructcd and finishe in a thorouqhywo,rkmnnlikc mnner. neatness and thoroughness of soldering, wiring, impregnation of coi Is, marking of parts and assemblies, weldinq and Iwazing, paintine, rivetine, machine screw assemblies,

34、 and freedom of parts from burra and sharp edces. 3,1102 .L)lmeiisions: Dimensions aiid tolerances not specified she11 ho ns cloclc an Is coiisistent with the best shop practices, Where dimensions and tolerances my effect the interciinngenhility. operntion, or perfannRnae, they shall be held or limi

35、ted accordingly, 3.11 03 Fabrication: Hachininq, drilling nnd forming Bhnll be accomplished witti the use of accurate templates, jlns, or gug?s. Boxes, cases, shinlds, ntid compartment walls shall be fabricated by casting, drawing 01 bending, and welding, except where ease of servicing of the oquipm

36、ent requires thnt a remotable panel ronstructlan he used or where the applicable stresses dictnte the uso of a stronu nlumiiium alloy that doou not provide ir good weld: for such parts riveting or bolting may be used. Par-ticular attention ahn11 bt? given to 3.11.4 Screw Assemhlies: Assembly screws

37、and bolts shall be tight, The word “tight“ means that tile screv or bolt cannot be nppreciably tightened further without damage or injury to the dcrew or bolt thmads. 3.11.5 Ilivetins: Riveting operations shall be carefully performed to insure thnt rivets are tinht and satisfactorily headed. 3.11.6

38、Cleaning: The equipment units shall be thorouehly cleanel of loose, spattered or excess solder, metal chips, and other foreign materials after flnRI assembly. Burrs and sharp edges, as well RS resln flash that mag crumble, shall be removed. 3.11 o7 Staking: Accidental looseninq of tits1 se1ws and sc

39、rev parts shall he prevented by safety wiring, staking, liquid staking, or other methods suitable for the purpose. 3.12 PEHFOHMANCE: The servo power unit shall perfom iatisfric- torily under the operating conditions specified herein. 3.12.1 Environmental Conditions: The equipment shall functiori pro

40、perly under each of the following environmental conditions unless otherwise epeoified : 3.12.1 1 Ambient Temperature 8nd Humiditv: (1) Ambient temperatures from O degrees to plus 120 degrees F in combination with relative humidity from 10 to 90 percent. (2) Subsequent to Indefinitely prolonged stora

41、ge at any temperature in the range from minus 85 degrees F to plus 160 decrees F. 3 o 12 o 1 a2 and recovering from Rcceleration of 4g. - Acceleration: The equipment shall be capable of withstanding 3 12.1 .3 the parts working loose in service and shall be capable of withstanding and recovering from

42、 shocks producing near instantaneous accelerations up to 7.5g in any direction. Shock: The equipment shall be const-ructed so as to minimize Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-777bA 66 W 777770b OI2bb2 I W with totally in

43、terfe renee MIL-S-7996X Ae r ) 6 January 1953 Radio Interference: The operating equipment vhen connected shielded cables shall not develop excessive radio noise in the range of .i5 to 150 megacycles. 3 012.1 e5 Explosion Proof: The equipment slut11 be capable of satis- factory operation vhen exposed

44、 to an explosive atmosphere. 3.13 ACCURACY: The servo power unit shall maintain an overall accuracy from the input voltage provided by the control to the film trans- port speed in an MA-loa magazine or CAS-2a camera, of: plus or minus (4 plus CI)$ Q is a qualifying factor depending on both the magni

45、tude of input voltage from the control eiid the film transport speed, and is defined as followr: . 7.5 4 .45 For MA-loo: Q - .- - EC V Where: v = film transport speed In inches/sec Ec input D.C. voltrige from a control. The slit servo system shall cover the operating range of slit openings within an

46、 effective accuracy equivalent to 1/2 f stop of the value as determined by the input voltage to thc slit servo system. The servo response time shall be sufficiently fast to follow noms1 operating changes of film vsloci ty. 4. - SAMPLING. XNSPECTIOS ANI) TEST PROCEPUE 4.1 INSPECTION: The servo power

47、unit all materials entering into the manufacture thareof shall be subject LU inspectior by authorized inspectors. Previnua acco;fcance or approval of materials in the course of manufacture shall in no case he construed as a marantec of tho accep- tance of the finished product. Inspcction aha11

48、be in accordance with Navy Department Specification Geilem1 Specifications for Inspection of Material. 4 -2 CLASSIPICATIOX OF TESTS: One servo power unit of the lot to be offered for acceptance on the contract or order shall pass the “Design Approval Tests“, “Inspection Tests“ and “Environmental Tes

49、ts“ described herein, Each unit offered for acceptance on the contract or order shall pass the *inspection Tests“ described herein. 4.3 TEST CONDITIONS: Unless otherwise specified, tests shall be conducted under ordinary room conditions of temperature, humidity, atmos- pheric pressure, and nominal electrical power. 4 04 of the contract or order, the contractor shall furnish one unit for design approval teats to determine conformance with the requireme


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