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1、 MIL-S-2359 b9 997770b 0907895 Z i .i 1. SCOPE t- . 1: -. . 1 t MI L - S- 82 359 i. 14 July 1969 * . MILITARY SPECIFICATIONS SWITCH, ROTARY, VARIABLE RESISTOR ASSEMBLY TYPE This specification is mandatory for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1.7 Scope.- This specific

2、ation covers rotating, comutator type, switches constructed in potentiometer housings. They may be used with or without potentiomters. The switches are for use in training equipment only form as specified (see 6.2): . 1.2 Classification.- Switch type designations shall be in the following . i Type d

3、esignation fom - sinqle-section switches .Style S16 S16 Temi na1 Board A B 1.2.1 Style.- The style is identified by the letter “S“ followed by a two-digit number; the letter identifies switch, rotary, variable resistor assembly type, and the number identifies the diameter in 118- inch increments. 1.

4、2.2 Terminai board.- Terminal boards shall be of two types, the. letter “A“ designating a 110-degree arc teminal board, and the letter “B“ designating 1 80-degree arc terminal board (see 3.3.5). 2. APPLICABLE WCUMENTS 2.1 The following documents, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids

5、 or request for proposai, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein: FSC 6930 . Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-82359 - MIL-S-2357 b7 I 777770b Oq07qb 3 SPEC1 FICATIONS . Federal QQ-A- ZOO/ 3 QQ- S- 76 3 Q

6、Q-S-766 PPP-B-566 PPP- E- 6 36 Aluminum Alloy Bar, Rod, Shapes, Tube, and Wire Extruded 2024 Steel Bars, Shapes, and Forgings- Corrosi on Resisti ng Steel Plate, Sheet and Strip, Corros i on Res i s ti ng Boxes, Fol ding, Paperboard Box, Fiberboard PPP-T- 60 , Tape: Pressure-Sensi ti ve Adhesive, Wa

7、terproof, for Packagi ng Mi 1 i tary MIL-P-116 Preservation, Methods of MIL-S-6872 MI L - R- 890 3 MIL-9-9858 MIL-T-23099 Sol deri ng Process, General Specification For Resistor, Variable, Linear Precisions, Tappabl e Qual i ty Program Requi rements t Tapping Ki t for Servo-Mount Poten- tiometers, T

8、wo-inch Diameter, STAN DARDS Mi li tary .: MIL-STD-105 Sampling P rocedures and Tables for MI L-STD- 129 Inspection by Attributes Marking for Shipment and Storage MIL-STD-130 Mi L-STD- 202 Identification Marking of US MiJi tary Property Test Methods for Electronic and Electrical Component Parts 2 Pr

9、ovided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-STD-454 MS28927 MS 289 3 1 MIL-S-82359 .- - . Standard General Requi rements for Electronic Equipment Clamp, Rim, Clenching Cap, Protecti ve, Dust and Mois ture Seal for MIL-R-8903 Resistor (Copies o

10、f specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required - . by suppliers in connection with specific procurement functions should be I obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the Contracting Off i Cer. ) 2.2 Other publications.- The following documents form a part of this spe

11、cification to the extent specified herein. Unless otherwise indicated, the issue-in effect on date“6f invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply: . I Defense Supply Agency Handbook H 4-1 Federal Supply Code for Manufacturers, Part 1 - Name .to Code Nati onal Bureau of Standards Handbook

12、 H28 Screw-Thread Standards for Federal Servi ces (Application for copies of above publications should be addressed to the Superintendent of Documents, Government Printing Office, Washington, D. C., 20402). 3. REQUIREMENTS various angular segments of contact bars. - ganging with potentiometers manuf

13、acturered in accordance with MIL-R-8903, using E28927 clamp ring and drive arm as shown on figures I through 7. 3.1 The rotary switch specified herein is designed for installation of These units are capable of 3.2 Material.- The material for each part shall conforni to applicable specifications and

14、as specified herein. However, when a defini te material is not specified, a material shall be used which will enable the switch to perform satisfactorily when subjected to the tests specified herein. switch shall have a shelf life of not less than 3 years, The 3.2.1 Plastic -_ material .- Plastic la

15、minates containing a cotton fabric base, or plastic mdding compounds containing a cotton or wood flour filler, shall not be used. Ferrous nietalc.- With the exception of corrosion-resistant steel in accordan“WtT-63 and QQ-S-766, ferrous metals shall not be used. 3.2.2 3 Provided by IHSNot for Resale

16、No reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-3.3 esi n and construction.- The switch shall be of the design, construction, and physica -9- dimensions shown on figures 1 through 7. 3.3.1 Electrical travel. - Continuous electrical continuity capabil i ty through 360 degrees sha

17、ft rotation shall be provided. 3,3.2 Contacts. - The variable electrical connection to the contact element shaiTbeiper and slip ring coupling. contact throug -8- out the continuity travel and shall be inshlated from the shaft and housing. Ni er.- The moving contact (wiper) shall have continu

18、ous electrical . Slip ring_couplIng,- The slip ring coupling shall consist of a fixed metal ring and amoving spring contact assembly. shall consist of dual contacts to bear on the sides or edges of the fixed ring, The slip ring coupling shall be insulated from the shaft and housing. The spri

19、ng assembly 3.3.3 Housing.- The switch housing shall be made of aluminum alloy conforming to QQ-A-200/3 and shall be of one-piece construction in accordance with the dimensions shown on figures 1 through 7. 3.3.4 Bus bars.- As required, the switch shall have bus bars installed (figure i) which are r

20、etained in place by cementing to a ring which forms . a part of the switch assembly. for the bus bar shall be. as shown on figure 1. The buS.bars shall be manufactured to a tolerance of + 1 degree in length. Bus bars may be located by use of a tapping kit . in accordance with MIL-T-23099. Bu

21、s bar location.- Bus bars shall be capable of installation within 1 degree of the specified angular location. 3.3.5 Terminal board.- The terminal board assembly shall consist of a curved base with terminals located as shown on figures 1 and 2. When mounted as shown on figure 1 or 2, the base of the

22、terminal board shall conform to an arc on the periphery of the housing subtended by an angle of 110 or 180 degrees from the center of the switch assembly: The dimensions L. Desi nations.- Terminals shall be connected and numbered with the number 2 -5- termina as the wiper terminal. 3.3.6 Cou

23、pling.- The switch shall be provided with a coupling in accordance with figure 3. 3.3.7 Screw threads,- Screw threads for all screws, nuts and other threaded parts shall beof American National Form in accordance with Hand- book H25 and shall be Class 2 fit. Securing of threaded parts.- Threa

24、ded mounting hardware shall be properly secured to withstand the vibration test specified without 1 ooseni ng . ._ 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L - S - 82 359 3.3.8 Cover.- When specified, a cover conforming to MS28931 shall b

25、e provided for the open end of the switch. 3.4 Performance.- 3.4.1 Torque, initial.- The torque required to rotate the contact ann shall be not more than 0.6 ounce-inch. 3.4.2 Current rating.- The switch shall have a current rating of 100 M.A. on continuous full load operation without arc suppressio

26、n. compatible with the application, arc suppression may be used. suppression, the current rating is increased to 500 M.A. Where Using arc 3.5 Identification of product.- The switch shall be marked in accordance with MIL-STD-130. and shall include the following information: ( a) Type des i gnat i on

27、Marking shall remain legible at the end of all tests (b) Federal Stock Number (when required by ordering data) (c) Federal Supply Code (in accordance with Handbook H 4-1) (d) Date (four-digit number; first two indicate month, second two i ndi cate year). 3.6 i4orkmanship.- Workmanship shall be in ac

28、cordance with requirement 9 Of MIL-SI D-454. 3.6.1 Soldering shall be in accordance with requirement 5 of MIL- STD-454 and MIL-S-6872. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS General.- The switches specified herein shall be manufactured under an organized quality assurance program in accordance with MIL-Q-

29、4.1 - 9858. 4.1.1 Responsibilit for ins ection.- Unless otherwise specified in the contract %rchaseorder.thesupplier is responsible for the . performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. as otherwise specified in the contract or order, the supplier may use his own or any other fac

30、ilities suitable for the performance of the inspection requi reinents specified herein, unless disapproved by the Government, The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services

31、 conform to prescribed requi remnts. Except 4.2 Test conditions and methods.- Unless otherwise specified herein, all tests shall be made at room ambient temperature, pressure, and humidity conditions of 23“ C i- 1“C, 50 percent f 2 percent, and between 1010 millibars and 1020 millibars (759 to 165 m

32、illimeters of mercury). All electrical 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-S-$2359 tests shall be made at rated current unless otherwise specified. 4.2.1 Contact bar angular form of test switches.- The contact bar anciular form of s

33、witches tested-shall be as reauired bv the contract or purEhase order. When the angular form of the contact br is not specified, switches to-be tested shall be fitted with a minimum of four (4) segments centered at a maximurn of loo“, individually subtending a minimum of 10“ and a maximum of go“, wi

34、th a total angular contact surface of 90 minimum and lo maximum. . 4.3 Visual and mechanical examination.- Switches shall be examined according to MIL-STD-105 or other approved testing system to verify that the materials, design, construction, physical dimensions, marking and workmanship are in acco

35、rdance with the appl icable requi rements . 4.4 Test methods.- - 4.4.1 Lateral runout,- The operating shaft shall be clamped horizontally in a suitabreTfiycewith a dial indicator positioned so that the probe will contact the mounting surface of the switch at the maximum possible distance from the op

36、erating shaft. The lateral runout shall be determined from the maximum positive and negative deviations added together without regard to algebraic signs. The lateral runout (see figure 8): shall not exceed 0.001 TIR (total indicator reading). - 4.4.2 Ptlot-surface runout.- The operating shaft shall

37、be clamped in a suitable device with a dial indicator so positioned that the probe will contact the periphery of the pilot surface. The switch body shall be rotated through 360 degrees. The runout of the pilot surface shall be the maximum positive and negative deviations added together without regar

38、d to algebraic signs the pilot surface runout (see figure 9) shall not exceed 0.001 inch TIR. 4,4.3 End la - The switch body shall be clamped in a suitable device and with a 1/2-pound axial load on the shaft applied alternately in each direction. end play (see figurelo) shall not exceed 0.001 inch.

39、movement of the shaft measured with a dial indicator The end play shall be the total indicator reading. The 4.4.4 Torque, initial.- The operating shaft torque required to start to rotate the contact arm on the switching elements shall be determined throughout the entire range of mechanical travel by

40、 a torque tester, the torque-wrench method, or by any other method satisfactory to the procuring activity. O, 6 ounce-i nch . The torque required shall be not more than 4.4.5 Insulation resistance.- The switch shall be tested in accordance with Methodmof MIL-STD-202. The following details shall appl

41、y: (a) Test-condition asspecified in test condition letter B . 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-, MIL-S-2357 67 7777706 OLI07SL 7 MI L-S-82359 (b) The points of measurement shall be between the terminals connected together and the op

42、erating shaft, and between the terminals and the housing 1000 megohms not less than 100 megohms. (c):The ini tia1 insulation resistance shall be not less than (d) The final insulation resistance after 2 minutes shall be 4.4.6 Dielectric withsta shall be tested In accor- dance with method 301 (a) Tes

43、t voltage shall be 500 volts D.C. (b) The points of measurement shall be between the terminals connected together and the operating shaft and between the terminals and the housing (c) The leakage current shall not exceed one milliampere (lma) (d) Testing shall cauce no damage, arcing, or dielectric

44、breakdown. *. . 4.4.7 Temperature cyclin .- The switch shall be tested in accordance with method702 of MIL-STD-208. The following details shall apply; .1 Special mounting: The switch shall be mounted by its nomal- mounting means in such manner that there is at least 1 inch . of free air space around

45、 the switch. The mounting shall be . so positioned with respect to the air stream that it offers . the least obstruction to the flow of air across and around the switch i Measurements before cycling: Not applicable Test conditions, as specified in test condition letter D. Measurements after cycling:

46、 The switch shall be examined for evidence of mechanical damage. There shall be no mechanical damage. Not appl icable 4.4.8 Rotational load life.- normal mounting means on a 4-inch-square, 0.250-inch-thick, aluminum- al loy panel in accordance with QQ-A-200/3. Test conditions.- This

47、test shall be conducted in an ambient temperature of - requirements shall be applied in accordance with the appendix to PPP- 6-636. Metal banding shall not be used. 5.2.2 Level B.- The packaged item(s) shall be packed in fiberboard containew conforming to class domestic of PPP-B-636, style optional.

48、 5.2.3 Level C.- The packaged item(s) shall be packed in a manner that will afford adequate protection against damage during direct shipment from the supply source to the first receiving activity for immediate use. The package shall conform to the applicable carrier rules and regulations and may be

49、the suppliers comnercial practice when such practice conforms to the requirements of this level, contract Fr?8r, each unit package, intermedi ate, and exterior container shall by marked in accordance with MIL-STD-129. - * i . 5.3 Markiri .- In addition to any special marking required by the 5.4 General.- Exterior containers shall be of a minimum tare and cube consistent with the protection required and shall contain equal


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