1、MI L-STD-188-203-35 October 1983MILITARY STANDARDSUBSYSTEM DESIGN AND ENGINEERINGSTANDARDS FOR TACTICAL DIGITALINFORMATION LINK (TADIL) CoNO INFORMATIONREQUIREMENTS FSA TCTS/Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-HIL-STO-1138-Z03-35 October
2、1903Subsystem Oeslgn andEngineering Stsmdardsfor lactical OIgitalInformation Links (TADIL.C)MI L-STO-1E2-203-35 October 1963 . .Oepartmsnt of OefenseWashington, O.C. 203011. This Hilltary Standard is.approved sndmmdatory for use by all Oepartmnts and Agenciesof the Oepartmnt of Oefense fn accordance
3、 with the OASO (CCCI) Henarandum; dated 10W 1977.(See APPENDIx A).2. Eeneflclal comments (rscow?ndat!ans, addftlons, deletions) and any pertinent data whfchmsy be of use in hmjmvlng this doems?nt should bs addressed to:CamsnderNaval Electronic Systems CcammdAttn: ELEX 8111Washington, O.C. 20363by us
4、ing the self-addressed Stmdardtzatlon Omment Iwovsmen: prOPOSal (OO Fo 1426) .WPefWIat the end of this domur!ent or by letter.-,./iiProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-1)folmo9.OltlL-sTo-lW-203-35 October 1983In the past. Mi Ittery Standa
5、rd 188 (AIIL-STO-188), covering a75ilitary cmmmicatfons systemtschn MIL-STO-1O6-2O3-1 ccmtalnsthe requir-nts for TMIL A, and ML-STO-188-203-2 con$s.tns the requirements for TAOIL B. The141L-SIO-ll liminglae Slots of the Transmit FrmeTim SlOtS of the Receive FrameControl MassageReply MessageCaqmter I
6、nterfaceCcamter OuWt NerdsUmjuter Inpti !JOrdswe SMI tch55:;888888888888Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-.)Ml -S10-188-203-35 bctober 1983CONIENTS (teat f nued)Paragr6ph 5.3.8 Radio Interface5.3.8.1 Control Message5.3.8.2 Transmit Key
7、ng Signal f ron the COTS5.3.8.3 Transmit Keying Signal Timfng5.3.8.4 Trmwnit Keying Signal Displacement5.3.8.5 Trmcmit Keying Signal in Standby Conditton5.3.8.6 Rep Iy Message5.3.9 Error Oetectfon:.;.; Test MessageTest Reply Nessage5:3:12 Wilt-in lest5.4 W Control led Airborne Radio5.4.1 Intemperabl
8、lity5.4.2 Frme Rate5.4.3 Bit Rate5.4.4 Frequexy Coverage5.4.5 Channel Chmg$ng Tim5.4.6 Frequency Stabi 1f t y5.4.7 S40dulation Node5.4.8 Transmitter5.4.8.1 Power Output5.4.8.2 mdulation Sensitivity5.4.8.3 Transmitter Attack Tim? Oelay5.4.8.4 Antenna Turnaround Time5.4.8.5 Harnmnic end Spurfous Outpu
9、t5.4.8.6 Tr.stwnitter Noise Level (FSK)5.4.9 Receiver5.4.9.1 Sensitivity5.4.9.2 Receiver Atteck Tfms Oeldy5.4.9.3 Oeduls.tion5.4.9.4 Spurious Response5.4.9.5 Input Signel Protection5.4.9.6 Selectivity5.4.10 Input and OutputF16uWSF16uRE 1 Block df2 Tm”Timing re at fonship between control station and
10、aircraft.3 Special timing relationship between control stetion endalrcreft for Operatlq in the EAINS application.4 Co:;lressege wtput tfming diegran end trencmft keyfng5 Reply mmsege Input timing d$agrm.TAWSTfWE 1 Canputer output word end control funct tons prof Ie11 Camputer output word ad control
11、functions profilefor steerable antenna111 Eqputer fnput word and control functions profileIv “kkputer tnput wrd and control functfons profilefor steer6ble entennav Cmtml msssege profileVI Reply messege profile1414141414141414151515151515;:151s16161616;:16:161616161%1817/184671012111113vProvided by I
12、HSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-leJL.sTD-188-203-35 October 19.3CON7ENTS (cent in.ed)APPENDICESAPPENOI X A Hermrcmtm frm the Assistant Secretary of Oefensefor Cctmnmlcatfons, Cc+zamnd Control and Intelligence.10 nay 1977B LI St of Abbrevi at fens
13、and Acronyms used t n Ml L-STO-1E8-203-3 :;/viProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IHIL-sTD-188-21J3-3S October 1983)1. 5COPEThe purmse of th!s docuua?nt is to establish technical stsndards snd designobjecies?%at are necessary to ensure tn
14、teraperabtlty rmd to prcmote canmfsa)fty for-nications equipment and subsystems used in TADIL C. Another purpose of this docmnent isto establlsh tccaptable over.il 1 syaten perfondiince and mbximwn f Iexibi Iity of system laut inorder to satisfy diverse user requirements without the restrictions cau
15、sed by interface snd in-ccupatibi Iity problems. St6ndard message formats are not included in this document. The TADIL Cmassage formats We contained in JCS PLIE 10, Tactical Camand and Cdntrol and CcumunicationSystem Standards.st. My ,tm i=,tii” .4.1 d 4.4.tng subassemblies snd parts, servfng functi
16、onally in emelectrmmagne c env mnment in the bmsdest sense, shal 1 ccsuply with the eppl!ceble requirementsof the current edition of MIL-STO-461. Techniques used for the measurensnt end determination of5s!1 characteristics shal 1 ccsuply with the applicable requirements of the current editfon ofMIL-
17、STO-462.I NOTE : ML-NW-241 provides guidance for EHI reductions in equipm!t Pwer supplies.4.4.2 Subsystems ad stem. Caumunications systems smd essoctated subsystems shall bedesfgnsd to tit eve fntra- endl ner.sjs ten electromagnet Ic -et !bi I i t y. There sbal 1 beneither un-cept able respenses nor
18、 mc.lf unct ions of any i ten of the syate!n or subsyatsm beyondthe tolerances established by the applicable requirenmnts of the current edition of MIL-STO-461.NOTE: 141L-N02K-237 provfdes guidmce for ieplsmenting m ESIC program4.5 fimundinq, bm?ding and shieldin . Methods end prect ices for groundt
19、 ng, bonding andshielding of ground-based telecmmmmicat ons shal I ccaply with the applicable requirements ofthe current edition of t! IL-sm-lQcz4.N07E : HIL-NOllK-419 provides basic ard application fnfOrmatiOn on gmdffq, tiding shieldingprsctices reccmem?tied for electronic e9uiCaEnt.4.6 Oigital In
20、terfaces. All !nterfeces used in the TAOIL C syatan shall ccaply ufth theapplicable requiratzents of the current edition of UIL.STO-122-114 (see FIGWE 1) and, if required,mdy also cmzply wftb the eppl!cable requireua?nts of the current edition of 141L-STO-1553.3Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reprod
21、uction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-Nls!#M33-3532.:c4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-II)411 -s10-188-203-35 October 19835. DETAILED REQuIREKENTS5.1 C%er sl. These det r %”off) frm S exterml device by herdware m
22、 software. In enY nsethfxt theThe control station radio shal 1 be designsd to provide for keying (tuTningrequirements of 5.2.8 and shall be met.5.2.10 Trencmitter. The transmitter shal I met the requirements of through S.2.1O. Pwar out ut. The trmsrnitter rf power output
23、ratingfor eech different operationalapplication sha-fied as the average power into a reSiStiVe Wsd of 50 ohms. Uhe” thetransmitter is cannected to any ledmce preducing a voltage standing wave ratio (VSkR) of 2.5to 1, the rf Wuer shall not bs degraded mre than 1 dB. IkLldulation Sensitivft .
24、The nudulation QMLsility shall be such that a binary oneapplisd to the duta input t erainals s aI 1 increase the rf m.rrier frequency 20 Mix ( 5 percent)dbove the mninal (center) rf carrier frequency and a binery zero spplied to the data input temi -nal$ shall decre#se the I+ carrier frequency 20 kl
25、iz ( S percent) belen the nminal (center) rfcarrier frequency. The center frequency shal I not be redi ated.WOT2: The requirements of and do not CWPIY with the logic endsignal ssnse as stated in HIL-STO-122-lW and HIL-STO-182-200. These requirensmts applyonly to TADIL C f!quit md a
26、re consistent with the capebtlities of existing invsntoryand intes-mt ienal agmewnts as stated in STANAG 5504=. Tremaitter atteck tires dela. Specified rf pwar $hall be applied to the wtputlosd within 60 a75ncmsecwds aftm Soplicatfon of each carrier+n signal. me rf power in theoutput load sh
27、al 1 decroeae te more th -25 dLm WYthin 20 a75icroseconds sfter cessation of thecarrier-an s!gnal. Harmnic snd SPWiOUS OutPut. All, hammnics end spurious wtputs shall b+ atle when aperatlng In the CAINS aligc= rode. “shall Wnatenetwork tfmlng n ac-sa s of 14 ma *.07 m tranadt fraas periods,
28、ad 2 m i.01 m receive frmeP!” %; of a sync burst, guard interval. stsrt pulse, data. and tranadtterThe COTS shal 1 generate a cdntrol awssags dmfng the trancmf t framem-key sial. The syiic Lwrst shall be 8 tln!e slots, ths guard interval 4 the slots. ths starkpulse 1 tlce slot, the data period 56 tl
29、!as slots, and the transmitter m-key signal 1 tlm slot(sao F16WE 4). The logic mquimsmts, the central processing unit (CPU) bit sssignnsnt totitus slots, MCI the overall .sontml uessage profile shall be es specified in TA2LES I and II.9Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permi
30、tted without license from IHS-,-,-Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-IIITASLE 1.MII. -STU-188-2O3-35 October 1983Caqwter output mrd W Control functf Ons Pmftle.CVWTER 81T POSITIlPostfon Oefnttion Rfsmrkio, 1 used as COTS cdntrol Word One
31、 Only2-29 Oata Bits Uord One - Word Two30-35 Ndt used Teminate1CONTROL LINESLfne I RmarksExternal Fmct (On Request Not Used TerminateExternal Fmct ton kkmmledge Act !ve1 Begin Tbu-llay Ccmmnicat fensPosition O Position 290 0 Nat UCNoiMM TH-10Word1Not MU1 ; IICMTM-21 UOrd 1TABLE 11. Camnuter output t
32、mrd and Control functions pmf i leTor steerabl e antenna.I I CCMPUTER En POSITIONI 1 II position Lk3fin!tton RemarksO-32 Oata Bit Mot-d One - uord TW33-3s Not used TerminateCWTROL FUNCTIONSkford Zem is 1nf orrmt Ian for Steerable Antennaw-d zero Btts 1, 2, 3Wtal 5 Nold Message until aircraft is in c
33、orrect azimuthOctal 6 WMP around test messege: - - : - - - -.-. -.-.: -WESSAOE -,.:-. . . .-m “c NE- -: -:- maic Z3Floilk- - “ 4L- “”- , . DA,. mm.+- . .I ltl*l,141slc, slmk,Q,m,”,.b,op.,”b,., RfPL, MSSSME em “MeEnsi 11l,l,l,kl-+tbj I RUSy0A7aMTNUMBERNOlss allqL ausso 1-ALF16uRE 5. Reply message fnr
34、wt tlofng dlmrm.12Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL.S1O-1OO-2U3-35 October 1983TAOLE III. ZOnputer input burd and control functions profile.CWPU7R 811 POSITIW 1Positon Oefinitlon RemarksO-6 Not US* TemlmteUsed as COTS COntml Word On
35、e Only;:2! Data Bit khrd One - Word TW30-35 Not Used TemlmteCONTROL LINESline ResmrksZxtemal Interrupt Request 14Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-,IMI L-STD-188-203-35 October 1983TE V1. Reply message pmfi le.TIKE OT PROFILE1-8 A Loc O
36、 Sync BurstB LC 1lime slots 1 through 8100 a75icroseconds Logic O100 microseconds L09ic 19-12 LOC O Guard13 Loc 1 Stcrt Bit14-34 Oata CPU Bit 29 - 9, Word One Respectively34-s5 Data W Bit 29 - 9, Word Ttm Respectively56 Lec O Tremd tter Key Down. .S.3.1O Test Uaessaqe. Th COTS shell Ssqle each Cucto
37、nally ! the mcelvar shall not be damaged by the Ccsstlnuws SOPI icaticrt of a +35 dBi4c-f signal.16Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STO-W3-203-35 October 1983shallsJ”Rhf%R%!%iq Ifmitatfon:The overall selectivity, as related to peak
38、 response, of the rec.elver6 dB dobn 60 4S down70 kHz ,140 kHzminima ms.xhlsll5.4.10 Input Snd out The electrical characteristics of the data INPIJI and OUTPIJTlines shall CCCZPIY ulth .Custodims: Prepartng acttvfty:Amy-seNavy - EC (P:;:c; %S-2033)Atr Force - 5UReview activities:Y-Navy - AS, W, SH.
39、. .1-17 /18Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-mL-STO-168-203-35 October 1963APPENOIX AKENOWNOW FROM TNS A-5SISTMT SECNETMY OF OEFENSE FORCOKISJNICATIONS, CWNANO, CIWINOL MO INTELL16WCE.10 WY 1977, SUWECT : MWOATCRY uSE OF MILITARYSTANOAR
40、OS IN TNE 180 SERIES.lf MPENOIX&+shs ft!fOmat f On IWl?.t to t(ll-s10-188-303-1 .APPENOIX A Is a a75amtatory part Of thts staa.19Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-HIL-S1O-1EW?O3-3s October 1983CO-w!l!c=cii.O.la. OwLyyyy ,.MEMORANDUM FOR
41、 A#*t8u.1 SeCr.uw . A-v IIkl+Al.u.l %.retmmdti. N.v (ILL)A.elmunt S r.mv ffI. Af, Fe. lUComnun&nlaf fh. Urt.*.co.p*D1r.c:.r. Defen*e CmmmxdcaUsAg=IICyDirector. NatlnruI Sac.rtty AWIcTOn Ja.uarY3, 1972. tie A.*i.Q.* S. . V *f= (l&f*itce. rrt. nuke . .In!ff-.t .fncu. ID fh. OeOSfand. &t Utlo.Hanu.14tZ
42、0.3M becau. e.of ,.currin, m!s.ppllc.t! on. ofmllltar,tsnd. rd. fa,e”.r.l. Ifm a71emc.a fun cblnselstbtmiliury.mnd. rd. . . . .e ral rule . . . nwcltcd a. %pprowed for us.-, .stfmrUum %Und.lnry for use” inths Daptrm.ilt of mful.m.TM. d. fer.ix. to the vdgmer.t of tb. d.aln8 .nd Pra.rlrq .ccncl1, .l.
43、a,ly.ppropriate to amnti,d. de.lfng twithproce s compcaeattNLS.L+I 9 arid relbbllltY. pafnt ffnf. h. .mf IJMlike. 111. .le. rlznot a71pPrOErlato tn standards such the in UN MIISTD 180 ,1=.whl. b addr. . . t.leconunnal-tfw de. ig. par.met. r Y%*. Influencethe fu8cUtnu1 Intaarlw of tel.cwnmun!c.tfar.
44、.y*fanu and tbelr .bflltYto .Iff.t.ntf r!.t. roper.t. vflfI h*r f-wrclfmuffy .Imll.r Gov. rmn.nt.nd ccmnn. rcfsl #YS1em8. Therefore, rele.mt mtlttaay stsnd.rds ba&. 18S *! *1U cednu. toba nuadstor yf. ro. .wftbfoflm O*rl-m.”t d MC.T.amfnfmt.e fbe probbllfty.f mfs.ppllcat!on of Ihem .Umda. d., It i.I
45、acumke.t .posth. developer. $11the M1fi3TD IW ? S tolnr. that. b .tandmd 1. motcafy . cnfht kt of unlf.rmly Mgbquallfy, ele. r.nd.cm.l. e fc. .pplfe.tf -am .edd.r.verpo.,lble .mqmfbl. withexfstlngorpmpos.d IJ.tfoM1. fatnnutlc=ml a71nd rad. rdt.lacommum 1.elm .mndardi It i. alma fncmnbcnt .pemtb. .mw
46、. OIILWD. sfmadard.toc$t. i. U prc-=r.mt .Pcbffc.l f-* -f Ytbo*. .tird. -bf.h.,. ctarlym.e . . rv fa Un p7+. fwutioaheftbm dsvic. or .ysfmxuOW., Its ptoj.et=d lU.iiLUTbfsdlr.chr.lm fn.cm.ona.co wffbtbe r.cmmwd. ikw nude by theLh.r.tor. Dsf.m M. fc.rl.l SpocUfcaff on. .ad Slmd.,d. OU1. fnbf.l.tterafi
47、larcb 4, 1977, Wtdcbwa* addmssedtatb. U.S. Army Clee.Irodc* Conmumf.LID C,*14 ?. M“cc,.oAsDdflA& u. DMSSOCo-chmlmun. JSC. EWM fDR9E&CZ-CS)Co-cbal?mam, JSC. DCEC (R1 10)OJCS (J-3). T.lecom L%Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-APPENOIX 8LI
48、ST OF ABBREVIATIONS PNO ASRONYNS10. SCOPE10.1 Sco e.-3%Thfs APPENOIX provides explanations of the acronym and abbreviations unfqueto this stm m md is not a71 rnmd.story park of this stsdar4.EnIf.CAIASCOTSCPumFfflFSKN(YISNR($+N)/NT#lTILTOMTENPE5TTNBegin Two-way CcamuntcationsCarrier Airc.raf t Inertial Navtgatton Sfitem. .Cantml Oata Terminal SetCentral Processing UnitOeslgn Object tveFrequetiy Oivf SiOn ttultfP!ex(ing)Frq