1、. .MILITABY STANDARD.SHIP STBUCTUBAL SYMSOLS FORUSE ON SHIP DBAWINOSMIL-sTD-25S10 -y 1984SUPES9BDINGt41L-STO-25A15 Augwt 196ti. . ,. .,Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-.s2D-25B10 fby1984DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEWashington, DC 20301Ship
2、 Structural SymbolB for Use on 8hip DrawingsMIL-STD-25B1. IhiaMilitary Standerd ie approved for use by all Department and Agencieeof the Dapartmant of De.fenae.2. Beneficial commanta (recommendation, edditiona, deletions) end any perti-nent data which mcy be of use in improving this document should
3、be eddressedto: Commander, Naval Sea Syatema Commend, SEA 5523, Department of the Navy,Washington, DC 20362 byusing the calf-addteased Standardization DocumentImprovamant Propoeal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document orby letterciiProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or netwo
4、rking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-25B10 my 1984FOSEWOROThis standard was developed to” provide guidance for a.%wring uniformityin the preparation of sNp structural drawinga. The drawings ,towhich itPPlieE inclO those prep=ed by the Naval S.= system Cammd rindbyprivatecentractors,
5、for providing centract roquiremante OK guidance, and for describingconstruction detaile., . . . .iiiProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-25B10 tflJy1984CONTENTSParagraph
6、5.65.75,7015. - -SBFESENCED DOCDMENTS -.- -Iasuee of documents -_-_-_ -Other publication - - -DEFINITIONS (Not applicable) -GENERAL REQUIREMENTS (Not applicable) -DETAILED REQUIREMENTS - -Standard abbreviation -Delineation -Designating materia
7、l -7 -Designating eize - -Plate thickneae -Standerd ehapee - - -Speciel ehapes cut from rolled sections -Speciel teee end englee -Built-up teee - - - -Flanged pletee ueed ae structural membere-Shall strakes -Shell end deck longitudincls -Welding and mechanical faeteners -Weldad and mechanically fast
8、ened eeame and butts -Mechanical faeteners type and eize symbole -Welding joint type end size symboln -Application -Application axamplee of symbols on ship etructureldrawinge - - -Contract end contrect guidance drawings -Ship conetruction drawinge - -Metric conversion - -FIGUSESConventional delineat
9、ion -Contrect drewing or contract guidance drawing -shell expaneion -Contract drawing or contract guidance drewing - deckplan -Centrect drawing or contrect guidance drewing -typicel section, bulkhead -Centract drawing or contract guidanca drawing -typical saction, web frame -Contract drawing or cont
10、ract guidance drawing -midehip sect itm -Ship construction drawing - deck drawing -Ship construction drawing - nontight floor -Rxs111222;3:678s8s9991010101010111214151617181920ivProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STO-25B “10 my 1984C
11、ONTBt$T8.- ContinuedTABLB8E!”5456 H-116; etc)5.4 Oeaignating elze.5.4.1 Plato thickness. Plate thicknesses as ahovn in table II are desig-nated on drawings. The plate eymbol, PL, la omitted for slm+licity when thesize 1s labeled directly on the member. For exemple. a 15.3 pound ordinanstrength steel
12、 plate would be labeled 15.3 0SS o; where the innterialis cveredby the general notee, 15.3#. 2f reference 18 made to a plate and the label isnot directly written on the mbar, the PL symbol should be used. For example,ALL WEBS SHALL SE 15.3# PL.-TABLE 11. Plate thickness:MaterialUedium steedOrdinary
13、strength steelMigherstrength steelSigh tensile steeSigh yiald steal fornoncrfticcl applicationsCOrrOeiOn reeieting etaalOa8ignatlonBy weiglitin poundsfoot of areaEy weight in poundsfoot of al-anSy weight in poundsfoot of areaBy weight in poundsfoot of areaBy weight in poundsfoot of areaBy weight in
14、“poundsfoot of areaperequareper equareper equareper squareper squareper equareExamples20.4tlus20.4# 0SS15.3# Hss15.30 IfTs30.6flHYEO7.659 CBBBSee footnotes et end of table.3. .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-25B10 Mey 1984TABL
15、E II. Plate thicknasa. - ContinuedMaterialSpecial treatment steel.11Aluminum alloy33ighyiald steel forcritical applicationoSheet eteelOther materials lese thenl/8 inch ChicknemDesignationBy weight in pounde per equarefoot of aree, rounded tonearest integerBy thickne8e in inchee anddecimale of an inc
16、hBy thickneee in inches anddecimcls of an inchBy tickrieeain inchee enddecimels of an inchBy thickness in inches anddecimele of an inchExemplee505 STS0.75 AL (elloy)1.9233T800.0625 (16 GA)0.0625 (16 GA) Special treatment steel (STS), medium eteel (MS) and high teneile steel (HfS)ere obsolete end lie
17、ted here for refarence only.2J Plate thicknes.ea are epecified in inches and decimal. for critical aPPli-cetLOne which reauires tiKht.3rtolerencee on plete thickneaw or ultriaonicinspection for ticknese =nd .soundnems.5.4.2 Standerd EhaDRe.5,4.2.1 The not et ion and eymbolsrepresenting rolled or ext
18、ruded shepesare as ehown in teble III.TABLE III. Standard ahaue notation and symbols.SheneI-beeme (atanderd,wide flange eec-tions, light beems,;)beema, andChennele (standerd,junior, eud chipchsnnela)Angles (equal sndunequal legs)BirstnumberWeb nominaldepth ininches andfrectioneWeb nominaldepth ininc
19、hes andf rectionsknge; :ginches endfractionaNotationSecond numberFlange widthin inches endfractionaPlenge widthin inches endfractionShorter legwidth ininches andfractioneThird numberLinear densityin pounde(and decimcla)per footLinear deneityin pounds(and decimals )per footTMckneas ininches andfracti
20、one3ymbolIcL4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STO-25B10 nay 1984TAsLS III. Standard shape notation and symbols. - ContinuedShapo I Notation I symbolFirst number Second number Third numberTees Web nominal Flange width Lfnear deneity
21、 Tdepth in in inches in poundsinches and and fractions (and decimcla)fractions per footFlat bars (up to and Width In Thickness in FBincluding S-fnch inches and inchee andwidth; sections fractions fractloneexceeding S-inchare referred to asplates)Snlf rounde tsido di- mamctar infnthea andfractionalhb
22、i titaida di- Wall thlcknesa . Tussameter in in decimclinches and inchesdecimalsPipe Nominal di- PIPEameter ininchee andSCNSD, STDor”t?trengthSulb angles Lunger les Shortor leg Linear density 5Awidth in width in in poundsinches and inchee and (and decimcla)f ractlonc fractions per footZee bare Oopth
23、 in Leg length in Lfnear density Binches and inches and in poundsfractionc fractions (and decimals)per foot5.4.2.2 A f e= sizae of mlecellaneous COIUXIIIICond becme” have the samenomfnal depth, f lango width, and weight per foot ae certain “wfde flenge eec-tione-, the variation being in the thicknes
24、s of web and flange. When usingthese eectlons, the symbol 1- 6hould not be used and they should be designatedeither ce a “rotacellanaouo column” or “mlecellaneous beam”,whichever”applies. . .5. . . .Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL
25、-STD-25B10 MMy 19845.4.2.3 Application of symbols for designating shapee are given in thefollowing examples:8 X 5-114 X 21#18 X 5-1/4 X 20#l11SC BEAM13 x 4 x 40#L6x6x l/2L.5 X 3-112 x l/21_6x4x70T6 X l/4FB3HR”6 X .25 TOBE6 STD PIPE6 XSTR PIPE6 SCSRD #-PIPE9 X 3-1/2 X 21.6#BA4 3 8.2035.4.2.4 In all d
26、esignations specified in table III and, inchmarks are omitted but symbol “” is used for clarity to indicate the weightin pounds per linear foot. Nominal sizes are used throughout.5.4.2,5 Steel and aluminum structural tubing should not be referred toas plpa since tha material specification fo
27、r, pipe does not specify structuralphysical properties. lbbing Is designated by outside diameter and wall thick-ness. .3tr”ct”ral steel tubing is eometimea more readily ,available In nonalpipa sizaa in which case it should be designated by nominal diameter andschedule, atandard or strength.5.4.3 Spe
28、cial shapes cut from rolled sections. Special shapes can be mcde from rolled I-beams, wide flangeshapae, or channals by cutting off either one or two sides of a flange. 2%1slaavae the depth of the section unchanged. Shape dimanaionalnotation ia aashown in table III. The most common applicatio
29、n and aymbola representingeach ara ao follows:I-baam,cut toflangaI-beam,cut toflangeChannelApplication Symbolor wide flange shapes I-Ta T.(two sides of oneremoved)or wide flange shapes I-Ja J (one side of oneremoved)cut to an angle ELExamplee:12 X 4 X 19#1-T10 X 8 X 3301-313 X 4 X 31.8#c-l_6Provided
30、 by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-25B10 May 19s4I5.4.3.2 tiny tees are manuf nctured from I-beams by cutting through themiddle of tho web to make two tees. Such members are indicated as teesof halfthe nominal depth and hdf tho Weight of
31、 the parent beam.13xampla:6x4x 70T(this isa Tcutfrorn a12x4x14#I) . . .5,4.3.3 Serrated angles and tece can be made from channels ,andI-beams,rcepectively, by making a aerraccd cut lengthwise through the web. since nouniversal standard for the configurationhas been established, details of thecuts sh
32、all be shown on drawinga. The following aymbola shall be used to indi-cate serrated members: . .onefortheApplication mTee-beam serrated from an I I-SEfUt(*)T Angle serrated from n channel C-SESS(*)L*Indicate here the fimleh depth ,“of Toi. I_ . . .k!OB : . .10 x 4 X 170 1-S8SS 7-”T” “ . . :12 x 4 x
33、350 C-Slfful8-L5.4. b Specinl tece and nnglca. .“ An I-beam orchnnnol can bo modifiod by trinnmingoff a part”offLange to leavo the remcinder of the Paying flamge intact. Ac en example,a deck longitudal or bulkhead stiffener requiring a 4-inch fayg flnmge,following nomonclatura shall be usad.
34、,12 6-I/2 x 26#1-T (4 FAy w) . . Example using channels requiring Paying flamge: . .13 X 4 X 35#C-C(2-l/2 FAY HZ) . . To rmdlf y a mmmber where tho above convention doesnot epply thesl CF (Cut from) can be need.Examplee: . :. ,.16 x 4LCF i8 x 4 x 42.70C . .4-lj4 X 1-114LcP 5 x 3 x 1J4L
35、6 x 2LCF 6 X 3-1/2 X l/2L . . ,. . . . .-. -.7Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-STD-25B10 may 19845,4.5 Built-up tees. Tee sections may be built up by welding plates and flat barstogether. Built-up teee are indicated by desig
36、nating the depth of web by widthof flange, followed by the“weight per square foot of the web and the weight persquare foot of Che flange. For high yield etrength eteel tees used in criticalapplication or aluminum alloy, the flange and web thicknese is expressed indecima16. A tee with an overall dept
37、h of lB inches giwing a 20.4# web and a30.6# flange 7 inches wide is represented as followe:18 x 7 x 20.4#J30.6Wf (steel)18 x 7 x 0.50/0.75 T (alum.inurn alloy) In critical application tee eectiona may be built up by weldedplates or flat bare. A tee with an overall depth of 18 fnchea having a
38、 1/2inch thick web and 3/4 inch thick flange with a 7 inch flange width is repre-sented as followe:18x 7 x 0.50/0.75T (critical application)5.4.6 Flanged plates used ae structural mambers. Flangadplatas used aa structural members arenating the depth of member by width nf flange by weight peri
39、ndicatad by dasig-equara foot of plate.Exempleez8 X 4 X 15.3#FLG PLlB X 7-112X 20.40 FLG PL5.5 Shell strakee.5.5.1 The term “shell strake” ia applied to a continuous row of shellplating which may be connected to adjscant rows of plating by welding or mechan-ical fa=atenera. On chip constructi
40、on drawings, in the portion of the chip wheretheeeacrakearunfore and aft, they are identified by a lettar. The latter Aidentifiee the firet plate adjscent to the flat keel, centinued by B, C, D,etc., to the upper part of the shell. The letter “1”is not used, mince it maybe confused with the numeral
41、one. Centract drawinge and contract guidance drawinga show only changeein plate thicknese and therefore the lettering for individual etrakea are notusad.5.6 Shell and deck longitudinal.5.6.1 The name “longitudinal” is a generic term applying to all stiffen-ing mambers running in a fore and af
42、t direction. The Nawy baa adopted thepolicy of avoiding the uee nf the word “etringer”insnfar an practical. There-fore, hell stiffeners previously identified ae etringers should be redesig-nated ae longitudinal.8Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fro
43、m IHS-,-,-PIIL-STD-25B10 May 19845.6.2 On ship construction drawinge shell longitud$nals are identified bynumbere. The number “1“des gnates the firat longitudinal outboard of theLvertical keel. This ia foil. ad by the numbers 2, 3, 4, etc., to tha uppermnstpart of the shell. Raceding tha number 1s a
44、 letter, the letter L” beiag usedto indicate a longitudinal (e.g., Ll, L2, LN). Oeck longitudinnls are numbered Ll, L2, etc.beginning vith thefirst longitudinal,off centerline either port or starboard and increasing tward$the outboard edge of the deck. . Longitudinal on centract drawin
45、gs and centract giidance drawingeare not numbered.5.7 Welding and mechanical f aeteners.5.7.1 Welded and mechanically fcctened seams and titte. Welded and mechanicallv faetened seams and butts are indiccted on the drawirm by an aamronriate. .symbol in accordance with figure 1. (Mditional detailof we
46、ld or mchanical fcctener can be shown if requiredonly.) . .5.7.2 Mechanical faotenera type and size eymbnla.TYPLe of mechanical fastenera- . . . .such as type and sizeon guidance drawingsWY Q!?Q Heads !3L Q?QQ Points B (BTNHD) - B“tton head CK (CTSKPT) - Countersunk pointc (CSKS) - Countersunk head B (Bin) - Button pointT (TAP) - Tap CP (CP) - Cone point5.7.2.1 Dn drawimga, folloving the dimcmelon indi