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1、NOTE: MIL-STD-751 has been redesignated as a Interface Standard. The cover pagehas been changed for Administrative reasons. There are no other changes tothis Document.MIL-STD-751A (SH)3 SEPTEMBER 1987_SUPERSEDINGMIL-STD-751 (SHIPS)24 OCTOBER 1961(SEE 6.3)AMSC N/A FSC 5840DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Ap

2、proved for public release; distribution isunlimited.DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSEINTERFACE STANDARDRADAR OUTPUTS, NAVAL SHIPAND SHOREProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-NIL-STD-751A(SH)3 September1987 GDEPARlTfENTOF THE NAVYNAVAL SEA SYSTEMSCOMNAND

3、Washington,DC 20362-S101Radar Outputs,Naval Ship and Shore1. This MilitaryStandardis approvedfor use by the Naval Sea SystemsCommand,Departmentof the Navy, and is availablefor use by all Departmentsand Agenciesof the Departmentof Defense.2. Beneficialcomments (recommendations,additions,deletions)and

4、 anypertinentdata which may be of use in improvingthisdocumentshouldbeaddressedto: Commander,Naval Sea SystemsCommand,SEA 5523,Departmentofthe Navy,Washington,DC 20362-5101using the self-addressedStandardizationDocumentImprovementProposal(DDForm 1426)appearingat the end of thisdocumentor by letter.i

5、iProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-MIL-STD-751A(SH)3 September1987FOREWORDIt is the intentof this standardto establishrevisedrequirementsformultiplexedand analogoutputsof Naval radar systemsreflectiveoftechnologicalchangesand advancements

6、in currentstateof the art.,.111Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-NIL-STD-751A(SH)3 September1987CONTENTSParagraph

7、. .Purpose ApplicationREFERENCEDDOCUMENTS Governmentdocuments .Standard .Order of precedence DEFINITIONS.Radar mile .Radar triggerpulse,. Video signal .Bearingsignal .Peak pulse amplitude.Pulse decay Pulse duration .Pulse jitter .Pulse repetition

8、rate.Pulse rise .Pulse spike Unidirectionalpulse .Pulse edge undershoot Pulse separation.Pulse spacing Pulse top Duty cycle .RADDS RADDS digitaldata stream (RDS) Sensorconverter(SCV) .GENERALREQUIREMENTS(Notapplicable).DETAILEDREQUIREMENTS.Radar output requirementsRadar outputs Video requirements.Vi

9、deo signalcharacteristics.Polarity .Peak amplitude .Trailingedge undershoot.Duty cycle .Video output .Video measurements.Antennabearing Trigger requirements.Triggerpulses .Polarity .11111111111112222222222223333333334444444444iivProvided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wi

10、thout license from IHS-,-Paragraph, 1.2.3.MIL-STD-751A(SH)3 September1987CONTENTS - ContinuedDuration .Pulseamplitude Rise time Decay time .Pulsetop .Trailingedge un

11、dershoot Synchronization.Jitter Triggeroutput Triggeroutput isolationTriggermeasurementsRADDSserial data stream RADDS serialdata stream compositionData stream format Data bit assignment .Radaroutputs for rasterscan displays (RSD) RSD video .Azimuthinformation.True relativeazimuth .NOTES Intendeduse

12、Subjectterm (keyword) listing.Changes from previousissue .FIGURESPulsewaveform Two pulsewaveforms .RADDSdigital data stream .4s55s5555555556888888889910Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-MIL-STD-751A(SH)3 September1987., 1. SCOPE:; 1.1 Pur

13、pose. This standardestablishesand updatesthe basic requirementsfor the multiplexedand analogoutputsof radar systemsused in Naval surfaceships, submarinesand shore installations.1.2 Application. The requirementsof this technicalstandardareintendedto be used in applyingtechnologicaladvancesto new equi

14、pmentdesigns for radar systemsfor variousNaval ships and shore installations.2. REFERENCEDDOCUNENTS2.1 Governmentdocuments.2.1.1 Standard. Unless otherwisespecified,the followingstandardofthe issue listed in that issueof the Departmentof Defense Indexof Specifi-cations and Standards(DoDISS)specified

15、in the solicitationformsa part of thisstandardto the extentspecifiedherein.STANDARDMILITARYMIL-STD-242/8- ElectronicEquipmentParts,SelectedStandards,Connectors(Part8).Copiesof standardsrequiredby contractorsin connectionwith specificacquisitionfunctionsshouldbe obtainedfrom the contractingactivityor

16、 asdirectedby the contractingofficer.)2.2 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflictbetweenthe textthis standard and the referencescited herein, the text of this standardshall take precedence.3. DEFINITIONS3.1 Radar mile, A radarmile is equal to 2,000yards.of3.2 Radar triggerpulse. A radar trig

17、gerpulse is that pulse which issynchronizedwith the transmittedpulse of the radarset and used to initiatethe active time for the displayof radar pulse returns.3.3 Video signal. A video signal is the signaloutputof a radarreceiver,or other sensorof wide band amplitudemodulatedsignals,that islockedwit

18、h the timebase of the sensor and intensity-modulatesthe cathode-ray tube of a radar indicatorin the same time base.3.4 Bearingsignal. A bearing signal is the means used to conveyazimuthpositionof the radarantennato the radar indicator.3.5 leakpulse amplitude. A peak pulse amplitude(shownas EPA on fi

19、gure1), is themaximumabsolutevlue of a pulse, includingspikes.Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-!lIL-STII-751A(SH)3 September19873.6 Pulse decay. Pulsedecay (shownas Tn on figure1), is the intervalbetween those pointsat which the instanta

20、neous-amplitudelastreaches90percentand 10 percentof peak pulse amplitude.G-3.7 Pulse duration. Pulse duration (shownas TDPon figure1), is thetime intervalbetweenthe firstand last instantsat w ich the instantaneousamplitudereaches50 percentof peak pulse amplitude.3.8 Pulse jitter. Pulse jitter is the

21、 variationof the normalpulsespacing in a sequenceof pulses.3.9 Pulse repetitionrate. Pulse repetitionrateconsistsof the numberof pulses or pulse trainsgeneratedper unit of time.3.10 Pulse rise. pulse rise (shownas TR on figure1), is the intervalbetweenthe instantsat which the instantaneousamplitudef

22、irstreaches10percent and 90 percentof peak pulse amplitude.3.11 Pulsespike. A pulse spike is an unwantedpulseof relativelyshort durationsuperimposedon the main pulse.3.12 Unidirectionalpulse. Unidirectionalpulse is one in whichpertinentdeparturesfrom the referenceleveloccur in one directiononly.3.13

23、 Pulse edgeundershoot. Pulse edgeundershoot,(shownas Eu on figure1), is the maximuminstantaneousexcursionof the pulse in the negativedirectionafter the waveformcrossesthe base line followingLhemain positiveexcursion iof the waveform.3.14 Pulseseparation. Pulse separationis the intervalbetweenthe 50p

24、ercent point of the trailingedge of one pulse and the 50 percent leadingedge of the succeedingpulse (pulseseparation)as shownon figure2.3.15 Pulse spacing. Pulse spacing is the intervalbetweenthe 50percent point on the leadingedge of the firstpulse and the 50 percentpointon the leadingedge of the se

25、condpulse (pulsespacing)as shownon figure2.3.16 Pulse top. Pulse top is that portionof a pulsebetweenthe firstand last instantsat which the instantaneousamplitudereaches90 percentofpeak pulse amplitude.3.17 Duty cycle. Duty cycle shall be calculatedas follows:/T100 percentX 1 A(t) dtT Amaxo2Provided

26、 by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-“. .(MIL-STD-751A(SH)3 September1987Where:Aax is the maximum current (orvoltage),A(t) is the current (orvoltage)at t,andT is the periodof measurement(timeconstantsof the meteringcircuits),long enough to make the

27、integralindependentof T.3.18 RADDS. RADDS is the acronymfor a Radar Displayand DistributionSystem. ConventionalNaval radar indicators,radarswitchboards,data convertersand amplifiersassembledand interconnectedto work togetherin a radarsur-veillancesystemand not associatedwith a weaponssystem,are the

28、basic ele-ments of the RADDS.3.19 RADDS digitaldata stream (RDS). The RDS is a serial64 bit compositeradardata signalconsistingof digitizedradar and digitizedships information.3.20 Sensorconverter(SCV). The definitionof a SCV, as appliedhereinis a data converterthat digitizesanalogsignals from radar

29、sets and fromother sourcesof analoginformationand multiplexesthesedigitalsignalsintoa serialthe data4.s.5.1data stream. The serial data streamof 3.19 and 5.5 is an exampleofconversionperformedby an SCV and utilizedwith radar equipment.GENERALREQUIREMENTS(Notapplicable)DETAILEDREQUIREMENTSRadar outpu

30、trequirements. Radar systemsdesignedand built for useby the Navy shall be in accordancewith the standardsherein.5.1.1 Radar outputs. A radar systemshall provideradaroutput signalthat will operateand controla basic baselineradardisplaysystemwhich shallconsistof :(a) A realtime cathode-raytube display

31、operatingin a PPI orradarheight indicator;(b) An indicatorthat shall operateand provideradar informationinambientilluminationrangingfrom the low illuminationof ashipsCIC to a shipsbrightdaylightbridge illumination;(c) Operationwith analogvideo;(d) Operationwith radar triggers,azimuthdata, bearingsig

32、nals,and ships informationmultiplexedintoa serialdigitizedformatfrom a SCV;(e) Controlhardwareand firmwareflexiblefor radardisplay.5.2 Video requirements. Video requirementsshallbe as specifiedin5.2.1 through5. Video signalcharacteristics. Three analogvideo signalsshall beprovided fromeac

33、h radarset. Each of the three signalsshallbe of differentvideo processingand shall have the followingbasic3characteristics:Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-MIL-STD-751A(SH)3 September19875.2.1.1 Polarity. The video shallbe a unidirection

34、alsignalof positive (-polarity. Peak amplitude.f 0.5 volts measuredacross 75or both, may vary fromzero toxThe amplitudeof any videosignal shallbe 2.0ohms plus or a75inus 5 percent. The signal,noise,peak amplitude. Trailingedge undershoot. The trailingedge undershootof anyvideo pulse sh

35、allbe lessthan 5 percentof peak pulse amplitude.5,2.1.4 Duty cycle. The duty cycleof signal plusnoise,measuredduringsignaltime, shallbe fromO to 70 percent. Video output. The video signals from the radar set outputshallbe connectedto standardNavy coaxialcable connectors,selectedin accordancew

36、ith NIL-STD-242/8. Sufficientelectricalisolationshallbe providedso thatwhen any video outputsignal is grounded,all other videooutput signalsshallremainwithin the limitsas specifiedherein. Videomeasurements. Videomeasurementsshallbe taken at thevideooutput of the radar set, terminatedwith a 75

37、 ohm load.5.3 . Radar antennaanalogbearingsignalsshallbetransmittedfrom the radar set to an SCV for multiplexinginto the RDS or toother users of(a)(b)(c)analogbearingsignalsby one of the followinga75ethods:Fivewire synchro,60 hertz, for unstabilizedbearinganglesshallalwaysbe availablefromNavy radar

38、sets.Voltageregulator(VR)sin alpha/VRcos alpha sweep voltagesforstabilizedbearinganglesshall be providedby threedimensionalradarsets,where VR is 18.75volts directcurrentand alpha is the bearing angle in stabilizedcoordinates.By, a paralleldigitalword that sendstrue bearingof a threeimensionalradartr

39、ansmittedbeam.5.4 Trigger requirements. Trigger requirementsshallbe as specifiedin5.4.1through5.,4.1 Triggerpulses. The master trigger (Tml)shallbe providedfromthe radar set to an SCV for multiplexingor any otheruser of an analogmastertrigger. Master triggertwo (Tm2),horizontrigger Cl%),and

40、early trigger(Te)shall also be providedfrom radarsets in variousconfigurationsforspecialoperationsto an SCV for multiplexingwith Tml or to users of analogpulses. The analogtriggerpulsesshallhave the followingbasic characteris-tics: Polarity. The triggershall be a unidirectionalpulse ofpositiv

41、epolarity, Duration. The durationof the triggerpulse,shown as (TDUR)on figure 1, shallbe 1 to 10 microseconds(Ps).4Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-HIL-STD-751A(SH)3 September1987, Pulse amplitude. The peak pulse amplitude

42、,shown as EpA onfigure 1, shallbe 20 k 5 volts measuredacross 75 ohms plus or minus 5 percent. Rise time. The rise time, shown as TR on figure 1, shallbeless than 20 percentof pulse duration,sh-n as TD on figure 1“ At nOtime shall the rate of rise be lessthan 100 volts per Ms. Decay ti

43、me. The decay time, shown as TD on figure1, shall beless than three times the rise time or 1 IIS,whicheveris greater. Pulse top. The instantaneousvalue of the pulse top shall benot less than 80 percentof the peak pulse amplitude,shown as EPA on figure 1,nor greaterthan the peak pulse amplitud

44、e. Trailingedge undershoot. The trailingedge undershoot,shown asEU on figure1, of any triggerpulse shall be lessthan 5 percentof peak pulseamplitude. Synchronization. The 50 percentof peak pulse amplitudepointon the leadinedge of the output triggerand the 50 percentof peak Pulseamplitu

45、depoit o; the radar tansmitedpulse shallbeplus or minus 0.5 Vs. Jitter. The jitterof the output triggerthe radartransmittedpulse, shall not exceed 0.02 MS. Trigger output. The triggerpulses fromsynchronizedto withinpulse,with respecttothe radaroutput shallbe connectedto standardNavy c

46、oaxialconnectors,selectedin accordancewithMIL-STD-242/ Trigger output isolation. Sufficientelectricalisolationshall be providedso that when any triggeroutput is grounded,all otheroutput triggerpulses shall meet the requirementsas specifiedherein. Tripgermeasurements. Trigger measur

47、ementsshall be taken atthe triggeroutputof the radarset, terminatedwith a 75 ohm load.5.5 RADDS serialdata stream.5.5.1 RADDS serialdata streamcomposition. An SCV shall generatetheRADDS serialdata stream from analogradar trigger,azimuth,true bearingsignalsand shipsmovement information. The serialdat

48、a stream shall consistof pulse and digitalinformationin a formatdescribedin 5.5.2 and 5.5.3 andmultiplexedinto the form shown on figure3.5.5.2 Data stream format. The RADDS digitaldata stream shall be in thefollowingformat:(a) ATm pulse of 4 VS durationshall initiatethe RADDSdata stream.(b) Eight to

49、 59 PS after the leadingedge of Tm, 64 databits shall be transmittedin 128 us.5Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-NIL-STD-751A(SH)3 September1987(c) Each data bit shall start at the beginningof a 2 VSinterval.(d) The data streamshall be sampled 1 MS


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