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1、MILITARY SPECIFICATION TUBE AND PIPE, NICKEL-COPPER ALLOY, SEAMLESS AND WELDED This specification is mandatory for use by all Departmento and Agencies of the Department of Defenoe. 1. SCOPE - flIL-T-13b8C 97 m 997990b 0270287 8 u Ma-T-1368C 2 June 1965 SUPERSEDING MIL-T- 13684 18 March 1958 1.1 Scop

2、e. This specification covers tube and pipe for use where the strength and corrosion resistance of nickel-copper alloy (wonel) are required. 1.2 Classification. Tube and pipe covered by this specification shall be of the following classer, as specified (see 6.2) : Class A - Seamlees, Cold Dram, Annea

3、led. Class B - Seamless, Cold Drawn, Stress Relieved. Class C - Welded, Annealed. Class D - Welded, Stress Relieved. 1.3 Pipe. Sizes of cold-dram, seamlese, nickel-copper-alloy pipe coamercially available shown in 6.5 are for information only. When other schedules or wall thicknerrer are required th

4、e manufacturer should be conoultcd. 2.1 The following documentr, of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bid8 or request for proposal form a part of this rpeci- ficatioa to the extent rpecified herein. SPECIFICATION Militarp MIL-C-3993 - Copper and Copper-Base Alloy WllProductr Packaging of

5、 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-1368C STANDARDS Federal Federal Test Method Standard No. 151 - Metals; Test Methods FED-STD-182 - Continuous Identification Marking of Nickel and Nickel Base Alloys Military MIL-STD-105 - Samplin

6、g Procedures and Tables for Inspection by MIL-STD-129 - Marking for Shipment and Storage Attributes (Copies of specifications and standards required by suppliers in con- nection with specific procurement functions should be obtained from the procuring agency or as diracted by the contracting officer

7、.) 2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. Unlere otherwise indicated, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or re- quest for proporal shall apply. American Society for Teeting and Materials (ASTl4) E190-64 - Guid

8、ed Rend Test, for Ductility of Welds (Application for copies should be addressed to the American Society for Testing and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19103.) Official Classification Ctnmnittee Uniform Freight Clasrification Rule8 (Application for copies should be addresred to the O

9、fficial Class- ification Committee, 1 Park Avenue at 33rd Street, New York, N.Y. 10016.) 3.1 Material. The material ured in the fabrication of the tube and pipe shall be such. as to produce itear that are in full conformance with chemical and physical requirements of this specification. 2 Provided b

10、y IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-13bBC 47 9999906 0270289 L 3.2 Chmical requirementr. All tube and pipe shall conform to the chemical requirements of table I. Table I. Caporition 3.3 Mechanical properties. All tube and pipe shall conform t

11、o the mechanical properties rhm in the following table II: Table II. Mechanical Propertier Condition Tensile Yield Strength at 0.2 Strength Percent Offret or at Elongation Per Extension Indicated Wn. 1 in 2 in. Square EXten8i0n (Min-) Inch Per Square Under Load (Min. ) Inch in 2 Inche8 POUd8 Pound8

12、Inch Percent Claases A ad C Annealed 5 inch and smaller outside diame ter 70, O00 28,000 O. 0062 35 Over 5 inch outside diame ter 70, O00 25,000 o. 0059 35 Classes B and D S trers relieved All sizes 85,000 55, O00 O. 0082 15 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted with

13、out license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-1368C 3.4 Physical proper ties. 3.4.1 Tensile strength. Tube or pipe, when tested in accordance with 4.3.3 and 4.5.1, shall meet the applicable mechanical properties in table II. 3.4.2 Flattening (Class A only). Tube or pipe of class A, having an outside diameter at le

14、ast 3 inches, shall show no injurious de- fects on any surface after flattening and opening of the flattened section as specified in 4.5.2. 3.4.3 Bending (Class C only). Class C tube or pipe shall show no cracks or openings when bent as specified in 4.5.3. 3.4.4 Flaring (Class A and Class C only). C

15、lass A an class C tube or pipe, having an outside diameter of 3 inches or less, shall show no evidence of fracture when tested as specified in 4.5.4. 3.4.5 Hydrostatic test pressure. Each tube or pipe shall with- stand an internal hydrostatic test of 1,000 pounds per square inch (p.soi.) without wee

16、page, leakage, or drop in gage pressure, provided that the fibre stress calculated by the following formula does not exceed the allowable fibre stress S indicated below: 2ST P=b where P - S- Hydrostatic tert pressure, p. I. i. Allowable fibre stress for material in the condition furnished, as follow

17、s: Allowable fibre Class stress-S A 6 C - Annealed: 5 inch outside diameter and smaller 17,500 over 5 inch outside diameter 16,700 B equal to the rpecified “average“ wall minus the permissible “minus“ wall tolerance, sham in table III, or the specified minimm wall thicknerr. D = Outside dfameter of

18、tube or pipe in inches. 4 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-136% Table III. Permissible variations - outside and inside diameter and wall thickness (average wall). Specified Outside Diameter or Permissible Variationa Calculated Na

19、arinal Outside Outside Diaou gr Wall Thickness, Diameter, inch. (When Ordered Inside Dia. a, to Inside Diameter and Average inch percent Wall) Plus Hinue Plue Minus .400 and under o. O04 O 10 10 Over 0.400 to 5/8, excl. 0.005 Od 12.5 12. 5 5/8 to 1-1/2, incl. O. 005 0.005 10 10 Over 1-1/2 to 4-1/2,

20、incl. o. O10 0.010 10 10 Over 4-1/2 to 6, incl. O. 015 0.015 12.5 12.5 Over 6 to 7-1/2, incl. o. 020 0.020 12.5 12.5 Over 7-1/2 to 8-5/8, incl. O. 025 0.025 12.5 12. 5 %he permissible variations in the above table apply to individual neasurements, including out-of-roundness (ovality), except for the

21、 following conditions: ,rnin-fdall Tube and Pipe. For thin-wall tube and pipe having a norninal uall thickness of 3 percent or less of the nominal outside diameter, in all conditions (temper), the nean outside diameter or mean inside diame- ter shall conform to the permissible variations of the abov

22、e table and individual measurements (including ovallty) shall conform to the plus and ninus values of the table, with the values increased by 0.5 percent of the nominal outside diameter. annealed tube and pipe over 4-li2 inches in noudnal outside diameter with a nominal wall thickness Zreater than 3

23、 percent of the nomInal outside diameter, the mean outside diameter or mean inside diameter shall conform to the perrnissible variations of the above table and Individual measure- ments shall not exceed twice the permissible variations of the above table. Annealed Tube and Pipe over 4-1/2 inch in No

24、ninal Outside Dimeter. For bFor tube and pipe, in all tempers, with an Inside diameter of less than 1/2 inch which cannot be successfully drawn over a mandrel, the inside diameter shall be governed by the outside diaxeter and the wall thickness variations. For tube and pipe in all tempers with an in

25、side diameter less than 50 percent of the outside diameter, which cannot be suCCeSSfUlly drawn over a mandrel, the inside diameter may vary over or under by an amount equal to 10 percent of the nominal wall thickness and the wall thickness may vary plus or lninus 12.5 percent. %dhen Inside diameter

26、is specified, tubes with an inside diameter or 1/2 inch or over and with an outside diameter of under 5/8 inch shall have a per- missible variation in inside diameter or plus and ninus 0.00: inch. eEccentricity. The variation in wall thickness in any one cross section of any one tube or pipe shall n

27、ot exceed plus or ninus 10 percent of the actual (measured) averGe wall of that section (defined as the averee OP the thick- est and the thinnest wall in that section). When minimum wall tube or pipe is required, the wall tolerance will be the total of the plus and ninus wall tolerance from the tabl

28、e all applied to the plus side, e.g., in the case of an O.D. .400 and under the wall tolerance would be plus 20 peroent minus O. 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-1368C 3.5 Permissible variations (Tolerances). Permissible variat

29、ions in outside diameter and wall thickness shall be as shown in tab.le III. 3.5.1 Tubing for silver brazing. When tubing for silver brazing is specified, tubing O.D. variations shall be negative (plus O) with the permissible minus variations (tolerance) equal to the total 0.D. range as shown in tab

30、le III. 3.5.2 Length tolerance. When tube or pipe is ordered cut-to- length, the length shall not be less than that specified, but a variation of plue l/8 inch will be permitted for lengths up to 30 feet, inclusive. For lengths over 30 feet, a variation of plus 1/4 inch will be pemitted. 3.5.3 Rando

31、m lengths. When ordered to random lengths, tube and . pipe may be furnished in lengths from 5 to 24 feet, providing not more than 25 percent by weight is furnished in lengths from 5 to 10 feet. In the case of tube8 with wall thicknesses of 7/16 of an inch or more, a greater percentage of short lengt

32、hs, 5 to 10 feet, will be permitted. A greater percentage of short lengths (5 to 10 feet) will also be permitted for pipe. 3.5.4 Ends. Tube shall be furnished with sawed or machine cut and deburred ends, unless ends beveled for welding or threaded ends are specified in the order. 3.6 Marking. Materi

33、al shall be marked in accordance with 3.6.1. 3.6.1 Conmercial marking. Unless otherwire 8pecified (see 6.2), the name or trademark of the manufacturer and the type shall be legibly marked on each tube of five-eighths of an inch outside diam- eter or larger. The marking fluid used shall be capable of

34、 being remwed with hot alkaline cleaning solution without rubbing. The marking shall have no deleterious effects on the material or its performance, and the characters shall be sufficiently stable to with- stand ordinary handling and rtorage. On sizes mller than f ive- eighths of an inch outside dia

35、meter, the above information rbll be marked on the shipping container. When continuous identification marking ir Specified, marking rhall conform with the requirement8 of Fed. Std. No. 182 and shall be designated “seule88“ or %eldcd“ a8 applicable, after %lasa“. 3.7 Workmanship. 3.7.1 Tube or pipe u

36、p to and including 5 inch O.D. ahall be 8BcLpL- leos dram. Tubes larger than 5 inch O.D. shall be saulesr drawn or formed from sheets and welded. 6 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-1368C 3.7.2 The surface of all tube or pipe shal

37、l be smooth, clean and free from cracks, laminations, laps, screws, scale and other injuri- ous defects to the maximum extent possible as revealed by visual examination. The tube shall be free of burrs with ends cut square and shall be of proper dimensions. Surface imperfections such as handling mar

38、ks, straightening marks, light mandrel, and die or roll marks will not be considered injurious defects, provided the imper- fections do not reduce the wall thickness below the minimum specified in 3.5. 3.7.3 Tubing ppay be ground to remove minor defects provided such grinding does not reduce the wal

39、l thickness below the minimum per- missible. Welded tubing shall not contain more than one longitudinal and one circumferential weld in each length. Unless otherwise speci- fied (see 6.2), an individual tube having a surface irregularity in which the depth is greater than 10 percent of the wall thic

40、kness or 0.001 inch, whichever is greater as determined by visual examina- tion, shall be rejected. 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requi

41、rements as specified herein, Ex- cept as otherwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facili- ties or any commercial laboratory acceptable to the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specificatioywhere such inspections are deemed n

42、ecessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescribed requirements. 4.2 Lot definition. 4.2.1 Chemical analysis. A lot shall consist of all material made from the same heat or melt. 4.2.2 Visual and dimensional examination, defect inspection, and mechanical properties tests. A lot shall con

43、sist of all material from the saste heat, of the same size, from the same heat treatment batch, or fram a continuous process under the same conditions of tempera ture, time at heat, and atmosphere. 4.3 Sampling. 4.3.1 Examination. Unless otherwise specified (see 6.2), sampling for examination shall

44、be conducted in accordance with MIL-STD-105 at inspection level III. The acceptable quality level shall be 0.10 re- jects per hundred unit8 for major defects and 1.0 rejects per hundred units for minor defec te. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license fro

45、m IHS-,-,-MIL-T-1368C 4.3.2 Sampling for chemical analysis. Unless otherwise specified (see 6. 2), the manufacturer may submit a ladle analysis as proof that the pipe and tubing submitted, meets the requirement of table I. Alloy identity. Each random mill length prior to ship- ping shall be

46、tested for alloy identity by a method, such as metal- sorter, check spectrograph, wet chemical analysis, approved by the contracting officer (see 6,2). 4.3.3 Sampling for test. Sampling for tests shall be -de in accordance with table IV. Failure of any test specimen, where sam- pling is involved, to

47、 meet the test requirements shall reject the lot represented, Table IV. Test schedule Test No. of t st Test Reference samples Method paragraph f Chemical analysis 1 111.1 or 112.1 “ Tension test surface defects, such as pipes, laps, checke, pita, surface tears, twists, scales, etc. exceed the allowa

48、ble limits. Tube ovality not within tolerances. Welded tubing reinforcemento beyond permissible variation. Welded tubing has more than one longitudinal or circum- ferential weld in each length. Marking not as specified. 4.5 Teste. Samples selected in accordance with 4.3.3 shall be tested as indicate

49、d in table IV and in the applicable referenced paragraph. 4.5.1 Tension test and elongation. Classes A and B seamless tube or pipe. One longitudinal tension test specimen shall be cat from each tube selected in accord- ance with 4.3.3. Where pr.cticable, tube or pipe shall be tested in full section with the ends plugged to prevent collapsing in the grips of the testing machine. The form and dimensions of the test specimen and plug


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