NAVY MIL-T-18278-1954 TEST SET RADAR AN APM-73《AN 反人员地雷-73测试装置》.pdf

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1、MIL-T-18278 bb 9999906 0129689 3 m- - MI L-T-18278 (AER) IS DECEMBER 1954 MILITARY SPECIFICATION TEST SET, RADAR AN/APM-73 This specification has been approved by the Bureau of Aeronautics, Department of the Navy 1. SCOPE AL% CLASSIFICATION 1.1 Scope - The equipment covered by this specification sha

2、ll assist in conductirig a cotrplete qualitatlve test and shall facilitate the maintenance, repair, and adjustment of Radar Set AN/APQ-Sl. 1.2 Classification - The equipment covere6 by this specification shall be of one type and shall consist of the fdllowing: Units - - Max. Allow.Size inax. A.llow.

3、 Applicable L Weight Lbs. Paragraphs Type - DesiRnations g Boresighting Accessory Kit MK-147/APM-73 9 11 28 10 3.3.1 Analyzer , Electrical Pulse ID-391/APh-73 12 20 17 70 3.3.2 Network, Impedance Matching CU-364/APM-73 3 2 1/2 2 l/2 1 3.3.3 Generator, Signa.1 SG-00/APM-73 17 20 12 40 3.3.4 Test Benc

4、h Cable Group OA-036/APM-73 12 CU ft storage 190 3.3.5 1.3 accessories, however, neither of these accessorieo are to be supplied as part of this equipment. Accessories - The equipment shall operate with either of the following (1) Work Bench, BuShips No. S101-212410 - Two required. (2) Two (2) each

5、of Type A and Type B benches in accoroance with specification MIL-B-15354. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMtNTS 2.1 General - The following documents of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. 2.2 Specifications: Mi 1 it ar y JAN-P-658

6、 Packaging and Packing of Electrical Equipment and Spare Parts (Electronic, Electrical and Elecbro- Mechanical ) General Specification Electronic Equipment Harness, Test Bench, Electronic General Specification MIL-T-945 Test Equipcent, for use with Electponic Equipment; MIL-I-61R1 Interference Limit

7、s find Tests : Aircraft Electraical and MIL-H- 15362 ML-B- 15354 Benches; Work, Electronic toca25 - / -, Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-T-18278 66 W 9777906 0127690 T W I MIL-T-18273( Aer ) MIL-N-o Nornenclsture and Nameplates for Zlectronic and MIL-T-18303 Test Procedures Ass oc ia te

8、d Equipment Standards - MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage MIL-STD-200 Electron Tubes Drawings - Bureau of Ships S9101-212410 Workbench for Aviation Electronics Shops Publications - Bureau of Aeronagtics NAVAER16-35CX2547-501 Instruction Sheet on !?iring Harness OA-836/APM-73 2.3 Availabil

9、ity of Specificatiojs, Publications and Drawings: (i) When requesting specification, publications and drawings, refer to both title an6 number. All requests should be made via the cognizant Inspector of Naval Material or the Bureau.of Aeronautics Representative. obtained upon application to the Comm

10、anding Officer, Naval Air Divis ion. (2) Copies of this specification and applicable specifications may be Station, Johnsville, Pennsylvania, Attn: Technical Records (3) Copies of applicable Bureau of Aeronautics Drawings and of the U. S. Navy Reliable Tube List may be obtained upon application to t

11、he Bureau of Aeronautics, Navy Department, Kasnington 25, D.C. Attn: Electronics Division. (4) Copies of Bureau of Ships drawings may be obtained upon applica- tion to the Bureau of Ships, Navy Department, Washington 25, D.C. Attn: Electronics Division. 2.4 Precedence - When the requirements of the

12、contract, this specification, or applicable subsidiary specifjcations are in conflict, the following precedence shall apply: (1) Contract - The contract shall have precedence over any specification. (2) This Specification - This specification shall have precedence over all applicable sucsidiary spec

13、ifications. Any deviation from this specification, or from subsidiary specifications where applicable, shall be specifically approved in writing by the Procuring Agency. (3) Reference Specifications - Any referenced specification shall have precedence over all applicable subsidiary specifications re

14、ferenced therein. All reference specifications shall apply to the extent specified. 2 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-T-18278 66 7999706 0129b71 1 = I / I MIL-T-l8278(Aer) 3. REdU IREiMENTS 3.1 Parts and Materials - In the selection of Parts and Materials, fulfill- ment of majoraesign o

15、bjectives shall be the prime consideration. following factors snail govern: In so doing the (1) Parts and Materials as approved by sDecification MIL-T-945 shall be given first consideration. (2) When the contractors can demonstrate that the use of standard AN or JAN parts or materials will not fulfi

16、ll the design objectives because of size, weight, performance or other reasons, materials and parts shall be used which most nearly meet or exceed the requirements of the respective standard specification. (3) Sinen a nm-standard part is used, the meeting of general material requirements such RS non

17、-inflammability, fungus resistance, non- toxicity, etc. and the meeting of environmental conditions as required by specification MIL-T-945 shall be of prime consideration. 3.1.1 Non-Standard Part Approval end Material Approval - Approval for the use of non-standazzarts and materials shall be obtaine

18、d asoutlined in Specification MIL-T-945 except as follows: (1) Kechanical parts are expected to meet the material requirements of MIL-T-945, and shall be submitted as non-standard parts only when the material requirements are not met. (2) Non-standard parts, as defined in specification MIL-T-946 of

19、an electrical natiire must be approved before preproduction model of the equipment is delivered to the Navy. The request for approval must be forwarded by the contractor before .the part is purchased or fabricated. In addition to or in lieu of the NON- Standard Part Data Sheet the Contractor is requ

20、ested to submit itemized lists of the parts, their sources, anc? the contractors drawing of purchase specific.stion covering the parts. 3.1.2 Design Objectives - Minimum size and weight, simplicity of operation and an improvement in the performance and reliability of the specific functions he- gond

21、the requirements of this specification are objectives in the design of the equipment specified herein. The use cf materials, parts and processes other than those required by Specification MiL-5945 shall be investigated and when it appears that a substantial reduction in size and weight or improvemen

22、t in simplicity of design, performance, or reliability can be realized by their use, a request for approval of a non-standard pe?t shall be submitted to the procuring agency for consideration, each request should be accompanied by complete supporting information. 3.1.3 Choice of Tube Types - Electro

23、nic tubes used in the equipment shall be chosen from +,he following Listings in the sequence as noted: (1) US Navy Reliable Tube List (2) MIL-STD-200 The use of any tube not on these acceptable listings must be approved by the Bureau of Aeronautics ; however, before considerati0.n for approval, the

24、contractor must subml t the following information: (I) quantitative data on the electrical advantages and mechanical adequacy of the proposed tube over the most equivalent type on the acceptable llstings. tained to insure satisfactory and relisble performance in the , e qui pnan t. The tube

25、manufacturer shall have received Military or Navy qualifi- cation foi* approval for that particular tube. (2) Test ciata and performance limits of the tube which must be main- (3) 3 I *- Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-T-L27 bb 7999906 0327692 3 W MIL-T-N%78(Aer) 3.1.4 YorkmanshQ - Work

26、manship, fabrication and. manufacturing vrocesses shall conforani to the requirements of MI18-T-945. 3.2 General Desi n Re uirerents - This equipment shall fulfill all appli- csble design pds of Specification MIL-T-945 unless other- wise specified herein. 3.2.1 Stnndtird Conditions - The following c

27、onditions shall be used as a basis to establish normalormance requirements and for making laboratory bench tests cn the equipment: - Temperature- Room Ambient 25OC ( 4100C or -5%) Altitude - Normal pound Vibration - None Hwnidity - Room ambient up to 906 relative humidity Input power voltege- i15 s,

28、 or other technical Information as provided by the procuring agency for tnat purpose. In the event that requirements of MIL-T-Y45 conflict with the requirements for inter- cnangeability the interchangeability requirements shall govern. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-T-18278 bb 77777Ob

29、0127674 7 - MIL-T-l8278(Aer) 3.2.12 Radio Interference Control - The geiieratlon of radio interference by the equipmeritandtrielroility OS the equipment to raaio interference shall be controlled witnin the limits ol Specirication MIL-1-6181. 3.2.13 - With the exception of Test Bench Cable Group OA-8

30、36/APM-73, all units comdRadar Test Set AN/APlrl-73 mall be portable. Xountin 3.2.14 capable of being passed thru an opening 26 inches wide by 54 Inches high with 8 inch corner radii. 3.2.15 Degree of Enclosure - All transit and combination cases shall be splashproof. All other construction features

31、 shall comply with the requirements of 3.2.16 possible so that only standard tools will be required for adjustment, assembly or disassembly. Special tools shall meet the requirements of MIL-T-945 and shall be furnished as accessory part of any one of the major units comprising Radar Test Set AN/APM-

32、73 that may require said tools. Maintenance tools for Radar Set AN/AFQ-51 shall not be furnished as part of the Radar Test Set AN/APM-73 unless specified in the contract or order. Maximum Size - Each major unit of Radar Test Set AH/APM-73 shall be MIL-T-945. Special Tools - Radar Test Set AN/APM-73

33、shall be designed in-so-far as 3.3 Detailed Design Requireinents 3.3.1 shall be designed to meet the following requirements: BoresiRhting Accessory Kit MK-147/APM-73 - The boresighting equipment Function - The Boresighting Accessory Kit shall enable accurate surface boresighting of Radar Set

34、 AN/APQ-51 while installed in an aircraft. The elbow tele- scope supporting brackets shall be specifically designed to attach to Antenna AS-671/APQ-51 and Gyroscope CN-232/AP3-51, respectively, so that, using the tele- scopes, the Antenna and Gyroscope of Radar Set AN/APQ-51 may be accurately aligne

35、d on a boresight target. The brackets and attached telescopes shall contribute no more than 2 mil of error to the accuracy of alignment of the Antenna and the Gyroscope. Dimensions - The overall dimensions of the Boresight Kit shall not exceed 9 inches high by 27 inches long by 11 inches wid

36、e. Weight - The weight shall not exceed 25 lbs. General - The Boresighting Accessory Kit shall consist of a transit case in which two -2E2 elbow telescopes or an approved equivalent thereof and attached special supporting brackets are suitably mounted. 3.3.2 Analyzer, Electrical Puls

37、e ID-391/APM-73. The analyzer unit shall be designed to meet the following requiremntsi Function - The analyzer shall be designed for the following functions: (1) To permit visual testing of the r-f pulses transmitted by a radar system. (2) To permit measuring of the Spurious modulation pres

38、ent in a transmitted signal. (3) To check nutator phasing with respect to guidance pulse trans- mission. (4) To permit recording the misfire rate of a radar system magnetron. (5) To be used as a variable DC voltage source and as a null measuring type of voltmeter. 33.2.2 Dimensions - The cverall dim

39、ensions of the combination carrying case shall not exceed 17 inches long by 20 inches wide by 12 inches high. Licensed by Information Handling Services1 MIL-T-l8278(Aer) Weight - The weight of the Pulse Analyzer shall not exceed 70 pounds. Case - The electrical pulse analyzer shall c

40、omprise a combination case within which theinstrument is secured. Accessory cables, waveguide to cable adapter, and a microwave feedhorn AT-273/UPM, shall be suitably stowed inside the cover of the combination case. This combination case shall be designed tb conform with the applicable requirertient

41、s of specification MIL-T-945, Power Requirements - The electrical pulse analyzer, shall operate from any 115 V 15% AC power source at any frequency from 50 to 420 cps and shall be fused for 3 amperes. Operation Characteristicq - The electrical pulse analyzer shall have three principl

42、e. modes of operation as follows: (1) Pulse View Mode (2) Modulation Test Mode (3) Pulse Indicate Mode Pulse View lode - The analyzer shall receive, amplify and couple the radar pulses to the oscilloscope. The analyzer shall also furnish a trigger pulse for the oscilloscope. Thus, the trac

43、king and guidance pulses may be viewed simul- taneously, permitting the relative amplitudes and spacings of the pulses to be checked. The signal output pulses shall be negative and shall have widths within .1 usec of the widths of the input pulses when measured at the 50% amplitude points.

44、 Modulation Test Mode - The analyzer shal-l receive and amplify the radar pulses and then clip them near the peak, thus leaving for observation the random amplitude variations produced by spurious modulation. A calibrated artificial modu- lation shall be injected into the pulses, thereby enabling th

45、e measurement of the spurious modulation present in pulses. In this mode, the analyzer shall trigger the oscilloscope, as before, but the pulses shall be gated so that the tracking and guidance pulses may be viewed separateiy. Pulse Indicate Mode - A particular guidance pulse may be select

46、ed by switching a tapped delay line, thereby operating a gating circuit. A coincidence meter shall deflect whenever the proper guidance pulse coincides with a particular time delay selected by the delay line selector switch. Thus, by moving the analyzer horn antenna around the radar beam, it shall b

47、e possible to determine whether the guidance pulses are correctly oriented about the nutation axis of said radar beam. The delay line selector switch shall select the time delays measured from the 50$ amplitude points on the leadlng edges of the pulses, as follows: 2 microseconds *O. 1 usec 3 micros

48、econds 10.1 usec (3) RIGHT 4 microseconds IO.l usec (4) LEFT 5 microseconds kO.1 usec Misfire Rate- The misfire rate of the magnetron may be determined by connecting a d-c amplifier and recorder to the pulse analyzer while the radar is in the guidance mode. Each misfire shall be clearly in

49、dicated on the pen record. a balancing circuit to measure either a d-c voltage generated by the analyzer for external use, or an externa1.d-c voltage fed to the analyzer. The analyzer shall supply from I25 to* 125 V DC and shall measure in relative units voltages from O to I150 V DC. Front Panel - The front panel shall havebeside the handle guards, the following electrical connectlons and controls. b Appropriate connections to the ftSYNCHONIZERf jack shall permit use of 7 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-T-LB278 66 777770b OL27b76

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