NAVY MIL-T-28885-1984 TRANSMITTER RADIO AN FRT-83(B)《AN FRT-83(B)无线电发射器》.pdf

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1、F -34 -i3 MIL-T-28885 (EC) 6 August 1984 MILITARY SPECIFICATION TRANSMITTER, RADIO, AN/FRT-83( B) 1000 WATTS PEAK ENVELOPE POWER AND AVERAGE, HIGH-FREQUENCY, INDEPENDENT SIDEBAIUD This specification is approved for use by the Naval Electronic Systems Command, Department of the Navy, and is available

2、 for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the design, construction, and performance of the Radio TransmitteW/FRT-83(B), hereinafter referred to as the transmitter. The transmitter is a Navy general-purpose transmitter accepte

3、d for use on high-frequency (HF), independent sideband (ISB), and single sideband (SSB) radio communication circuits. power (PEP) and average (avg) power, frequency synthesized, forced air-cooled radio transmitter that features complete automatic tuning capability to the frequency selected at the MD

4、-777(A)/FRT, hereinafter referred to as the exciter. ped with the AN/FSQ-98(A) remote control system. The transmitter features modular construction that permits removal and replacement of subassembl ies by maintenance personnel. The transmitter operating frequency range is from 2.0000 megahertz (MHz

5、) to 29.9999 Mhz in 100 hertz (Hz) steps. The transmitter is a 1000 watt (k) peak-envelope- The transmitter is capable of remote control when equip- 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 Government documents. 2.1.1 Specifications and standards. Unless otherwise specified, the following specifications and stan

6、dards of the issue listed in that issue of the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (DoDISS) specified in the solicitation form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MIL-P-116 MIL-E-15090 MIL-E-16400 MIL-E-17555 MI L - S - 19 5 00

7、/ 4 20 MIL-E-21981 MIL-C-28806 MIL-C-39012 MIL-R-83725/4 STANDARDS MILITARY KIL-STD-105 MIL-STD-109 Preservation, Methods Of Enamel Equipment, Light-Gray (Formula No. 111) Electronic, Interior Communication And Navigation Equipment, Naval Ship And Shore: General Specification For Electronic And Elec

8、trical Equipment, Accessories, And Repair Parts; Packaging And Packing Of Semiconductor Device, Diode, Silicon, Power Rectifier, General Purpose Tx And Non-Tx Types 1N5550 Through 1N5554 Electronics Type Designations, Identification Plates And Markings: Requirements For Coupler Group, Antenna, AN/UR

9、A-38( ) Connector, Coaxial, kadio Frequency, General Specification For Relays, Vacuum, SPDT, 3 Amperes, DC Load Switching 2.5 Kilo- volts DC Sampling Procedures And Tables For Inspection By Attributes Quality Assurance Terms And Definitions Beneficial comments (recommendations, additions, deletions)

10、 and any pertinent data which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to: Command (ELEX-8111) , Washington, DC 20363, by using the self-addressed Standardization Document Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of this document, or by letter. Commander, Naval El

11、ectronic Systems / THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS . PAGES FSC 5820 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-28885 58 9979706 0355777 b . MIL-T-28885( ECJ MIL-STD-415 MI L-STD-449 MI L-STD-454 MIL-STD-461 MIL-STD-781 MI L-STD-810 MIL-STD-965 MIL-

12、STD-1364 MIL-STD-1472 Test Provisions For Electronic Systems And Associated Equipment, Design Criteria For Radio Frequency Spectrum Characteristics, Measurement Of Standard General Requirements For Electronic Equipment Electromagnetic Emission And Susceptibility Requirements For The Control Of Elect

13、romagnetic Interference Re1 i abi 1 ity Design Qual if icat ion And Product ion Accept- ance Tests : Exponent i al Di str i but i on Environmental Test Methods Parts Control Program Standard General Purpose Electronic Test Equipment Human Engineering Design Criteria For Military Systems, Equipment A

14、nd Facilities 2.1.2 Other Government drawing and publ ication. The fol lowing other Government drawing and publication form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein. DRAW1 NG NAVAL ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS COMMAND (NAVELEX) 0100315D Standard Plan Radio Transmitter AN/FRT-83(V) PUBLICATI

15、ON NAVEL EX N00039- 79-C-O165 Radio Transmitter AN/FRT-84( ) (Copies of specif ications, standards, drawings, and publ ications required by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisition functions should be obtained from the contracting activity or as directed by the contracting officer. exte

16、nt specified herein. be the issue listed in the current DoDISS and the supplement thereto, if applicable. 2.2 Other publications, The following documents form a part of this specification to the The issues of the documents which are indicated as DoD adopted shall AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARDS INSTITUT

17、E (ANSI) S1.4-1971 American National Standards For Sound Level Meters (Application for copies should be addressed to American National Standards Institute, 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.) INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS (IEEE) 152-1953 Recommended Practices For Volume Measureme

18、nts Of Electrical Speech And Program Waves (Application for copies should be addressed to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 345 East 47th Street, New York, NY 10017.) NATIONAL FIRE PROTECTION ASSOCIATION (NFPA) 70-1983 National Electrical Code (Application for copies should be a

19、ddressed to National Fire Protection Association, 470 Atlantic Avenue, Boston, MA 02210.) ELECTRONIC INDUSTRIES ASSOCIATION (EIA) EIA RS-3104-77 Racks, Panels And Associated Equipment 2001 Eye Street, NW, Washington, DC 20006.) (Application for copies should be addressed to Electronic Industries Ass

20、ociation, (Industry association specifications and standards are generally available for reference from 1 ibraries. They are also distributed among technical groups and using Federal agencies.) 2 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-

21、28885 58 7779706 0355778 8 9 MIL-T-28885( EC) 2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this specifica- tion and the references cited herein, the text of this specification shall take precedence. 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.1 General. The transmitter sha 3.1.1 First article. When

22、 specif specified herein. inspect ion (see 4.3 and 6.3) . least 250 milliwatts (mW) at 50-ohms transmitter . B1 ank panel space shall (DWG). 0100315D. 1 be in accordance with MIL-E-16400 to the extent ed, a sample shall be subjected to first article transmitter shall be frewencr-synthesized, ISB, fo

23、rced 3.2 Transmitter description. The air-cooled, and shall be designed for fixed station or transportable se-. The transmitter shall consist of an Interconnection BOX, J2821( )/FRT-83(B); an Amp1 ifier, Radio Frequency, AM-6046( )/FRT-83(B); a Power Supply, PP-6067( )/FRT; a Modulator-Synthesizer,

24、MD-777(A)/FRT; and a Frequency Shift Keyer, KY-655(A)/FRT. All of these components shall be contained within one steel equipment cabinet. The exciter shall determine the frequency of the output signal, provide the modulation process, determine the output frequency stability, and furnish an output si

25、gnal of at nominal impedance to the radio frequency (RF) amplifier of the be provided in the transmitter as shown in NAVELEX Drawing 3.2.1 Transmitter dimensions. shall have overall dimensions specif The complete transmitter in one cabinet, less shock mounts, ed in a through c: a. Height: 199 centim

26、e ers (cm) (78.313 inches (in.) b. kidth: 54 cm (21.2 in.) c. Depth: 107.3 cm (42.25 in.) The cabinet chal 1 contain the J2821( )/FRT-83( B), the AM-6046( )/FRT, the PP-6067( )/FRT, the MD-777(A)/FRT, and the KY-655(A)/FRT and, when the transmitter is so equipped, the local control interface unit (L

27、CIU) of the AN/FSQ-98(V) remote control system. The transmitter con- figuration shall be in accordance with NAVELEX DWG 0100315D. drawer assembly and the modul ator-synthesizer MD-777(A)/FRT shall be equipped with a fl at-pack- type (molded) cable harness and retractable carrier assembly. The carrie

28、r assembly shall be constructed to preclude damage to the cable harness during all conditions of assembly, removal, insertion, or tilting (190 degrees). Requirement 66 of MIL-STD-454 and tested as specified in 4.5.3. wiring are accessible for circuit-checking and adjustment, maintenance, repair, and

29、 replacement with a minimum number of commercial or special tools (see 6.7). Parts shall be mounted so that their identification marking will be readily visible with minimum disassembly of the transmitter. All required special tools shall be provided with each transmitter. 3.2.2 Retractable cable ha

30、rness. Cable harnesses associated with the control-indicator Cables. Cables supplied with the end items shall be fabricated in accordance with 3.2.3 Accessibility. The transmitter shall be so constructed that parts, terminals, and 3.2.4 Ventilation and cooling. The transmitter shall be venti

31、lated and cooled in such a manner that under normal conditions of operation at the maximum ambient temperature of 50“ Celsius (C), no part shall reach a temperature which will cause damage. Forced air-cooling with replace- able air filters provided at each air inlet shall be used. Filters shall be r

32、emovable and replaceable while the transmitter is in operation without affecting normal operation or endangering operating personnel. A cooling air inlet shall be located on the front of the amplifier. Ducting. The power amplifier (PA) shall be fitted for ducting of the exhaust air. 3.2.5 Ac

33、oustic noise. The transmitter shall produce no more than 65 decibels (dB) of acoustic noise measured by instrumentation having an A weighting characteristic in accordance with MIL-STD-1472 (A weighting, ANSI S1.4-1971) at a distance of 3 meters (m) (10 feet (ft) in any direction normal to the neares

34、t outer surface of the transmitter when it is installed and operated in a large transmitter room without special acoustic treatment and with an ambient noise level not greater than 50 dB. (Reference noise level is a free progressive 1000-cycle sound wave of Ah-6046( )/FRT-83(B), cabinet walls, and t

35、he door is permitted if necessary to conform to this requirement. watts per square centimeter (W/cm2). Acoustic treatment of the 3 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MI L-T-28885 ( EC) 3.2.6 Insulating compounds. Compounds which soften a

36、nd flow at any temperature less than t75“C shall not be used unless contained in such a manner that the compound will not flow from the container during service use. Compounds which crack at any temperature above -62C shall not be used. any potential in excess of 50 volts root-mean-square (Vrms). Al

37、l compartments in which this potential is exceeded shall be enclosed and protected with interlocks on all access doors or panels which may be opened during operation or maintenance. Interlocks shall act to remove all potentials within the protected compartment which are in excess of 50 Vrms. In case

38、s where the removal of a potential is impractical, such as line input terminals, the terminals shall be insulated and protected with a nonmetallic cover labeled CAUTION and stating the voltage, The transmitter interlock circuit shall have a provision for an external extension. To this end, a pair of

39、 terminals shall be provided from which the interlock circuit may be extended for at least 61 m (200 ft), using the same sized conductors as used within the internal interlock circuit. Interlock voltage shall not exceed 50 Vrms. Transmitter design shall conform to the Safety criteria paragraph of MI

40、L-E-16400 except that leakage current shall not exceed 5 milliamperes (mA) and shall be measured in accordance with 4.5.4. be provided as required by the Interlock indicator paragraph of MIL-E-16400. of the transmitter without activation of a mechanical device to discharge any capacitor in which the

41、 product of the capacitance, in farads, and the square of the operating voltage, in volts (V), exceeds 25, except that such device need not be provided for a compartment where the maximum voltage in the compartment does not exceed 50 Vrms. Shortin stick. An electrical shorting stick with rea

42、dily accessible stowage and 3.2.7 Safety to personnel. Provision shall be made to prevent personnel from contacting Interlock indicators shall Capacitor discharge. Provisions shall be made to prevent access to any compartment cable of sufficient + ength to reach all high voltage capacitors u

43、sed anywhere in the transmitter shall be provided. Cable shall be permanently connected to a ground point having less than 0.01 ohm resistance. Breakdown voltage for the handle shall be at least 10 times the maximum peak voltage encountered. (lbs) shall have the weight clearly identified on the exte

44、rnal surface of the transmitter and readily visible during installation and removal. from each of the electrical power systems, including the 115 volts alternating current (VAC) or 230 VAC primary source of, shall be mounted on the circuit breaker panel and its function clearly labeled. The

45、 switch shall break all power conductors of the power circuit. of the power switches to indicate when the equipment is energized. The lamp shall be connected to the load side of the switch and across the input power conductors. Overcurrent device location. A fuse or an overcurrent trip unit

46、of a circuit breaker shall be connected in series with each ungrounded conductor as determined by the National Electrical Code (NFPA 70-1983) for grounded source power. The overcurrent device shall be connected to the load side of the power switch. serve as the main power switch. when tripped. upon

47、failure, activate protective features preventing further damage. Al 1 electrical indicating instruments with associated multipliers or transformers, except self-contained thermocouple instruments, shall be protected by the use of by-pass units against damage due to stray RF currents or transient pot

48、entials. All delicate instruments and devices shall be mounted for protection from damage due to shock and vibration. Transmitter protection. The design and construct ion shall be of such character that damage to the transmitter shall not occur from operator error such as improper control se

49、quencing, improper tuning, failure to respond to alarms or fault indicators, and failure to follow operating instructions. Weight marking. Transmitters weighing in excess of 18.2 kilograms (kg) (40 pounds Electrical power ON-OFF switches. A switch for disconnecting the transmitter Power indicator lamp. A green power indicator lamp shall be mounted near each If circuit breakers are used, they shall also Circuit breakers shall provide a visible indication of status 3.2.5 Protection of internal comp

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