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1、MIL-T-82379(TD) 1 April. 1969 t. MI L ITARY SPEC I FI CAT I ON TRAINING SYSTEM, SUBMARINE PERISCOPE; GENERAL SPEC1 FICATION FOR This specification has been approved by the Naval Training Devi ce Center, Department of the .Navy. 1, SCOPE design, development, fabrication and testing of a Submarine Per

2、iscope . Training System (SPTS) for integration into fixed-base Submarine Attack Center Trainers (see 6 .l) . 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS -_ 1.1 This specification establishes the requirements ,for the . k 2.1 The following documents of the issue in effect on the date of invitation for bids or request f

3、or proposal, form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein: SPECIFICATIONS Mi 1 i tary- MIL-T-23991 STANDARDS Federal FED-STD-59 5 Training Devi ces, Mi 1 i tary; General Speci fi cation for Colors Mi 1 i tary MIL-STD-470 MI L - STD- 4 71 MI L-STD- 721 Maintainabi 1 i ty Program R

4、equi remnts (For Systems and Equipments) Mai n tai nabi 1 i ty Demons trat i on Definitions of Effectiveness Term for Reliability, Maintainability, Human Factors, and Safety Re1 i ab i 1 i ty Predi ct i on -. . MIL-STD-756 1-j TXIS lNlcw!Efa mmW:s A /# B the materials, parts and processes used in th

5、e design and fabrication of the submarine periscope training system (SPTS) , hereinafter referred to as the SPTS, shall be in accordance with MIL- T- 2399 1 . 3.2 Design.- Except for the “climatic conditions“ requirement, the “equipment weights“ requirement, the “surface vessel installation“ require

6、ment, and the “subiliarine installation“ requi rement; the SPTS design shall be in accordance with MIL-T-23991 and as specified in 3.2.1 through of this specification. Description,- The SPTS shall be an operator trainer having the capability of providing training in the manual and tactical o

7、per- ation of a submarine periscope. The SPTS shall be designed for instal- lation and integration into a Submarine Attack Center Trainer such as, Device 21A37/4 at New London; Device 21A38 at Pearl Harbor; or Device 21A39 at Charleston. 3.2.1 2 *., Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-T-237

8、7 67 I 977770b 0407974 1 - MIL -T-82379 (TD) . 3.2.2 Climatic conditions,- The SPTS shall withstand the following ci i hat i c con67rti os : (a) Temperature: (1) Operating 60“ to 90“ F (2) Nonoperating and storage: -10“ to t14O“F to temperature changes (b) Relative humidity - Up to 90 percent conden

9、sation due (c) Barometric pressure: (1) Operating: From 31.35 to 24.9 inches of mercury (2) Nonoperating: From 31.35 to 5.5 inches of mercury. .3,2,3 Mechani cal. - Weight.- The SPTS shall be designed so that the distributed Vibration and shock protection.- The SPTS shall be vibra- w

10、eight of the equipment does not exceed 250 pounds per square foot. tion isolated, to prevent transmittal of shock or vibration to the lens elements of the simulated periscope and target channels. Electronic components, chassis or cabinets that are subject to damage or other undesirable effects, such

11、 as frequency or amplitude drift or noise niodulation, shall be mounted on suitable shock or vibration absorbing devices to eliminate any adverse effects in the perfoqnance of these components or the SPTS. 3.2.4 Electrical and electronic.- Primary power source (line voltage and frequency) .-

12、 The SPTS shall be designed to operate from 120/208 v, 60 H z, 3 phase pgwer. 3.3 Reliability.- Reliability shall be in accordance with the reliability requirements of MIL-T-23991 and as specified in 3.3.1 through 3.3.3 of this specification, maintain an effecti ve and timely re1 i abi 1 i ty progra

13、m i n accordance with MIL-STD-785, planned and developed in conjunction with all other contractor functions necessary to ensure requi red i nhewnt re1 i abi 1 i ty . Program plan.- The contractor shall prepare a Program Plan that describes in detail the following reliability elements of MIL-

14、STD-785 considered necessary to ensure effective management of the re1 i abi 1 i ty program: 3.3.1 Reliability program.- The contractor shall establish and I 3 Licensed by Information Handling Services- -i. MIL-T-2379 b7 97779Ob 0407775 3 = MI L-T-82379 (TD) Reliability organization I Managenent and

15、 control Program review Apportionment and mathemati cal models Re1 i ab i 1 i ty predi c t i on Design revi ews Supplier and subcontractor reliability programs Maintainability Manufacturing controls and moni tori ng Failure data collection, analysis and corrective action Periodic and final reports P

16、arts reliability. The plan, as approved by the procuring activity, shall become the basis of contractual compliance. All reliability terms used by the contractor, as well as the procuring agency will be as defined in MIL-STD-721. Re1 iabi li ty predictions prepared by the contractor shall be in acco

17、rdance with MIL-STD-756. 3.3.2 Reliability goals.- The SPTS shall include all practicable Develop- features that will result in reliable and stable operation. ment procedures shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (a) Review of system requirements to establish an accurate picture of al

18、l parameters which may affect performance (b) Operational environment (c) Evaluation of proposed design to ensure that suitable features have been incorporated that will result in reliable s tab1 e equi pment operati on (d) Estimation of inherent reliability and operational reliability (e) Analysis

19、of proposed design to obtain component reliability allocation and allowable failure rates of components (f) Optimum use of redundancy techniques. 4 Licensed by Information Handling Services-_ _ -_;_ , MIL-T-82379 (TD) MIL-T-2377 b7 m 77qq70b OylJ777b 5 m The total system reliability objective shall

20、be to achieve a minimum mean-time-between-failures (MTBF) of 200 hours at the 90 percent level of statistical confidence. System and subsystem objectives shall be based on an eight hour utilization period. 3.3.3 Availability and utilization.- The SPTS shall be designed to operate with maximum availa

21、bility during a 12 hour day, 5 days per week. percent, based on the availability model as specified in the availability requirements of MIL-T-23991. The availability for a 60 hour week shall not be less than 99.7 3.4 Maintainability.- Maintainability shall be in accordance with the mai ntainabi 1 i

22、ty requi rements of MIL-T-23991 and as speci fied in 34.1 through 3.4.4 of this specification. The goals for maintainability shall be as follows: (a) Mean Corrective-Maintenance Downtime ( ment. consonance with the computing system gneerated target information. The image motion shall be smooth and w

23、tthout apparent step changes. and without apparent step changes as the periscope rotates in the clock- wise or counterclockwise direction at rates of from O to 60.degrees per second. Periscope rotation.- The target track shall appear smooth . Range.- Each target shall be capable

24、of being positioned anywhere within the simulated ocean area in increments of 8 yards and accurate to within plus or minus 8 yards of the computing system generated target range. from O to 360 degrees in increments of 0.05 degree and accurate to within plus or minus 0.15 degree. Aspect ang

25、le.- Target aspect angle shall be variable from O to 360 degrees in increments of 0.05 degree and accurate to within plus or minus 0.5 degree. Altitude.- Aircraft targets shall have variable altitude from O (sea levm,000 feet in increments of 50 feet. per minute. Optical system.- T

26、he optical system for the simulated peri- scope and target channels shall meet the optical performance requirements specified in through Resolving power.- Resolution shall be a minimum of 1.3 - minutes of arc in low power and 2.3 minutes of arc in high power in the ce

27、nter of the field throughout the range of 600 yards to 20,000 yards. 3.6,2,4.3 Relative bearing.- Target relative bearing shall be variable I The climb and dive rate for aircraft targets shall be variable from O to 5,000 feet +-. _ 7 Licensed by Information Handling Services*a.- MIL-T-82379(TD) 3.6.

28、2.5.2 Exit pupil.- The exit pupi.1 diameter shall be a minimum . of 1,8mm in highwer and 2.4mni in low power. Ir -. , . Field.- The simulated true field of view shall be 8 :. degrees plus orTns 10 minutes in high power and 32 degrees plus or minus 40 minutes in low power. Ma ni f

29、i cation.- The simulated periscope magnification shall be 1.5X for +- ow power and 6.0X for high power plus or minus 2.5 percent 3.6,2.5.5 Light transmission.- The maximum allowable total light loss of the optlcal system shall not exceed 99.6 percent as measured at the eyepiece with a SEI Photometer

30、 or equivalent, E e iece focus.- The focusing knob shall be capable of rotation wit - in a range of plus 1.5 diopters to minus 3.0 diopters for both power settings. Under a normal training situation, once a diopter adjustment is made for one particular target, no additional focusing shall

31、be necessary for viewing the other targets. Shifting between high and low power shall not change focus. Camera focus.- With the eyepiece removed, the periscope shall be capable of forming an aerial image which will allow the use .! of a periscope camera. The aerial image shall be 60m in di

32、ameter representing the entire field of the periscope at any distance. .: Parallax.- There shall be no noticeable (as distinguished from measurablerPaFaTfax between the images of the reticle and a distant object (greater than 3,500 yards) when viewed through the eyepiece, . e Ref

33、lections,- There shall be no objectionable stray or scattered light nor reflections in the field of view. Flatness of field.- The difference between the focus which gives the sharpeston at the center of the field and the focus which gives the sharpest definition at the extreme edge of the

34、 field shall not exceed 0.5 diopters. . Distortion.- There shall be no noticeable distortion within the central 30 d egrees of the apparent field. i 3.6,2.5,12 Definition.- The definition and quality of the image in both high and low power shall be suitable for training throughout the fie

35、ld of view. 8 Licensed by Information Handling Servicesc MI L-T-82379( To) A1inement.- Test reticles shall be provided to check and perform optical alinement of the simulated periscope system. These reticles shall be capable of being placed in the optical path quickly and accurately. Wher

36、e optics or other components requi re an ali nement or possible realinement, the mechanism shall be so constructed as to provi de specific independent movements in all requi red degrees of freedom. 3.6.2-6 Break-water effect.- There shall be no target image presenta- tion at the periscope eyepiece u

37、ntil the simulated head window is raised above the simulated ocean surface level. This condition shall be true when raising the periscope or for a fully raised periscope that is breaking the surface due to changes in own ship keel depth. A “green water“ effect shall be provided when the head window

38、is below the simulated ocean surface . - 3.7 Details of components.- The SPTS shall consist of the following major compone n t s : (a) Periscope (b) Target bearing transmi tter (c) Computi ng system (d) Target channels (e) interface equipment (f) Computer program. 3.7.1 Perisco e.- The periscope sha

39、ll be a simulated submarine periscope o 4 t e type specified in the detail specification. The simulated periscope shall include the operation of the controls and indicators specified in through AltiScope.- The altiscope grip (left handle) control shall provi de the periscope

40、 operator with the capabi li ty of elevating the horizontal centerline of sight up a minimum of 3.5 degrees and of depressing the centerline of sight down a minimum of 1.5 degrees. Power chan e ri .- The power change grip (right handle) control shall operate -i+-= t e power change mechanism.

41、 This control shall provide the capability to shift from high power to low power or vice versa. Operation of the power change mechanism shall not cause a lateral shift of the vertical telemeter crossline, of more than 6 minutes of arc of true field, nor a vertical shift of the horizontal telemeter l

42、ines. of more than 10 minutes of arc of true field. The time required to shift powers shall be less than 1.0 seconds. Focusing knob.- The focusing knob shall have the capability to change the eyepiece focus within a simulated range of plus 1.5 diopters to minus 3 diopters for both high and l

43、ow power. The actual eyepiece focus shall change proportionately. Licensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-T-82377 b7 M 7977706 OLi07983 7 MIL-T-82379 (TD Telemeter.- Telemeter etched marks shall be visible in the simulated periscope field of view in the same manner as in the operational

44、 submari ne periscope. Stadimeter. s tadi meter capab i 1 i ty . knob, range dial, index knob shall be provided. a vertical displacement - The SPTS periscope shall be provided with. A stadimeter “in-out“ knob, stadimeter range ring, height dial, and a stadimeter dial illumination Operation o

45、f the stadimeter shall result in of a “ghost image“ of the field of view and result in a range readout. The accuracy of the stadimeter shall be . within plus or minus 5 percent at 600 yards up to a maximum of plus or minus 10 percent at 18,000 yards. The stadimeter illumination knob shall control th

46、e degree of illumination for the stadimeter dials including the high power and low power indices. This knob shall also turn power on and off in this circuit. . Power supply cable,- The power supply cable assehly shall be constructed so that when it is connected to the SPTS periscope by mea

47、ns of a quick connect/disconnect method, the circuit for stadimeter illumination is completed. Periscope height.- All target images shall be capable of presenting a hull-down appearance for periscope heights of 2, 4, and 6 feet above sea level using an earth diameter of 7913.177 statute mile

48、s. A periscope height selector switch shall be provided and located within five feet of the periscope proper. Raise and lower.- The lower portion of the simulated peri- scope shall be capable of physical movement up and down a minimum of 30 inches under the control of the periscope operator.

49、 operator shall be provided with the capability to s op the periscope travel at any position between fully lowered to ful y raised. The lower portion of the periscope shall raise or lower at approximately 0.5 foot per second after an appropriate time delay which depends on the simulated periscope initial position. -The time required to travel from the fully lowered to the fully raised position shall be 13 seconds plus or minus 3 seconds. The periscope Raise/lower control mechanism,- The control mechanism for raising and lowering the periscope s


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