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1、MI L ITA RY SPEC I Fi: CAT i ON TM;N#G DEVICES, XACKED YEHICLE MOUkilTED; GENERAL SPECIFICATION FOR This specification is mandatory for use by a71 departments and Agencies of the Depariment of Defense. 1, SCOPE 1.1 Sco e.- This speciffcion covers the eneral requirements for training +- evices and au

2、xiliary equipment (6.2.7 3 which will be mounted on tracked vehi CI es. 1.2 Classification.- The trainers shall be of the following types: *. the tracked vehicle structure (a) Type I - Training Devices which are attached directly to (b) Type II - Training Devices which are transported in or on a tra

3、cked vehicle but not directly attached to the vehicle structure while the vehicle is operating under normal conditions. * 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1 The fllowirfg documents of the issue in effect on the date of invitatioq for bids or request for proposal, form a part of this specification to.the ex

4、tent specified herein. SPEC1 FICATIONS Mi 1 i tary MIL-T-23991 STANDARDS Mi i i tary . MI L-STD- 130 Training Devices, Military; General Specification For denti fi cation Marking 8if U.S . Mi 1 i tary Property Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from

5、IHS-,-,- MIL-T-82387 b7 777790b 0408037 Z Hi it. MI L-STD-454 MIL-STD-461 MIL-STD-810 SpeclTScations anci Stfiaards; Order of Preceence for the Selection of Painting Procedures Tactical Vehicles (Tracked and Wheeled) Standara General Requirements for Electronic Equipment Electromagnetic Interference

6、 Characteristics, Requirements for Equi prient Envi ronmental Test Methods MIL-STD-1472 Human Engineering Design Criteria for Military Systems, Equipment and Faci 1 i ties (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement f

7、unctions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as directed by the Procuring Contracting Offi Cer. ) 3 o REQllI REMENTS 3.1 Materials, parts and processes.- Unless otherwise specified in the detail specification (6.2.3), materials, parts and processes shall conform to MIL-T-23991. in MIL-

8、f-23991 or the detail specification shall be selected in accordance with MIL-STD-143, on the basis of compatibility with the established deslgn and suitability to the specific application in satisfying the performance requirements specified in this specification and the detail speci fi cati on . Mat

9、erials, parts and processes not specified 3.1.1 Painting.- The trainer and auxiliary equipment surfaces shall be prepared, treated and painted in accordance 9th MIL-T-23991 and MIL- SfD-793 unless otherwise specified in the detail speciication. 3.2 Desi n.- The trainer design shall be in accordance

10、with MIL- T-23997, 71% t e etail speclfication and as specifled in 3.2.1 through 3.2.5 of thjs speciftcation, equipment sm based upon that of the desicn-basis operational system deslgnated In the detail Specification. 3,Z.l General.- Design data applicable to the trainer and auxiliary 2 Provided by

11、IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-8237 67 = 7797706 Oi.IO8OLfO _- I. 3.2.1 . 1 -_L i4tiia1-1 -,ti.cEcrc. - The trajne? arid six: i-irj qui prirene s.ha1 be desfgneci to ehe ncnian factors engineering reqiiirements of iqI-T-239$1:, MIL-STD-147

12、2, and the detai 7 spec? fi cati or:. Safety.- The trainer and auxfiiary equipment 3. Altitude.- Type I and Type II equipment shall not be damaged L. nor shall its pwformance bebinpaired during operton at an altitude from sea level to 10,000 feet above sea level, or after nonoperatio

13、n (6.2.5) transportation at an altitude of 50,000 feet above sea level, ._ -_ Sand and dust.- Type I and Type II equipment shall not be damaged nor shal? its performance be impaired during or after exposure to sand .and dust, particles up to 150 microns in -size, blowing up to 45 mph. -_ 3.2

14、.5.6 Humidity.- Type I and Type II equipment shall not be damaged nor shall its performance be impaired after exposure to humidity conditions of 93-97 percent at air temperatures up to 160 degrees Fahrenheit. r. . -. 3,2,5.7 leakage (imnersion1.- Type 1 and Type 11 equipment shall not be damaged nor

15、 shal; its performance be impaired after immersion in water as-defined in Funcus,- Type I and Type II equipment shall not be damaged nor shall its performance be impaired after exposure to conditions which are conducive to fungus growth. Salt fog.- Type I and TypeTI equipmen

16、t shall not be damaged nor shall its performance be impaired during or after exposure to a salt atmosphere. 3.2.510 Tracked vehicle vibration.- Type I equipment shall be designed to withstand vibration levels as defined in ._ . - -: .: . _- Transportation vibration, unpackaged (no

17、noperating) .- Type I and Type II eqiliprnent (tinpackaged) siia i be designed to withstand transportation vibration environments which may be encountered during fieid handl ing - and transportation as defined in 4.3.2.l. _. Transportati 01: vi brati on shipping/storage package for ype X or

18、 to withstand normal vibration levels encomtered in hand1 ing, shipping and storing the trainer and auxiliary equipment and shall provide protection for the training devices when subjected to vibration as defined in 5 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted wit

19、hout license from IHS-,-,- Shack.- The trainer and uxiliary equiprent shall be dslgnd so tht it shant be damaged no? shall its perfomance be imptiired after exposure to impact shock as defined in The trainer item shall be capable OP operating during tne shock exposure if required b

20、y the detail specification. However operation within specific limits is not required during applilation of the shock pulses. ./ Transit drop shock (packaed) .- Type 1 and ype II equtpment, in its trznsit or combination case as prepared for field use, shall be of equipment. The equipment and

21、 cases shall be designed to meet the drop test criteria specified in capable of withstanding the chocks normally induced by loading and unloading “: - -. a. + 3.3 Reliabilitp Unless otherwise specified in the detail specification, .- -. I .- .$ v. reliability requfrements shall be in accor

22、dance with the Government- approved Re1 i abi 1 i ty Program Pl an and MIL-T-23991 a :r g. -L; b:- -. . . . 3.4 Maintainability.- The quantitative maintainability requiremnts and maintainability demonstration requirements shall be as stated in the detailed specification. Unless otherwise specified i

23、n the detail specification the qualitative maintainability requirements shall be in . accordance with MIL-T-23991. 3.5 Transportability.- The training device shall be designed and . constructed .for efficient transportability in accordance with the detail . speci fi cati on. with the detail. specifi

24、cation. with the detail specification. Trainers shall consist of those components required to provide simulation of the performance and operation of the specified operational system and the necessary equipment for monitoring and controlling the trainees performance through the learning process, 3.6

25、Performance.- Performance requirements shall be in accordance 3.7 Details of components.- Details of components shall be in accordance 3.8 Electromagnetic interference suppression. - The electromagnetic interference suppression shal be ln accordance with MIL-STD-461 and tire detail specification. 3.

26、9 Color.- The trainer coio. shall be in accordance with the requirements of the deTTspeciPication and ML-STD-193. 3.70 Dimensions.- Dimensions shall be in accordance with and the detai 7 specWfTcatSon. 3.11 Finish.- ness utherwfse specff7ed in the detail specification, - finish requirements

27、chal 9 be in accordance wtth hiit-Y-23991. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-82387 69 m 9999906 O408044 - 5 mi - _. 1. . 2 3.13 Government-furnisned propert,y(GFP). - Government-furnished property, c: . when required, snail be han

28、dkd as specified in the detail sDecification - and in accordance with provisions of MIL-I-23991. . 3.14 Government-1 oned property (GL?) . - Government-loaned property, when required, shall be nandled as specjfied in the detail specification . . and in accordance with provisions of Hit-T-23991. _._.

29、- -. - 3.15 Workmanship.- Workmanskip shall be in accordance with requiremnt -i . operation cycle, which is at least three tims the Ieng-sk oi“ tne riomai zra;iner opertion cycle defined in the cetail specification, shall be completed witnout repair or adjustment to the tra-ining device unless other

30、wise specified in the . detai 1 speci fi cati on. 4.3.2 Environmental tests.- Unless otherwise specified in the detail specifi cati on the envi ronmenta7 tests requi red by HIt-Y-23991 chal 1 be performed in accordance wjth the test methoas and extrem? conditions stated in the following paragraphs.

31、. “ High temperatures.- The Type I and Type II equipment shall be subjected to high temperature in accorance with MIL-STD-81 O, method 501, p?rocedure I, except the operating and nonoperating temperatures shall be as specified in Three operational tests shall be made, . : at 52 degr

32、ees Centigrade (125 degirees Fahrenheit) and the equipment shall show no evidence of damage. Low temperatures.- The Type I and Type II equipment shal7 be subjected to low temperature in accordance with MIL-STD-810, method 502, procedure I, except tbe operating and nonoperating temperatures .

33、:. shall be as specified in Three operational tests shall be made . -. .c: at minus 31.6 degrees Centigrade (minus 25 degrees Fahrenheit) and the . equipment shall show no evidence of damage. Temperature shock.- The Type I and Type II equipment shall be subjected to temperature shoc

34、k in accordance with MIL-STD-810, method 503, procedure I except that the high temperature shall be 52 degrees centigrade and the Tow tempeyature shall be minus 31.6 degrees centigrade. Altitude.- The Type I equipment ska7l be subjected to low pressure in ame with MIL-STD-810, method 500, pr

35、ocedure I. 4.3,2.5 Dust.- The Type I equipment shall be subjected t blowing sand and dustTaccordance with MIL-STD-810, method 510, procedure I. Humidity.- The Type I ecjuspment shall be subjected to humidity in accordance witn NIL-STD-870, method 5U7, procedure I, Leakage (Imersion .

36、- Type I and Type If equipment shall be immersed in accordance w1.i -2 MIL-STD-810, Method 512, procedure I. Fun=.- The Type i equipment shali be subjected to conditions which are cona= ve to Tungus growth in accordance with MIL-STD-&I 0, method 508, procedure I. Salt 909.- The Type

37、I equtgaent shail be subjected to a salt ataosphegn accordance with HIL-SGD-89 O, nethod 509 procedure 1. Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,- Tracked vehicle vibration.- Type I equipment snail be sajected b vibration in= with fim

38、-810, method 514, procedure VITI. The vibration levels nd durations shall be as specified in Figure 514- 5, Curve W and rabie 574-I, Schedule III of MIL-STD-810. I and Type II equiprent snall be subjected eo vibration in .accordance with MIL-STD-810, method 514, procedure IX, Transportation

39、 vibration, unpackaged (nonoperating) . - Type Yransportati on vi brati on packeged (ncnoperati ng) . - Type I and Type II equipment shall be subjected to vimion 3n accordance with MIL-STD-810, method 514, procedure X. The vibration levels and durations shall be as specified in Figure 514-6

40、, Curve AB, and Table 514-11, schedule IV of MIL-STD-810. .to I, sha Shock test.- Type I and Type II equipment shall be subjected impact shock in accordance wrth MIL-STD-810 method 516, procedure The halfsine wave shock pulse amplitude shall be 759 and duration 11 be 6 milliseconds for item

41、s weighing up to 10 pounds and 11 milliseconds for ?tem weighing more than 10 pounds. Unless otherwise specified in the detail specification, this test shall be performed in the operating condition. However, operation within specified limits is not required during application of the shock pulse. 4.3

42、.2.14 Transit drop shock (packaged).- The Type I and Type II equipment in its transit or combination case as prepared for field use shall be subjected to free fall drops as specified in MIL-STD-870, method 516, procedure II. At the conclusion of the test, the equipment shall be operated and the resu

43、lts compared with the data obtained in pretest performance tests. The equipment shall then be inspected in accordance with the inspection and failure criteria of MIL-STD-810. 5. PREPARATION FOR DELIVERY 5.1 Preparation for delivery and marking for shipment shall be in . accordance with the detail sp

44、ecification. 6. NOTES 6.1 Intended use.- This specification is a general specification (6.2.2) intended to cover the geneval requirements for training devices which will be used on tracked vehicles. 6.2 Definitions.- Definitions. shall be in accordance with MIL-T- 23991 and as defined in 6.2.3 throu

45、gh 6.2.6 or this specification. 9 Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-MIL-T-62367 67 M 777770b 0908047 O M . - .- MIL-Te82387 e: 6.2.1 Auxiliary equipment.- Auxiliary equipment is that equipment . required for use in conjunction with the

46、subject training device under normal training conditions. In addition, auxiliary .equipment includes equipment used in calibration, boresighting, adjustment or test of the subject training device. . 6.2.2 General specification.- A general specification is a specificati for a type or cass of training

47、 device and covers general requiremnts for such training devices beyond those cited in the MIL-T-23997. addi tion, the general specification covers areas of design, performance, and tests that are pecul iar to a given class of training devices. In 6.2.3 Detail specification.- A detail specification

48、is a specification which-defines the details of design, performance and tests that are not specified n general specification. 6.2.4 O eratin .- Operating is the act of performing the primary - . function of fi9 t e device as defined in the detail specification for Type . I ,or Type II training devic

49、es. Operating requirements include Standby (6.2.6) operation. ,.- . 5. 6.2.5 Nono eratin .- Nonoperating is the state in which power is -$)Ti14 ,:g : ,5. . .?Z A I 2 . -. a . . .turned off an t e training device not in use. .- 6.2.6 Standby operation.- Standby boperation is the state in which power is applied to the Type I or Type II Training Device but the device is not in an operating condi


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