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1、MIL-V-2335LB 66 W 7777906 0438846 3 W :-y as follows: AF - Alternating current (ac) 400 cycle per second (cps) nominal frequency. 1. 2.1.6 Shockproof feature. - A single letter shall designate the shockproof feature as follows: H - High-impact shock resistant. i, 2, i. 7 ._ Example oftype designatio

2、n. - The type designation MR39W115AFIi signifies the following: (a) hIR - voltmeter electrical indicating. (b) 39 - 3-1/2 inch round flange sealed flush mounting 250 degree nominal scale. (c) W - White dial background with black markings and black pointer. (d) 115 - Center-scale value 115 volts, 110

3、 to 120 volt range. (e) AF - Ac 400 cps. ( f) H - High-impact shockproof. 2. APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS 2.1. The following dociimeiits of the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal, forin a part of the specification to the extent specified herein. SPECIFICATIONS MILITARY MI

4、L-M-14 MIL-S-901 MIL-E-917 MIL-M-10304 - Meters, Electrical Indicating Panel Type, Ruggedized, General Specification for. MIL-E-15090 - Enamel, Equipment, Light-Gray (Formula No. 11). - Molding Plastics and Molded Plastic-Parts, Thcrinosetting. - Shock Tests, H. I. (High-Impact); Shipboard Machinery

5、, Equipment and Systems, - Electric Power Equipment, asic Requirements for (Naval Shipboard Use), Requirenients for. MIL-M-1G034 - Meters, Electrical-Iriilicntiiig (Switchboard and Portable Types). STANDARDS MILITARY MIL-STR-130 - Identification Marking of U. S. Military Property. MIL-STD-167 - Mech

6、anical Vibrations of Shipboard Equipment. (Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications required by suppliers in coiiiiection with specific specific procurement functions should be obtained froin the procuring activity or as directed by the i contracting officer.) i 2.2 Other publ

7、ications. - The following documents form a part of this specification to the extent specified herein, Unless otherwmndicated, the issue in effect on date of invitation for bids or request for proposal shall apply, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STANDARDS INSTITUTE (USAS) (Application for copies should be

8、addressed to the United States of America Standards institute, 10 East C39.1-1964 - Elwtvirnl Ttidicnting Instriiniiits, Ryriivrzimts for. 40th Street, New York, New York 1001G. ) /-. - ? 2 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesI OFFICIAL CLASSIFICATION COMMITTEE Uniform Freight Classification Ra

9、tings Rules and Regulations. (Application for copies should be addressed to the Official Classification Committee, 1 Park Avenue at 33rd Street, New York, New York 10016.) 3. REQUIREMENTS 3.11 Qualification. - Voltmeters furnished under this specification shall be products which are qualified 3.2 De

10、finitions. - Definitions of terms used in the specification shall be in accordance with USAS C39.1, for listing on the applicable qualified products list at the time set for opening of bids (see 4.3 and 6.3). except as specified herein. of center-scale value, or in absolute value. accuracy clas- vol

11、tmeter. The number usually expresaed as a percentage of center-scale value, is given as the limit which errors will not exceed when the meter is used under reference conditions. under test moves simultaneously with the pinter of the standard meter with which it is being compared, when the electrical

12、 energy supplied to both meter8 i8 gsadwdly increaaed from zero to an amount auf- ficient to produce end-scale deflection of the meter under test. epecified, a material shall be used which is adequate for the purpose Intended and for meeting the requirement specified herein. Approval or acceptance o

13、f any constituent material shall not be construed a8 a guaranty of the acceptance of the finished product. 3.3.1 Molded thermosetting plastic material. - Molded thermosetting plastic material conforming to MIL- M-14 shall be used, and shail he of the proper type for its intended use. 3.2.1 Accuracy.

14、 - The accuracy is a number which defines the limit of error, expressed as a percentage Accurac rated - The rated accuracy is a number aaeigned by the manufacturer to designate the Free indication. - Meters shall be considered as indicating freely if the pointer of the meter 3.3 Mate

15、rial. - The material for each part shall be as specified herein, When a definite material is not 3.3.2 Encapsulating mate. - Encapsulating material, when used, shall be in accordance with MIL-E- 1. 917. 3.4 Design and construction of component parts. - 3.4.1 indicators. - Three and one-half

16、inch indicaFofi - 3-1/2-inch indicators shall conform to MIL-M-10304, except with a 250 degree scale length. Four and one-half inch indicators. - 4-1/2-incli indicators shall conform to MiL-M-16034. 3.4.2 Cases. - Voltmeter cases shall be made of molded therniosetting plastic material, or me

17、tal and Finish. The portion of the case exposed to view from the front of the panel shall have a gray shall be protected against corrosion in accordance with ML-E-017. finish in accordance with formula No. 11, class 2 of MIL-E-15090. No nickel or other bright trimming shall be used. Metal ca

18、ses shall be rendered resistant to corrosion prior to application of the final finish. 3.4.3 E anded scale circuit, - Components used in the expanded scale circuit shall be in accordance with MIL-Elbotherwise specified herein. 3.4.4 Scale.- Length. - The scale length shall be 250 degrees, an

19、d as specified in 3.19. 3 Licensed by Information Handling ServicesL-V-23151B(S%rIPS) 3.4.4,2 Divisions. The value of each scale division shall be as specified by table I. The angle sub- tended by a scale division shall be not less than 1 degree. Table E - Scale division6 r- -ll_-ll I_ - Size of ind

20、icator Volts 110-120 115-125 198-218 210-230 420 - 460 430-470 o. 1 ,1 .2 .2 .5 .5 3.4.4,3 Mechanical zero point. - The mechanical zero pint shall be identified on the scale, The major division marki-tmecliatiical zero point shall be extended and identified as “Zero Adjust“. Ihe voltage marking at t

21、hat division should not be disturbed. The marking shall be in red. shall provide for a range of adjustment above and below the zero point of not less than 3 percent of the scale length, and preferably shall be capable of rotating through 360 degrees without damage to any part of the in- strument, or

22、 without becoming inoperative. If the zero-adjuster is not designed for 360 degree rotation, it shall be capable of withstanding a torque of 10 ounce-inches without damage to the zero-adjuster or any part of the instrument. The zero-adjuster shall have sufficient friction lo prevent it from shaking

23、loose and changing adjustment when subjected to tests specified herein. 3.4,6 Terminals. - Terminal studs shall be firmly anchored to the base of the meter in such a manner as to prevent turning or movement sufficient to cause damage to internal construction. Each terminal stud shall be furnished wi

24、th the necessary nuts or screws, and washers (see figures 1 and 2). 3.4.5 Zero adjustment. Voltmeters shall have a zero-adjuster accessible from the front of the case. It 3.4. 7 Self-contained limitations. - Voltmeters furnished under this specification shall be self-contained. 3.4.8 Mounting. - Vol

25、tmeters shall be mounted on a panel drilled in accordance with the applicable drill- ing plan (see figures 1 and 2). Meters shall be mounted by means of mounting bolts or studs. The necessary mounting bolts (screws), nuts, and lock-wasliera shall be supplied with each meter. 3.5 Calibration. - 3.5.1

26、 Position. - Meters shall be calibrated in the position in which they are normally used and shall meet the specified accuracy requirements in such position at the reference tempxature. inage items (a) through (h) shall be marked on the dial, on the front of the meter or on an attached identification

27、 plate conforming to MIL-STD-130: (a) Designation of the quantity measured (volts) (see 6.5). (b) Frequency (400 c. p. S. ). (c) Type designation (see 1.2.1). (e) Manufacturers name or trade-mark (or symbol), or both. (f ) Manufacturers model number. (g) Federal stock number when applicable (see 6.2

28、). (h) Manufacturers serial number. (d) MIL-V-23151. 3.19 Scale length. - Scale lengths of instruments shall be as follows: (a) 3-1/2 inch round 250 degree scale indicator, 5 inches, minimum. (b) 4-1/2 inch rectangular 250 degree scale indicator, 6.5 inches, minimum. 3.20 Burden. - Burden of meters

29、shall not exceed 10-volt amperes. 3.21 Performance. - Basic initial accuracy of meters shall not exceed O. 1 percent of center-scale value within the center-scale spans of table E for the respective center-scale values and shall not exceed O. 2 pertent at all other scale values within the ranges spe

30、cified in, as applicable. Maximum permis- sible errors are listed in table II in absolute values (volts, plus or minus) for the respective reference conditions. 5 _- .- Licensed by Information Handling Servicesbb 0b 0333673 - O O Q1 di s s - di in tl tl o v) tl rl qf (DN 312 O q4 + -I- 6 Lic

31、ensed by Information Handling ServicesMIL-V-23151B(SHIPS) 3.22 Workmanshi - Meters shall be manufactured in a careful manner in accordance with good design and sound practice + e interiors of meters shall be free from metal fillings, grease or oil, foreign material, dust or other loose particles whi

32、ch may interfere with normal operation of the voltmeter, 4. QUALITY ASSUFUNCE PROVISIONS 4.1 Responsibility for inspection. - Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for the performance of all inspection requirements as specified herein. Except as ot

33、herwise specified, the supplier may utilize his own facilities or any commercial laboratory acceptable to the Oovernment. The Government reserves the right to perform any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services con

34、form to prescrlbed requirements. 4.1.1 Classification of inspection. - The methods of sampling, examination and tests conducted on volt- meters shall be classified as follows: (a) Qualification (see 4.3). (b) Quality conformance (see 4.5). 4.2 Test conditions. - 4.2.1 Atmospheric conditions for qual

35、ification tests. - Unless otherwise specified herein qualification tests shall be made at ambient temperature of 23 to 276 C., at existing barometric pressure, and with relative humidity of 40 to 60 percent, conformance tests shall be made at ambient temperaturefmTto 30” C with a relative humidity o

36、f less than 80 percent. 4.2.2 Atmospheric coiiditions for city conformance tests. - Unless otherwise specified herein, all quality 4.2.3 Position. - Unless otherwise specified herein, tests performed on voltmeters, shall be performed 4.2.4 Tapping. - Wien taking voltmeter readings, either the meter

37、or its support shall be tapped lightly, 4.2.5 Parallax. - Care should be excercised to avold the effect of parallax when taking meter readings. 4.2.6 Resetting to zero. Unless otherwise specified herein, meters may be set to zero with u6e of zero- 4.2.7 Thermal stability. - For all tests, care shall

38、 be taken to obtain thermal stability at the specified with the meter in the position in which it is normally used. except whenE%Fining the effect of vibration. adjuster at the completion of each test. temperature prior to reading the meter. Thermal stability will be considered attained when the tem

39、perature of the meter does not vary by more than one degree per hour. major division within the center-scale spans given in table II, for example, 113-117 volte. in addition, two additional readings shall be taken at the extreme ends of the scale. 4.2.9 Test equipment. - Standard laboratory instrume

40、nts shall be used to check the accuracyof indications of meters submitted for teCApprova1 of the laboratory instruments by Naval Ship Engineering Center (NAVSEC) shallbe requiredprior to their use in checking the accuracyof the meters coveredby this specification. 4.3 Qualification testsu. - Qualifi

41、cation tests shall be conducted at a laboratory satisfactory to NAVSEC. Qialification tests shall consist of the tests specified in 4.3.1. normal production or a custom mndc wrnplc. Two rnpteis cf rnch d7e !?-1/2 or 4-1/2 inches) for which qualification is desired shall be subjected to the examinati

42、on and tests specified in table IU. Examination _I._ 4.2.8 Number of scale readings. - Unless otherwise specified herein, readings shall be taken at each 4.3.1 Samples, - Samples submitted for qualification may be either representative of the manufacturers Application for Q.nlification tests shall b

43、e made in accordance with “Provisions Governing Qualifica- tion” (see 6.3 and 6.3.1). 7 . . . . . . . . Licensed by Information Handling ServicesmL-V-23151B(SHCPS) and tests shall be conducted in the order listed. Meters may be of any voltage rating. Table IIE - Qualification examination and tests E

44、xamination and tests -_ Visual and mechanical examination Zero-adjustment initial accuracy Burden Frequency range On-off cycling Overvoltage inclination (without opening case) External field influence Harmonic content Temperature range Dielectric stress Insulation resistance Vibration Shock (high-im

45、pact) Visual and mechanical examination (external and internal) Requirement paragraph - 3.4.5 3.6 3.20 3.8 3.9 3.10 3. i3 3.11 3.7 3.12 3.16 3.17 3.14 3.15 - Exam inat io and test paragraph 4.4 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4,3.6 4.3.7 4.3.8 4a3.5 I. 3, Q 4.3.15 4.3. io 4.3.11 4.3.12 4.3.13 4.3.14 4.3.2 Zero ad

46、justnieiit. - The range of zero adjustment ahove niid below the center of the zero mark shall be determined. Record shall be made as to whether or not the zero adjuster may be rotated through 360 degrees without damage to the ineter (see 3.4.5). -._- 4.3.3 Iriftial accuracy, - Voltmeters shall be co

47、nditioned in the test circuit until thermal stability is at- tained while energized to center scale deflection. Readings shall be taken and compared to the read- ings of the laboratory !,hidard instrument. The test shall be made with the meter at a temperature 45“ glus , i or minus 2C. 4.3.4 Burden.

48、 - The burden shall be measuredat center scale deflection and recorded intermsof current 4.3.5 Inclination. - Voltmeters shall be mounted in the inclined positioiis noted below and a check for ac- voltage, volt amperes, or impedance as applicable. ciwacy made at each position. (a) 60 degrees forward

49、 of normal 0) 60 degrees backward of normal (c) 60 degrees to right of normal (d) 60 degrees to left of normal t -. I 8 Licensed by Information Handling Services- MIL-V-23151B( SHIPS) 4.3.6 Frequency range. -Voltmeters shall be checked for accuracy at frequencies of 395 and 405 cps. 4.3.7 On-off cycling. - Meters shall be subjected to a test consisting of 4000 cycles of application and re- moval of center-scale voltage (plus or minus one volt). The repetition rate of these cycles shallbesufficiently low so that the meter


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