1、/ flIL-W-flL752A (I) 15 m 7777706 0205048 b m cy5 -/o - M IL- W -8 1 7 52 A (AS ) Amendment 1 22 August 1988 AMSC N/A FSC 1560 Page 1 of 1 - DISTRJBUTION STATEMENT A. Approved for pub1 ic release; distribution is un1 irni ted. - MILITARY SPEC1 FICATION WINDSHIELD SYSTEMS, FIXED WING AIRCRAFT GENERAL
2、 SPECIFICATION FOR This amendment forms a part of Fililitary Specification MIL-W-81752A(AS), dated 27 February 1987, and has been approved by the Naval Air Systems Command, Department of the Navy and is available for use by all Departments and Agencies of the Department of Defense. PAGE 5 3.1.2,. de
3、lete and substitute: 4 “3.1.2 WINDSHIELD The windshield shall be designed to provide clear vision for the pilot and to protect the cockpit and crew as defined both in this specification and the airplane detail specification. For tandem cockpit arrangements, when the canopy is jettisoned, wind blast
4、protection shall be provided for each occupant. For single ,piece windshi el d/canopy designs, for which primary ingress/egress is via the cockpit transparenci es, sufficient windblast protection shall be provided for the crew to safely return the aircraft in the advent of the loss of the transparency.“ Preparing Ac ti vi ty : Navy - AS (Project 1560-N170) J, Provided by IHSNot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS-,-,-